Aleryn Minaka's specialization training


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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It was around five O'clock in the afternoon. Inside the Bogan Temple on Conscio—which was hidden deep inside the jungle—walked a dark man. He strode down the corridors, on his way to meet a new apprentice. This apprentice was not an acolyte, but this one had already attained the rank of crusader. This training was about her specialization—but it was still a bit unclear which specialization this one wanted.

The Bogan turned around a corner. He wore a black longcoat this time, instead of the robe he usually wore. His face was not hidden deep inside a black hood this time either. His crimson eyes twinkled in the faint torchlight and his black hair was tied back in a ponytail. He had a light stubble beard on his face, because he didn't bother to shave that morning.

In his hand he carried a datapad with some info about his new apprentice. The crusader. Her name was Aleryn Minaka and according to his info she was born on Coruscant. That was quite interesting, because the Bogan rather liked Coruscant as a planet. It was one big city world. The only issue he had with the planet was that it reminded him of his own home world. Metellos. Balion had a rather... disturbing childhood on Metellos.

He reached the meeting room where he would meet up with Aleryn. It wasn't one of those typical training rooms (Balion didn't exactly like those rooms, because they were all so dusty... and the acolytes were all just so goddamn slow) but just a room with a table in the center and some chairs around it.

The Bogan headed into the room and took a seat. He placed his datapad on the table and looked at it for a while. He waited for Aleryn Minaka to enter the meeting room.

Emma Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2006
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The new Bogan was new. So new that this would be the first time she had actually made physical contact with him. Honestly, Aleryn was a little scared. This was not just some master, but he was a powerful man. He was THE Bogan. He was going to be her teacher.

Her short blond hair was loose, falling just above her shoulders. Her dark pants were tight fitting so she could move easily with anything that was thrown at her. Her dark shirt was the same way. It was the easiest way to travel, honestly. Her black belt lay across her waist holding a lightsaber and a datapad.

Aleryn arrived at the room and headed in without a second thought. She saw the Bogan sitting and bowed low to him as a sign of respect.

"I am your new student, Crusader Aleryn Minaka"


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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The Bogan looked up when someone entered the room, and saw that it was Aleryn Minaka. She bowed to him and introduced herself. He smiled when he saw that. How many of those stupid acolytes and crusaders did not just march into the room to claim they've completed some kind of task, without even greeting him properly?

'Hello, dear,' he said. 'Take a seat.' He gestured at one of the chairs across from him. 'You're from Coruscant, aren't you?' he asked. 'Can you tell me a bit about yourself?'

His crimson eyes were fixed on her. Some people got nervous because of the way he looked at you. Of course he realized that, and sometimes he used it to his advantage. This time though, he didn't mean to scare her... not yet, he just focused his attention on her. He'd listen closely to what she'd tell him.

Emma Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2006
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Aleryn took a seat without a second thought. She looked up at the Bogan and saw his crimson eyes baring into her. She wanted to look away, but that was not the proper thing to do. It was weakness to be scared.

"I have learned the force and discipline my entire life. My parents were barely there, but they never let me enjoy my childhood"

She stopped. It sounded like she was whining. No, she was grateful for all they did.

"I am grateful for everything I learned. It prepared me for a better life"


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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'Hm... most interesting,' the Bogan said after Aleryn had finished. 'Most interesting, indeed.'

Lots of questions popped up in his mind. He would ask them one by one and so he wanted to get to know her. It was important for him to know who he was dealing with.

'Who trained you in the ways of the Force, before you joined the empire?' he asked curiously. He could already guess where she received training, but he didn't ask any further. Not yet.

Emma Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2006
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Aleryn looked down and wrung her hands for a few moments before looking back up and speaking. She knew he wouldn't like the answer, but she would answer.

"It was never anyone with a said affiliation, but it was common knowledge that they were Jedi"

She spoke truly and waited for his response. He could not have expected different from a force user raised on Coruscant.


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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'O, dear,' he said. '"It was never anyone with a said affiliation, but it was common knowledge that they were Jedi"—you could've just said: The Jedi. Would've been easier for you.

'I expected as much though,' he continued. 'Some of the masters here would say something like, "such a shame that you trained with those weak pacifists". I'm saying, however, that it just might add something to your training, which is far from over. I assume you now understand the Jedi's point of view, and I assume you also understand ours. This will help you to become a better person.'

He grabbed his datapad and tucked it back in a pocket in his coat. Then he got up from his seat and walked around the table, until he stood behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and said: 'We gotta do a little loyalty test, though. Now, I'm sure you're loyal to us, and you're willing to give your life for us, and all that stuff, but still... I hope you don't mind.'

