Ask Genassa Is Ours, Bastards. Come And See.

Sah'ra Ryun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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Things could only remain quiet for so long. With the defeat of Darth Raze, despite the monumental loss of life that had come with it, many had believed that they could finally allow themselves to breath easy. That once more the civilizations of the galaxy had found a glimpse of solace to live their lives, enjoy the time spent with families and friends and simply move on with their mundane day to day. And for the briefest moment, they were correct.

Unfortunately, the good times always came to an end.

The fields that sprawled across Genassa had become engulfed in flame and smoke, Epicanthix warriors moving to seize stores of harvest as well as the farmers and workers that had collected them. Those that complied would find themselves in chains, a life of slavery looming ahead. Those that did not faced summary execution. The cries of widows and children drowned out by the roar of fire and destruction. It was a hellish scene; one only too familiar to much of the galaxy.

At first glance, it seemed as though this was a random attack. That perhaps these seeming raiders would gather their plunder and move on, satisfied with their gains, yet the boundary of destruction and death only continued to push on, charring more and more of the surface as the people of Genassa were left to fend for themselves. It became clear that this was a message. An open challenge; the suffering would not cease until it was forced to do so.

Sah'ra stood before a burning homestead, hands clasped behind her back with her saber concealed by her robes, as she bathed in the chaos. The smoke tickled and irritated her throat, the smell of fire and blood filling her nostrils, listening to the cries of horror as the family that had called this place home were escorted away.

“This is only the beginning,” she mused to her partner ( @Sreeya ) before turning to a nearby Epicanthix warrior. “Make sure they know we are here,”

Open to TWO Jedi PC Characters for Opposition
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Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Azar stepped forth next to the fellow Sith Master. It was curious. The last time the two were in the same setting had been when he was an acolyte. She led them on a mountain climb on a fruitless chase for an Akranian dragon they never found. Today they were the same rank, and yet he had reclaimed his royal titles, he commanded a massive powerbase, these were his military forces that he secured on Panatha and he carried with him the shard and the beskar bracers granted to him by the Dark Lord herself. The difference between the Azar back then and now was astronomical, and it was only the beginning of his ascent.

“I will be impressed if the Jedi actually show to defend,” Azar mused as he casually strolled towards the destruction, “Good to see you again, Master Ryun,” He said with a teasing smirk towards Sah’ra, “I trust my Basic is now clear enough for your limited scope of comprehension,” Ice laced his otherwise flippant tone. He could speak to her however he pleased now unlike back then. He didn’t forget the way she looked at him like some sort of subhuman creature back when he struggled with Basic. And he didn’t forget her judgment of his deceptive methods. At the end of the day, he thrived and she hadn’t, and he would remind her of that if she tried lording herself around him ever again.

He didn’t act just yet, keeping a distance for now from the bulk of the forces. The show was to lure out Jedi, and that’s when he would strike, not before then. He wore a mask today to keep his identity guarded.

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Kane Seros

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 16, 2023
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All the fire and brimstone at first was a welcome reprieve from the darkness of Raze and the abominations. Now it was just old. Ever since his first encounter with the abominations he had doubled his efforts to be a good Jedi; though his way of making that happen was training in lightsaber techniques and physical Force abilities. It was good enough for the abominations, and their larger once a month cousins. Guess it was time to find out if it was good enough for whatever the hell this was.

Kane stepped out from beyond the homestead, crossing the field at a leisurely pace. His black and crimson Jedi robes not doing much to blend him in with the surroundings unless a column of smoke happened to drift around his way. A single lightsaber hilt was clipped to his belt, though as he neared what was obviously the two leaders of this whole gaggle, he would unclip it with his right hand and have it at the ready without igniting it.

He stopped twenty feet from the two, his dark eyes shifting from them to the surrounding fields and then back from under his shoulder length black hair. “You know fire is really bad for grain right? Maybe try water next time,” he quipped. Thankfully with time, the nightmares of the I-beam throwing monstrosities had subsided, and Kane had settled back into his more sarcastic Nar Shaddaa native self.

@Tulos @Sreeya

Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 27, 2022
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It had only been a question of time...throughout the years, Liana had learned a lot. She was neither as bubbly nor as naively positive anymore, so she hadn't doubted that the absence of Sith in their territory was only a temporary thing. There was war all around in the Galaxy, and it seemed like shortly after the Jedi had peacefully secure Genassa, the poor planet wouldn't catch any breaks...

