Darth Exodeus

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SWRP Writer
Jan 13, 2008
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Darth Exodeus
Dark Lord of the Sith



"Disaster is the natural part of my Evolution."

"In pain, there is strength. In anguish, there is power. In tragedy, there is epiphania. No one can deny this truth and claim to bear wisdom or sagacity. If any does, this one is a fool, better left slain and cast into the abysmal void of the farthest reaches of the galaxy. He is a taint to knowledge, a dissident and heretic to the natural order of the universe. But I? I am he that grasps the dark, seeks out the secrets and revelation of the Force, and bears the burden of power. At my command, the Force does my bidding as I shape it to my will. And in doing so, it reveals its secrets unto me. Through the darkness, black illumination. The Dark Side of the Force hides nothing from those who seek out its answers."

"So who am I? I who claims to understand the Dark and wield its power? I am a lightbringer, a seeker of truth... a herald of power. I am Daemon, and I am a dedicated adherent to my lord, the Dark Lord of the Sith. I and those like me touch the mantle of power itself under his rule, and also as we wage our war with our antithetical brethren. Domination through damnation - my calling, the only one I heard. But like many, I did not always see the light of the dark. I was ignorant, in the clutches of a lost world in the far reaches of space. That is where my life began... that is where my revelation came... and that is where the first step toward my rebirth occurred."

"My world was a common one, Raxus Prime. A foul realm of toxins and plagues. I was weak then, a slaved for my former master. Helic Xur, a salvage of the Avalon Graveyard; a vast region of fallen starships and vessels. Tainted with poisons and drenched throughout with corrosive radioactive hyperdirve fluid, it was a deathtrap that few could escape from once ventured into... and those that did often perished at the will of the toxins once their bodies could bear the sickness no further. But I was different. While cursedly weak, I was still stronger than the other. Where others succumbed, I prevailed. I could purge the fumes from my body through sheer willpower, and I became better for it. Not in flesh, but in spirit."

"Where my body failed, my will and strength of mind arose dominant. And with my strength came the notice of others, including my master. It was only natural. Strength attracts the powerful, the weak, the corrupt, the ignorant, even the cowardly. I was sent out time after time, growing weaker in body, and stronger in soul. A foul, sickening surge of the sharpest of pangs would strike at me where danger hid itself from common eyes, and where others would die I would succeed. I was a diamond in their eyes, a property world a dozen slaves and more. But yet, this pathetic show of strength is what bore the path of my ascension."

"I was desirable to those stricken with avarice and greed. And it is this lure that led to my former master's downfall. At the time, I was in ignorance, unaware of the signs occurring around me, the omens whispering in my ears fell upon me as if I were deafened to it. My revelation came in the dark of night. The slave quarters where we slept and lived when not sent out was congested, contaminated. It disgusted me seeing the frailty of them, the others. My own father had long died, and my mother bled from her eyes, ulcers covered her body, and vomit and mucus fell from her mouth as illness overcame her. As my eyes fell upon her, I felt not compassion, not pity, but hated, scornful of the filth about her. I despised her, her very presence was an affront to me."

"After many weeks turning to months, I could no longer bear to look at the filth around me, the stench of the others. I left the slave quarters, wandering about in the compound. It was forbidden, but I knew my worth. I would not be punished, no. But penalties would be paid out. And if that were the case and I was caught, I though perhaps they would target my mother, and wipe her from my sight by killing her in the beatings. I would never find out how she did die, though I am sure she has by now. No, my time there came to a swift end that night. Screaming and hollering was a common resonance to my ears, but never so outside the boundaries of the slave quarters. And for the first time since my accursed birth, I did not recognize the screams. It was a scream I'd never heard before."

"So I did what any weakling believing to hold power would do. I followed the hollering, followed it until I found a flowing trail of blood. In my shame, the red river over the gray duracrete was a sight that shocked me, and drew my wonder all the same. On my two knees, I bent down, pressing my fingers into the flowing blood. As I gazed upon my stained hands, I brought them close up to my face, smelling it like an animal. Metal, iron. It reminded me of durasteel. And its sight intoxicated me. As the blood slowly solidified over my hands, I began to lick the red nectar, drawing a strange frenzy of pleasure from the taste. In my ecstasy, a gruesome cry of agony gripped my ears, and my hands fell as I became distracted by its intensity."

"When I could bear the curiosity of my heart no longer, I followed the screams down a hall toward a door. As I approached, the blood river grew thicker and deeper, and as my pace quickened, I lost my stance, tripping in the blood as I fell, splashing into the warm river beneath me. I was in pain, but I still managed to glance back up in time to see the light through a crack of the door. My former master, Helic Xur, was bleeding with broken bones and swollen flesh. Two others held him up by his shattered arms, while several others watched his torment. The final, a bald headed man, wielded their respect and fear... and Helic's as well. He was screaming at Xur, mixing Galactic Basic with a language I did not know of. As I watched Xur unable to answer, whimpering and coughing on his own blood, the bald headed man drew a thin vibro-blade, and cut Helic Xur from his upper chest down through his lower belly."

