Open Invasion Onderon Domination

Darth Tempest


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Jan 4, 2022
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It had been years since Tempest had last traveler to Onderon. Years ago, the Sith and Vahliri had been defeated and sent fleeing from the crown jewel of the Free Worlds. In recent months, its regime had been toppled and replaced by those subservient to Lord Raze - little more than a puppet government to be utilized at the monster’s will. But Raze was dead. The monster had been driven from the Galaxy - and his absence left a void of leadership and protection amongst the worlds he once ruled.

An opportunity that Tempest would claim for her own.

The timing of her arrival was deliberate. The rest of the Galaxy had turned its eyes to Denon - watching in horror as the agents of Raze came to lay waste to another world. Tempest knew that any forces who might oppose her would be preoccupied.

The Dark Lord stepped down the chromium ramp of her Starblossom Yacht - the click of her boots echoing through the jungle clearing. The cloak of her armor whipped violently through the wind, features shrouded behind the armorplast of her helmet.

The populace of Onderon would be oblivious to her arrival - and to the presence that followed in her wake. It was a cold sense of dread that would settle into the Core of every Force sensitive, power that cracked like static through the air. Ominous as the rumble of thunder that preceded the storm.

It would be a siren call to all those drawn to the Dark Side of the Force. Intoxicating to fellow Sith. And irresistible to the multitude of abominations that had been left on the planet. Without the Exalted or Raze to guide them, they would be leaderless and in disarray.

They would bend to her will and purpose, or be crushed beneath it.

Only a few klicks from Iziz, Tempest watched Sith began to scout the surrounding clearing and path to the capital - ensuring they were well-hidden for the time being. It didn’t take long before an Acolyte approached, dropping to a knee before the Dark Lord.
“My Lord,” He began, “Your missive has been delivered to the leader of the Untamed.”

“Good,” She said simply, both hands knitted against the small of her back. Her message was simple.They needed only await a reply. “We begin shortly.”

Open to 1-2 Sith and reasonable opposition. Concurrent with the events of Denon.
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Darth Tempest


Character Profile
Jan 4, 2022
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Tempest stood at the edge of her landing - allowing her presence to permeate through the Force and towards the capital of Iziz. There were countless abominations and Sithspawn that had been left in the wake of Raze’s invasion - creatures that, until now, had been kept in check by the Exalted and Raze himself. They had kept the populace of Onderon firmly under his control.

Now? They were the weapon that Tempest alone could wield.

Across untamed stretches of jungle, Tempest would feel each individual consciousness. Each primal, feral mind that lacked the intelligence to form strategy or direction on their own. And it was in that void that Darth Tempest projected her own will upon them. Each would feel the unyielding strength of the Dark Lord of the Sith that eclipsed their own - each would recognize the sole alpha amongst them.

And they would feel the compulsion to obey. The rage and contempt that the Dark Lord directed towards the Royal Palace of Onderon. Towards the guardsmen, generals, nobility and royalty that resides within its mural-adorned walls. It was the conpulsion to snuff out any hint of life from within its confines, no matter how many were gunned down in the process.

The strain upon the Dark Lord was visible. The Force was drawn into her, twisting and perverting to her will, before being expelled outwards. It was strain that caused beads of sweat to begin to trickle down her face. Royal guards formed the perimeter around her, ensuring that her concentration wasn’t broken. No one had come to defend Onderon.

And the result was horrifying to behold.

Within the city of Iziz, abominations and Sithspawn would be driven into a frenzy. Any caught in the open were pounced upon and mauled, flesh rended from their bodies without a second thought. They would cleave through anyone that attempted to block their path to the Palace, while others scaled across buildings and snaked over walls to reach the focus of their rage.

Outside the walls of Iziz, hoards of abominations and Sithspawn began to stir - emerging from the canopy of jungle where they had otherwise dispersed. It was the first time since Raze’s death that they’d mobilized in such a united manner, clammering over each other as they strode to scale the walls of Iziz. Those in possession of wings soared overhead, quite literally diving to snatch men off the battlements above. Throwing them to the hungry masses that attempted to climb.

Tempest spoke not a word - devoting her concentration to guiding the swarm. Onderon would bleed before the day was over. Onderon would kneel before the sun had dipped across the horizon.

OOC: Due to lack of opposition, Tempest has advanced with her invasion. While this thread remains open to opposition, new entries will start the thread after the attack has started.

Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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"She could couldn't win the invasion on Onderon with Raze's help, and now she thinks she can just come and take it when he is not here." Darth Tiamat scoffed at the report of the note passed onto her Lord's forces. Though she couldn't fault the woman, this was a fast move, but a reckless one, and she was curious to know if she had truly had grown or was still as impulsive as she was years ago. The holocomm crackled and bubbled in her gloved palm before she discarded it on the jungle floor. It would have been suicide to land in the capital, but it wasn't difficult to figure out where the Dark Lord of the Sith had landed her forces.