Or get to enjoy the peace that had been so recently established. The Sith here made sure everyone knew of their show, and so as Lia determinantly followed her Jedi companion, her gaze were already fixed on the pair in front of them. In her right hand was the hilt of her lightsaber, the blade not yet ignited.

This was nothing but an open provocation and countless were already suffering, so it was time to make them pay. For the people, for their safety, Liana's stayed locked on their targets while smoke and fire was in the air. "Sith never learn", she added to what the other Knight said just as her blade hissed into existence. She wasn't the aggressor in this, so she wasn't going to pounce. It was about that peace of mind...the balance they threatened to destroy they had to protect.

Even with destruction in the air, her mind stayed focused on the light within. "Leave this place. There is no need to shed more blood". She knew it was pointless, yet that tiny spark of hope made her voice it. Perhaps this wouldn't have to end bloody...What was this even about? Sending a message? It wouldn't go unanswered.

She stood across from the robed woman, carefully studying both of their movements while her lightsaber moved into position - defensively and diagonally held in front of her body. The flames weren't near them yet, but it was another thing they'd have to stay aware of, even if her main focus was on the Sith.

@TheDudeMike @Sreeya @Tulos

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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“You are correct, there is no need for further bloodshed,” Azar stated flatly as he regarded the female Jedi. He ignored the male entirely. The Pureblood gestured at the fire, “All of this will be stopped. We will leave the planet and allow you to rebuild. Anyone we have captured will be released. All I seek is a single one of you to come with us,” Azar said as he looked between the two Jedi or any other Jedi that arrived that were Knight rank or above.

“The choice is yours,” He said, “You can end this now or you can turn this into further bloodshed,” Perhaps a unique offer to the Jedi on a battlefield. Would they be willing to sacrifice themselves to save the lives of countless innocents?

“You will not be killed,” Azar added.

@Tulos @LadyRen @TheDudeMike
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Sah'ra Ryun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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The reality of how long she had remained in frozen stasis was still a difficult thing to comprehend. How people had grown, evolved since her sudden disappearance. Azar was one such prime example.

”Always a pleasure, Master Azar,” she replied calmly, her lips turning upward into a grin. ”A boy he had been. Now... So much more,” When once he was an insignificant whelp of a thing, he had blossomed into a monster. It only called to question where she would be had she remained.

”It truly has,” she continued. ”Thankfully. I don't know how well I'd be able to cope had it not,” she finished with jest, though within she harbored feelings of irritation that came with being eye to eye with a man she once lorded over.

Before they could continue, a pair of Jedi had appeared on the scene, almost as though they had heard the Pureblood's earliest statement.

This was, without a doubt, an unexpected turn of events for the defending Jedi. Such an open display of destruction and death willingly culled at minimal cost. While bodies had already been piled behind them, near countless more Genassians were horded together, shivering and crying in fear of what may become of them.

As Azar made his offer, pleading and hopeful eyes would turn to the Jedi that had come to their aid. Their desperate cries for salvation were like a melody to the Sith Master. What song did the Jedi hear in their voices, she wondered.

”Is it not the way of the Jedi? To sacrifice oneself in favor of the greater good?” she added with a sickening calmness to her voice as the burning building behind her began to crumble. With a wave of her hand, two of the warriors they had brought pushed a pair of farmers to their knees, rifles pressed against the nape of their skulls. ”For the sake of the people you so boldly claim to serve, consider our offer carefully. Your actions here could echo across the galaxy. If thousands die, it will be by your actions. Not our own,”

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Kane Seros

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 16, 2023
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Kane moved so that he was still twenty feet away from the duo but was standing in front of the masked Sith. He listened to their words and didn’t believe them for a second. The Force coiled around his free, left hand. Tendrils seeking out the arms of the warriors. They stayed, ready to act at any moment. Kane knew better than to trust the words of a Sith, but he wouldn’t take away the choice of his companion.

What's our guarantee?" Kane asked. If they truly meant to honor their part of the deal, it was going to be hard to pass up. Of course there was always the flip side of the Genassian youth spinning it that the Jedi just give themselves up whenever pressured into it. His dark eyes turned to his companion for a second before returning to the Sith. His concentration on the tendrils of the Force wrapped around the warriors and their blasters.

