Search results

  1. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    Fucksakes. Why, oh, why do they have to pick on us? Of all people?? Barrington thought about the stun grenade he put in his bag. It would make it easier for them to knock them out. He wasn't sure if Yvon could fight, but he assumed he could hold his own. "You wouldn't mind letting us through...
  2. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    Barrington rolled his eyes at Yvon's sarcasm. He scanned the shops they were going past as he listened to Yvon's plan, nodding along. One shop, in particular, caught Barrington's eyes. A techwear shop. He'd heard about it in one of the digital-zine's he had been reading. Supposedly a more...
  3. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    "Well...yeah." Barrington should've realized that. He is in a city built into the side of a damn cliff, after all. But instead, he watched Yvon as he worked his magic, switching from device to device. Barrington observes him in quiet awe of his skills. One that he should take time to understand...
  4. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    "Climbing?" Barrington pondered the question as he ate the last of his horrible croissant. Wasting food is a crime in his books. "It depends; if it's a cliff, I can climb them quite easily. I used to do a lot of free climbing to work out..." He knows the lad would cringe at this, but Barrington...
  5. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    Taking Yvon's napkin, Barrington quickly opened three new tabs on his data pad and began searching for dealers. His T-6 Shuttle is a good ship, but he needs something with a little more oomph...and a little more room for his toys and clothes. It took him a while, but eventually he narrowed his...
  6. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    "Black caf, extra strong. Got it." The queue was moving rather slowly in the cafe. At least it gave him time to decide on what he wanted. Frappucino? Nah, too sweet. Espresso? Nope, too much caffeine. Dirty chai maybe? That could work. A strange sound caught his attention. He turned around...
  7. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    "Huh. That's okay, I can probably find a seller through Oogle." As the pair continued through the alleyway and out to the side, Yvon said something to him about wanting Caf and being low on credits. He waved his hand as if to lead the way. "Sure, there's a holonet cafe around here somewhere." He...
  8. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    Suspicious activity?? Are all Peacekeepers like this? Surely not...right? Barrington felt a tug on his sleeve and watched as the man slipped into a nearby alleyway that he hadn't noticed. He shook his head a few times and rolled his eyes at the Peacekeeper who came up to them as he attempted to...
  9. Barrington

    Ask Starting Somewhere

    Calius saj Leeloo, Spaceport. Barrington smiled as he turned off his ship's engine. The last time he tried to dock on a spaceport, he fucked it up completely and they kicked him out immediately. When he heard Berchest was a major exporter of tech, he jumped into his ship and flew to Calius saj...
  10. Barrington

    Ask A Totally Normal Visit To Mechis III, Where Absolutely Nothing Goes Wrong.

    The past two days had been some of the most boring days Barrington had ever experienced. He fell over several times, and his trousers were completely wrecked. Thank god he packed a spare set of trousers. He could see the gates to Mechis City and was glad to be done with all of this. The Droid's...
  11. Barrington

    Ask A Totally Normal Visit To Mechis III, Where Absolutely Nothing Goes Wrong.

    MECHIS III It was supposed to be a simple journey to Mechis III. Barrington had received a commission to gather some old Droid Blaster Arms and the best place for anything related to Droid's was Mechis III. Yet literally everything went wrong from the get go. Firstly his ship had a fuel leak...
  12. Barrington

    Ask Lean on Me (Nal Hutta)

    "Let’s take your ship, mines very basic plus you know your way around.” Of course. Barrington rolled his eyes and gestured for the lad to follow. He unlocked his ship and they both enter through a platform that descended from the bottom of the ship. "Feel free to make yourself at home." I sat...
  13. Barrington

    Ask Lean on Me (Nal Hutta)

    “We can take my ship.” Barrington was surprised for once, normally it's his ship they end up taking. "Barrington, by the way. Oh and you can have the full amount, I don't need the credits." The lad appeared to be stunned by the statement. “Then why would you want to do this job?” Barrington...
  14. Barrington

    Ask Lean on Me (Nal Hutta)

    “It’s usually polite to introduce yourself, specially if you want to become ‘buds’ with someone.” The lad paused before continuing. “Your friend here said there is a job going but it takes two and droid and I probably aren’t up to it ourselves.” He passed the datapad over so Barrington could...
  15. Barrington

    Ask Lean on Me (Nal Hutta)

    Theme Barrington always had a fondness for Nal Hutta. He spent most of his youth here. Luckily he had no real business here this time around, but he decided to pay his favourite Hutt a little visit. He parked his ship in one of the few spaceports the city had left and paid for the premium...