
Eclipse Apostle

SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2011
Reaction score
Divtos has eyes surgically colored a bright silver. Standing at 1.85 meters, he is not quite muscular, but well toned, bringing his weight to a comfortable 173 pounds. Unlike many Dark Side followers, he wears a long silver coat instead of black robes. The coat's zipper is a traditional length, spanning his torso, but the fabric extends to his shins. The coat's collar ends just in front of his nose, obscuring his mouth. His hair is dyed white and kept slicked back. In each of his ears he wears two golden hoops, one in the lobe and one in the center of the curve.

Divtos is a quiet individual. At first, one might call him brooding, but the truth of the matter is his attention is more often than not focused on the arguments in his head. He suffers from schizophrenia, believing the voices in his head to be the very voices of the Force itself, and his actions are fueled largely by this. Being a relatively peaceful person, Divtos acts more as a missionary, trying to convert people to embrace the Dark Side without the use of force, because his experiences have convinced him that all sentient creatures natural states are violence, greed, and lust. When he speaks, his voice is quiet and measured, much like a Jedi, though he works himself up to speeches of zealous fervor when he is argued with.

Divtos enjoys threes. He won't go out of his way to make something three, but he bases random decisions on how many sets of three he can find in it (i.e. He learned to wield one sword because it goes into three more times than two does.) He has no particular dislikes, but hates initial hatred and unprovoked conflict because of his experiences with the savage Coway.

Born the only child of a merchant family, Divtos is an expert at reading people, often noting nervous habits or traits of deceit in those he talks face to face with. His father ran the numbers while his mother handled the actual production of the clothing they sold, and often she would set Divtos to mend some garment, making him good at repairing cloth material and giving him a steady hand from many hours spent threading the fine needles his mother demanded the workers use. This practice also increased his patience. However, hours spent among adults with no time for the boss's prized child dampered his social skills, and paired with his schizophrenia, he can only really speak well when advocating the Path of the Dark Side. Another side effect of this is his lack of tact. He has walked into private chambers, paused the cantina entertainment mid song to attempt a conversion, and told other beings exactly how hideous he thinks they are because he was never given a reason to not do these things as a child.

Divtos is the only son to a once wealthy, now deceased family of first generation merchants. His father was a successful hunter, specializing in hunting predators for their hides; his mother born to a well enough seamstress that had an eye for working with rare materials. The two had an on-again-off-again relationship until Divtos' conception had them get together permanently. After saving up enough credits, they hired and outfitted some slave families, offering them the chance at freedom so long as they created a settlement with them on Circarpous V. His father chose this planet for the relatively untapped hides of the creatures, which most hunters would not seek for fear of the native Coways and their legendary contempt for outsiders.

Divtos was named after one of the deadly variants of a snake found on Circarpous V, the hooded three headed divto. His father was enthralled with the creatures, and often spoke of catching one young enough to tame, and as a result Divtos himself often dreamt of owning his very own giant divto. Often he would go out with his father on his hunts to capture one, which almost always resulted in failure, until a stroke of good luck found them running with two divto eggs in hand. Unbeknownst to the father and son were the burning eyes of the Coway tracking them back to the settlement.

So it was that Divtos found himself learning the arts of a snake charmer, much to his mother's dismay. His small contributions to the work load over the year had turned her son into a machine of perfect stitch and darn, and his newfound hobby had him spending less time with the workers and more time idling with his namesake. Worse still was the times when she would check into the room to find him lying stiff with six fresh holes in his arm, his snake staring him in the eyes and moving its heads back and forth with flaring hoods. As the snake was growing in size and spanned nearly 1.3 meters, enough was enough. While Divtos and his father hunted for animals, she had both of the divtos killed, and sparked a further emotional and social retreat for Divtos.
The first Coway raid came when Divtos was 14. His trips with his father had keened his senses and hardened his body, and thus it was that when his door burst apart to a berserking Coway's stone axe that he leapt from bed to defense himself. Two taxing minutes of dodging the axe had him realizing a simple truth: His time spent reading predators had granted him some ability at reading hostile movements, and it was after a powerful attack sunk the axe into his floor that he darted past the warrior and sought help. The sounds of blaster fire were his destination as he desperately sought to escape the pursuing Coway, and as he cleared his residence he saw the small knot of settlers shooting down the natives. Seeing his father raise his rifle at his direction, Divtos chanced a forward dive in time for the blaster shot to take down his pursuer.

His mother had died in that raid, and both he and his father had made a pact with the rest of the settlers: Natives were to be killed on sight. They would return the hostility of the Coway full force, and they began daily regiments to prepare for the next raid, whenever it might come. The training had the unsavory side effect of cutting into hunting time however, and after some time the workers barely had material coming in. The business began to fail, and the former slave families and hired workers alike began to depart on whatever ships would take them. Only those who had lost to the Coway as Divtos and his father had would stay, to avenge their loved ones even at the cost of their lives.

Divtos was 19 when they were overrun. The fighting had hardened the settlers, but they had also seen their share of losses, and the Coway had decided to end the outsiders prescense with this final raid. Sending the best that this tribe had to offer, the settlers held them off for as long as they could before the Coway came through their defenses and started to slaughter. Divtos had honed his reading ability as much as he could in the time, and like his namesake he would sway gently from side to side until it was time to deftly maneuver away from an attack. Using this style, he slew many natives before being disarmed and beaten down. The last sight he recalled as he fell was a ring of natives forming around his father, the lone standing defender.
When he awoke, his father was shaking him with one bloodied hand, the side of his face already swelling in the light cast by the raging fires that had caught in a few of the settlers' homes. His father had beaten the Coway champion in combat, and the Coway had retreated, believing their warrior god Canu's will was the deciding factor. It very well might have been, for his father's injuries were mortal, and he had barely the time to call in a transport with the promise of the last of his funds before he collapsed and sighed his final breath. Watching the light extinguish from his father's eyes devasted Divtos, and he chose then to give up on living, for what was the point with everything he loved gone? Sighing himself, he stared at his father's corpse for some time before he heard them for the first time, the voices that would be the staple of his mental state for years to come. They urged him to live, and told him to fetch the snake skins in his room, and he obeyed out of confusion. Gathering what little he had and the last of his wealth at the behest of the voices, he waited for the transport to arrive, and was surprised when it appeared to be a ship with the seal of the Bogan. The doors opened, a voice beckoned him, "Come," and with his limping gait he climbed onto the ship, and took his first step on the Path to the Dark Side.





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SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
I like the profile, but you should definitely space out the history so that it's easier on the eyes. Smaller paragraphs with breaks in-between would be perfect.

It's refreshing to see a new person that's chosen the literary template, so kudos to you.

Please stay longer than three days. <_<

Eclipse Apostle

SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback. I think that should be a bit easier to get through now. Any other suggestions?