@Sreeya @Tulos @LadyRen
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Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 27, 2022
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You couldn't trust the Sith. Never. Under no circumstances. Her eyes narrowed as the first Sith made his offer, promising he'd let everyone go if one of them would simply go for sacrificing themselves. She didn't buy it. None of it, knowing that Sith were simply not known for staying true to their words...

The second one tried to emphasize the importance of the offer by wanting to blame potential more bloodshed on the Jedi, but Liana knew it was nothing but a trick. "You choose to attack this planet to ask for a Jedi sacrifice?", she repeated again. That they wrecked havoc made sense, as it drew the Jedi's attention, yet there was nothing keeping them from any more slaughtering.

Their words meant nothing. Their mind games weren't effective here. If they surrendered, the innocent were left to die. Her grip tightened around the lightsaber while he coiled the Force around her free left hand. "Leave", she repeated once again, her demeanor relatively calm despite her determination. They'd leave or suffer the consequences.

@Tulos @Sreeya @TheDudeMike

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Azar addressed the boy this time, scoffing, “Look around,” He said, “This planet has nothing of use to us. Empty farmlands far from Sith territory is worthless to us as are these villagers and farmers,” Azar said, his tone genuine, “We seek a Jedi.”

However, when the woman spoke, Azar chuckled behind the mask, a deep and mechanized laugh. He nodded, “Very well,” He said before he spoke with his voice booming for civilians to hear, “Let it be known that the Jedi are responsible for everything that is about to happen today. Let it be known that they had the choice to stop this, but they would instead keep the tragedy going because they are too selfish and proud to surrender,” He said, fully prepared to defend if the Knights if they attempted to attack while he spoke. The shard pulsed with power as the enhanced lightning charged between his fingers. But he would hold it for now. Nothing would stop him from making his point, however.

The villagers were just civilians and regular people – they would not understand concepts such as negotiating with Sith or the bad guys. No, they would only see the fate of their lives and their families in the hands of the Jedi and the choices they made.

“Line up the hostages,” Azar said, “Execute one every thirty seconds the Jedi engage us in combat. Start with the children, then the women, and the men last.”

The Pureblood turned to the Knights, “Come, let us fight,” He said with a smile behind the mask.

As the first execution happened, the Jedi would realize that Azar had supplied some of his poisons. Deaths would be slow, agonizing and horrific. The targets would scream and cry in pain, every orifice bleeding as impossible pain overcame them. Mothers began to scream and plead for their children to be spared. They screamed not at the Sith, but at the Jedi.

All while Azar patiently prepared for a fight. He could wait all day.

@Tulos @LadyRen @TheDudeMike

Sah'ra Ryun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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To be a Jedi was to be selfless. To weigh the cost of one action against all others and to have the 'courage' to choose the path that presented the least amount of harm to those who were simply in the way. Pacifism, was it not? What they had offered instead was obstinance, a direct contrast to what they were meant to be. What the galaxy had once believed them to be. The eyes of the people of Genassa would be opened to the truth of the matter before being shut for eternity.

”Leave?” Sah'ra scoffed, her sick grin growing. ”Perhaps we were mistaken. Perhaps these aren't Jedi at all,” she teased. She could sense them both pooling their energies, preparing to pounce before Azar made the command. She remained ready, her senses open to any action they may take.

Despite her misgivings of his ascension, as Azar declared truth for all present to see and for all to hear as their actions radiated forth from this back water world, Sah'ra quickly glanced in his direction. A kernel of respect took form, recognition of the wickedness in his wake. ”Truly, how far he has came,” she mused within.

The sensation of death, agonizing and cruel, echoed through the Force in waves. For a Jedi, death in such calibre was equivalent to having a part of yourself sharing in their pain. For a Sith, it only fuelled the fires within. As Azar reached the end of his ultimatum, Sah'ra's hands raised. Energies of the Force, amplified by the chaos that surrounded them, coiled around her saber hilt within her robes, pulling the weapon to her right. With her left, she found a different weapon of choice. Stepping forward, her blade ignited.