With the attention on Iziz, the dark woman and the exalted would approach her from behind, a blind spot in their positioning that would sandwich them between Darth Tiamat and the city now overrun by maniacal beasts set off by Tempest's own doing. The creatures would eventually be dealt with, but first the sith princess needed to be put in her place properly. To either submit, or perish, as such the same option she gave those on Onderon.

It may have been a confusing sight, Tiamat clearly dressed in her armor, running a likeness to the Sith Order but clearly an unfamiliar presence to most, except one. Certainly Vahl would recall, a sliver of a memory from a time that seemed like eons in the past, except she would feel more surreal, ancient, a presence clearly saturated in the darkside that commanded obedience. Tiamat stood silently, saber, not yet ignited, grasped in her palm as she waited for the woman to acknowledge her...or her circle of meat-shields, to which the dark woman was ready to respond in any way needed.


Locust of Sorrow's Wail


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Mr. Teatime
Oct 10, 2023
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It stalked, yes. The Locust's chitin limbs steadily walked behind the Tiamat, upper limbs close to its body, mantid blades together as if in silent, monstrous prayer. Onderon was awash with the Dark Side that swirled now between two great powers. Tiamat's presence bolstered the Locust's focus and sanity, sharpening its razor instincts for stealth and murder. Exalted were beyond fear; it felt only furious hunger to devour the dying sorrows of its prey.

It would acknowledge no Dark Lord but its god of destruction and rebirth, Lord Raze. The Herald had done much research. Tempest was powerful and dangerous. She sought a throne she had not killed for. She obviously had no respect for Lord Raze. The Locust, however, held none of these thoughts in its twisted and sharp-mawed head. It just wanted to know what her tender flesh would feel like ripped and dripping from its claws.

It loomed behind Darth Tiamat like some insectoid specter freed to haunt from dreams of despair. The pain and death in Iziz gave it strength, feeding off it more completely than any material meat. The Locust would protect and fight for her, in its wild and furious way, as its god commanded. It would obey.

Praise be to the end of all things.

@Altaris @GABA

Darth Tempest


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Jan 4, 2022
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Even from a distance, Tempest reveled in the chaos unleashed upon Isis. The terror and fury that saturated the Force, rippling across its interconnected strands like rain upon still water. Countless would be slaughtered in the assault, and the abominations would feel the overwhelming compulsion to swarm the Palace like hornets stirred into a frenzy. To enforce her will upon them was no easy task, and to redirect them - now that blood had been spilled and the fighting began - would be even more difficult.

She needed only to wait for the minions of Raze to do their job. And for the Beast Riders to accept the offer laid before them.

But there was something more that captured the Dark Lord’s attention - another presence that moved through the jungles of Iziz, second only to her own. It was ancient and experienced. Familiar in ways that she had not known for many years. Tempest didn’t need to see Tiamat to know.

Slowly but surely, Tempest turned to address her opponent - golden eyes briefly flicking to regard the pet that lurked at her side - dispelling any mystery as to whom she now served. Tiamat alone had the knowledge and strength to bring the very stars themselves to keel, and yet had bound herself to the will of another. Her chains would never be broken, and it quickly shattered whatever perception of the woman Tempest had developed over the years.

It didn’t matter all the ways that Vahliri had admired Tiamat as an Acolyte. It didn’t matter the friendship they’d cultivated. It didn’t matter the passion they’d shared amidst the arms of the man that Tempest alone called her own.

She was an adversary. A rival that the Dark Lord of the Sith would not abide any longer.

Tempest kept both hands against the small of her back, her gaze fixated upon Tiamat. The guards that surrounded the Dark Lord wordlessly widened - forming a wide perimeter around them. They remained keenly alert, though had no intention of interfering with whatever was about to occur.

“I will not tolerate continued interference.” She said flatly - her voice echoing through mechanized filters. The Force hummed through the Dark Lord of the Sith, building in anticipation. Preparing herself for what seemed inevitable.

“Submit or perish.”

Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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The guards that had encircled Tempest spread outward, and the leader of the Sith Order turned to regard the dark woman. Tiamat didn't speak, there was no need to waste words when her presence alone spoke her reasoning for being here. The dark side reveled in the power that the two women carried, the jungle seemed to cool and grow silent in the shadows that poured from Tiamat; the screams in the distant capital muffled, almost non-existent. Their suffering would serve a greater purpose, a cost that would be well-rewarded as their deaths scarred the streets, leaving a dark mark regardless of who champions in this jungle today.

The heaviness that resided grew stronger, echoes from the dirt and stone of Onderon moaned just barely audible to those who stood presently. Tiamat's saber ignited, the red blade hummed at her hip, fingers grasping tightly around the hilt as the fingers from her free hand fanned outwards. Shallow fissures veined outward and zig-zagged along the ground, her focus on Tempest, but ever so aware of the guards that surrounded them. Tiamat stepped forward, closing distance between herself and the Dark Lord, her saber would swing, a slightly diagonal swipe from hip to just below Tempets' breast line that accounted for the woman's shorter stature.

