Open Invasion Dusty Dusts Plooroid IV

Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo System

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Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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King Dusty Daytonus was experiencing unprecedented success in his system. Already king of the entire Ploo sector, the rascally Glymphid king set his sights higher and higher with each conquest. No doubt aided by the Killiks, Sith and Jedi pulling attention elsewhere, the Ploo sector was relatively unnoticed and unguarded, making it ripe for the taking. Already, Serroco had fallen quickly to the Daytonus regime and he didn't intend on stopping there.

The natives of Serroco, the hulking Sterebs, had been integrated into Dusty's army. While underequipped, their superior size and strength made them excellent shocktroops that would no doubt bolster the already-formidable army of Ploo. True, it was hardly an army that could go toe-to-toe with any of the major factions in the galaxy but, for a sector army, it wasn't bad and, thus far, was undefeated in their local battles. And with the Mandalorian-inspired armor and Rancor Squadron training, the Fluggrian and Glymphids, former bitter rivals, now looked like a deadly and cohesive unit. Dusty never thought he'd see the day where a Flugg would hop on a thermal detonator for a Glymphid but last battle, Dusty had seen it with his own eyes.

Now, it was time to put them to the test again. All of Dusty's ground forces were packed in troop transports or converted civillian freighters and each ship was guarded by a couple of A-Wings from Ploo II's hotshot squadron. They all hovered over the agrarian world of Plooroid IV, waiting for the order to strike. Dusty, never one to shy away from a fight, was serving as the leader of the self-named Dusty Squadron in his own decked-out A-Wing.

Plooroid IV had quite a few things going for it that made it an appealing target. An agricultural world, it would be an excellent source of both revenue and supplies for Dusty's burgeoning empire. Secondly, Dusty knew it had formerly been the site of some conflicts during the Galactic Civil War and it was possible there was some old military hardware or secrets left over that he could use. And lastly, he was a completionist at heart and he couldn't rightfully say he had conquered an entire system without Plooroid IV.

OOC: This is the latest in a series of Ploo fights. Open to anyone; either mercs joining Dusty or someone helping the farmers of Plooroid IV. Like most of the previous battles, it's an Outer Rim fight, meaning the troop counts are pretty low and most everyone's using outdated equipment. Makes for a fun and chaotic time.



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Oct 8, 2023
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The Mandalorian Road was a territory rumored to be patrolled by numerous Mandalorians and other paid mercenaries. Furthermore, there were Hutt investments connected to King Daytonous and the regent of the Ploo system. Now Guerrilla Group was finding employment from King Daytonus. With information about Plooroid IV being an agricultural world this intrigued Ka'ra'yc just as much as the history of the Glymphid monarch. The proximity of the kingdom to traditional Mandalorian space would also help provide some measure of security, allowing his warband to recover in the wake of tragic devastation.

Guerrilla Group was nothing if not a force multiplier. Normally a single Mandalorian was an army. Forty Kordans had held their own on Murkahan until a star destroyer had arrived. It took a flying city with planet glassing capabilities to make the ape like warriors make a tactical retreat. It was partially due to their threat to the Empire that the fascist government had commited genocide.

Korda Six was now a smoldering marble in the Inner Rim thanks to the efforts of the Empire. Now the few Kordans remaining in the galaxy were an endangered species numbering only in the thousands. Ka'ra'yc Vhett, sovereign and Warmaster of a destroyed planet was no different. He led his mercenary company Guerrilla Group to survive cycle by cycle.

Standing out in the sky was the humongous mass of a Garin-I class cruiser belgonging to the kordan mercenaries. Accompanying the nearly seven hundred meter long capital ship was a one hundred meter long CEC-21 bulk freighter of significant displacement though the larger vessel still dwarfed it by comparison. Half a dozen small craft flew out of hangars between the larger ships and maintained a disciplined distance like a small school of feisty fish until given the signal.

