Open Induction Day

Bast Emblai


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Feb 24, 2020
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Taking the seat offered, Bast shook her head to indicate she would not be taking any of the kid’s candy. The offer was kind, but she never took food or drink from other people, even Rangers. It was simply her policy. Some of the younger folks might call her paranoid and the older ones would most definitely call her a little soft, but the fear of what might be in the sweets meant she would never be able to keep them down. If the Corellian woman could have some semblance of control, she would be in control at all times.

“Sure, you can call me Bast. I am not quite sure if the rank of Lieutenant even suits me.” She chuckled nervously, brushing over the guilt that came with the title. It was the formal and technical way to address her, but it was a party. Who was the spineless lady to tell the kid she deserved that sort of respect? Not to mention, he was clearly just as uncomfortable as she and formalities would not aid the floundering conversation. When Poet got to the bit about his accident, her eyebrows drew together in sympathy, but her face remained impassive.

”Unfortunately injuries are far too common in our line of work.“ The Ranger must have hit his head pretty damn hard for it to leak brain fluid, she mused. Most didn’t survive concussive injuries of that caliber. Resisting the temptation to crack a joke about the kid having a thick skull to break the tension, she sat, waiting for him to finish.

It seemed a mutual pity bound them, as if they could both see there was something missing and hoped the other had that fragment of soul. Of course, he didn’t. The fragment was somewhere deep in space, near Manaan. The Lieutenant had tried to find it on her training mission with Captain Rook, but had come back empty handed. Captain Rook. A small twinge of pain was visible on her face for a moment before she could disguise it.

“I’m well, thank you.” It wouldn’t take a hound to sniff out that lie. “Well, I’m holding on, you know? Doing my small part, whatever that means. Really I spend most of my days working and the others watching my goddaughter-“ the hazel eyes drifted for a moment, picturing the perfect child. She did not have a life outside of those things. She never knew she had wanted one. “A couple years back I was injured too.” She swallowed, summoning the courage to utter the name of the place that had taken her innocence, her pride, and her team. “I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Outpost Blue. It‘s a training station now. Anyway, I know it’s rough to be doing paperwork instead of chasing criminals. I... er... hope you recover quickly. Do you have any family around here?”

@Forsythe Crowholde

Kaz Tran


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2021
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Kaz walked over when Onn gestured for him. However when the man spoke, the younger Ranger’s face went from excitement to something darker. His eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at the veteran Ranger for a moment.

“I didn’t come here just to blow smoke up your ass, sir,” He said curtly, “I came here because I genuinely wanted to meet you,” He rolled his eyes and strode away, drink in hand. Between the embarrassment around Velt and the stand offish behavior that permeated through most Rangers, Kaz was reminded again of why he generally avoided these events.

The Ranger was fuming by the time he found some corner to stand in, knowing he couldn’t wander around outside of this area with alcohol. He stared furiously at the ground before tossing back his drink in one fell sweep.

Kaz was no legend. He was no Velt, Aran or Rook. He was just a simple meter maid that barely skirted by. And every instance with the Rangers painfully reminded him of his own shortcomings. Every instance reminded him of his parents and their expectant faces and how they looked to him to do great things. How they were so proud of him. For what? To be treated no more than a petulant child? All because he didn’t valiantly fight Sith or throw his life on the line enough?

A tray was passing by and he took a shot from that and tossed that back too.


Zad Ruzed


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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“Nice badge.” Zad nodded at Draco’s, impressed. The photo did the face justice. Zad wasn’t one to brag but he could relate in his own way. He took a sip of his spirit and a not so healthy drag from his cigarette. These two Rangers had a few things in common. They enjoyed a good drink, a good smoke, sandy biomes, campfires at night and good music. Draco could play the guitar. Zad could sing. He just made sure no one was around to hear it.

“Arvala-7,” he answered regarding his primary location. “Home station. Homeworld… I grew up there. Lots of sand, lots of rock, a bit like Tat and not a whole lot else going on, but somebody’s gotta keep watch over it.” He shrugged. “May as well be a Ranger who was born there even though I’m not often there.”

It was Zad’s turn to gaze off into the crowd, enjoying the variety of colorful characters beyond ogling pretty women. They weren’t his primary focus any more than Arvala-7 was where the drifter spent most of his time. The galaxy was a wide open range and this Ranger hated being tied down. Though, there was that one Togruta…

Catching his thoughts, he caught Corran in the crowd but without any chance to wave him over or at least raise his glass in greeting. The guy was busy shaking hands and making the rounds. “Ever met the Lieutenant?” Zad asked Draco after licking spiced whiskey from his lips.