"My eyes froze as I watched my former master's internal organs spilling out on the dirty floor, as I saw the blood gushing out like a waterfall crashing to the pool below. His final gasps were attempted screams, but he had not even the strength to do that. He simply gasped in pain... and died. As his body dropped, time seemed to slow down. I saw every moment of his descent, and I felt a strange sense of disdain. I was awe inspired, and in that awe, I felt hate toward my former master like I'd never felt before. But it was not a hate that stemmed from years of abuse, but that which came from seeing him in such a state of weakness. I hated it. I despised it. And in my eyes, he deserved to die a horrid death."

"But that was the dawn of a new destiny at my feet. I had not even the time to rise from my fallen state before I was discovered by a thug, no doubt belonging to the bald man. He looked upon me with strained, reddened eyes, like the windows to his spirit were evident from his body. I felt my lungs seize as I could no longer draw breath while I fell to my knees. He saw my weakness... and he laughed. He laughed for several seconds, in what felt like several days. He looked upon me again, and ordered one other man to hold my head up. He knew who I was, and as he took the dripping blade to my throat, he grinned manically, asking me calm but cooing manner if I wanted to go to a fun place away from here... and to this day, I am forever grateful to the Dark Side of the Force that I chose to do so over death."

"His name was Bellicus Val Muro, a sadist of the vilest sorts, who inflicts pain upon others to compensate for his own weakness. Even in my misguided state, I knew my strength was surpassing of his. He used my as Xur did. I gathered rare salvage through the dangerous terrain of Raxus Prime, earned my survival. And at night before I slept, I would be beaten for one hour. He claimed it was a reminder for me to know every breath I took was a gift from him, but just as I could see his hate born into his eyes, I could see the truth in his eyes as well. He was weak, fearful. Not even worthy of living, barely worthy enough of death. His body ached in his feeble attempts to break me through daily torture. My flesh from all over my body gradually was ripped from my bones, and became callous, armoring me in times to come."

"With every beating I received, I became stronger. Just as when I defeated the toxicity of the world, so I did also with the strands and shards of softened metal and splintered ore of his whips. And every night for years without end, as he grew weaker, I tasted power anew. As I stripped for him to beat the blood from every part of my body, I felt a strength emerge through the pain. As parts of flesh tore from my bones to the ground below, I could feel the surge of power being born from the misery and suffering of my body. And finally, the day came when I could feel his strength leave him. I could sense it, as if I were linked to him. And then, like the illustrious revelation on the night of Xur's death, so too I acted in the dead of night."

"I knew I was stronger then them - then all of them. Not only through the pain, but in body. When I felt the hate and anger run through my bones and fill my heart, I could summon a strength no others had. I could see an object moving in my mind, and it would happen in reality. I was my blessing, my gift. I remember as I slowly approached the door of my cell. As my eyes focused on the guard, he slowly turned to look at me. Then, as our eyes met, his face turned with a blowing force that cracked his neck to splinters. Bone fragments pierced through the back of his neck, tiny shards becoming dust from the impact. I turned to the hate I bore in my heart, and saw the door which confined me... and the hinges burst apart as the door itself flew across the corridor, breaking against the stone wall."

"My time had come. My strength was real, and my power justified the death of the weak around me. As two guards ran toward me with bladed weapons, I glared into the very essence of the first, the beamed my eyesight to the second, as they both stopped in their tracks. The first fell to his knees, gripping his chest as he then fell upon his back. Convulsions overtook him as the veins of his body enlarged, until finally, he was at peace in death. The second held his throat as my inner rage was projected unto him, chocking the very life from his body. His gasps for breath was the final thing I could hear as I left into the other halls. They were deserving of death for their weakness and impotence."

"As I slew the others guards in the dungeon, I also came upon a fellow prisoner with the same hatred in her eyes. She was like me, understanding misery as I did. While I looked into her eyes, her eyes rolled backward as she shook to the ground. Her suffering would be as swift and painful as the rest, for while she had the hate, she lacked the power he did. And for that, she would die. Prisoner and guard, I slew them all, until the dungeon was consumed with death. And with each kill, each worthless being scourged from the galaxy, I felt a power come over me with all the more intensity. As they died, I became empowered. Then, finally, I came to Bellicus, who cowered in fear at the sight of me. But instead of the same disgust I felt at the weak, I felt joy."

"I relished in the fear he had of me, savored it as it fueled me. Made me stronger. I didn't know how unless it was the reward for understanding what it was to be strong. The last moments of Bellicus' life were among the most memorable in my life. I didn't hate him, I was grateful to him. He had shown me what it took to be strong, and for that, he would die last and most gruesomely. I did not use my uncanny power, but my fists. I beat him with my hands, in ways he did not dare to beat me. I cracked his bones, drew his blood, and left him a broken man on the stony ground. As I left him whimpering in pain and terror, I went to his personal belongings, and pulled out the same thin blade he had used to slay Xur."