A Kom'rk class multi-role fighter led the group ahead of the larger ships. A TIE/BR boarding craft and three Kaba class shuttles were the only ships capable of carrying the titanic sapian crew members and thus joined the lead vessel. Each individual Kordan when armored and equiped weighed nearly a ton so even the Kom'rk transport could only carry a total of eight troops.

Ka'ra'yc stood inside the blade winged Kom'rk transport with his weapons in hand and ready to jump out of the fast deployment rack from the bottom of the ship. The Kaba class shuttles would carry a dozen armored mandalorians with jetpacks and heavy weapons to the surface. Doors opened before ships even touched down to allow flying monkies to zoom over the battlefield and reign hell down on King Daytonus's foes. The diverse assortment of combatants were amazing to behold as they surged through and across landscape.

Parked in the cruiser's hangar were eight smaller imperial starfighters and would remain unused by the kordans due to their size. Only four Impetus class interceptors and aquilae class assault starfighters were a fraction of what the Garin was capable of carrying but the cruiser had been marked for to be decommissioned when Book and Ka'ra'yc had stolen it. Perhaps the starfighters could be sold or used for bargaining and considering Dusty Daytonus's apparent ambitions Ka'ra'yc may be able to offload them sooner rather than later.

@Fantasy Liver

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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(OOC Note: I Hope I can join; this is my first RP post on this site!)

Essla's ARC-170 bore down on the approaching ships, the afterburner leaving a white trail behind each engine. "Cee-Too, try to open a comm channel to the leader. Ignore scrambled messages. I just want to talk to them." The droid hooted indignantly. "I don't know how, use your droid brain. I bet you can find the leader." The Wespre was in weapons range now, and Essla shut off the afterburner. The transports would be easy, but the A-Wings were another story. They could run circles around her ARC and were fast enough to outrun it if she tried to escape. She wasn't the heroic type, but really, really was in the mood for a fight. Plus, these farmers didn't deserve to get invaded. Probably. A whistle from Cee-Too interrupted her thoughts. "Thanks. Now, do me a favor and watch the rear guns." She keyed her comm unit. "Well, well, what have we here?" At this point, her fighter was closing at an unnecessarily fast speed, so she throttled back to eighty MGLTs. I'd like to see their reaction to an ARC, she thought smugly.

(Another OOC note: I didn't roll for getting the comm channel; I hope that's okay.)
@Fantasy Liver

The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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"They have a damned cruiser!" guard captain Travers bemoaned to the Chief Administrator of Plooroid IV. The administrator was a dignified, if a bit portly, man. Business had been good on the agricultural world and he lived and dressed like it; a well-manicured mustache, a long flowing cape and a brow unmarred by wrinkles and worries. Of course, that all might change, given the arrival of one King Daytonus and his motley, but intimidating, crew of invaders.

The Chief Administrator usually resided in a castle that had formerly belonged to the Galactic Empire of old. A relic from a war, it still had plenty of fortifications and defenses to make it a difficult target to penetrate; automatic and manned turrets, a dedicated guardsmen force, and some laser traps. The Chief Administrator pursed his lips and observed the scenario from the holomap in the castle war room.

"Karking Dusty..." he muttered. Pampered though he might be, he wasn't blind. Ever since Dusty had been taking down planet after planet in the sector, he knew that Plooroid IV might be next and he'd amplified the world's defenses accordingly. Plooroid's starfighter wing, normally used for escorting freighters full of crop exports, had been doubled and the meager security forces had been amplified by old Imperial tanks that had been dug out of storage. This wouldn't be another Serroco - the Daytonus forces were actually going to have to try with this one.

"Inform megafarm supervisors on every continent and province to set their fields on fire." the Chief Administrator decided. This caused an immediate ruckus but the administrator silenced them with a hand gesture. The only worth that Plooroid IV had was its agriculture and Dusty wasn't going to let those crops just burn. With any luck, all the Daytonus starcraft would be so scattered trying to put out the flames that they could be more easily picked off by the Plooroid starfighters.