”The hard way, then,” she coyly mused before pulling sections of the burning homesteads walls away with the Force, propelling them forward by her left side in a widening wave with the intent of each Jedi to be forced to deal with the oncoming charred wreckage.


Kane Seros

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 16, 2023
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Kane was a Nar Shaddaa native. He grew up in the streets alone and at many times, very afraid. All that experience would be coming in handy as his walls on his senses went up. There was nothing except the sound of his own heartbeat, his companion, and the two Sith. He turned a dark gaze to his fellow Jedi, giving her a nod. While he might have been willing to sacrifice himself to save the people, by most of his metrics she’d done the right thing. There was just one last thing to do.

He pulled an EZPhone from his robes, connecting a call to the Jedi that were helping evacuation efforts. A Jedi answered on the other side. “Call the fleet. Sith are on Genassa.” Kane didn’t bother saying more before he hung up, stuffing the phone back into his robes.

The tendrils in the Force Kane had wrapped around the hands and weapons of a couple of Sith forces were useless now and retreated to coil around his free left hand. Kane sidestepped to his right until he was close to Liana, clipping his lightsaber back on his belt. With both hands extending toward the incoming wreckage, he lifted a Force Barrier around the two of them. It would root him in place, but because he’d closed the gap with her the barrier only had to be a man-and-a-half sized wall that the incoming debris glanced off and fell around.

Despite his concentration being on the barrier, he tucked his mouth into his left arm, his dark eyes squinting through the heat of the embers towards the Sith as chunks of wreckage and debris created wall between them. He was thankful he wasn’t wearing anything flowing and that his robes were relatively skintight to him, otherwise they’d have a good chance of catching fire.

@Sreeya @Tulos @LadyRen

Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 27, 2022
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While she hadn't bought what the Sith had offered, Liana soon learned at least one painful truth: About the executions, they hadn't lied, and so shortly after the first Sith gave his command, something atrocious happened. The Force around them was twisted by the death and agony that suddenly lingered in the air as the first child came into contact with the poison.

Lia's heart bled and she knew she had to make this stop immediately, yet she knew that for as long as the two of them stood, neither of them would manage to stop this tragedy from happening and every single second mattered. As the second Sith launched her attack, she sensed how her companion commanded the Force to create a protective barrier and so her body slightly turned to the right side to avert her face from the incoming burning projectile.

As she retracted her right foot and positioned it slightly (diagonally behind her left) with her quick turn, she was in a relative stable stance as her free, left hand (that already had the Force coiled around it) channeled the light from within her until it manifested a brief moment after.

The burning wreckage would either split or drop down upon contact with the barrier and as both Sith were focused on them with their gazes directed at the Jedi, they'd be met with a bright flash of light just as the wreckage gave away the Jedi behind. Lia hoped to catch them by surprise as the action was a quick maneuver that was intended blind them instantly before either of them could follow up with a possible next attack. While both Jedi also had their heads turned to the side to avoid getting blinded as well, her lightsaber was still shielding her still.

@Sreeya @Tulos @TheDudeMike

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Unfortunately for the Jedi, the longer this took, the worse off the civilians were. Even with a fleet called in, nothing would show up for a while on a random agriworld. Azar’s condition of a hostage dying every 30 seconds would be implemented with a child dying periodically. The villagers were getting more and more furious about the turn of events and it would only get worse.

Azar was devious in combat and wouldn’t fall for any baits when he didn’t need to. He actually took a few steps back, smirking when he saw the male use a barrier. Barrier was a drain and Azar would ensure that it was constantly under pressure. While the debris may not have succeeded, Azar used the Force to enhance the fire. As a result, pulling from existing fire so it didn’t drain him, he raised it into a big column of flames that would overwhelm the barrier and both Jedi.

The sudden light blinded him briefly and he looked away, but the Jedi would be contending with the surge of intense heat and fire. The Pureblood kept his distance, knowing to anticipate such a move with Sight going forward. He was perfectly content throwing a barrage of constant damage at the barrier until the Jedi was completely overwhelmed and drained.

@Tulos @LadyRen @TheDudeMike

Sah'ra Ryun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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Sah'ra had never truly expected the initial wave of debris to strike, but rather had hoped it would put the Jedi on the backfoot. Succeeding in this, she prepared to move in and take them while they were forced to contend with the assault. Instead, as the Jedi girl emitted a powerful blast of light, she was forced to step back, clench her eyes shut and shield them with her forearm.

