HoloNet News A Sith Surrender

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Altair was overworked every single day, and he barely had any time for himself. He was thrust into a new role far beyond what he was prepared for, and he had made several moves he couldn’t take back. However, he knew he had to stop the bleeding. The Empire couldn’t sustain a war with the ISC. The ousting of Sith won them back some business from the corporate sector, but critical things like fuel and bacta remained locked. He had to take a gamble to try and stop the war.

He was once again on Holonet, addressing the galaxy but specifically the ISC. He was adorned in his crisp, Imperial uniform. He fell back on his lessons on executive presence from military school and presented a dignified and calm bearing, “Citizens of the galaxy,” He began, hints of his farmer’s drawl always in his speech even if he enunciated his words more formally now, “As Warmaster of the Empire, I want to show my dedication in our efforts to distance ourselves from the Sith. Not too long ago, you have witnessed the Dark Lord and her followers marching out of Imperial space and leaving behind their destructive weapons. Many of you may ask - why didn’t we simply eradicate them when we had the chance? Because we are not Sith. Because I am not Sith. I do not operate outside of formal rules of engagement, and I will not eradicate an enemy when I give them a window to exit our borders. This demonstration serves as a reminder that we are no longer the Sith Empire. We are a new regime, one that operates on entirely different principles.”

“I humbly ask the galaxy for a chance to exist as an entity liberated of the shackles of the Sith,”
He said as he looked at the camera, “As a show of our commitment, we will proactively surrender all historically Sith worlds. Korriban, Moraband, Ziost, Dromund Kaas and Mustafar will all go neutral. We, the Empire, want no further association with planets that have had deep influence from the Sith. Should the ISC choose to occupy these planets, it will find no resistance from any Imperial entities.”

Altair exhaled before he kept going, “This is a formal declaration of a Sith, not Imperial, surrender. The Sith are considered an illegitimate body. We, The Empire, would meet with President Thorne to accept the surrender terms for the Sith in an effort to end this war that’s costing both our governments.”

It was a tactical spin on the surrender conditions posed by Emryc, but it was the only angle Altair could play without everything collapsing. He had to differentiate between a Sith surrender and an Empire one.


Senator, Kashyyyk

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Oct 23, 2021
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Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl stroked his chin as he listened to the broadcast from the new Warmaster of the Empire. The Wookiee had questions- several, in fact- about how the alleged expulsion of the Sith from the Empire affected the Empire's ongoing war with the ISC and some elements of the FWA. However, Warmaster Din's apparent desire to distance himself from the Sith Order's regime had brought forth a rare opportunity.

"Kashyyyk commends the Empire's decision to expel the Sith from their leadership and borders" Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl said, privately wondering just how much of that statement was actually true. "I further call upon Warmaster Din to recognize that the Sith's legacy extends far beyond the traditional worlds of the Sith, and includes several others taken only through the Sith's war with the Jedi Order and its allies. Planets such as Yavin and Ajan Kloss belong to the Jedi, and there are dozens of FWA planets- such as Wayland, Ossus, and Taris- which were taken as part of that same conflict."

"If the Empire truly wishes to renounce the failed legacy of the Sith Order, they should also return the planets formerly held by the Jedi, and allow conquered FWA and independent planets the opportunity to freely determine their own allegiances."
Apparently life under the Empire, even with the Sith in charge, hadn't been as bad as past occupations, but the Wookiee still hoped for the return of several former FWA planets. Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl doubted that such a request would be considered, but the Wookiee was very much looking forward to seeing exactly what principles this new regime actually operated on.


Sith Order
Disgraced Sith

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Dec 19, 2022
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Whether he liked it or not, Altair continued to impress the likes of Cyutadakyr. Despite every attempt to distance himself from the Sith and their ways, she couldn't help but notice its traces lingering in his actions, although blurred it may be. She wondered whether such commitment and determination made him a better candidate to lead the Sith in her eyes. He wouldn't want the title of course, but she had yet to see the same elsewhere.

For the pureblood, being a Sith was both literally in her blood and a choice. The Warmaster and his ilk had clearly made their choice too. She would not fault them for choosing the strong over the weak, to follow Altair was the smarter move after all. To choose the path of the Sith now was to put one on the much harder path to salvation in Cyu's eyes. The Sith would only regain power once they had proven themselves worthy of taking it again, as they once had.

The dark lord had her work cut out for her, it seemed. Certainly, she was the most powerful among the loyalists, although for how long was anyone's guess. The Order was one error from extinction and they could hardly afford to waste time sitting by idly while their enemies grew stronger and expanded their reach. For now, Cyu was content to lurk in the shadows and expand her own repertoire until she was powerful enough to be recognized.

Though all this paled in comparison to the news that the pureblood regained the prospect of going home and returning home she would.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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To the people of the Empire,

Since the onset of this conflict, President Thorne and his Administration have been been staunchly committed to protecting the welfare of ISC citizens - as well as working with our Galactic counterparts, to eliminate the universal threat of the Sith Empire. The President has sworn to fight for the unconditional destruction of the Sith and their removal from power, and has encouraged the citizens of Imperial worlds to rise against their failing and illegitimate government.

The Consortium applauds Warmaster Din and his New Order for doing precisely that - by expunging the Sith Order from Imperial Territory, and proactively cutting ties with Sith-aligned worlds and organizations. Moving the Galaxy one step closer to a peaceful resolution.

President Thorne looks forward to meeting with representatives of the Empire in the coming days and weeks, to discuss terms of surrender, in hopes of bringing this conflict to a swift and decisive end.

Office of Emryc Thorne
President of the Independent Systems Consortium.