"As I drew the blade, Bellicus summoned what strength he could to look up at what I was doing. As he whimpered and tears rolled down his face, I knelled down over him, and whispered into his ear - not words of condemnation, but the grateful words, 'thank you'. Perhaps it was shock from not understanding the meaning of my words, or perhaps actually through understanding it, Bellicus did not breath in his final moments. I took his blade and stabbed him in the heart, moving the blade around in a serpent-like manner down his body as I watched the blood drain from his dying corpse. He had shown me the path, and for that and his weakness, he would learn what true strength was, and die tasting it."

"It would be months later, when I became drunk off of my own arrogance, that I would be shown the true path of power. I knew it was a sign, for like every revelation to me, the dead of night continued to enlighten me. I'd awakened with a start, for in my dreams, I'd suddenly seen sights beyond my wildest imaginings. And again, I felt fear. I rose, and a cloaked, shrouded man, stood ahead of me. It was neither his darkened face nor his eyes, his truly glowing eyes, that frightened me, but his presence. He had a power about him like I'd never before felt. He was like me, but wielded true power. I felt fear, fear of him and the power he no doubt commanded, hate and anger for him being stronger than me, and lust for the strength he had."

"Before I could even move, a powerful force overcame me, gripping my body like a vice, and slamming me into a stone wall. From my height on the wall, all that I could see was the ceiling, and the large, high placed windows, showing the gusting winds and acidic rain outside. And then, as if seeing through me eyes, the cloaked man waved his arm, and I was propelled outward, through the glass window and sent crashing down to the bush below. I had barely awoken in time to see the sight of the man levitating down. I knew then what I was seeing was not a man like me. No, this was the power of a being beyond man. This was the powers of a god, and I was blinded by its horror and majesty."

"Finally, as if the thoughts of the man entered into my mind, he offered me a chance to leave. A red bolt of energy descending from a small hilt or device, extended down toward my neck at an unfathomed speed. As I was on my knees and he staring down at me with a blade at my throat, I knew it was my destiny. When his words entered my mind, and offered me the power of a god, I knew it was again my calling. And I accepted the call of fate. They were the Order of the Sith Lords, masters of the Force and of the Dark Side, as would I be. And I would become stronger for it... Greater for it. And the one who shattered my spirit was the one whom I hated most. I knew not his name - not his true name - but his title. One that struck fear through the hardest of hearts; Darth Ampyrea."

"In the bittersweet ultimatum, I realized how weak I truly was. My body had been so hardened to the world of toxins and poisons, I could barely breath the purity of the air from a ship, let alone another world. The Lord Ampyrea saw my weakness and granted me a means of salvation. In my callous skin, an armored suit was grated onto my body, reaching down to my bones. The pain I felt as it was carved into me was intoxicating. I reveled in it, and even more so as I left my former world, Raxus Prime, in the pursuit of power. It was many, many months, perhaps years, before I would realize the power at hand. I was but one student of two to a single master. We both were similar, we coveted power, desired strength, but I did so for just cause, to purge weakness from the galaxy."

"The other, an Acolyte who called himself Elodas Wolar, sought power for selfish gain. He saw power as one would see a narcotic, an addict of his own failings. He understood nothing, had no concept. His very presence disgusted me, and his will was a tainted essence of weakness. And one day, in my anger, I could bear his presence no longer. Drawing my red-bladed lightsaber, I struck at Wolor and a duel ensued. I assaulted him, he attacked me back. My fist broke his jaw, his kick cracked my knee. And finally, his hand flew away from his wrist as the beam of energy of my lightsaber burned through his upper forearm. With his severed hand descending to the ground from the force of the blow that sent it into the air, I brought my blade about, and decapitated the fool who would call himself a Acolyte of the Sith. My master, watching from the shadows, grinned at his apprentice's corpse, and simply walked away. Be it pleasure at the death of a fool, or at me for seeing him for what he was, I knew my master was pleasured by the death that had occurred... as was I."

"It was then that I understood my purpose in this galaxy. The universe was a diseased body, demented by the cancerous weakness of ignorant fools, the misguided and worthless. The weak plagued this galaxy, and I was its cure. I would sever the strands of the weak from the galaxy, purge the parasitic leeches from the planets themselves. The weak and fools shall be culled from the stars. But this was not a task I would undertake alone. No, no for this dream to be realized, there would need to be more to serve this ultimate purpose. I knew this, and thus began my search. I scoured the galaxy, bringing forth those with the potential of strength and entitled to the helm of power to the Sith. They would be the new crusaders. They would be the answer to those that consume the galaxy with their dutifulness."

