"Bad Eyes" (Ask/invite)


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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" Yes I saw it. Stickly business." He said as he shook his head. " But you handled it well."

Ares wondered why BelleBlair seemed to keep finding herself in such deplorable places. The brother she spoke of back during the last time he spoke with her seemed harldy worth the effort. Ares would probably end up killing im sooner or later, being that aparently he liked to frequent the places Ares like to hunt.

" Drinkings bad for yah mate. Dulls the senses and makes you liable to get a face full of blaster. Id call it quits if I was you." He looked down at BelleBlair, then back up at Shawn.

" She say why?"


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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The Twi’lek awoke slowly, stunned and unable to separate the reality of what had just transpired and what her mind had conjured up to cope with the trauma.

“Jochim…?” She mewed still dazed.

Her head nodded towards Ares and she covered her eyes sickly pleading as she got a shaky grip on the current situation:


Doctor von Wer
SWRP Writer
Mar 29, 2009
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"Well I planted a bug on her and I got....." Shawn looked at Belle as she regained conscience cuting his sentance short, "Easy now Belle you passed out, how are you feeling?"


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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Ares was slightly annoyed that Shawn did nto answer his question, but decided to let it slide. He had never seen someone react so violently to blood before, maybe something was genuinly wrong with her. He lazily looked around the cantina again, those who had been in it before the shooting had long vacated. Leaving just the three sentients and two dead bodies. The bodies were by now being disposed of by maintenence droids, more suited for trash than living tissue.

" So BelleBlair..." He said as he leaned over to speak with her directly. " Whats brings you to this seedy little corner of Coruscant?"


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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“I was meeting Jochim…” BelleBlair said, her eyes covered with her palm and her back hunched.

“For my brother…My brother’s gone.” She looked up, her eyes wide with fear and plagued with nausea.

“I have to get out of here…” She sqeezed Shawn's forearm absent mindedly


Doctor von Wer
SWRP Writer
Mar 29, 2009
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"Hold on at least tell us we maybe able to help you." Shawn said as he ignored the pressure on his arm from BelleBlair, and even though he already knew what was going on from listening to the conversation, through the bug.


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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Belleblair stood and fled from the building. She was mess. A tangle of nerves. She pushed through the crowds and held herself.

Then she saw a familiar face slither by in the distance:

The Togruta…

She must’ve looked like a marble statue to the people passing, she was so still and pale.

Even at a distance she could make out the eerie pair of eyes belonging to the red woman.

People seemed to avoid her side, as if she touch was toxic, there was a circle of empty space around her as she made her way through the crowd.


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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Ares looked at Shawn for a moment, before walking out of the cantina after BelleBlair. It was his proffesion to track people, and sicne he spent most of his time on one of the most populated cities in the known galaxy, keeping a good fix on BelleBlair was easy. Considering she wasnt trying to stay undetected.

As he walked he kept one hand on his revolver. Something didnt feel right to him, a familiar feeling shot through his head like a bullet through plastoid. The pain he felt, was....almost unbearable. He stopped walking and lost almost all focus. Almost loosing BelleBlair in the mass of bodies that made up the crowd. He shook his head and fought against the pain, rendering it to nothing more than a sever headache.

Ares recognized he feeling, he had felt it, for a split second. In the hotel during the rescue of BelleBlair's niece. Something, or someone had followed them from that day. He knew the young twi'lek was in real danger at that moment, and picked up his pace. Getting within a few people behind her.


Doctor von Wer
SWRP Writer
Mar 29, 2009
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Shawn ran after Ares and BelleBlair out of the cantina and stop a few feet behind BelleBlair and noticed the togruta in the midle of a clearing of the people he wanted to go for his wepon but he couldn't something about the situation mesmoized him like he was being controlled just to observe, even though that witch caused him much trouble during BelleBlairs neice rescueing mission. Shawn moved a few feet closer to BelleBlair so she could hear him. "Back away slowlly Belle that women is dangerous, and I mean veary."


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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The Togruta was laughing, she was smiling and turning to her company, she was…


Just living.

it was strange.

She had the air of monster that lingered about her- like one not to be touched or spoken to.

And yet she seemed perfectly normal at that particular moment in time.

She was existing amongst people when just this morning she had roamed amongst the Twi’leks nightmares as if she had been born from the womb of evil machinations. A world she could easily rule/

The something happened.

She stopped.

A twi’lek girl approached her and whispered hurriedly into her ear and the Togruta’s demeaned went through a rapid and drastic change.

She went from a tamed pet to a wild predator seeking blood.