Fortunately, she didn't need her eyes to see. She could sense the currents of the Force around her as Azar manipulated the flames to pressure their defences. She could still pinpoint the location of their enemies. She could sense the fear in the air, the agony the Jedi girl felt for those around her. This would prove vital for her next move.

As more children were force fed the poison, more suffering polluted the scene, Sah'ra reached out and guided tendrils of dark influence to penetrate the minds of the Jedi, a vicious attack against any mental barriers they may have thrown up. They would feel their agony and desperation amplify with each passing moment that the children suffered, Sah'ra pulling the strings of each wave with a masterful hand searching for a way in.

The male would need to pour his focus into the barrier if he wished to prevent them from being bathed in fire while the female had already proven to be tender to the reality. Should either crack, it presented a dangerous situation for both.

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Kane Seros

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 16, 2023
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Things happened quickly, just like that time on Coruscant. One minute you’re scared for your life and the next your dodging I-beams without a thought in the world. It was all muscle memory, and Kane’s muscle memory was saying to get the hell out before his robes burned off and his skin took the brunt of the flames. He’d drained himself quite a bit with his barrier; not enough to be unable to effectively swing a lightsaber mind you, but enough that conservation would be a goal from here on out.

Luckily, Granny had to stop her burning debris onslaught. The moment there were no more incoming objects, Kane dropped the barrier, instead extending both hands out in a push that sent the flames, and the sources of said flames outward. The moment a dark tendril touched Kane's mind, his walls went up. They had to be stronger than he wanted them to be, but they went up, at least until he could distract Granny with a melee.

In response however, Kane burst into a run toward Granny, the Force still coiled around his left hand, he unclipped his lightsaber with his right and ignited it, keeping it tucked downward in an upper body stance ready to defend if needed, until he got to just within a meter of Granny, where his right hand would come upwards in a slash through her groin and the left side of her torso. His left hand keeping the Fore coiled around it and in front of him, his left foot forward and diagonal from his right foot, but his chest completely squared with Granny.

@Sreeya @Tulos @LadyRen
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Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 27, 2022
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The flash blinded both and while Lia knew it wouldn't last for ages and also, they still had the Force to see, so they had to act quickly. It was a good thing her lightsaber was already up as this meant she wouldn't lose precious seconds as she pressed on.

While the suffering of those around hurt her, Lia had learned enough within the last few years that it didn't fully shatter her. It fueled her determination to make this pain and evilness stop, yet with the Force attack she herself conducted against the two, it meant that the Granny could still use it against her and so she did.

Liana grimaced as her dark tendrils reached out within the Force and attempted to target her mind right after the flash had hit, and it broke her focus completely, just like the scorching head that almost directly licked her skin, leaving her in pain that was amplified in a way that made her hiss. Her own flash of light ceased, but with the dropped barrier and her companion moving forwards, she followed instantly, charging after the Granny Witch while Kane did the same.

The heat that had briefly been too close to them still left its first marks, but with gritted teeth, she was close to Kane still, so that when he engaged the Granny, her (the Granny's) extended left hand was still up. As Lia had been close to Kane, she was close to Kane still, and thus passed the Granny a split second later.

With her lightsaber (that had primarily been held in a defensive diagonal position in front of her body), it was only a flick of the wrist it needed to attempt chopping of that extended hand while her gaze was still on the Sexy Booty Sith Master behind her. She was hoping that even if it wouldn't hit, the Granny would be forced to react to both attacks while Lia was on her way to move to the Sexy Booty Master behind the Granny while her mental attack was also stopped.

@Sreeya @Tulos @TheDudeMike
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Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Azar’s decision to burn the Jedi out on their Force reserves was methodical and planned. It would force them to flip to the offense and duel, which Azar could capitalize on. As he expected, the Jedi began to charge forth to attack and close the distance. The Pureblood noticed they both focused on Sah’ra, ignoring him for now. He absolutely loved being underestimated and banked on it most of the time. He gave a subtle warning to Sah’ra telepathically before he acted, having a clear view of everything happening.