Rylee Asuchi


Character Profile
Nov 10, 2020
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As she turned back to the conversation with Lt. Velt and Ranger Uutkik, Rylee caught one of the younger looking rangers ( @Kaz Tran ) giving her a wave. She gave a polite smile and waved back. There was a lot of new faces and people to meet at this gathering. It got the Pantoran thinking about who she should introduce herself to next. Her trail of thought was interrupted by Corran however. He was suggesting she improve her Huttese language skills and made a comment about her Pantoran accent. Having spent her career working mainly with other Pantorans she had never really noticed it, but now she was working with a much more diverse group, it dawned on her that she might seem as interesting and different as she found the others.

"And what's wrong with my accent, lieutenant?" she asked, "Is it a struggle for you to understand me as well? Here, let me help you..." Rylee then reached into the inside pocket of her jacket, pretended to rummage around for half a second, before pulling her hand out and giving Corran the middle finger. The former Squadron Leader then gave her friend a smirk and chuckled before taking another sip of her drink. She remained lighthearted despite the rude gesture. Working in the Pantoran Military, this type of rapport was commonplace and Rylee figured Corran would take it all in good fun.

"So, there's plenty of unfamiliar faces around here lieutenant and you must know a few of them. Anybody you're keen for me to meet?" she asked, pushing her chair away from the table and getting to her feet. There was quite a height difference between Lt. Velt, Ranger Asuchi and Ranger Uutkik - it would be a good image for the Zygerrian ranger drawing over the other side of the room.


Draco Salem Virtus


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Dec 20, 2020
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Draco Virtus chuckled with his gravel like voice at the comment. "Badge is a badge friend'" he would take a mouthful of his whiskey and nod to him in regards to his home station. "Yeah 'bout the same for me in Tatooine." he would take a long drag of his smoke and exhale it through his nose as the bartender slid him another drink just as he downed the last bit of his other glass. "Can't say I can complain though, core would make me uneasy." he half smiled with his pearly whites as he knew he'd loose in his mind being posted in a bustling city somewhere in the core. God what could be worse than that? Shifting the new glass in his hand as he watched the Holo tv's behind the bar. Sports, news, everything was on as he heard Zad ask him the question in regards to the female officer. Shaking his head as he looked at the holonews still. "Nah' i'm not overly good wit' officers or their names." to be frank he was someone that could care less for the rank and more for their actions with him.

You could be some gun toting big shot and that meant kark to Draco. But if you're a gun toting big shot and you have the right demeanor and attitude it would make a whole of a lot different to him. Draco never met any Officers back on Tatooine. A scattered one came by for a inspection of the station or to check on how things were going but majorly Draco was alone doing his job with no one around. Nor did he care considering he joined for the cause of protecting people and not to be recognized by headquarters and given medals. Which meant Draco barely gave a god damn about Officers. Lt Corran was really the only one he knew/heard of and he was a kind guy and all around Ranger. That doesn't mean Draco would kiss his feet but he sure as hell would sit down and have a drink with him. "I'm just a small town cowboy' tryin' to keep people alive." he was modest in that fact. "Im guessin' you do?"

@Die Shize

Corran Velt


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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A blue middle-finger protruding from a clenched fist normally wouldn't elicit any reaction from Corran. The amount of rude gestures sent his way from criminals and civilians alike was staggering. If he had a credit for every single one, he could retire. Rylee's lead up and delivery provided the kindling to cause the professional ranger to not chuckle. But laugh. Actually laugh. Corran leaned back with hands on hips in his real, natural laugh. He patted his chest a few times with a fist to sooth himself back down enough to answer her question about who to strike up conversation with. "Ah, well, let's see," the blond ranger said with a lingering smile, "You've got Ranger Vera Coulter over there. Bring alcohol with you. She fought at the battle of Byblos and staved off the Sith attack on Ranger HQ back on Coruscant." He nodded to the salty woman's location. A thumb over his shoulder towards the bar pointed to a pair of rugged men. "Rangers Ruzed and Virtus. Both experienced frontiersmen. Ruzed I've known since nearly my first week on the job. Don't bring alcohol with you. They'll share." Not to mention, they'd likely thank Corran for sending over a nice woman into their midst's. Finally he pointed to someone the Ranger he knew best and one he knew little. "Then there's Lieutenant Bast Emblai and Ranger Severino. Bast has been my partner through nearly everything. Severino, if I recall, is a thinker type. Other than that, there's always Darmus Onn. Wherever he is. Feel free to talk to anyone though. You're likely to work with them in the future." Lieutenant Velt scooped up his scotch-glass of water and gave a mockery of a bow, "If you two will excuse me, I've got some other folks to talk to. Let me know if you need anything."

Not even a few steps away from previously mingling with the Pantoran and the Jawa, another acquittance was quickly making their way away from the sociable center of the room. Not quite a raw recruit. They'd worked together briefly. Coruscant during a 5S skirmish gone sideways. Kaz Tran (@Sreeya). That was his name. Lieutenant Velt practically made a straight line to the young Ranger, only barely dodging a table and taking a nod of greeting to another comrade who waved. "Ranger Tran!" He called out as he neared, "Kaz!"

