Mandalorian Foe'guth Rook


...I See You...
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SWRP Writer
May 7, 2020
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NAME: Foe'guth "Foe" Rook
FACTION: Mandalorians
RANK: Warrior
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 184 lbs.
HOMEWORLD: Mandalore

Foe is never seen without his armor on and no one has or will ever see his face if he can help it. It is green and purple and grey, paying homage to his Clan while the green heavily represents his dutiful nature. Foe can always be seen wielding some sort of arsenal of weapons, but always has a trusty beskad at his hip at the ready.
After a brutal skirmish Foe lost both of his legs to an explosive and now uses mechanical legs.

Foe'guth is a trained warrior and takes pride in his skills both with the blade and blaster. Combat is what he lives for and he hopes that he one day dies in the battlefield. Piloting starfighters has also become a great skill of the Mandalorian and is just as deadly in the air as he is on foot. His knack for quick thinking in tense situations is what makes him stand out from other soldiers, as he is not afraid to lead a charge and never freezes during a fight. Foe'guth is quite fond of gardening and cooking and always takes any opportunity to be a chef if it is needed.

Foe'guth has only ever known the life of the Mandalorian. He was born into his Clan and raised by both his mother and father within the Raul Covert on Mandalore. His father taught him how to fight on foot and his mother taught him how to fight in the sky. Both of his parents also taught Foe'guth heavily about The Way and told him that one day he would find the Mand'Alor and he would fight at their side forever. Though it was merely a confidence booster for the child, Foe has never really let go of that dream. Upon meeting Van'Aria Solus, he believed that she would be the Mand'Alor and pledged fealty to her. Now, he serves wherever she goes, protecting her with his life.

Foe'guth is a strict adherent of The Way and will never take his helmet off in front of any living creature. His loyalty to Van'Aria is as unbreakable as his beskar. Foe is the epitome of 'Steadfast and Immovable' and his attitude can never be shaken. He speaks when he wants to, but it is always to the point and fairly formal. Foe is rather tense and doesn't how to relax besides practicing his skills with a blaster or a beskad. Though his admiration for Van'Aria might be perceived as love, Foe'guth makes it quite clear that she is no object of his affection and is strictly her tag-along bodyguard (though he doesn't think she needs much guarding). Secretly, though, he does love her, but like his face, those emotions will never surface- or so he thinks.


- Comlink (1)
- Dataphone (1)
- Signal Tracer (1)
- Personav (1)
- Security Spike (3)

- Fang-Class Starfighter "Ruus I"

@Van'Aria Solus Romantic Interest
@Hauron Solus Friendly
@Genova Veren Friendly
@Shale Vizsla Indifferent


-The Warrior-
1. In Song We Remember
2. Six Feet Under
3. Chief Among You
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