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  1. Gentis Freem

    Ask Slightly Newer Bargains

    Following the events of 'New Bargains'... Once again the Fortune had returned to hyperspace. The bridge was nearly empty, bar for a skeleton crew of the watch, as Captain Freem held a bottle of spothka and a deathstick, and wondered on his next move. Since the Imperials would not pay him twice...
  2. Gentis Freem

    Open Parlay?

    The Rings of Kafrene. A preferred haunt for the finest of the galaxies criminal underclass - pirates. It was here that they had decided to meet, far from the prying eyes of the so-called 'civilized galaxy', and there to discuss how the assorted crews called to the meet might be able to work...
  3. Gentis Freem

    Ask A Nyss Day Out

    Nyss. One of the orbits of the Boz Pity system, the planet was known for being unremarkable, with a small population and nothing of note. However, it was not the planet Captain Freem and his crew where after today, no - it was the cargo of a ship they had purchased the flight manifest of. The...
  4. Gentis Freem

    Ask New Bargains

    Hyperspace. A requirement of their trade, Pirates needed to snake their way through hyperspace often. The crew of the Moguls Fortune was no different, and they found themselves in hyperspace now, on the way to their rendevous with an Imperial commander in nuetral space. S-9 on the Galactic...
  5. Gentis Freem

    Open Fortunes Favour

    “I'm afraid you have the misfortune of facing Captain Gentis Freem!” Yavin had been an excersie in futility. A backwards world with nobody living on it, the Moguls Fortune had found nothing there, bar scrappers with no credits to shake down. However, Gentis was determined not to let this mild...
  6. Gentis Freem

    Ask High Stakes

    It was not like Gentis to be nervous, but try as he might, swanning around the undercity toward a Pazaak Den, affectionately known as the 'Death Trap', had his pulse racing. 'Death Trap' was a known haunt of the Red Claw, a much-feared swoop gang, and to get in, you had to walk past some of...
  7. Gentis Freem

    Ask Product Testing

    Thirty-thousand credits. Gentis had needed a stiff drink when the dealer had told him much brass he was going to need to drop on this droid. But, he’d bitten the bullet and done it. Looking up at the deactivated unit in its storage case now, he was reminded why. The IG-89 was one of the best...
  8. Gentis Freem

    Ask Muck.

    Location: Taris, Sewers "I know it stinks down here Ortugg." Gentis rolled his eyes. The Gamorrean had done nothing but complain about their meeting location for the past thirty minutes. "It's a bloody sewer, you porcine pillock. What did you expect?" The Gamorrean snorted and mumbled...
  9. Gentis Freem

    Ask Ill Gotten

    With a gentle hum, the engine of the M-68 Landspeeder wound down, and with a satisfying hiss, the vehicle came to a stop. From the driver's seat Gentis Freem gave himself a handful of moments to take in his surroundings. For years he had worked here; for years, he had made this same journey...