Stopping at a sociable distance, the first thing that was noticed was the shot glass in hand. "Good thing we've got crew quarters here, am I right? I'm going a bit slow myself." Corran grinned politely and gave his own glass a jiggle. Given how infrequently he drank, a single shot might actually get him half-way to drunk. Maybe worse depending on contents. Zeltros Bombs sundered greater men. But none of this was the point. The blond ranger pointed an index finger from his drink hand at Kaz, "I hadn't seen you since that rooftop incident on Coruscant." His voice was serious as an internal review. That sentence lingered without a second half for a few seconds. "You had good instincts. Initiative in the face of danger. Not everyone can do that. Being first on the scene takes courage." Corran took a sip of his water. He had tried to sound as professional as possible to convey the truth. Being too bubbly or gregarious would have dampened the estimation being shared. Sure, there had been some trigger-discipline problems, but there was at least two people in this room that had done worse. It all could be ironed out later with training and experience. "You ever think about taking on more serious cases?"

@Bex @Scoobert

Zad Ruzed


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Zad just chuckled at Draco’s reply. He wasn’t alone when it came to not being overly good with officers or their names. Hell, Zad might have been promoted time ago were it not for his modus oparandi as far as taking down criminals went. Chief Douglas had it in for him. So did one or two lieutenants. “More badge, Zad Ruzed,” was the result of his latest review. “Less bodies.” Oh well.

“Another one,” the Ranger demanded with a tap on the bar. A freshly poured glass of whiskey hovered below his chin a moment later. After all, for some it was a time to dance; for others it was a time to drink. Two Rangers shared in that reality right then and right there. Two Rangers. Two cowboys.

“You ain’t alone, partner,” Zad assured as he lit up a fresh cig. “Me? Eh, I met Lieutenant Corran Velt way back when.” He grinned, watching the Blond Ranger right there and then. “Right on Ryloth.” He leaned back on the bar, relaxing with drink and smoke, and if Draco wasn’t already prepared for a tale then he had best puff up.

“Blondie boy, his ship went down in the forest. Sent an emergency beacon. I picked up. A Jedi did too.” He shrugged. “Fast forward a dozen or so dead Gutkurrs later, along with a faulty ion flux stabilizer and some bruises, well…” Zad took a long, deep drag of his cigarette, like a dragon or a drake, and exhaled with leisure. “...Blondie was telling me not to smoke in his ship and I was telling him to invest in some proper air scrubbers.”


Vera Coulter


Character Profile
Killa Ree
Aug 12, 2020
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Aw hell. All the kids were pairing off or talking to one another. She could see many eyes looking to the towheaded Lieutenant Velt (@TerranSteel) as he socially flitted around from person to person. She saw him pointing to her with some young blue chick and offered them a short salute with her beer before downing the rest of it, scowling. It wasn't the best hops, but it beat the alternative.

To hell with it.

There were others like her, who lived by the badge. She faced death head-on and, for some karkin' reason, it turned away. She was still bothered by Byblos, but it was more than that. There were several of them that lurked in the fringes, talked amongst themselves. One of them asked for her badge, even, and she flashed the clipped Ranger sigil.

She wasn't gonna flash her badge badge if she could help it. She always looked so bad in those pictures, and it was karkin' uncomfortable. Shucking off her jacket and tossing it on the closest stool, she would instead stride towards Darmus Onn. No time like the present, he looked like he was up to mischief and she was down to help cause it.

"If you're gonna use a good drink like that on that lad, let me buy you a drink in return. The least I can do," she grinned, hooking one thumb into a belt loop and cocking her head at him. That, and probably just help the guy out. After all, weren't Rangers meant to stick together?

Hell, it was worth a shot.


Darmus Onn


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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Darmus blinked once, then twice. The kid said what? By Boonta they really did hire just anyone these days, didn't they? If he got offended that easily he shouldn't have approached a man obviously shaking a champagne bottle and, well perhaps look for a career in politics or something. Those senators got offended easily, too. He'd fit right in.

Not caring enough about some kid, Darmus continued to follow Corran's movement and was about to sneak up on him when- "Ranger Coulter," the old man stopped in his tracks and turned towards her with a smile that betrayed a small sense of embarrassment. There were only a few oldtimers in the service and getting to their age was a hard job and bloody slim chance, but here two of them stood after one saw plain through the other's rather juvenile plan. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," he lied, and he knew she wouldn't but it for a second. "Merely wanting to greet my young protege and then retire to-" his right eyebrow went up, suggesting the next part was one-part play and one-part better kept between the two of them, "-slice into a captain's quarters for a good night rest."

He was about to continue on when a thought stopped him, "If you do want to swap some stories, get a bottle of Corellian and meet me there." She'd be surprised by the stories Darmus could tell nowadays. Sure, most of them involved him getting shot or his actions getting other people shot, but he did take out that Zeltron armsdealer in a rather crack-shot fashion that made for a good story. Come to think of it, Darmus didn't know where that kid got the idea from that the old ranger was a 'living legend'.