Her expression said it all.

Her mouth grew tight and her eyes narrowed, her shoulders drooped and she looked away dreamily as if she lacked sight to begin with.

Then she turned- she faced BelleBlair.

She quickly did and about face and disappeared with her fretful associates in toe.

"That's her..." BelleBlair said entranced.

"That's the one from last night."

She turned to her companions with her face pallid and her core disturbed.

"I saw that Togruta just last night."


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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Ares brought his pistol up to bare, Trying to get a clean shot at the Togruta as she escaped into the croud. He didnt want to risk hitting innocents, but the need for him to end her life almost pushed him over the edge. He was able to save himself from becoming what he sought to kill every day.

As he holstered his pistol he turned to Shawn, who he was now standing next to.

" That the one from the hotel?"


Doctor von Wer
SWRP Writer
Mar 29, 2009
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"Yah that’s her," Shawn said with narrowed eyes. "She’s the one who almost got me killed twice and pretty sure was the one who put a round through your chest." Shawn’s hands would not stop shaking from the anger of losing to her, and the shame when she injured Ares, Shawn still blamed himself for that incident. Shawn caught up to BelleBlair and grabbed her Shoulder, "come on fill us in we may be able to help."


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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BelleBlair recoiled at Shawn’s touch.

“I- I don’t know anything about her I just saw her last night!” She said. She felt an overpowering need to leave the Togruta’s general location. An impending sense of dread had a vice like grip on her heart.

“There was girl- like me! A twi’lek- I couldn’t understand her- I don’t speak twi’leki!” She stopped feeling ashamed of her own incompetence. She hugged her sides and calmed, speaking more slowly and with better clarity.

“ I met another Twi’lek last night.” She reiterated. “ A Rutian girl and she was covered in burns. I couldn’t speak with her…she was hysterical, when the Togruta came all she said was….” she trailed off.


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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" Well if she is then I should return the favor...." Ares said to himself as stood staring at the direction that the Togruta had gone. He looked towards BelleBlair and Shawn, then back towards the swarm of bodies masking the togruta's trail. It was a tough decision, but only for a split second.

Ares darted into the wall of people after the red figure. He was confident he could find her, being that her skin was bright red and all. Ares also could and was planning on using his particular power to try and track her down. The buzzing in his head had subsided, but it had not totally faded. He used it like a radar to keep the traget within distance.


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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The Togruta was quick, she covered ground as if it propelled her by its own will. Turning a sharp corner she descended a flight of stairs into a dark tunnel- at its end was a large door of thick metal.

A kiffar male reached it first, opening it and standing aside for her to enter. She bowed to allow her tall montrals room for admission then stopped a young twi’lek female as she reached the door way.

“Let’s be fair.” she said with a soft voice like sweet brandy.

“He wants blood.”

The twi’leks face filled with horror.

“And I’m feeling generous.” She grinned with sharp fangs beneath her white lips…

and tore open the girls throat with a toothed blade that sang as it spun with life. It was so thin and the job done to exquisitely clean it looked as if the girl’s blood burst from her collar of its own accord.

Her sanguine seeking escape from her neck.

“Bad Eyes”
shut the door behind her with a wink.


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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Ares rounded the corner of the steep staircase just as Bad Eyes slit the girls throat. Enraged by the blatent brutality, he ripped his revolver from its holster and fired. The slug pinged off the metal door as it closed, blocking it from its intended target.

Ares swore under his breath and he flew down the flight of stairs and knelt down next to the dieing slave. There was nothing he could do for her, the cut was too fine, too well executed to try and stop the bleeding. All he could do was sit there, and watch the life slowly drain from the poor girls eyes.

He stood, pressing the comm unit on the exterior of his helmet harder than he normally did. Bad Eyes was right ot think he was out for blood, but ont for the slave girl at his feet. He wanted the Togruta's

"Shawn... Get your Carcass down to my coordinates now. We have a serious situation."


Doctor von Wer
SWRP Writer
Mar 29, 2009
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Shawn taped his com unit that was on his ear. "On my way boss." Shawn then turned to BelleBlair, "you may want to go home sounds like there’s going to be more bloodshed and I don't think you want to be around for it when it starts flying, its going to be dangerous."


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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“But…” BelleBlair began. She knew Shawn was right but something told her it wouldn’t be the last she’d see of ‘Bad Eyes’. When the two women met it was as if they had collided and left one another’s mark on each other.

“You’re right.” She said.

“Good luck.”


The girl’s lips erupted with blood, it poured from her mouth with a gurgling crackle and spilled from her neck as she drowned within her own body. Her eyes were a carousel of fear and confusion.