"It was decided on that day. Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight and slay all who embrace weakness. In the name of the Dark Side of the Force, our weapons of hate and malice shall be forged to bear our warriors our amongst the stars, and spread the power of the Sith Imperium to all the weak who plague our galaxy. It is our right, our calling. And they were the worst of them. The most profound of the heretics. The Jedi Knights. The source of the galaxy's most potent "illnesses". So long as I drew breath and the Dark Side bent to my will, they shall be scourged from the galaxy. And the power of the Dark Side would ensure my victory, my success. The Sith Lords would return to the galaxy as its rightful rulers, and the Jedi would be scoured."

"Many beings have I seen since then. The strong were taken into my grasp, and the weak were expunged for their very existence. But one stood out among the rest. Only in one, did I foresee a greatness even surpassing my own. My tool, my instrument... my weapon. A young girl, frail in form when he found her, but pulsating with a potential unlike any other, on a polluted world of Cronese Mandate, deviant and cannibalistic upon itself. And once I found my weapon, I would do what must be done. When I saw her face to face, I removed my helmet to gaze into her eyes, as she also gazed into mine after averting her sight to meet mine. And when I stared at her through the Force, gazing into the very fibers and etches of her soul... she stared back. As it would be with her, disaster is part of my evolution... and through the darkness, black illumination. She would become strong, stronger than I, and the galaxy would be better for it. From that day forth, my blade fell upon those poisoning the galaxy by their weakness and incompetence, whether they be Jedi or Sith, and I had become stronger for it. So much so that I was deemed the one worth of studying at the foot of the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"I am Daemon, and the one who has inherited the mantle of Darth Exodeus - I am these both, for I have sworn a vow before the Dark Side itself that I would conquer it and make it stronger through my might. I shall cleanse this galaxy of the ignorant, purge misguided, cull the weak from the very stars themselves. Before, I was a man... Now, I am a harbinger of death... and finally, yes, the day and the hour shall come when I shall be neither of these things, the face of a mortal man will be shed from my flesh. The weak exist to feed the strong, and in eradicating the weak I shall taste power like I never had before. For in this hour, now I am the one - he who shall ascend. A Sith Lord is merely a man. But I? I shall become a god."

Written Testament
"The Dark Side of the Force breaks even the chains of the grave. A true Sith... never dies"


Darth Exodeus following his transfiguration into a Human

Since his appointment as the Dark Lord's apprentice and Dark Executor, Daemon has thus since disowned his birth name in acknowledgment of his new spiritual moniker, Darth Exodeus. Exodeus' rise to power was, by all measurable accounts, swift, famed, and well-earned, being one of the youngest Dark Lords in Sith history. Following his appointment to Sith Lord, Exodeus had been placed in a Force Vision unnaturally potent and intense, as he saw a young woman with an aura of darkness and light, with the Jedi and Sith culminating around her like a nexus. Believing it to be the will of the Dark Side working through him as a conduit or catalyst of sorts, young Exodeus quickly acted on his vision and began seeking out powerful Force Sensitives in the galaxy, searching for the one he saw to be his weapon. This was accomplished largely from Exodeus' very unusual ability to peer into the eyes of another Force Sensitive and sense the severity or magnitude of their fate upon the galactic scene, or at least potential fate.

Exodeus had since sought out and taken dozens of potential Sith, and indeed in his youthful impatience and brashness, slew many upon finding them wanting. His search effectively came to its ultimatum upon his finding the female Human girl Andraste. Upon slaying her surviving family, which consisted of her parents, Exodeus took Andraste and began molding her to be fit for the Sith way, although this proved fairly difficult initially, as her personality clashed with his on the personal level, causing her to shun the fundamentals of the codes and philosophies of the Dark side. The fruition, and reassurance that he made the correct choice, came to its apex when Andraste rebelled against him and summoned her largely dormant prowess in the Force and Dark Side, which Exodeus considered to be her first true step.

This event slowly altered his own perception of her as well; whereas he saw only her potential formerly, and held her with little regard, he eventually came to respect her as the only being he openly acknowledges to have a potential and destiny rivaling that of his own. Equally significantly, or perhaps even moreso, Exodeus also sees her as playing a key role in fulfilling his own purpose of purging all weakness from the galaxy; which was mainly concerning the Jedi as a whole, and the inepts within the Sith Order. While Exodeus initially held no quarter with Andraste, he gradually and unintentionally began growing an attachment towards her, due to a Force Bond that had unknowingly, if not unwittingly, developed between Exodeus and Andraste.