Returning on his prowl he did she Corran moving towards the kid. Great, now he might get the chance to hose them both down. He moved up to about three feet behind Corran, pretending to chat with another ranger for just a second before; "Ehm, Lieutenant Velt, sir?" and then when Corran would turn around, "your drink." The cork flew up against the ceiling and the champagne rushed out to cover much of Corran's tunic, but saved his face and that was rather disappointing. Kriff. Darmus had started shaking the bottle too early, waited too long or well.. came with the age.

@Killa Ree @TerranSteel

Klepti Uutkik


Character Profile
May 8, 2021
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The little Jawa had been sitting listening to their conversation. It was amusing, they had looked to do that teasing thing that people who like each other do. Maybe just friends. Klepti doesn’t know for sure. He just sat back and watched the show. A comment here, a finger there.

As his yellow glowers watched the two speak he would look over where LT. Belt would be pointing. Klepti had seen many different Rangers that were worth speaking to. Maybe it was time to hop off the seat and come mingle. He was looking to see where he could find a good conversation at. Then he found the two men, rugged, and a bit of class to them. This was definitely where he wanted to go.

“Jee boll ateema, bee tak uba”
(I go now, nice talk with you)

So the ‘little guy’ hopped off his seat and began to head over to the two, but he forgot something. Ah yes his drink! The Jawa ran back on his little legs and reached over the table as best he could to grab his drink. Flawless! Of course as he would leave a second time he noticed Ranger Asuchi notice him.

His little yellow eyes met hers as he waved and began back in the direction he had been heading before. After avoiding people bumping into him and the occasional hand to the face, he made it to the two standing on the side. At first he didn’t seem to be noticed so he would speak.

“M'aloo, Ikee am klepti uutkik, Ai Niwir ranger. Wauh ikees Ut Kukiwi M'tunabay Huist professo'on ?”
(Hello, I am Klepti Uutkik, a new Ranger. What is it like doing this profession?)

Hopefully these two could understand his native language of Jawaese. If not, then it’s back to the rusty Huttese. Klepti was unsure of what they were talking about but he knew how to understand basic. Would he let the LT. Velt know about it? Probably not. It’s fun to see people struggle to communicate with him.

Now the only thing the little Ranger had been waiting on was the response of the two veteran Rangers.

@Bex @TerranSteel @Die Shize @Exhilian

Poet Severino

Star Defender

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Forsythe Crowholde
Feb 27, 2021
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Poet simply nodded at Bast at having his offer of candy turned down. There was no offense taken – he could respect a person's preference, after all. At least she wasn't being rude about it or ridiculing his choice of sweets, which was a plus to him – and that there was more candy for him to eat. The half-Morellian decided then and there that he liked the lieutenant, and that he would want to be friends.

The only problem was that he had no idea how to make friends. Other sentients usually roped him into their social group (with much unwillingness in his part). Was he really that neglectful of his own social skills after cracking his skull open?

His frown deepened at the nervousness laced in Bast's chuckle. And what's with that remark about her rank as a lieutenant? Interesting shouldn't be a word to describe what he was starting to see where this conversation was heading, his awkwardness dissipating the more he watched Bast's expression and listened to her speak.

"No shit, Sherlock," he said in response to her comment about injuries, gazing at her with a dead seriousness that would've made other rookie Rangers quakr in their boots. Poet lifted a hand and gently rapped his knuckles against his forehead before joking, "Good thing I was born with a pretty thick skull right here, huh?"

Perhaps he shouldn't have jested with a serious expression adorning his face. At least he tried, and he secretly hoped that his attempt would somehow lift the awkwardness between him and the lieutenant.

...except for the fact that his gaze remained locked on her face, and it wasn't difficult to miss the pained look that flashed there briefly. Oh, and that lie about being fine would've been convincing if only she didn't suck at lying. Poet understood the concept of lying about one's well-being so as not to worry nor make other people uncomfortable, but that stuff didn't apply to him. He'd preferred it if people were honest with how they really felt when they're around him. And calling out others on their bullshit was one of his striking specialties, regardless if said person outranked him or not.

He waited for her to finish speaking, keeping in mind the details and the question she had for him before taking his turn.

"Tonokenaide," he quietly told her, voice surprisingly soft despite the rudeness of the word. The half-Morellian finished his drink and set the can on the table, raising a hand and nodding at the bartender in thanks for a fresh can of soda. His gaze turned just as soft as his voice as he looked back at Bast. "Oh, I'm sorry. What I meant to say is," he took a deep breath, not really apologetic in the slightest "don't give me that crap. Others might overlook the fact that what you said is a lie, but don't lump me in with them. It's okay to lie to others about how you feel, but I guess it's on me for not saying early on that you don't have to pretend around me."

A ghost of a smile flashed briefly on Poet's face. "It's fine if you want to punch me or leave me here for my rudeness."

