Independent Argus 'Six Eyes' Khan


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Feb 13, 2012
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Argus 'Six Eyes' Khan was an Azumel male who was born in the slums of Coronet City. The son of two street rats. Low-ranking members of a criminal gang, his parents had to fight for everything they had - and one day, they lost. Orphaned at age five, he fell in with the 'White Worms', the gang he rolled with until he was a young man.

Very little exists on record of Six Eye's upbringing. Coronet was not known for its due diligence or effective census keeping, especially not for the good-for-nothing street rats in the slums. As such, it was pretty easy for him to slip by unnoticed, his teens and young adulthood defined by pickpocketing, cash-in-hand thug work, and gambling.

By the time he was too old to be of use to the child-focused gang, the White Worms, he already had his (numerous) eyes set on a life of a rogue and scum-bag. Heading into Coronet proper, that's precisely what he did. A gambler, a risk taker, and an all-around good-for-nothing-low life, he took to the gambling dens to ply his trade, taking the moniker 'Six Eyes' (after his favourite Sabaac hand, not the fact that he had...well, six eyes), and the rest, as they say, is history.

A professional gambler and rogue, 'Six Eyes' has a wide range of skills almost entirely useless in any legitimate line of work. Sure, he is handy with a blaster and a knife and can play a mean hand of cards - but his natural talents come into their own when he is 'on the job'. Six Eyes can do it all, possessing a knack for slicing security systems, picking locks, and tampering with cameras and even droids.

Alongside this, he has a mean skill behind the controls of a speeder (or a 'getaway vehicle' as he prefers to call it). He is a master of his niche profession - breaking into places people don't want him to, and blagging his way out again.

As a professional thief and villain, Six Eyes will often have equipment not listed here. If this is the case, it will be shown in the opening post of any thread he is in.

'Six Eyes' was an Azumel male, with light green and mottled skin and...six eyes. Speaking with a distinctive Corenet accent, he cared little for the goings on of the wider galaxy and believed a great deal of what went on to be unimportant.

An exceptionally talented slicer and thief, he was unscrupulous and loyal to the crew he rolled with. Careful as to who he welcomed into this crew, as he had to trust them implicitly; he was otherwise a shadowy figure with a mean streak and a penchant for deception and fraud.

Uninterested in galactic politics and the struggles this entailed, he refused to join any side of a conflict. Instead, Six Eyes worked for whoever was willing to pay him on a contract-to-contract basis. Pretty much always on the move, he was a dab hand at forging an identification document and laying low, moving from job to job. Everything, for him, was simply business.
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