Chastity Vendara


Miss Fortune
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

NAME: Chastity Vendara
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 122 lbs.
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: White
CREDITS: 1,000
If looks could kill, then Chastity would probably already have risen to the top of the underworld. Armed with silky dark hair, luscious lips, a sultry gaze and curves in all the right places, the girl rarely goes unnoticed.

Her wardrobe is impressively vast, to the point where she actually has to rent additional storage space in order to fit everything. Every trend of every season, she has it, and probably in multiple colors. Chastity owns several jewel boxes as well, filled to the brim with all sorts of precious stones and chains. Her final fashion fetish manifests itself in the form of her collection of wigs, which are equally useful for accessorizing her looks as they are at putting together disguises.

When working a job that demands a more hands on approach, she'll slip on her Valkyrie model armorweave hazard suit and a pair of multipurpose goggles.

Growing out of her more childish phase, Chastity has begun her metamorphosis into becoming a shrewd business woman, amongst other things. She's always looking to make a quick profit, and is quite willing to stab somebody in the back or do whatever else is necessary to ensure her own success.

She tends to have pretty good control over her own emotions, being able to stand stoically in the face of adversity when necessary while also knowing how to turn on the waterworks at will when deciding to play the pity card. Overall, she has a pretty good head on her shoulders and a sharp mind, as she would have to in order to plan some of the heists that she and her crews manage to pull off. Furthermore, she's always attempting to refine the art of seduction and charisma into an art, often using it to circumvent the use of violence altogether.

Most people would do well not to cross her, because she's extremely vindictive and has the memory of an elephant when it comes to holding grudges.

Chastity loves being on top. She always wants to be the one pulling the strings, manipulating people like pawns through whatever method is necessary. She also draws great pleasure from being the center of attention, owning expensive things and living a life of luxury. She has a fascination with cats, which happen to be her favorite animal, although she doesn't own any herself for fear that they would shed their fur all over the place.

What chastity hates is being upstaged, whether it be at a club by another beautiful woman or during a job when somebody other than herself ends up saving the day. She has a general disdain for dirty, poor and old people, preferring to avoid them whenever possible. She also generally despises any authority figure that represents the law, having been mistreated by them many times, at least in her opinion.

While not quite able to rival a sniper or a special forces commando just yet, Chastity is a pretty good shot with most small firearms thanks to good reflexes and hand-eye coordination. She's also not too bad with explosives, specializing in cracking through doors and into safes. Additionally, she's also very adept at picking traditional locks, not that they're very common compared to electrical security systems. She's recently decided to learn how to slice into those too, but is still a beginner when it comes to that. Lastly, Chastity is also a very good getaway driver, particularly with land based vehicles but she can pull off some pretty fancy evasive piloting too.

She isn't particularly strong or tough, nor does she know how to fight or handle herself in any sort of hand to hand combat. She has a particularly low tolerance for physical pain, so things tend not to go so well if she's wounded or being tortured. When it comes to drugs, finds herself being simultaneously terrified and allured. Chastity knows that if she so much as touches the stuff, there's a good chance that she would devolve back into a helpless junkie, but sometimes it's oh so hard to resist...

- "Valkyrie" hazard suit: relatively standard light armor, albeit a higher end model
- Multipurpose "Beholder" goggles: tactical goggles with several view modes as well as zooming capabilities
- S39 compact assault rifle
- 45-SD handgun
- 5 flash-bang grenades
- 10 precision thermal charges (used for blowing through doors/locks)
- A remote detonator for the thermal charges
- A datapad


Having been brought into the world by a very austere couple who always did everything by the book and within the confines of the law, Chastity's evolution could be considered as being somewhat strange. Then again, if anyone could have actually seen into their household, they would have known that things had never been peachy between the girl and her parents. Ever since Chastity had been old enough to talk back, literally everything had become a fight.

In her eyes, her parents were draconian tyrants, completely inflexible in their ways of seeing things. All that mattered to them was that she get the so-called best education, best job and best life possible, but they never actually though of asking what she wanted. As Chastity grew older, the situation degenerated into an all out war. Every time her parents would force or pressure her into doing something, she would lash out by pulling increasingly outrageous stunts to infuriate and embarrass them. They would react by punishing her harshly, and the cycle continued on and on.

The whole situation did end up taking quite a toll on Chastity over the years, leaving her with low self esteem and a profound sadness in regards to her family's inability to coexist. In a way, she'd probably been acting out in order to get her parents to pay attention and actually listen to her, but she'd gone about it the wrong way just like they had. In the end, it reached a point where there relationship was simply too damaged to be redeemed. Coming home after an overnight stint in jail for being high out of her mind in public, Chastity discovered that all of her things had been neatly packed and laid out in front of the door. The locks had been changed as well. The hint was crystal clear.

She was sixteen at the time, and for about the next year it was nothing but a downward spiral. Moving from one crappy place to another, crashing on various people's couches, sex, parties, drugs and a rap sheet that grew at an alarming rate. It wasn't until she'd finally hit rock bottom and went through an excruciating withdrawal, all alone in a gloomy prison cell that she decided to put her life back together.

Chastity had met lots of people over her year or so of debauchery, and while most of them were degenerates of a wide variety, a few of them were actually people who did pretty well for themselves. Having said goodbye to the drugs, she gradually entered the world of more organized and professional crime, if there was actually such a thing, rather than the petty and stupid stuff she'd been doing before. It wasn't about screwing around anymore, it was about being profitable and becoming somebody. Somebody important.

A couple of years later and Chastity was already gaining a slight amount of infamy across the core worlds. Having participated in and even led several successful robberies on banks and transports, her picture had already been run on the news four times! She would have payed half of what she stole just to see her parents' faces when they saw the news bulletins with their family name attached to the stories, it would have been beyond gratifying. Nevertheless, she wasn't about to rest on her laurels after attaining her first taste of success. There were always bigger and better targets to hit, more beautiful things to buy and a spot at the top of the criminal food chain that was just waiting for her.

SHIP: The Golden Scarab, a light freighter with a single front mounter gun that's more for show than anything else. It sacrifices armor in order to be quick and agile, making it very vulnerable to just about anything packing a decent punch. The interior, including what was once the cargo bay, has been completely modified into a luxurious living area with just about every amenity imaginable. Chastity loves flying in style!




The Glamorous Underworld
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