Doing her part in their duties as Sector Rangers, spending her days working, and watching over her goddaughter. Outpost Blue was something Poet never really looked into with great detail, and with Bast mentioning it maybe he should read up on the subject one of these days. After the party, perhaps? Her behavior prompted a mental "yes, after the party, then" from the Ranger. As for his recovery, well, he was done with that, really. Except for the fact that his childhood memories were practically obliterated and his personality did a complete 180º after his accident. He couldn't stop the wistful grin from showing on his face at the mention of paperwork, the expression turning somewhat bittersweet at her question about family.

A saint for a mother, a Jedi father, and a dead little sister who was supposed to be a great and beautiful Jedi Master had she not been killed during that Sith attack on Ajan Kloss. Perhaps he should also count the Sector Rangers as family? The last part was sort of shaky, though. Given his personality it was a little difficult for him to connect with others, let alone make friends.

"That's why you don't have any friends right now, Poet, you grumpy beanpole!"

"Oh yeah? And how do you make friends, you squirt?"

"I sing to them!"

"That's kriffing creepy."

"Mama! Poet is swearing again! And being a meanie!"

Maybe it was time to change that and take the initiative. It was up to Bast if she'd be creeped out, angered, or (hopefully) accept his... offer?

Without responding to her question, Poet rose to his feet and placed his soda on the table. He took the lollipop stick out of his mouth, placed the thing in the empty can, and shot Bast a neutral look. The gentle glint in his eyes betrayed his sincerity about befriending her, however.

"About your lie about being fine, earlier," he mused, cracking a lackadaisical grin for the first time "can I make a point about it? I want to be friends, see."

Being straightforward was key to making friends. Right?

"Please wait here."

Flashing Bast another grin and a half-assed salute, Poet made his way to the sound system, talking to the DJ manning the booth and sliding a drive he always kept with him wherever he went. Curious, the DJ handed the half-Morellian a microphone which he promptly took. He faced forward and began to address everyone in the hall.

"Hi, I'm Ranger Poet Severino. I'm here to make friends–" nope, he wasn't going to drag Bast's name in this so as not to draw attention to herself (she seemed to be the type to lay low) "–and someone I love more than my life told me that singing to others will help me make friends. It's pretty fecking creepy, to be honest, but right now I don't give two shites about what you'd think of me after this. Not ever. Mister DJ, play my stupid song, please. Thanks."

He couldn't sing the song in Basic, so might as well use the original language. He'd just explain the lyrics if the mood took him.

"Sekai ga kimi no chiisana kata ni notteiru no ga
Boku ni dake wa miete nakidashisou de iru to.
「Daijoubu?」tte saa kimi ga kidzuite sa kiku kara.
「Daijoubu da yo」tte boku wa awatete iu kedo
Nande sonna koto wo iun da yo

kuzuresou nano wa kimi nano ni?"

Poet continued to sing, not minding how others would react to the impromptu karaoke session he'd started. Like he said earlier, he was trying to make a point. Maybe the song wasn't exactly a perfect fit for the point he was trying to make, but who cares?

His only saving grace right now was that he could carry a tune, and he was perfectly fine with that.

"Toru ni taranai chiisana boku no ariamaru ima no ookina yume wa

Kimi no 「daijoubu」 ni naritai, 「daijoubu」 ni naritai.

Kimi wo daijoubu ni shitain janai kimi ni totte no 「daijoubu」 ni naritai."

The smile he threw Bast's way was soft and genuine as he finished the song with a,

"Boku wa kyou kara kimi no daijoubu dakara."
...maybe it was sort of a hella romantic song to sing to someone you want to be friends with. Or so that was whay most women who watched too much holodramas would think.

"That's it for me. If you want a translation or an explanation for that lovely tune I just serenaded you all with, you know where to find me."

With that parting remark Poet gave his colleagues a bow before dropping the mic and stomping back to his seat by the bar and beside Bast.

...oh, gods. Ooh, kriff. Where was this sudden embarrassment coming from all of a sudden?


Callahan McKoy


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Jun 27, 2020
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Callahan McKoy stared at the dull white ceiling in the dim light of his quarters on the newly acquired mobile headquarters. The ship was much larger than anything the Corellian was used to, but it's paramilitary flow was a welcomed routine to his generally chaotic life. His mind poured over Darren's plight for the millionth time and for the millionth time he'd run right into the same dead end.

Frustration blossomed and withered with a breath and McKoy wondered how long he'd need to wait before smoking was acceptable on the shiny new ship.

The former CorSec officer strode into the mess hall scanning the room as he made his way to the bar. He hadn't been with the rangers long and didn't expect to see any familiar faces, maybe Sakas, but that was a long shot. That was of course besides his loyal companion, "Corellian Whisky," he said having finally reached his destination.