"Dust-I mean King Daytonus here. Nice ride. Always loved the old ARC-170s. What can I do you for, apart accept your surrender?" Dusty commed back to Essla


@Interdictor @Darasuum

OOC: Fantasy Liver here. Since we now have 1v1, I'm just going to post as Storyteller unless we get more people or the action requires Dusty to take action. And yeah no need to roll for comm channel. All good.

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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Essla laughed, an action that surprised even her. "I was going to ask you to leave, but that obviously isn't happening. So..." She unkeyed the comm unit. "Cee-Too, get me a lock on the lead transport." The droid whistled nervously. "No, I'm not trying to get killed. I like being alive. We just need to delay the landers until we can get some support." As she spoke, the transport appeared on her targeting computer, and Cee-Too began beeping as he tried to acquire the target. Then, he let out a long, shrill tone. Grinning, Essla pressed her trigger and sent a spray of fire out to strike the lead transport (ten bolts from the heavies, ten from the lighter guns), then followed them up with the red-blue trail of a single proton torpedo. Without waiting to see if the shots hit, she immediately shifted her fighter to face an A-Wing (Dusty's wingman) and fired another eight rounds from her heavy lasers, which were accompanied by six shots from her light cannon. Immediately after, she redirected all weapons power to her shields and punched the throttle. The ARC-170 accelerated to 130 MGLTs, and Essla barreled through the enemy formation. Whooping, she thumbed off the afterburner and decelerated, swinging the Wespre around for another pass.



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Oct 8, 2023
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The Kom'rk multirole transport drew the attention of the only aerial threat to dare make an appearance so far. The Kaba class shuttles were only armed with light repeating turrets leaving the ship Ka'ra'yc was in to be primary defense and draw attention. Thankfully the crew took evasive action as streams of laser cannons from the ARC-170 filled the air around them. Only a lucky few glanced off of the light deflector shields but none managed to score a direct hit. As for the proton warhead, the anti-capital ship weapon was non-seeking and would miss the mandalorian transport, overshooting and impacting in the ground below. The Kom'rk's rear facing laser cannons would fire at the ARC-170 a hail of a dozen shots if it circled to target the transport or the shuttles. It would not give chase though, focusing on its primary goal of delivering its cargo load of troops safely below.

Inside the Kom'rk class starfighter Ka'ra'yc relayed orders proactively to his forces. <"Barrel I..."> He addressed the CEC-21 bulk freighter through the encrypted ship to ship channel. <"...lower your altitude and cover landing forces but maintain a minimum of two hundred meters."> He gave a huff and hoot of authority before switching channels.. The six quad laser cannon turrets would be best at complimenting the hotshot A wing pilots in dealing with fast moving enemies. This also would allow more troops to be transfered to the ground sooner. Some mandalorian Kordans would even be able to leap directly out of the bulk freighter with jetpacks and weapons to dive directly into combat.

The Kordan warlord switched addressed the Garin-I cruiser next. <"Barrel II... escort Barrel I. Counter any anti-air with the roar of your cannons."> The cruiser would follow the bulk freighter like a parent attending to their child. The shuttles landed relatively unharmed. Scores of kordan mandalorians weighing on average one ton each stormed key fortifications. Heavy weapons like E webs, rocket and grenade launchers, and more were easily carried by lone warriors allowing them to assault and lay siege to Plooroid's surface.

Ka knew that Dusty likely had his hands full in the air. He wanted to claim this planet as much as anyone so while Ka'ra'yc had the urge to call the monarch and encourage him, he instead put his energy to better use. Reports were coming in of the fields being set on fire giving plenty for the Vhett Alor to think on. His job was to take the planet, not preserve its crops. But the part of him that was a farmer, he loathed to see another world set alight. Even if this was done by the planet's own inhabitants, the Kordan was frustrated by this complication though he should have seen it coming. <"Inform King Daytonus and request advisement." >

@Interdictor @Fantasy Liver

Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo System

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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Dusty's wingman went up in flames as the ARC-170, for seemingly no reason, decided to rain hellfire upon the A-Wing.