The Dark Lord also had shown that he possesses the utmost respect for the ways of the Sith hierarchy, as demonstrated by his undying respect, perhaps the most of any sentient in the galaxy, for his former master; the dethroned Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Judicator. Once fanatically loyal to his will, Exodeus often spoke very cautiously and honorably toward his master, often addressing as "my master" or "my lord", and formerly Darth Judicar existed as the sole sentient Exodeus had felt only honor for. Since his finding his master wanting and weaker than himself, Exodeus' view of his master radically imploded and became a disgust and hatred for his master's strength, or lack thereof. On the contrary, Exodeus had always possesses a very marginal or even hostile relationship with the others of the Imperium's Council of the Sith Lords. Because his power far exceeds any other Sith including his former master, Exodeus neither fears nor regards any other Sith as a threat, Lord or not. This was further displayed in Exodeus' public execution of Darth Proelium, following his defeat and cry for mercy to his then-successor, Darth Silentius.

Despite his one-time highest regard for his former master, Exodeus did not hesitate in expressing his disdain and disapproval of the Empire's forging alliance with the Chiss Ascendency. By his own account, Exodeus professed that the Chiss were cunning, and neither cared of the interests of the Sith, the Emperor, or the Empire, and would betray them should they see the opportunity of vulnerability present itself. In addition, Exodeus - perhaps in an unintentional way - likened the Chiss methods to the Sith, in hording power, authority and influence and destroying weakened or vulnerable allies and enemies alike. It was, ironically, because of the parallels between the Ascendency and the Sith Order that Exodeus refused to trust fully in the Empire's alliance with the Chiss.

However, even his respect and honor became extinguished for his master following his duel with the leader of the Knights of the Empire. Upon seeing his master's weakened state from the duel of such a lesser being, something beyond detestable in the eyes of any and all true Sith, Exodeus usurped the mantle of power from his master, who escaped with his life to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Since that time, the then-recently appointed Dark Lord of the Sith had since begun to cull then-Galactic Empire, beginning with the event known as the Devastation of Muunilinst, which saw the massacre of the entire planet of life, the near-genocide of the very Muun species, and eventually the declaration of the Empire's transformation into the New Sith Imperium.

Approximately eight years prior to the erupted war between the Galactic Alliance and now New Sith Imperium, Darth Exodeus departed on a series of private journeys as he became increasingly haunted by uncanny Force Visions of another figure, beginning with Korriban itself. Since his realization of what he perceived true power was and the teachings of the Sith, Exodeus had become increasingly obsessed with obtaining perfection, which accounted for his excessive brutality, apathy, and excellence of control over his emotions. However, over time, Exodeus realized that while he possessed, what he considered to be, perfection in power, he realized he lacked perfection in form. His body, however strong, possessed fundamental weaknesses.

On Korriban, Exodeus set his plan into motion, and scoured the deepest vaults of the Chambers of Heresies, until he came upon the ancient holocron of an age-old Dark Lord of the Sith by the name of Naga Sadow. After reciting the Code of the Sith, the avatar of the holocron granted Exodeus access to its stored information, and it was then that Exodeus became fascinated with that one aspect of Sith Alchemy - biological manipulation. After delving into the contents of the Holocron of Naga Sadow, Exodeus then discovered in mention that there existed a Sith technique that he'd been seeking since the beginning of his rebirth as a Sith.

Exodeus spent several weeks in isolation, seeking a holoron that held its secrets until he came upon the holocron that forever altered his perception; the Holocron of Darth Bane; an idolized source of information for over one thousand years for the old Sith Order. What Exodeus discovered when he came into contact with the avatar of Darth Bane, is unknown. However, with this information, Exodeus realized that there was a weakness; a typical body could only contain the dark essence of another for so long before the Dark Side would break it down.

At that, Exodeus set out on the second phase of his six-year-long journey. Traveling the surface of Korriban for eleven days, and taking his knowledge of Naga Sadow's Sith Alchemy and the secrets of Darth Bane with him, Exodeus used the Force to manipulate his own biology and appearance, honing it as he purged it of imperfections, altering his appearance to that of a Human with mutant-esque traits.

Exodeus' exact age is unknown, and his long time use of the Dark Side of the Force and multi-specieal heritage has made it nigh-impossible to determine his natural age. His age has since been more easily discernible since his transfiguration into a Human. Both physically and on the molecular level concerning his DNA, it has been estimated that he is between the ages of 32 and 38, with the accepted medium being 35 galactic standard years old.

While Exodeus' current outward appearance suggests he is perhaps a Human with mutantions, the history of the planetary sector of Raxus Prime in which he was born, in addition to his original physical appearance, suggests he very well may not be entirely so. It has been documented that on Raxus Prime, especially in the planetary sector of his birth, Human, Near-Human, and Humanoid species sexually compatible with Humans and Near-Humans, crossbred and procreate extensively over the centuries since its colonization. As such, less than 12 percent of the planet's population are "purebloods", in the sense that they are 100 percent Human, 100 percent Iridonian, 100 percent Zygerrian, 100 percent Arkanians, etc. Consequently, while Exodeus' original physiology appears outwardly Humanoid, it is plainly visible that his lineage is intermingled with several other alien heritages. Exodeus' blood has since appeared less polluted and much more mainstream Human esque since his transfiguration.