Callahan slipped out of his duster and hung it on the hooks under the bar. He was served his drink and then took a little time to distract himself from his internal self-deprecating diatribe by watching the masses. The whisky was good. Pure Corellian, not some knock-off or pale imitation. The oak barrel smokiness tempered by hints of vanilla paired like the kiss of a woman you'd never see again. His eyes scanned the crowd and he watched the revelry with a pang of jealousy.

Life was rarely fair and camaraderie was a fleeting luxury Callahan wasn't sure he wanted to afford. He sipped his drink and the nagging sensation to light up a cigarra returned with a vengeance. He'd stave off the need long enough for another drink then slink away to satisfy his craving.

Draco Salem Virtus


Character Profile
Dec 20, 2020
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Draco Virtus would chuckle at the story as it seemed Zad had a few good campfire stories to share. Taking another mouthful of the burning Corellian whiskey he was just about to share a story of his own before suddenly hearing a voice. Turning his head with the cowboy hat on he looked straight ahead of his height and didn't hear anything. His gaze would cast down to see a Jawa introduce himself as a Ranger. Fortunately Draco was pretty fluent in Jawaese and Huttese after spending his life in Tatooine and frequently ran into the language. "M'aloo, Ikee am draco. Huist ikees zad." [ Hello, I am Draco. This is Zad.]. He would take another mouthful of his whiskey as he turned to Zad "Hope you can speak Jawaese partner." before turning to the New ranger and taking another drink while thinking of his question. He took a quick drag of his smoke before exhaling through his nose and dapping it on the glass ash tray.

"Ut's Ai busy life. My onlie advice partner, Ibee quick on Tiwih draw and questi'on everything." [ It's a busy life. My only advice partner, be quick on the draw and question everything.]

He would take a mouthful of his drink as even with his Jawese translating his southern twang and gravel like voice still managed to sneak in with it. He spoke pretty fluently, maybe not entirely perfect but sure as hell could keep a conversation going without an issue. "Care for Ai tequila shot, Ranger Uutkik?" [ Care for a tequila shot, Ranger Uutkik? ]. If accepted Draco would order 3 shots for the trio as he already figured Zad out and most defintely knew the fellow Frontiersman would take a shot. Especially a free one. The waiter would slide the shots over (2 or 3 depending on the Jawas response) as Draco took his and raised it in the air to the others." May my Ikee aim Ibee true, Tiwih whiskey strong and Yua serve n' protect." [ May my I aim be true, the whiskey strong and to serve n' protect. ]. With that he'd clink his glass among those who joined him and slammed it down the hatch. Setting the glass hit the table and slide it to the bartender as he burning sensation felt great and buzz slowly forming.

@Die Shize @Scoobert


Rylee Asuchi


Character Profile
Nov 10, 2020
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As Corran pointed out a few people to her, Rylee returned the salute of @Vera Coulter with one of her own. It was entirely muscle memory, having had the salute drilled into her throughout her time in the Pantoran military. The lieutenant had given her a good overview of a few rangers in the room and now at least had something to go on, to avoid another awkward situation such as the one with Ranger Uutkik. The blonde haired human then picked up his glass and announced he had others to catch up with, so Rylee nodded and watched as he strode away.

It wasn't long before the former soldier's attention was snapped back to Corran as she heard the sound of a popping cork from not too far away. Her purple ponytail whipped around as she looked across to see an older ranger spray champagne all down the lieutenant's front. The Pantoran almost hit the roof. What possible reason could someone have to pour drink down somebody? It was just rude and not to mention a massive waste of good booze. Just as she was about to march over to Darmus and give him a piece of her mind, Ranger Uutkik reappeared, jumping up onto the chair he'd vacated and snatching his drink. The sight of the cute little Jawa was enough to throw her off, at least long enough to decide it was perhaps best for Lt. Velt to deal with it on his own. After all, he was a Sector Ranger.

Breathing out slowly, the Pantoran set off from the table in search of somebody new to say hello to. One of the people the lieutenant had pointed out to her, @Bast Emblai , who had been speaking with @Poet Severino , had just been separated from her conversation partner when he went to sing his song for everyone. As Ranger Severino serenaded the room with his dulcet tones, the Pantoran chose to engage Lieutenant Emblai in conversation.

"He's not a bad singer eh? His patter could do with a little work though" said Rylee, with a small wave of greeting, "Rylee Asuchi, I'm one of the new recruits. Lt. Velt tells me you were partners."

@Kestrel @TerranSteel

Kanan Marek


Character Profile
Jan 29, 2020
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Typically, Kanan found social gatherings distasteful and avoided them at all cost. Better to be sent to the backwater planets of Outer Space than to attend a party. But Kanan’s curiosity had gotten the better of him, and here he was.

He had wanted to see the Quasar Fire-II, newly renovated and fitted specifically for the Sector Ranger’s needs. He had to admit he was impressed. Gone were the traces of the Empire before, and with the carrier’s four hanger bays, it would be able to house a large number of fighters. Having a mobile headquarters for the Sector Rangers was a good idea. This carrier would be an asset to the organization.