"Oh hellfire!" Dusty swore realizing, he was going to have to destroy a seriously valuable piece of Clone Wars era tech. He ordered half of Dusty Squadron to follow him as he engaged with the ARC-170, while the rest would keep Ka and company covered from any Plooroid craft taking off.

Essla would now find a large amount of A-Wings in pursuit, lasers dancing all around her cockpit, with Dusty at the helm

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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Essla's fighter skidded around to face the fleet…just in time to get hit by the shots from the A-Wings and the transport. She ducked instinctively behind the armored plate to her rear as lasers slammed against her shields. Maneuvering to minimize the damage, she immediately ordered Cee-Too to return fire. The droid screamed-a little too enthusiastically, Essla thought-and unloaded a salvo of twenty shots into the pursuing A-Wings. Risking a look down at her computer, Essla sighed. Several rounds had pierced the Wespre's shields and struck the armor. A lucky hit had damaged an engine, and the ARC-170 had suffered a twelve percent reduction in power as well. Not bad, considering the amount of fire directed at the old, Clone Wars-era ship. Refocusing her attention to the battle, Essla saw the landers making their approaches to drop their troops and equipment. "Oh no you don't," she muttered, pushing her shield power 90 percent to the rear and accelerating towards the big, unmissable target that was the landing force. She switched to proton torpedoes and fired one into the mass of ground troops, following it up with ten bolts from her heavy cannon. She immediately re-aimed her weapons at the landing ships and strafed the rows of landers with eighty shots from her lighter guns and fifty from her heavy guns. Pulling up, she looked back to check the hit. A flying transport might be able to dodge a torpedo, but she doubted that a mob of troops, lugging E-webs, rockets, and other gear, would be nearly as effective…assuming they noticed the torpedo at all.

@Fantasy Liver



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Oct 8, 2023
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The ARC-170 crew was bold and perhaps a bit brash. Their skill was keeping them alive for now but they continued to ignore the primary aerial threat around them in the hopes of slowing the ground assault. But a single starfighter versus a fleet would be far less effective than the naive ace considered.

The over half a dozen A-wing interceptors chasing the ARC-170 would make it difficult for the larger, slower, and less maneuverable ship to get a consistent bead on a single enemy. A single laser cannon shot would strike a shuttle’s superior shields here and there but the solo ARC-170 would be to busy trying to not get shot out of the sky. The Kom’rk transport continued to fire to its rear and with 90% of the ARC-170’s shields put to rear that meant its front would be even more at risk of going down from a direct hit, let alone a dozen yellow laser blasts and not to mention the impressive six quad laser cannons that would whittle any shields the clone-wars era starfighter had down to nothing. Unless the pilot wanted to be shot down with overwhelming fire power they needed to pull away from the main fight or think of new tactics. The A-wing escorts that had yet to peal away from the transports had the ability to rotate their laser cannons to the rear as well and would harass the arc-170 much in the same way as the Kom’rk transport or other civilian freighters with turrets.

As for the second proton torpedo that Essla had fired, it was done so in haste or perhaps to just sate the bloodlust of a mercenary pilot. It would be the first successful hit doing real damage to the Kordan troops on the ground and taking out one of the Kaba class shuttle that had been too close to the ground to escape its blast. Even Beskar could not stand up to a proton warhead payload. But then again, neither could the Plooroid fortification they had been assaulting. Essla had managed to destroy a defensive fort, prefering to evidently use heavy weapons and bomb the world they were defending.

Ka’ra’yc growled at seeing his people killed but it did not deter him from his task. The defenders had destroyed one of their key defenses and perhaps considered it just collateral like the fields they burned. <“Take the water treatment facilities. Barrel II, make a line that fire can’t cross. Fight fire with fire.”> Garin cruiser would have its turbo laser gunners begin finding firing solutions on burning fields. They were given orders to start blasting nesr and around the flaming crops. Unlike Korda Six, the guns of this capital ship were not used to glass the world, but save it from turning to ash.

Continuing to gun for the NPC ground forces may be near suicidal and will lead to your single starfighter getting shot down against the following.

