Independent Detective Sarnai Sunstrider

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score

Sarnai Sunstrider


► 32
► Kiffar
► 6'4
► 160lbs
► Amber
► Red
► Coruscant
► Female
► Coruscant Security Force
► Detective
► Yes
"My name is Sarnai Sunstrider, I am a detective with the Coruscant Security Force. I am known for unorthodox methods and a tendency to seek definitive outcomes to investigations. Definitive outcomes, such as the complete and utter annihilation of criminal organizations, is specifically what I refer to when I utilize that terminology. I was born on Lotho Minor to a group of refugees who sought to make a living scavenging what they could from the toxic world. At thirteen, I was able to escape my meaningless and pitiful existence on that backwater junk world by enrolling in the Coruscant Security Force Academy. I lied about my age, my name, and my place of residency. Of course, they did not allow me to join the academy once I arrived on Coruscant, but they paid my initial transport fare; that was all I initially desired.

"Once on Coruscant, I survived amongst its seedy underbelly for a few years. Who I met, worked with, and gained tutelage from is all unnecessary information that I shall not disclose. But at the age of twenty, I reapplied to the academy with correct and accurate information. Once accepted, I dedicated my knowledge and time to fast tracking a position as a detective, which I gained three years ago.


"That's all you need for the file, right?

"Ah, you want to know more? Well, let's keep it off the record. You can do that, right? Good.

"My name is Sarnai Sunstrider, but I know what they call me behind my back at the precinct. Bloodstrider. Ha, what a stupid nickname. I am not a problem officer, I am not a security threat, and I am not secretly a 'Sith.' What I am is a woman dedicated to getting results. Results that end in definitive improvements to the safety of my level on Coruscant. Definitive improvements, I have found, only come when cases have definitive outcomes. Do you know how many people fill the prisons here on Coruscant? Of course you don't. No no don't feel bad, almost no one on this luxury world has any clue the crime here. Prisoners with life sentences usually get shipped off world, Kessel or some other backwater hell world where they never have to be heard from again. Make them disappear is all that matters.

"But the minor offenders? The drug smugglers, the sentient traffickers, the pick pockets and murders overtaken by passion instead of money? Those people stay here, 'serve' their time here, and commit more crimes here. Once a murderer, always a murderer, doesn't matter if it was an accident or not. In addition, many smugglers work just as well inside the prison through proxies as they do outside those walls. Even some of the really nasty bastards, serial killers and paid assassins, still get locked up in high security prisons here on world. Those places are despicable precisely because they have a perfect record. Naturally, there's really no such thing as a 'perfect record,' just escapes, riots, and breakouts that aren't recorded for the public.

"What I do, I do to keep my planet safe. I will never apologize for it. Call me what you will, but know this. If you visit level 1312 with the intent of committing a felony, then you should be prepared for a definitive outcome to your visit. That, I may add, is not a threat. I am making you a promise. Now, are we done here?"

Sarnai is an angry woman with a passion for her own sense of semi-twisted justice. Unfortunately, there is no heart of gold hidden under her veneer of hatred for criminals. In fact, Sarnai hides a certain level of bloodlust under a professional face and sophisticated manner of speaking. The way she talks does not come naturally to her, but she attempts it nonetheless in order to sound more intelligent to the Coruscanti upper class. Appearances can be everything, and this is something Sarnai is fully aware of.

She is not completely heartless, however. Sarnai finds her heart melting at the suffering of those who spend their whole lives trying to do the right thing and finding themselves at the bottom anyway. She is as driven as a Kath Hound on the hunt and as stubborn as a Nerf when she needs, or wants, to get her way. Arguing with her can often be compared to arguing with a wall of duracrete, and some of her subordinates would even say a duracrete wall is more pliable than Sarnai. Be that as it may, they trust her completely, as they believe it is not in Sarnai's nature to betray those loyal to her.

Longer descriptions of skills with explanations TBA later, but skills are as follows:

Adept force user
Adept at using a Lightsaber
Psychometry adept
Investigator training
Blaster shooting Trained
Musical Keyboard adept

+Suit and tie.
+Lightsaber with crossguard.
+'holdout blaster'
+Speederbike, standard issue and belonging to the Precinct.
+Swoop Bike, personal and not street legal.
+Flashbang Grenades-2
+Stun Grenades-2



"Listen closely, little boy. I'm going to explain to you what I am. I am a monster, I am a threat to every secure system on this planet, and, I am a Sith. I kill people all the time, and I enjoy every single second of it. But I don't do it for nothing, I seek power. Political and physical power are both what I reach for. As for my story, it's true, once I arrived on Coruscant that is. Before that? Well...

"I wasn't born on Lotho Minor, but I grew up there. I was born here on Coruscant. A Sith, I knew him only as my 'Elder Master,' purchased me for the price of a bowl of soup. He took me to Lotho Minor to raise me as a weapon. There was no great vengeance he sought, nor did he possess an interest in passing on his knowledge. Instead, he was just curious if he could 'do it.' Maybe a lesser girl would have failed him, but I did not. I fought, survived, and killed my way to the top of the food chain on that Force forsaken world.

"But, before I could take my place as a true Sith by killing my master, he died of old age. I think he knew it was coming. Rather than give me the satisfaction of fulfilling my desire, he left me wanting for all eternity. That cruel, disgusting, horrible old man. I hope I can be even half the Sith he was someday. But enough of that. After he passed, I briefly visited Serenno and was recruited into the ISB. Now, I work on Coruscant. I'm not a Sith plant, per se, but I use their assets to forge my own goals, and they use me when needed.

"As for why I'm telling you, well, it's been a while since I could show my true face. I needed this release, and you got to hear a great story before I ripped out your heart."
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