His curiosity quenched and his tour of the carrier complete, Kanan entered the mess hall, full of color and life in contrast to the rest of the ship. Music and laughter filled the air. The party was in full swing, and everyone in attendance seemed to be having a good time.

Kanan could not blame them for that. It wasn’t always easy being a Sector Ranger. The pay wasn’t that good, the hours were long, the work was demanding, and there wasn’t a lot of acclamation. Rangers needed a break from it all from time to time, to spend some down time alongside their fellow laborers.

Cutting through the crowd, Kanan made his way to the bar and found an empty seat. There weren’t many left. He had not expected there to be so many people here, even with all the new recruits. Ordering a non-alcoholic Cliff Dweller, Kanan scanned the room full of faces, most of them unfamiliar.

His eyes fell on the fellow next to him at the bar. A tall man with dirty blonde hair, he looked to be about the same age as Kanan. “What do you think of the place?” Kanan asked him, his head nodding toward their surroundings.


Zad Ruzed


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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Zad looked from one Ranger to the other. Usually, if everyone was standing up, that was as simple as a horizontal sweep with the gaze. As it stood, one of those Rangers stood a little shorter than the other two, so said gaze took a diagonal shift before landing on the Jawa. Zad didn’t say anything, just enjoyed himself and listened on for now.

After Draco spoke his piece, Zad butted in. “[He ain’t kidding],” he said in Jawaese. [“Sometimes before you can slap cuffs on someone’s wrists you gotta shoot them in the knees.”] He grinned. [“For you, that’ll bring the punk to your level, though I reckon you’re just as dangerous with them still standing.”] He held up his drink with respect to the Jawa Ranger; there was no sarcasm in his delivery. He meant it. The danger of Jawas was in part why Zad knew how to speak Jawaese.

Draco was also not wrong about three other kinds of shots. Zad was never one to turn down a free drink and he had only just begun. The party too. The glasses clinked, Zad sucked on liquor and licked his lips. The shot glass thudded on the counter. Then his fingers did. “Another round. On me.” More shots were poured for whoever was willing, though he wasn’t in the mood for accepting ‘No’ as an answer.

“[To the brave and badass Rangers around us here and now...and the same ones no longer around.”] Clinky-clink. Down the hatch. Maybe it was Klepti’s turn to toast?

@Exhilian @Scoobert

Kaz Tran


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Jan 19, 2021
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Kaz downed the first shot and was about to do another when Lt. Velt himself made his way over. Panicking, he accidentally dropped the shot glass, catching it quickly again mid air and managing to splash himself a bit. Eyes were wide and terrified as the senior officer addressed him. Kaz felt entirely self conscious about appearing as a complete drunk and that had been his knee jerk attempt at hiding his drink.

“L-Lieutenant Velt, sir,” He stammered slightly, blinking and standing stiffly at attention. At the mention of the rooftop incident, his face heated up. He shifted uncomfortably and looked down at his shoes.

“Sir, I am so asham-”

Velt instead went on to explain the positives of that incident. Kaz stared at him, slack jawed and with wonder in his eyes, “Really?” A smile found its way to his face then, pride swelling up in his chest to have validation from Velt himself, “That incident was really bothering me, sir. I’ll ensure I’m better prepared next time. I’m glad you were there to lead us.”

At his question, Kaz’s eyes widened again, “I’d love to take on more serious cases!” He said a bit too excitedly, “They’ve kept me on traffic for so long and there are so many other things I could be working.”

Not too long after that, Onn came over to interject. Kaz’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the bottle the veteran attempted to hand to him to give to Velt prior. Within moments the contents all but exploded on Velt, dousing him in champagne.

“You were setting me up, you crook!” Kaz cried out incredulously, pointing a finger at the crotchety old fossil.

@Eccles @TerranSteel

Klepti Uutkik


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May 8, 2021
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The Jawa noticed both men can speak in his native tongue. What a wonderful day it turned out to be. He nodded at the question over tequila. The Jawa figured it was a juice of some sort.

“Tequila? Utinni. Wauh ikees Ut? Kukiwi Ko'kilulopo? Dinka?”
(Tequila? Wow. What is it? Like water? Drink?)

As the drinks came he was given words of encouragement. A weird way, but he accepted it by raising his glass above his head to try to reach the other glasses. Not quite reaching them, he did a little stretch on his tippy toes just enough to tink the top of his glass to the bottom of theirs.

Then he drank. A fiery sensation went down his throat. The burn was enough to make the Jawa pause. Alcohol was never the small Rangers forte but now.. it just might be. Kelpti wanted about six more. It was a new taste. If there was a word to describe it, it was in fact Utinni.


The Jawa hopped onto a seat and then climbe onto the table to be eye level with the two Rangers. Then he waved at the bartender impatiently.

“Giviwi Mikee Dinka Hliw!”
(Give me drink now!!)