In his physical prime, Exodeus is approximately two meters tall, roughly six feet and five inches, and weighs nearly two hundred pounds, with the muscle to match. Even without the aid of the Force, Exodeus is inhumanly large and strong, no doubt an inheritance of his alien lineage in his genetic makeup. Exodeus has an abnormally tempered body from his harsh upbringing, which has brought him both benefits and failings. He has remarkable endurance, stamina, and tolerance of pain (in the latter's case, more psychologically derived than physically), and has an uncanny immunity against toxins, poisons, low oxygen levels and purity.

However, this has also caused pure oxygen to ironically act as a poison to Exodeus, as his body's system has been adapted toward far harsher environments. In addition, too much oxygen, which would normally seem natural to most other sapients, can overwhelm Daemon, causing him to pass out as his cells cannot process the oxygen properly, overproduce sugars, and burn out. To protect himself from these effects, Daemon is encased in an insulated life-support suit that ironically restricts the oxygen levels and purity. Daemon will not succumb to these effects instantly, as they will take some hours to come to fruition, and even so, he can call upon the Dark Side to supplement.

In fact, Exodeus is well aware that his condition is treatable, but refuses it, as he believes the hardships have made him stronger. In stark contrast, Exodeus' body is constantly fighting to preserve itself, which in turn has given Exodeus borderline super-sentient endurance - even without the Dark Side empowering him. Since his ascension to the position of Dark Lord of the Sith, Exodeus has achieved such a state of symbiosis that he is now able to fully withstand these former weakness by immersing himself constantly in the Dark Side, making his need for life support now defunct.

Physiological Features

Only a very select few have ever gazed upon Exodeus' true face. Exodeus has a scarred body, and his face is no exception. In addition to being calloused, Exodeus has many large scars running across the proximity of his face, extending from his neck past his forehead. Although his hair is was once stringy, mangy and jet black, it has since withered away, resulting in Exodeus' bald features. But perhaps what is most peculiar are his eyes. In contrast with most users of the Dark Side of the Force, whose eyes become a bright fiery red and yellow from its use, Exodeus' eyes have exhibited dark crimson red irises and black pupils and corneas, making his glowing eyes appear sickened and bloodied. Unknown to many however, this is the natural appearance of Exodeus' eyes; when fully submersed in the Dark Side, Exodeus' eyes become fully black orbs.

In addition to his mutilated body, and as a result of his multi-specieal heritage, Exodeus possesses several inhuman features, such as crimson red irises, black corneas and pupils, heavily creased and thickened skin, somewhat pointed ears, an unusually pointed tongue, and characteristically large and sharp canine teeth. Too, Daemon has an uncanny voice, which is noted as being both oddly alluring and fear inspiring. Beneath the skin, Daemon has three lungs, two livers, at least one unknown mutation or deformity within his cerebral cortex, and an eight chambered heart, which allows him heightened stamina and focus. In the words of his former fellow Acolyte, it was as if Daemon was born to battle.

Since his ascension to the position to Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Exodeus has since undergone two transfigurations via the use of Sith Alchemy, and masked his former physical appearance by reconfiguring his biomolecular structure, in order to purge his body of imperfections. Currently, while his internal structure and organisms remain the same, Exodeus is biologically Human, with his black hair having returned, although many of his scars still remain intact, as does his trademark black and red eyes. However, one new addition to his body is that Exodeus now bears a Sith rune embedded into his skin.



Darth Exodeus' infamous Sith armor

Darth Exodeus is, above and beyond, a man of war. He lives on combat, and feeds his strength and connection through the Force through death, destruction, and anguish. In his own words, he himself claimed that "disaster [was] the natural part of [his] evolution". As such, Darth Exodeus is by far most easily recognized by his fear-inspiring armor, worn in tradition of the Sith Lords.

Composition and Construction
Darth Exodeus' armor was originally a custom built heavy life support armor designed for him by his original master, Darth Ampyrea. It was purposed to compensate Exodeus of his uniquely developed respiratory and vital functions, which had grown and adapted to survive upon the horridly toxic world of Raxus Prime. It was forged completely from a neo-obsidian–ultrachrome hybrid, lined with an overlay of phrik. It was lined underneath with armorweave woven in thick cords and dyed black with the oils of the aggrak leaf, which are exposed at the pauldron and ribcage, as well as his forearms and lined down his legs.

Shortly before his ascension from Shadow Hand to Dark Lord of the Sith, Exodeus had brought his powers of Sith Alchemy to the fore, and re-forged the molecular structure of his armor with Sith Alchemy, tenfold enhancing the attributes of his armor, and imbuing it with the essence of the Dark Side of the Force, which in turn provided a constant source of strength for the Dark Lord. In addition, the natural compositions, augmented by the powers of Sith Alchemy, allow Exodeus' armor to be rendered impervious to blasterfire, glancing lightsaber blows, slugfire, grenades even at point blank range, non-Force created fires and electrical attacks, piercing and blunt force damage. His entire exoskeleton is completely sealed, both magnetically and physically, and as such, Exodeus does not eat or sleep, but instead feeds on the Dark Side of the Force to sustain his life.

