Tabloid Hyperlae Herald: Star-Crossed Shuffle - King of Korriban and ISC President's Daughter Spark Galactic Gala Gossip

Voren Dhur

Hyperlane Herald Editor

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Jul 1, 2021
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Star-Crossed Shuffle: King of Korriban and ISC President's Daughter Spark Galactic Gala Gossip

**By Celeste Starwind, Hyperlane Herald's Celestial Sleuth**

In a spectacular dance of power, prestige, and a sprinkle of scandal, the King of Korriban was spotted twirling across the dance floor with none other than Jayna Thorne, the daughter of Independent Systems Consortium President Emryc Thorne.

The galaxy is buzzing with speculation after witnessing this unexpected rendezvous during a lavish gala held at the Galactic Economic Forum.

Eyewitnesses at the event reported that the imposing figure of the Sith monarch and Jayna Thorne, the epitome of elegance, seamlessly glided through the dance floor, creating a striking and somewhat unconventional pair.

The pair's chemistry, on display for all attendees, sparked a flurry of whispers among the galaxy's elite, with everyone eager to dissect the implications of this seemingly unlikely alliance.

The King of Korriban, known for his enigmatic presence and formidable aura, traded the usual solemnity of his court for a few moments of lighthearted revelry.

Attendees watched in awe as the ruler showcased an unexpected grace, weaving through the melodies of the Galactic Economic Forum's gala with Jayna Thorne as his dance partner.

The dance, framed against the backdrop of glittering chandeliers and the hum of political intrigue, has left tongues wagging and holonet gossip channels buzzing.

The implications of this cosmic waltz between royalty and the daughter of the Independent Systems Consortium President are as mysterious as the unplumbed depths of her fathers' finances.

While some speculate that this is a mere social dance, others suggest that it could signify a subtle alignment or collaboration between the Kingdom and the Independent Systems Consortium.

Political analysts and gossip aficionados alike are working overtime to unravel the motives behind this captivating dance, probing into the depths of galactic power dynamics.

As the Galactic Economic Forum's afterparty echoes with lingering melodies, one thing is certain—the dance between the King of Korriban and Jayna Thorne has injected an unexpected twist into the saga of the galaxy's elite.

The Hyperlane Herald will be keeping a watchful eye on this developing tale, ensuring our readers stay informed about the celestial dance floor and the cosmic alliances that may be forged in its glittering midst.

Notes from the Editor: Please direct calls for retractions to my inbox, and complaints to the nearest compactor.


Emryc Thorne

ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc was on the couch at the Thorne manor in a rare moment of downtime. He was sipping from one of his vegan smoothies while watching some local political news. The Consortium had grown stagnant, and he knew it. He would have to start making some waves again to secure another long term in office. The half Sephi was about to switch the channel to Huttball when the tabloid came on and he saw Jayna.

The President thought little of it at first - his children were often splashed across media by virtue of who they were. However, he leaned forward when he saw and heard that she was dancing with the King of Korriban? Emryc recalled back to when he himself held that title many years ago when he defeated the old Pureblood king and married the woman he crowned queen. Which is why he recognized Jayna’s dance partner as a Sith Pureblood right away. He squinted slightly, mouthing some words in silence.

Right when Emryc thought he had seen it all, the galaxy managed to surprise him. Emryc simply sighed, lighting up a cigarra which he hadn’t touched in a while. He leaned back in his seat, exhaling a cloud of smoke as he watched the two dancing.

If Jaikus saw this, the man would completely freak. Emryc took another long drag from the cigarra, hearing his husband’s footsteps resounding. Without a word, he casually changed the channel, keeping his thoughts to himself and Jaikus delightfully oblivious for now.

@Nor'baal @Altaris

Trael Osso-Drast


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Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael was aimlessly flipping through the holochanels with a beer in his hand after working out. He was just in gym shorts on the couch. He was trying to find something to watch to stave off his boredom that was creeping up now that Azar wasn’t here. He stopped when he noticed a familiar figure. It was Azar and he was dancing with some woman. That wasn’t really an issue to him, Azar was poly so it was expected. He went to take a sip of his beer and spit it out when the camera panned to Voss in the background. It was still fine maybe Voss and Azar had agreed to do this together. Then he saw the final straw. It panned to the husk that was formerly Trodai.

Trael sprung up from the couch and ran into his room, “OH HELL NAH!! HE WAS INVITED BEFORE MEEE!!! FUCK THAT TIME TO CRASH THIS DAMN PARTY!!” He yelled out to himself as he started getting dressed. He came hopping out of his room with his shirt, jacket and tie on his shoulder as he was pulling up his pants. “THIS FUCKING SHRIVELED UP BALLSACK IS NOT GOING TO BE ABOVE ME IN THE LIST!” He said as he shut off the tv and finished getting dressed.

It wasn’t long till he was dressed and making his way to the galas location. He wasn’t upset no he was furious. He still couldn’t get over the idea that Trodai was invited over him. Not only that the man looked like he was turned into a raisin form of himself. Trael would have to avoid lounging to long in the Korriban sun if that’s what it did to one’s skin.



Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys was at home playing Ned’nam online when his second screen cut over to the news. He stopped what he was doing to watch the news and see what was going on. He saw his husband dancing with a Thorne and quirked an eyebrow ridge.

He smiled as he watched the pair of them gliding around, losing his lead in his game. Somewhere in the background he saw Vossari and the camera either panned over by accident or was pulled to put Trodai into the frame.

Karys burst out in laughter.

<Oh he looks like shit!> Karys said between his laughs. <Trael mix has to be pissed!>

Karys grabbed his phone and sent Azar a text.

Saw you on the news dancing with the Thorne girl! You looked amazing baby! Have fun! Love you! XOXO

Then he went back to playing his game for thirty seconds before rage quitting the match. Maybe Nash would be down to play a few games?