The Bogan turned around and walked towards the door. He waved with his right hand and the door slid open.

'If you will follow me, dear,' he said to her. He stepped out of the room.

Emma Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2006
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Aleryn did mind, but she would never say that out loud. Had she not proven her loyalty over and over during her time here with the Bogan? It was like a slap in the face. She followed him though, without a word and a worried look on her face.


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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The Bogan strode down the corridors, leading her to a staircase. He headed downstairs and led her through some more corridors. After some time (five to ten minutes) they walked into the prison. A few crusaders were there to guard the inmates. The inmates were all placed behind force fields. The prisoners watched the Bogan anxiously. The Bogan smiled.

'Here we are,' he said. 'We keep a bunch of prisoners here, but that's obvious isn't it?' He chuckled. 'They look so happy, don't they?'

He walked towards the nearest holding cell. Beyond the force field stood a young, innocent man. He was terrified and the Bogan could see the tears glistening in his bright blue eyes. He had long, black hair and a slight beard. He looked like he had not been fed for days, and he curled up in the back of the cell. He was trembling of fear.

'Hello,' the Bogan said to the guy. Then he turned to Aleryn. 'He's a young bloke who used to be an acolyte, but he did some nasty things we don't tolerate. He's got a pregnant girlfriend somewhere who won't be able to live without him.'

Suddenly the guy stumbled to the front of the cell and dropped to his knees. He folded his hands and began to beg for mercy. The Bogan ignored that.

'He's a rather... sad... person, you know. He's desperately trying to get out. He's begged for mercy a lot now. You would think that he'd give up after a while, but this one won't. So, my dear, I want you to kill him. Now.'

'N-no please!!' the man behind the force field cried. 'Don't! Please! NO!!'

The Bogan took a step back and gestured at the poor soul in the cell. 'If you want to lower the force field, just press this button,' the Bogan quickly added as he pointed out a button on a panel next to the force field.

Emma Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2006
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Aleryn was not surprised by what the test was. He was the Bogan after all. The fact that this guy was a former acolyte made shivers run up her spin. She knew the Bogan betrayed, but she had never seen the products of this betrayal with her own eyes. She was not a fan of this prison.

She listened to the man beg and closed her eyes for a second before grabbing her lightsaber off her belt. She ignited the red blade and hit the button to open the force field. He got up to make a dash, but she was faster. She did not hesitate as she raised her lightsaber and sliced through his neck. His face was frozen in a scream as his body and head fell separately.

She let her lightsaber drop to her side as she turned it off.


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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The Bogan, instead of laughing hysterically like he usually did when he saw a beheading, looked at Aleryn sternly. He leaned with his left shoulder against the wall.

'Now, my dear,' he said. His voice sounded almost friendly, but at the same time very serious. 'What did you feel when you killed him?'

Two crusaders came over to clean up the mess, but the Bogan simply held up his right hand: not yet. The crusaders stopped walking and waited for the Bogan to give them the sign that they could clean up. They didn't like the task, but they didn't like the idea of a headless body lying around either.

Emma Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2006
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Aleryn looked up at the Bogan with hatred in her eyes. It was not necessary directed towards him, but more towards the man she had just killed. It was the dead mans fault that she had to do that. She hated him for it.

"Power. I felt his life and his fear and then it was gone. It was a feeling like I have never felt before. I liked it"

A small smile cracked her face as she looked at her master.


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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'In that case,' Balion said with a raised voice, walking to the center of the room and spreading his arms, 'there are a lot of prisoners here who deserve to die!'

The crusaders all looked over to the Bogan. The crusaders were of course Darksiders, but not all of them were so mad as the Bogan. Some of the crusaders looked at each other, anxiously. If the Bogan would really go on to kill off all the prisoners, then they didn't know what they should do. The Bogan was an unpredictable man.

Balion laughed out loud. Then he let his arms fall to his sides and abruptly stopped laughing. He looked over to Aleryn and said: 'It is time for you to experience real passion. Real power. You there,' he pointed at a Zabrak crusader, 'lower that force field over there.' A moment later the force field was gone. A poor Twi'lek man sat in the back of the cell. Terrified.

'Kill that one, Aleryn,' he said, 'and this time I want to see some LIGHTNING!' He screamed out that last word. The other crusaders in the room took a few steps away from the Bogan, nervously.

And, of course, there was a meaning behind all this. Balion knew exactly what he was doing. Like all the other things, this was a test. Just another of those dark tests. The Bogan wanted to see what Aleryn was capable of.