6x quad laser cannons from 1 bulk freighter
2x medium laser cannons from 1 kom’rk
16x laser cannons from 8 escort A-wings
(Not to mention the A-wings Dusty is leading which is another 16x cannons or at least 8 interceptors)

The following just from the Garin cruiser
16x quad medium laser turret.
Probably even more NPCs than that honestly. It would be best to focus on 1 v 1ing Dusty and not taking on the whole fleet alone unless you want to turn this into a 2v1

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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(OOC Note: Apologies for posting out of order, but I don't want Essla to take an autohit from the 48-hr rule.)

Essla evened out the shields just before the rounds from the Kom'rk transport struck her ship. Most of the rounds were absorbed by her fighter's shields, but two punched through and struck the fuselage. The entire ARC-170 shook, and Essla's HUD lit up with a warning: her upper left engine was disabled. She swore, accelerating towards the bulk freighter ahead. The Wespre skimmed over the surface of the ship, Cee-Too firing another dozen rounds at the tailing A-Wings. Essla kept her ship close to the heavy transport, hoping the proximity would not only confuse the freighter's targeting systems, but also prevent other ships from firing on her for fear of hitting the CEC-21. She unleashed a flurry of sixty heavy laser bolts onto the freighter at point-blank range, hoping to cause some damage.

Well, it's fairly obvious that Essla is eventually going to get shot down. She's good, but she's facing an entire fleet. So, here is my plot idea (subject to your approval): After being shot down, Essla manages to crash-land her fighter in some woods. She exits the fighter, gets her blaster, hides in a tree, and waits for Dusty's ground forces. After a fierce firefight, she either runs out of ammo or is injured, and surrenders. She is captured and brought to Dusty. After that, we'll see what happens. I would like two things: one, she doesn't die/get severely wounded. Two, her fighter remains undiscovered. Remember, she would have moved away from it, but left her droid.
@Fantasy Liver
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Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo System

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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Essla evening out her shields meant that the barrage of A-Wings firing behind her went from shooting at a 90 percent shielded rear to a 50 percent shielded rear. As such, more shots than she may have initially calculated ended up punching their way through. To make matters worse for her, the A-Wings Just. Kept. Firing.

This, combined with the fact that the A-Wings now had time to level off and fly in formation and the previous hits she'd taken meant that the ARC-170 was, barring some kind of miracle, going down. It was up to the skill of the pilot of the ARC whether the ship landed relatively intact or in a fiery inferno.

And Essla wasn't the only pilot having to deal with a soon-to-crash ship. Dusty was always one to take the front in a charge. It endeared him to his troops and satisfied his own adrenaline-seeking tendencies. However, it also was somewhat of an colossal strategic blunder to have the leader of your forces in front of your fighter formation.

Dusty was learning that lesson as most of the ARC-170's tail gun fire ended up finding purchase on his own A-Wing. The little fighter held up as best she could but she was going down too. Dusty, his old swoop racing instincts, kicking in, guided his ship into a pond, near where the ARC-170 looked like it might be crashing near.

He pushed out of his cockpit, grabbed his blaster pistol and swam to the surface to find out what had happened to the irritating ARC pilot. If she was alive, he may very well have to offer her a job if he didn't blast her first.

OOC: Not opposed but let's see how it plays out first. Either way, it's death disabled by default so she won't die unless you want her to.

@Darasuum @Interdictor

Also posted Dusty getting hit as well since autohit rules and I also think a 1v1 on the ground between two crashed pilots could be cool.

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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Essla broke away from the A-Wings, her ship trailing smoke from six or seven places. Wrestling with the controls, the green-skinned Twi'lek managed to bring in the fighter for a landing. Essla skimmed over a pond-and a crashed A-Wing-and then hopped over a grassy hill and roughly brought the ARC-170 down behind the hill. The fighter skidded on its landing gear, coming to rest in a grove of trees. Essla sighed, popped the canopy, strapped on her underarm holster (with her blaster pistol in it), hefted her E-11, and sprinted to the knoll. She reached the top and dropped down, peering through her carbine's scope to spot anyone…unpleasant. Her black armor glinted slightly as the battle raged overhead.
@Fantasy Liver



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Oct 8, 2023
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The bulk freighter took significant surface damage thanks to the clever tactics of the starfighter pilot. She continued to zoom around the exterior of the large ship making it difficult for the numerous quad laser cannons to get a decent bead on her. Additionally, this made it hard for any escorting ships to safely target the ARC-170 as it flit so close to a friendly ship.

