Open Invasion My Circus, My Monkeys

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Altair had been out of the game for some time, but that didn’t mean he forgot what it felt like. He didn’t forget the feeling of being amidst his men. He didn’t forget the sounds of revving engines, the sounds of the Imperial war machine, the commands and shouts of fellow soldiers, the anticipation of the next mission. All of that came flooding right back. Bit by bit, his self loathing melted away as he once again started to embrace the man he had been for years.

The Empire was in shambles and the moment he proactively volunteered, he was welcomed back immediately. The tiefling did not waste time with extensive meet and greets, snapping right back to his old habits of quick, decisive actions that would have ripple effects across the galaxy.

He was standing on the bridge of an Onagar class star destroyer, one of two that hovered above the planet of Korda Six. Insurgents from this planet had done multiple raids across Imperial territory and latest intelligence suggested a strike on Ossus - a planet the Empire was keen on reclaiming. The fleet was composed of two Onagar destroyers, two Imperial class destroyers, 4 heavy gunships, 16 starbombers and swarms of fighters and interceptors. This was not intended to be a fair engagement. Altair was here to devastate them in a way from which they would never recover.

Altair took a few steps forth, gazing through his visor as he looked upon the surface of the verdant planet. There was a pang in his chest as he thought of destroying such a beautiful and bountiful world, the farmer in him mourning. But the Imperial in him was done. He would act on behalf of the Empire. He would step up where a vacuum was left behind. He would remind the galaxy that the Empire was no punching bag so the next group that ran incessant raids would think twice.

In addition to the fleet, he had also contacted Apex (@Phoenix ) to have agents on standby in case the primitive planet decided to call for any Mandalorian allies. Altair Din knew how to cover all his bases.

“Target any military facilities for the first volley,” Altair’s mechanized voice resounded, “After that…fire at will.”
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Kalique Baize


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Mar 21, 2023
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"Keep on standby. Await further instructions" Kalique closed the coms channel for now while her ship docked onto the Star Destroyer the ex-retired Grand Marshall was on. She was in her Lord Commander's armor, her lightsabers clipped to her belt and faint metal clanging accompanying her as she walked towards the bridge.

The Knights were ready, Knight-Captains dispatched to lead separate squads in case it was required and some experienced Squires amongst them, eager to gain field experience if resistance chose to step up. It was about time the Monkeys learned that they had made themselves the wrong enemy and that the Empire was rising out of the chaos it had formerly been in.

The Lord Commander appreciated that the most capable Imperial strategist was back, however under the visor, Kalique felt an odd mixture of pain and sadness. The power vacuum had almost remained untouched, it was as if Altair couldn't stay in his well deserved retirement.

It was disappointing and frustrating, and once this was over, there would be a talk. One way or another. But for now, it was time to teach a lesson. After her visit on Bandomeer, it was also not the reunion she had hoped for, but Altair had made his decision and for now she had to accept it, regardless of the bitter taste it left in her mouth.

The heavy blast doors slid open and revealed a sight Kalique hadn't seen in ages: The former Grand Marshall in full armor, the horned helmet hiding the features she was so familiar with. Throughout the years, she had seen him in plenty of different states, but today something was different about his presence.

"Grand Marshall" she greeted him with an incline of her head as she took her place beside him, glancing down at the surface for a moment, suppressing a sigh.

'You couldn't keep the helmet off,could you?' even through telepathy, she kept her voice devoid of any emotions for now even if a lot was implied with her rhetorical question. Visor met visor as her gaze flicked up to him, a wild cocktail of emotions still swirling inside her.


Aden Archer

Apex Senior Contractor

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The Good Doctor
Jun 26, 2021
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This was not the first time that Aden had a good view of a planet being bombarded from orbit with capital ships. Aden was there at Kashyyyk, and (literal) fortune has it that the spacer will there at this speck of a world called Korda Six. The Imperial Navy has contracted Apex to be on stand-by in the Imperial attack on Korda Six. Fortune calls and Aden is sent.

Apex has grown more powerful over the years. It's amassed wealth, prestige, and a near sterling reputation. Apex would send forth a sighnicant force to make sure that the Imperial bombardment of Korda doesn't get impeded. Not only that, but to make sure that no one escapes. Apex doesn't quite have star destroyers, but with a force of quick, agile corvettes and starfighters, they will be able to intercept anyone who tries escaping the system. And if any Mandalorians attempt to interfere, they will also be thwarted.