Below her in the under works of the city her master and murderer was making merry and meeting with some “new arrivals.”

Bad Eyes stepped into a hall with cells lining it- each with a fearful cluster of slaves backing into the furthest corner from her gaze.

At its end was a larger holding where new slaves of a bolder nature demanded answers for their capture and whereabouts. A low hum vibrated in the walls and floor as if a coliseum resided above.

There was no such thing over them…to their left however….

The Togruta stepped in and they fell silent.

She circled them like a hungry predator and wordlessly began to flutter her lips and scan her eyes across each of their faces. The twi’leks looked to one another in confusion. Then a human man entered and came to the Togruta’s side.

The woman halted in her silent chanting.

She pointed at one orange female with her palm upturned and in one motion brought the rest of her fingers to meet her extended index and beckon the slave.

“This one.“ she said as if sickened by her presence.

The human ushered out the panicky slave and shut the door with finality.

The rest came to the frightening realization that the Togruta could read their Lekku.

“Take them all to the pit.” Bad eyes said tiredly to the door, which creaked open again with two new men.

The slaves obeyed when the red mistress thrust out her arm to stop a young Lethan.

“No.“ She said, as if the girl had failed to meet a stupidly simple request.

“You come with me.” her diseased eyes burrowed deeply into the heart of her next victim.


The twi’leks were forced into a cramped gutter littered with mashed innards and filth. Above them was a hellish canopy of screams and cheers.

Below them were others of their own kind awaiting their turn to reach the upside down underworld.

The two tried to communicate through the vented floor to no avail- their weeping and angry cries mixed in a earsplitting and indistinguishable blend of misery.

Then they hushed.

The ceiling above the first split open and a new arrival fell, broken and bloodied from a roar of applause.

Her sisters flocked to her, demanding answers of what lay above them- where they would soon be.

All ears strained to listen.

I win.” was all she said.

Her eyes rolled back and she fell to death’s embrace.

The twi’leks were in an uproar.

The broke away from the body as if it were cursed and pounded on the walls begging for release.

Then a voice filled all levels, weaving with the crowds cheers above like a chorus.

And again they were silent, this time entranced. Unable to move.

It was as though interruption was punishable. Like a final gift of mercy was being bestowed upon their lowly souls.

The stars are falling into the sea.
They lay wounded, mortally.

The moons sing in victory:

The lighting crashes


Cover your eyes,

Here comes the thunder.

Wait for the light,

Here comes the thunder.

Lighting will beckon, split the heavens.


Here comes the thunder….”

They were quiet all throughout and so they remained as they entered the ring.
Many had tears in their eyes. They were surrounded by spectators demanding blood.
High walls holding an audience shouting and cheering for the twi’leks demise, as they fought in vain to keep their hearts beating.

The screams began

And the ones below rose for the next performance.

Silent all the while.


The lethan sat beside Bad eyes as the Togruta’s singing came to a close. She followed her up the stairs and into the ranks of gamblers, bet placers and malice addicts in a daze.

Bad eyes leaned back her seat and watched the girls’ reaction to the spectacle in the pit below.

When all was said and done, the bodies disposed of and the groans stifled she led her back to the cell at which they began.

It was empty now.

She brought the slave to her knees only to bend to her level.

“Tell them I am everything you’ve heard of and more,” she said looking the twi’lek dead in the eyes.

“Tell them everything you saw and everything I am about to say just as I say it to you now.”

She rose and glowered down upon the girl with spite.

“tell them I come baring gifts- I have their lives and if they wish to keep them they must not attempt to steal from me…..

Tell them Bad Eyes is real.”


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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" Shawn. Keep an eye on her if you can. I'm going to try and continue to persue the Togruta. But Ive been stopped by a large durasteel door. " As Ares spoke, he came under the realization that a large kiffar male was standing next to the door the Togruta had disappeared behind. He brought his revolver and pointed it at the kiffar.

" I'm going to ask you once. Open the door." His voice was cold, amplifed by the speakers that made his voice metallic.


Doctor von Wer
SWRP Writer
Mar 29, 2009
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"Roger will do boss. Guess I'll be escorting you home, lead on." motioning BelleBlair to lead on. "I was thinking why was that same torgruta that was at the hotel, and the same group that took your niece be waiting there, in an open area, unless your little contact freind was planining on handing you over to her, he seemed a little overzelos for you to go with him." then Shawn realized what he said could be not the best thing to think out load in this type of situation. "Anyway its just a therory lets just get you safely home shall we?"