As the two Jedi charged and the boy prepared for his attack, Azar would coil the Force around the female Jedi while she was running and hurl her right into her comrade from slightly behind him and before she passed Grann- I mean Sah'ra. Girl Jedi had her saber drawn in a guard, Boy Jedi had his swinging up towards an attack. They could figure out what kind of convoluted mess that created.

In the background, another child met an agonizing end.

@TheDudeMike @LadyRen @Tulos

Sah'ra Ryun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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While manipulating, infiltrating, molding the minds of her enemies had been an area of specialty for the Sith Master, it had provided little effect as the Jedi both began to surge forward through the flames. Even so, they had already begun to feel the effects of battle. Exhaustion was beginning to wear on them, hints of burns undoubtedly beginning to irritate their flesh. If they pressed on as they have, if they allowed more innocent children to die abnormally cruel deaths, if they did not heed the cries of mercy from the desperate parents, the path they chose would ultimately end with more suffering they could have easily prevented.

As Kane and Liana began their charge, Sah'ra felt the subtle tug in her mind that had come from the BBBG (that's big booty bad guy, if you didn't know). She had remained their focus and had left Azar much to his own devices, suggesting that he had had the opportunity to observe their strategy more closely. If he had a plan, then she would play along.

Taking his mental warning, Sah'ra took a long and quick step back with her left foot before sliding her right back even further to remain out of their reach and ultimately avoiding both attacks before they could occur. As they closed in, Azar executed his own and Sah'ra would aid in kind.

Liana, with the lingering effects of both flame and mental manipulation, would be her target as Sah'ra took yet another step back. The Jedi girl had become something of a projectile so Sah'ra quickly attempted to further bind her fate with the Force, hoping to immobilize her body and prevent her from maneuvering her weapon safely away from Kane. Her hilt remained in her right hand, still inactive but prepared to be used to defend herself if necessary.

TL;DR Sah'ra takes a few steps back (towards the BBBG) to avoid the Jedi attacks and attempts to cast Force Stasis on Liana as she swoons falls (rather viciously) into Kane. Weirdest love story ever

@Sreeya @TheDudeMike @LadyRen
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Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 27, 2022
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So on her way to pass the Granny, chop of her hand and to approach the big bootied Sith, Lia was suddenly hurled off her course as the latter coiled the Force around her and threw her towards her companion like a ragdoll, so instead of her target, she found herself approaching a different, however robed booty with a screech that would at least serve as a little, quick warning.

While it wasn't possible for Lia to avoid the Force hurl through the Force, she did at least manage to press the button that deactivated her lightsaber - the stasis the Granny casted a moment later would fortunately take time before it was about to enfold its full effect. The result was still that Lia was hurled and would potentially soon find herself on top of Kane who would have also been thrown of his course unless he found a way to avoid the incoming Lia-projectile.

One way or another, Lia was at least on the ground, her lightssaber's hilt tightly grasped in her right hand, but otherwise immobile for a moment. With gritted teeth and her attack stopped, she was at least unoccupied enough to put her focus back into the Force to not only fortify her mental barriers again after they had been slightly breached, and attempt to push off this stasis - for now though, the woman couldn't do much more. If the Granny kept her focus on the stasis, it would therefore successfully freeze her, if not, first thing she'd do would be jump back to her feet, lightsaber reactivated and protectively held in front of her body.

@Sreeya @Tulos @TheDudeMike

Kane Seros

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 16, 2023
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There was no way for Kane, even with the gracious screech of a warning, to avoid United Airlines Liana; he had just started a swing. The swing would be flung wildly off course, and miss it's target the moment that Liana crashed into his back. Kane stumbled forward, keeping his lightsaber tilted away from him as he fell, rolled, and got back to his feet. Pain seared through his back, but there zero time to think about it, because his roll put him back within lightsaber range of Granny.

Kane stepped forward with he left foot, putting it diagnally in front of his right. He squared his chest again to Granny, his lightsaber low and to his right. Kane swung his lightsaber from the low on his right, upwards, his wrist staying in a palm-down position to do so. The blade was aimed to travel through Granny's left hip and out her right shoulder. Kane's left hand moved forward slightly, his Force dwindling but still managing to conjure a quick push aimed into Granny's right, lower shin and ankle in an attempt to knock her off balance.

@Sreeya @Tulos @LadyRen