If there was night to see a Jawa moon walk and karaoke. It was tonight. This little guy hadn’t known what alcohol can do to a person. Sadly the other two did. The little Ranger’s body wouldn’t be able to hold more than three shots before he gets drunk. Even now he has a slight buzz.

The third shot had come their way. It was placed in the Jawa’s hands and he let out a glorious toast to the Rangers but it was a shout. His little voice filled the room with his grand, magnificent, spectacular, fantastic toast!

“..(burp).. (gurgle).. UTINNI!!!!!”

He slammed the shot down his throat and laughed. He started tapping the Rangers on the shoulders before falling off the table. He lied there for a moment and then let out a small giggle. Once he was done he stood up and wobbled to the stage.

Klepti grabbed the microphone and began to sing lyrics that didn’t make sense.

“Ikee Cuawa Dlaud Sabioto. Juwi Akriwi Ai Nyeta. Huist Ibee Ai Ibana. Giviwi Dinka, Da Tiwih Uwanna Dlaud.”

This is a night he may forget. Doubt anyone else will forget. Especially when the little guy dropped the mic and ran to the edge of the stage and jumped for ward as if into a crowd. Sadly there was no crowd. The Ranger landed on the ground in a belly flop. It was time for a few Z’s.

@Die Shize @Exhilian
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Corran Velt


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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Discipline and professionalism were things highly valued by Lieutenant Velt. Not everyone abided by such adherences, some of his closest friends didn't, and he only tried to impart them on people who were receptive. An iron rod can't enforce real discipline. That came from within. Kaz standing at attention and respectful 'sirs' were positive surprise already. Corran didn't need such a response to his rank, but it was nevertheless appreciated. "You shouldn't let it bother you. Sometimes things go sideways," He reassured the newer ranger with a sway of his cup, "I know you'll get better each time you're out there and come back in one piece." It was vague words of wisdom but none were better. Any chase or raid you could walk away from was one you could learn from. Corran got as far as he did not because he always won, but because he always got back up. Kaz seemed to have that raw stuff that would be forged with time. If given the chance.

Obvious excitement dawned in the younger man's eyes at the mention of other cases. At the mention of traffic duty, the blond lieutenant visibly recoiled his head with eyebrows dented. "They had you writing tickets? Any Ranger who can rush to the rooftop of a building and immediately engage hostile contacts is wasted doing that." Corran took a sip of his water again and pointed to Kaz. "I'll get some cases available to you. If you want, there also is a training flight I'm going to be helming in the near future. It'd be great to ha-"

A familiar, grizzly voice interrupted his line of thought. Was that Darmus? The 'sir' was new. Corran turned around more so to discover if that really was Ranger Onn suddenly gaining a healthy demeanor towards higher ranks or if the man had gotten too deep into his cups. Well, there was a drink. Just no cups. A cork popped sky-high and a torrent of golden, bubbly champagne hosed down his torso. The blond ranger's jacket too some of it but the tucked-in white shirt was soon drenched along the front. It clung to his broad, robust chest and built core. For people who knew Lieutenant Velt when he was just a rookie, like Darmus and Bast, the difference between the bulk now and lack of it back then would be noticeable.

Once the pressure from the bottle eased off, Corran stood there with his shoulders arched and arms stretched out and angled like a bat mid-flight. His eyebrows were raised and jaw hanging open. Ranger Tran raised his voice at the most veteran one among them. Velt raised two fingers on one of his hands to give pause to the greenhorn. Then sky-blue eyes zeroed in on Ranger Onn complete with a mischievous smile. "Darmus, you know I always like to share a good drink with my friends." Without a moment hesitation longer, Corran would lunge at him and force the skilled slicer into a squishy, uncomfortable hug. If anyone was going to be soaked, they'd share the burden together.

@Sreeya @Eccles

Vera Coulter


Character Profile
Killa Ree
Aug 12, 2020
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She smirked at Darmus' initial attempt of protested innocence before it quickly deflected to a drink. She spent far too many years on the job to be fooled that easily, and she huffed out a wry laugh, turning away.

"Don't get it in the kid's hair, I've heard he doesn't like it mussed up." She offered a single small nod to the Lt. in question, but she doubted he saw.

There were whispers Vera was up for a promotion, but she wasn't sure she wanted it. Let the youngbloods have the glory and the paperwork, with the headache attached; she'd take her beat-cop status just fine, thank you very much. Back to the bar it was, shrugging her jacket over one shoulder.

"Two Corellians please, for myself and the cutie."

Swap stories, huh? Wait... was that innuendo for anything these days? At their ages, who the hell knew. There were times she felt so far behind in lingo she was pretty sure it came in stone tablets. And was that kid, that Poet upstart, singing? Blue eyes crinkled in amusement as she looked around at the crew, and though she was a part of it... an undeniable part of her also felt outside of it. Part, yet not. Maybe she was getting too old for parties.

@TerranSteel @Eccles