Functionality Design
The armor's mask was closed and faceless, possessing eight omni-receptors instead, giving the Dark Lord a near 360-degree angle view of his surroundings. They were also capable of filtering lights through the entire electromagnetic spectrum into his optic nerves, allowing him to see through various spectrums via the perception of light. These omni-receptors would ordinarily glow a dim white, but when filtering the other wavelengths of light, would glow a vibrant red, almost akin to the eyes of a Darksider. At the neck, a pure-aurodium collar spiked outward, which in fact acted as a counterweight for his helmet.

The armor itself was black from its obsidian composition, and in the helmet was an artificial enunciator linked to his vocal cords, and transmitted an electronic rendering of his voice, which caused his voice to echo with a sepulchral tone and multiple frequencies, which causes a seeming multi-voice overlap, as if several voices were speaking as one. The helmet itself was fit with ridges and grooves, very sharp in design and thin, streaking horizontally across the proximity of his mask, and along the back.

Because he spent a significant time of his life, including his birth and childhood through young adulthood, breathing toxic elements, such as fumes from lakes of poisonous radioactive hyperdrive coolant, lakes of superheated chemical waste, and rough-hewn quarry pits, Exodeus' body was built to breath even the most polluted airs and endure. As such, air with high levels of purity, which even included the widely-considered filthy airs of Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, lacked adequate elements for his body to be sustained by it.

Therefore, Exodeus' armor provided a breathing apparatus and respiratory systems designed to defile his air, thus making it breathable for him. However, after he had since used the Dark Side to sustain his life, this function had long become redundant. The upper torso of Exodeus' armor possessed a high-frequency polarization insulation field, virtually immunizing him from electromagnetic interferences, although is still very much vulnerable in and of itself from Force-generated electricity. Since his duel with the Grand Master, Exodeus now sports a black bladed lightsaber and a wrist mounted energy shield.

Force Sensitivity
As the chosen Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the New Sith Imperium, and the last inheritor of a near mythical bloodline, Darth Exodeus is an extraordinarily powerful Force sensitive - considered to be by far the greatest among the Sith - fully able to command the Force at his will. Daemon is one of the rare few Force sensitives that has engaged in instinctive use of the Force prior to and without any formalized training. In addition, it appeared that Daemon also had the rare ability to foresee the futures and destinies of others, although this was rare in occasion.

Following his conversion of his life support armor into an exoskeleton forged by Sith Alchemy, Daemon's connection to the Dark Side of the Force remains in a constant maelstrom of Force resonance, making his very presence not unlike a mobile Force Nexus. The only two in the galaxy known to rival his own power in the Force was the former Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Jhon Cordatus, and the Galactic Empress of the New Sith Imperium, Andraste.

Faction: Sith Order, New Sith Imperium

Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith Order; Galactic Emperor of the New Sith Imperium

Skills and Abilities
Among his other supernatural powers, Daemon has a slew of other skills at his disposal. He is a highly adept navigator, and is skilled at salvaging and engineering as well, from his upbringing on Raxus Prime. In addition, due to the large cultural mixtures of the planet, Daemon is also a polyglot, fully capable of speaking and comprehending a dozen or so languages with the efficiency and effectiveness of a native speaker. Following his recruitment into the Sith's Galactic Empire, Daemon has also learned military tactics and strategy applications, as well as achieved the mastery of several armed and unarmed martial arts.

He excels as a Sith Aviator, piloting with the skill and efficiency of the greatest of the Empire, and used his designed to customize his own variant of the Sith Starfighters, the TIE Shadow. As such, he is also excellent at coordination in military operations, both in space and planetside, and possesses an unmatched presence on the battlefield. While not a favored art, as he prefers the path of sheer brutality and might over manipulations and antagonizing, Exodeus is nonetheless adept at using his straightforward tactics in torture and interrogating, often resulting in his common appearance of bloodied armor.

Force Potency
As the Dark Lord of the Sith, Emperor of the Sith Imperium, and the last known scion of a legendary Sith bloodline, Daemon has a series of supernatural powers at his disposal. Following his ascension from Acolyte to Sith Lord, Daemon has achieved full mastery of the core Force powers, including -but not limited to - Psychokinesis, Telepathy, Precognition, Force Sense, Force Speed, Force Jump, and Mental Manipulation. Following his furthered training, Daemon also became adept at other powers of the Force, such as Force Lightning, Drain Knowledge, Force Strength, Buried Presence, Death Field, Tutaminis, Force Immunity, and Force Scream.