Thankfully the smaller escorting interceptors did their job and seemingly struck a mortal blow on the heavy starfighter. The bulk freighter was bloodied though would remain in the sky. Plumes of smoke rose from scored hits that would take significant repair and refit. Most of the shots from the ARC-170's array of weapons had struck the Barrel I had been thanks to the starfighter flying within the large vessel's shield bubble. It retained much of its shield strength still but it had not stopped the small ship from leaving its mark.

Ka'ra'yc directed his forces to continue the invasion as planned. A moment later he heard a report relayed from one of his Kordan officers. <"Where was King Daytonus shot down? Show me."> He could not promise the ability or willingness to divert assets. The world was aflame and the entire invasion at stake. But he could at least find out where to look for the monarch when this was over.

All good. I'm cool with this. Don't worry about me for posting in the 48 hour window either since I'm not involved in the PvP directly at the moment. I'll still try to post within that time period regardless.

@Fantasy Liver @Interdictor
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Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo System

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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Dusty managed to make it to the shore without being shot at, which he found to be rather cool. The swim lessons Mama Daytonus had paid for all those years ago had paid off. Of course, not being blind or deaf meant that Dusty heard the screaming, smoking ARC-170 go in for a rough landing behind the hills in front of him while he'd been swimming. As such, he knew that if that particular pilot had survived, their best bet would be to take point up on one of the hills and fire down at Dusty down at the lake. Keeping this in mind, Dusty hid behind a rock near the shore and activated his commlink.

"Hey, boys, this is your king speaking. Why don't we divert one of the troop transports this way? I shot someone down that I want brought in alive." Dusty said, keying in his coordinates to his personal army and @Ka'ra'yc . Figuring that one way or another, he'd capture the pilot, he sprinted out from behind the rock and began wildly firing his blaster pistol up the hills. Never one to shy from some action, Dusty didn't know where the pilot might be but maybe one of these stun blasts would be lucky and find purchase. At the very least, the wild sprint and shooting might cause the pilot to duck for long enough for Dusty to get over the hill.


OOC: Sorry for the late post.

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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Essla returned the fire with her own shots. The only difference was that her shots were lethal. The A-Wing pilot might want to capture her alive, but Essla wasn't interested in that. Her scope picked out a running figure, and ten blaster rounds followed the being's shape. Without waiting to see if she had hit anything, she crawled a little lower down the side of the hill to hide her position, then glanced down over the crest. Now, where did you go?
@Fantasy Liver



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Oct 8, 2023
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The Kordan accepted the relayed message and nasally huff that was done out of contemplation more than frustration. <"Bring the Barrel I closer to his last known position. I will be along shortly."> The warlord sent his message ahead in order for troops to mobilize.

The Vhett clan leader knew a planet was a large place and he could not spread his forces too thinly. But the defending planet also made it easy by having its limited military assets organized around key points, saving Guerrilla Group the trouble of hunting them down or dispersing.

With the invasion progressing well despite losses, he felt confident to delegate the rest to a trusted few Kordans that followed him. Ka'ra'yc's huge lumbering form returned to his ship. The engines cycled up and thrummed deeply as they ascended into the smoke wracked sky. They would soon be arriving near the King's last known location.

@Fantasy Liver @Interdictor sorry for the late post

Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo System

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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It'd been a few weeks since the last time that Dusty had been shot. That had been at that technology expo he'd visited. That nerdy Faust had touted he'd invented a blast-reflectic material and Dusty, inspired by some alcohol and his ego, had shot the sample material to test that theory. The resulting scar on his arm had almost completely healed now that a few weeks had passed.