Five Vigilant corvettes, one Carrack-class frigate 'Vornskr' - all owned by Apex - which will serve as the forefront of the Apex task force, then two dozen squadrons of T-90 X-Wings would - immediately coming out of hyperspace - would then swarm forward, spread out, and then take up positions around the planet in multiple corners and dimensions. With the speed and flexibility the Apex force is bringing, it will make sure that there is no way anyone will be leaving the planet alive. They would also be positioned to be sure they won't be in the firing lines of the Imperial fleet.

For Aden's part, he would be leading his Archers - his personal elite starfighter squadron. Each pilot including the Senior Contractor is at the helm of a brand new Z-99 'Ultra' Starfighter, equipped with high explosive missiles. Flying it feels so good. Aden's squadron would be positioned to oversee the Imperial fleet. If someone is foolish enough to go after the Imperial fleet directly, then the ace pilot and his elite squadron will be able to deal with them.

Aden would then relay orders to the Apex forces. "Apex Aerial Forces, make sure no one leaves alive." he issued with stern authority. Already he can see the planet being bombarded.


Calvin Viett


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Jan 1, 2024
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Calvin stood at his station on the bridge of the lead Onager, hands moving almost as fast as his brain as he worked to coordinate ship functions.

His cranial implant was fully affixed and flashing rapidly, directly connected to the Onager's main computer by means of a high capacity data cable running from the wrist of his stark white suit. As the second Lieutenant, he had a roving brief to direct and support the fleet's bombardment, defense and fighter operations, and he was killing himself to excel.

Despite his intense concentration, his eyes flicked periodically to the horned silhouette a little way off. The Grand Marshal, retired. Calvin was in awe. The Tiefling was unparalleled in military achievement and martial skill. He had demonstrated the strength and vision to remake an Empire, and the pragmatism to remake General Dram. Calvin had read all the logs and reports, ten times over. It was confronting to be this close to such a man.

But the Onager's sensors were like his own extremities now, and they offered no reprieve. Korda Six appeared to offer no meaningful defence against their attack. Resistance was futile. \yet, there was much to do to do this right.

Calvin scrutinised Tactical's targeting pattern and, after accounting for the few military targets available, he ensured they fired a sustained barrage into the ocean, off the coast of a major landmass. The resultant wave would still maximise collateral damage, while their fire would more easily penetrate the planet's crust, causing major devastation.

"No hostile vessels detected" he reported aloud "but there are several apparently civilian craft. Should we submit all to inspection Sir?". As there appeared no prospect of serious military engagement, Calvin calculated that they could spare the resources to accost any ships in range. He was loathe to interrupt their leader, particularly now the Lord Commander had also arrived, but sometimes unmarked ships could hide unexpected boons.

@Sreeya @LadyRen @The Good Doctor

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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A heavy gunship, four starbombers, and their loose-formation fighter escort. That was the array Captain Briana Brandt commanded, one of four groups brought with the recently-returned Grand Marshal's suppression force. 'Suppression' of course meant orbital bombardment in Imperial parlance.

"Bombing pattern alpha-three," the iron-hard woman ordered. The Malleus-class Gunboat Diplomat was by now a minor but noted participant in numerous naval actions and air-to-ground assaults perpetuated by the Empire, surviving active combat with the ISC since before the coup and delivering ground forces to the Witch Queen's fortress. It bore its battle scars with pride. By comparison, this attack on a relatively primitive jungle world was simple.

Brandt eyed the sensors. Namely, the Apex forces hovering near the outskirts. Dangerous mercenaries with an infamous reputation for cracking capital ships with strike craft and boarding gunships. Expensive, but extremely reliable. Their net was inescapable. That just left military ground targets. There weren't many. None of them could handle a Volturius strike group.

"No sign of anti-orbital guns, Captain."
"What a shame."

Heavy starbomber engines roared as they approached low atmosphere, guarded by the many-gunned Malleus commanding the center. As the orders came through and the bombers spread out to effectively hit their targets, Brandt gave orders of her own.

"You heard the Grand Marshall. Bombs away."

A wide spread of low-orbit proton bombs began dropping to target ground-based military installations. The combined explosions would shine like fireworks in the night even from space.

@Sreeya @LadyRen @The Good Doctor @Alhon