Added too, he has also been noted as being extremely adept with magnifying his Force Awareness, so much so that he can detect all but the most scrupulously hidden Jedi or Sith, allowing him to negate the advantage of others that rely on stealth. In addition, Exodeus is extremely proficient in the biomanipulative aspect of Sith Alchemy. In addition, Exodeus has since come to a mastery of Sith Alchemy to such a degree, than he is able to alter and change the fundamental composition of any matter he touches via transmutation, such as turning durasteel into glass, or wood into stone. As an extension, Exodeus is also adept at Convection and Cryokinesis. Added too, Exodeus has also been able to invert his Psychokinesis into transvection, enabling him to use Force Flight for limited periods of time.

Darth Exodeus is also a master of Battle Meditation, Mindspeech, and Instinctive Astrogation Control, as evidenced by his prowess as a Sith Aviator, and his use of the Sith Starfighters, the TIE Shadows. He had at least once altered the environment by calling down a violent lightning storm on one occasion, and possessed excellent affinity for the art of Force Weapon in tune with his lightsaber; able to more easily deflect and redirect Force attacks, and even store offensive Force energies and discharge them.

However, his most potent Force power discovered in his training was Dark Rage, which granted him Force-imbued supersentient strength, as well as affecting his brain chemistry, which increased his ferocity, savagery, and immunized him to the ill effects of pain completely. This state also augmented the strength of his other Force powers, increasing their strength with his fury. Combined with his nearly impervious alchemy-enhanced Sith Armor, Darth Exodeus can render himself a nearly unstoppable force of death and destruction.

Lightsaber Potency
As the Dark Lord of the Sith self-defined by his power and prowess, Daemon's greatest distinction comes from his lightsaber combat affinity. Under most circumstances, Daemon wielded his lightsaber in an aggressive one-handed fashion, although would revert to two-handed if facing a more dangerous opponent. Although he learned Form I: Shii-Cho from the beginning of his training, Daemon has since also come to a mastery of Form V: Shien and its dueling counterpart, Djem So, as well as Form II: Makashi, Form VI: Niman, Form VII: Juyo, and the most aggressive elements of Form III: Ataru.

In conjunction with his Force Strength and Dark Rage, Daemon can effectively transform himself into a nearly unstoppable onslaught of oblivion. While he has yet to care fully master any other lightsaber forms, Daemon also has some extensive training in the brutally aggressive prowess of the Erythros style, and has also mastered the Aurum style and Caesitas style. With his mastery of these, the Dark Lord has melded each of these styles and forms, executing them in a fashion unique to himself. Daemon's lightsaber prowess, in conjunction with his Force mastery, renders him a virtually unstoppable among the Sith, far exceeding all other Sith Lords in power and ability.

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Martial Arts Mastah
SWRP Writer
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Alll hail Darth Haters Gonna Hate!



Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Kind of shat my pants a little..


London Calling.
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score

No, this is brilliant.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
That last pic is going to give me nightmares.


Veteran Member
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SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
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Excellent. You have done well...my apprentice :D


SWRP Writer
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Holy-- thank's peeps! I can't believe how many responses this is getting!


Site Owner
May 3, 2010
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Yeah, stealin' the spotlight from the rest of us!

Epic profile, but pretty much all of your profiles usually are so it's no surprise. : P


New Member
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2011
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It look Awesome!

It is a Pleasure to read your work.


Veteran Member
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
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Yeah, stealin' the spotlight from the rest of us!

Epic profile, but pretty much all of your profiles usually are so it's no surprise. : P

No words can describe how odd it is to see you without yellow text in your username.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Very impressive. The pics were very good. Where was the armored pics from?


SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Emmm one slight gripe, the quote at the begginning of your profile is the same quote I had in Providence, which you can find in my sig, other than that I like it.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
To be fair, you didn't create the quote, so it doesn't really matter.


SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
To be fair, you didn't create the quote, so it doesn't really matter.

I said it was a slight gripe, not a major issue. People on this forum need to stop misinterpreting everything as overly serious.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
I said it was a slight gripe, not a major issue. People on this forum need to stop misinterpreting everything as overly serious.

I didn't make it a serious issue at all. I did take it, though, as you hoping he would change it, because otherwise I felt stating that it as a gripe was irrelevant.

That's the only reason I posted.


Site Owner
May 3, 2010
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Okay, let's drop it before it turns into a Vizier bitchfest and stop spamming Xeno's profile.

Exodeus sounds vamp-like like Andraste. : D


SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
I didn't make it a serious issue at all. I did take it, though, as you hoping he would change it, because otherwise I felt stating that it as a gripe was irrelevant.

That's the only reason I posted.

You taking it as 'hope he'd change it' is exactly what I said, a misinterpretation, I mentioned it a long with saying I liked the profile, I used that particular example to make a point that that is happening a lot lately. Jeez etc.
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