There would be power behind her swipe, the ground shaking and the fissures that appeared just moments earlier would clench, it moved in tandem with Tiamat's swing threatening to throw off balance her opponent while she remained in control of her own movements. Her senses were alight, instinct and intuition that she had built to trust over the decades were ready for anything Tempest tried to pull. No doubt, Tiamat was curious to see the Dark Lord in battle, what power it had brought the woman now, and how she can violently and humiliating take it all away.

@Mr. Teatime @Altaris

Locust of Sorrow's Wail


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Mr. Teatime
Oct 10, 2023
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The Locust was impatient. Its wings fluttered behind it briefly. Then it was still, like a statue formed in the shape of grotesque prayer, a macabre mockery of zealous faith with blade arms pressed before it. Eyes as black and wet as midnight river stones stared straight at the sacks of pulsating meat and bone that formed a loosening circle around this powerful invader.

Its prayers were cruel. It prayed for the chance to gnaw the invader's pretty eyes from her shattered skull. It knew nothing of rank or names. It was merely a thing of misery and murder acting in Raze's name.

When Tiamat acted, the Locust acted in turn without a hint of fear. Insectile wings beat and buzzed behind it in a thunder threat display, vile red-black fluid dripping from its maw as it loudly screeched its anger.

It sprung, scuttling on multiple legs, maneuvering to keep up with Tiamat and come around Tempest's left flank, scuttling sideways just as nimbly as forwards. While it moved, unnaturally powerful muscles in its blade-arms tensed like springs to strike.

It then horizontally swiped its right, serrated blade-limb low at her left leg as the shaking ground and Tiamat's vicious and experienced attack might throw off balance. The blow was intended to maim the leg and sweep Tempest to the ground for easier mauling and came in from well outside the much smaller woman's reach. The other blade-limb remained tightly coiled and ready to strike, humanoid-esque hands twitching with bloodlust.

It relied on violent cunning and dark faith to guide it when it was on its own. Tiamat's presence guided it now as a beacon of Raze's almighty power, a high priestess of the church of oblivion.

@GABA @Altaris

Darth Tempest


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Jan 4, 2022
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“Disappointing,” Such were the only words that passed from the lips of the Dark Lord of the Sith - mechanized and calm, despite the chaos that raged all around them only kilometers away. Tiamat and her pet had brazenly rushed to challenge her, and Tempest would happily indulge them in their folly.

Golden eyes narrowed behind the visor of her mask - watching as both lightsaber and talons were raised to strike. The Darkness build and coalesced through Tempest, drawing upon the emotion that radiated from those in Iziz. Upon her own passion and desire to retain the mantle that she had claimed for herself. It was power that flowed into her every extremity, building with intensity in seconds.

Just as Tiamat and the Locust charged forward, Tempest stepped and lept backwards - allowing the Force to propel her slender form from where she had been standing, heels sliding across the earth before coming to a halt. She had no intention of engaging either on their own terms, or allowing herself to be overwhelmed in close quarters. Her sudden retreat would move the Dark Lord beyond the reach of Tiamat’s lightsaber and fissures that cracked through the earth, while her attention promptly moved to the Insectoid.

Just as she moved backwards, the Locust would feel its entire body seized by the Force and lifted from the ground. Tempest didn’t so much as unclasp the hands from behind her back, but the Insectoid would nevertheless feel an incalculable weight that attempted to throw its body directly into the path of Tiamat, towards the swing of her lightsaber and the shards of earthen debris.

In addition to interrupting the Locusts own attack, if successful, both would be forced to defend themselves from each other - lest the Locust find itself on the lethal end of its mistress’ blade, and Tiamat being slammed by the full weight of the Exalted

Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
Nov 15, 2020
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OoC: Previous post voided due to timing out.

Her blade would make contact with the Sith leader, the ground moving beneath them and the dark woman's saber burned through Tempest from her right hip and all the way across. She was bisected, in one quick swing of Tiamat's lightsaber; it would be far from the truth if Tiamat did not believe she was capable of taking on the Dark Lord, but in the manner of which was now completed, left her for the briefest moment, stunned. Though, remembering who else stood around them, the dark woman stood up straight, holding out a palm to keep the Locust from proceeding further.

Her eyes scanned the guards who had served Tempest, some froze, others lowered to their knee in respect. They were unaware that their Dark Lord was still alive, barely, but it wasn't like she was going to hobble away any time soon. "Submit or perish." she repeated Tempest's words and the few that kept standing, remained...only to be immediately executed by their lack of faith within their new mistress. The exalted feasted joyously, blood sprayed, bones cracked, limbs ripping apart among the screams of the ones still alive and not yet blessed with death.

Tiamat turned to The Locust, "It would be rude to leave trash out here, bring her to my ship, the rest of her..." she looked at the legs that laid awkwardly on the ground, "Do as you wish." she directed, leaving the insectoid to his task.

@Mr. Teatime @Altaris