King Daytonus found getting shot by someone other than yourself was actually preferable. It still hurt just as bad but at least your ego didn't take a beating too. The Glymphid and the Twi'lek, each firing rapidly aimed shots at one another didn't really do much, although Essla, from her higher position, did manage to score a blow on the king's torso. Fortunately, he was protected by his blast vest from a lethal shot but goodness did it smart like a mother and made him drop his blaster. He ducked behind a rock to think of his next move. His military strategists kept telling him not to get involved in combat directly and he was beginning to see their points.

Fortunately, he didn't have long to ponder as a Kordan ship soon came into view. One way or another, this pilot was going to get got so Dusty figured he might as well make a pitch while he had her.

"Hey pilot! That was some pretty fancy flying out there! Ever think about leading a squadron? I pay pretty well!" Dusty shouted from behind his rock, hoping Essla would hear him from up on the hill.

@Darasuum @Interdictor

OOC: Thanks for the reminder. My turn to say sorry for the late post

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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Essla popped a few shots at the Glymphid, but the blasts merely scratched up the rock he was hiding behind. At least she was fine. Now, the Twi'lek had two options. Stay low, or go on the offensive. Essla, being Essla, went for the second option. She lept up from her position and sprinted down the hill, emptying the rest of her E-11's powerpack into her enemy's cover. Diving behind a rock about twenty feet from the A-Wing pilot, she slammed another pack into the weapon and was about to pop up and fire when she heard the other person talking. Of all the things she had expected to hear, a job offer wasn't on that list. "And I should trust you because..." she called back, sitting behind her cover.
@Fantasy Liver
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Oct 8, 2023
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The deep thrum of the Kom’rk class transport allowed the star pinnace to cross Plooroidms surface quickly as they headed towards the King’s last known location. Energy bolts from the two individuals on the ground allowed the ship to help hone in on their position. The Guerrilla Group crew members held their fire until they could clearly identify who was an enemy and who they were here to rescue. The underbelly of the ship’s design opened up allowing the Warlord a view of the planet that rushed beneath them.

The bladed wings of the Gauntlet rotated around the main body of the ship slightly as the vessel banked but the pilot circled in and slowed. Advanced sensors stored in the nose of the vessel told them there were no other enemy combatants nearby or unusual energy or life signs. The A-wing Ace was soon reinforced by the simian soldier whilst the ARC-170 defender was seemingly alone with few options left. But it was not over yet.

Ka’ra’yc descended from the mandalorian ship borne aloft by his powerful jetpack. The thrusters were deep and rumbling making his arrival even more pronounced. It would be only a matter of moments as the flying monkey came within range of the twi’lek pilot. The Alor of Clan Vhett shouldered his shatterbeam rifle. Most targets were frail when met with the fire power of the rifle considering it could wallop even a wookiee, knocking them off their feet with a direct hit. The weapon was more than enough to take out a relatively petite starpilot. The only downside is it had a limited range. Until he reached that, he would hold his fire. Over the trees and across the hillsides, the roars of jetpacks were joined with the sounds of engines and further punctuated with hoots and hollers from the Kordan warparty.

@Fantasy Liver @Interdictor

Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo System

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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No, literally, the rock that Dusty was taking cover behind was getting blasted to smithereens because of Essla's firing. The Glymphid king was crouched in a most unkingly position to avoid getting shot because his cover was gradually getting smaller and smaller. He picked up a rock and clutched it fiercely. His blaster out of sight, it looked like he was going to have to get creative in order to get out of this one.

Or maybe not so creative. The roar of the Kom'rk ship could be heard by both parties and the Glymphid grinned to himself, knowing that his troubles with this feisty A-Wing pilot were about to be at an end.

"Cause you don't really have a choice! That offer still stands if you give up now!" Dusty called out triumphantly in response to Essla. If she gave up, Dusty would go over and remove her of her weapons and restrain her as the war party advanced. If not, he'd try and buy time for the Ka'ra'yc to arrive by chucking the rock at her head and sprinting away back down the hill.

@Darasuum @Interdictor