Open Yavin IV Life Day on Yavin IV

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Every year, the galaxy comes together to celebrate something known as Life Day. A day of forgiveness, acceptance, joy, and, most importantly, compassion and love. What began as a Wookiee holiday had evolved into an event enjoyed by almost everyone, young and old alike.

The Jedi were no different.

While it was obvious that the Jedi Order lacked the funds for a large, extravagant event, that didn't stop a group of Jedi from banding together and organizing their own Life Day celebration. What began as a small surprise for only a handful of Padawans quickly became a difficult event to keep quiet. With everyone donating their own bit of money or decoration, and with some outside help, the group of Padawans (including the mysterious Kaarlo), Knights, and Masters managed to set up a beautiful Dining Hall, as well as an enormous Life Day tree with plenty of presents.

When the grand doors finally opened to reveal the Life Day tree and Dining hall to the rest of the Jedi, those who had managed to avoid the rumors and whispers filled the air with surprised "Oohhss" and "Aahhhss."

Life Day finally had begun, and the Jedi were free to go wherever they'd liked.


The Dining Hall:
The Jedi who entered the Jedi Temple's cafeteria were greeted by two long rows of wooden tables and chairs. There was cheerful music playing throughout the cafeteria, second-hand life-day decorations everywhere they looked, and a warm scent of wintery spices. While the main plates were empty for the time being, Jedi could enjoy the pre-dinner, which included two types of fruity punch (one alcoholic, one non-alcoholic) and freshly baked bread. There was an empty space behind the tables designated for activities such as dancing.

The kitchen tied to the cafeteria was buzzing, with several Jedi and chefs running around in an organized panic. Warm, savory and hearty smells began to dance through the kitchen windows and escaped into the dining hall, blending with the already comforting scent of wintery spices.

Several Jedi who had helped with organizing the event were already in the Dining Hall itself, helping out whoever had questions or needed support.


The Life Day tree:
Those who chose the large Life Day tree over the Dining hall made their way to the hallway next to the grand doors. There, right in the middle, stood the tall tree, decorated with countless little lights, Life Day orbs, Life Day sugar fairies, and other decorations. It was a sight to behold, despite the fact that nothing is brand new or in perfect condition. And it mattered not; you don't need the newest of the newest to celebrate life.

Small boxes wrapped in paper and ribbon, each with a tiny nameplate, lay beneath the tree. Those with a keen eye couldn't miss the names of many Padawans on the boxes, which quickly fueled the younger Jedi's bubbly excitement. Would there be a gift for them as well? Two Jedi Knights were kneeling on the ground next to the gifts, watching over them until the time was right.

While the tree and gifts were clearly intended for the Padawans, it was such a joy that most couldn't help but take a look.


Guinevere Beck

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score

Everyone had been looking forward to the Life Day celebrations, and none more so than resident troublemaker and shopkeeper extraordinaire Guinevere Beck. While everyone was looking forward to the games, the food, the party, Gwen was looking forward to using that unbridled positivity to rip off as many people as possible and end the year with a big push into the green for her credit reserves.

She had put together a trolley that she was now rolling around the dinning hall, shouting over the sound of a sea of Jedi enjoying themselves. "Candies, crackers, party favors! Grab em' before they run out!" She was selling them at a pretty low price, having managed to procure most of the items well in advance when their prices were way low because they were out of season, which meant that she was still making a profit on them.

A little Bothan girl came running to her cart and waved her little mediumpurple purse in the air to make Gwen stop. "Stop! Stop! I want some!" Taking a look around the different layers of the cart, her eyes finally landed on a rather big blue bag with the words "Surprise!!" painted on them in bright yellow letters. "What's that?"

Gwen smiled as she picked up the bag and bent down before the youngling, holding the bag in front of her. "This is a magical bag, you put your hand in and pull out one treat," she shook the bag, its contents rattling, which made the youngling giggle, "if you have been good this year it will give you the best candy ever," the youngling's eyes widened, naively buying all the lies Gwen was selling, "but if you have been naughty it will give you something horrible," Gwen lowered her voice as she continued, "like earwax flavored candy, or green beans!" The girl gasped as her hand, which was already halfway to the bag, stopped with uncertainty.

"I've been good, I swear!" Gwen smiled and gestured towards the bag, the Bothan girl closing her eyes to say a quick prayer before reaching in and plucking out a candy. She took a small bite, and immediately made a disgusted face. "That tastes like feet!"

Gwen laughed, reaching up to the top of the trolley she grabbed a chocolate bar and handed it to the girl. "Sometimes it gives you things to give to someone else, to give to your friends who were naughty. Like a certain girl with colorful hair whose name starts with a M and ends with an aura!" (@lizziie) The youngling smiled broadly at that, and thanking Gwen, ran off with the spoiled candy and the bar of chocolate.

And that was what it was, spoiled candy and treats. The bag wasn't magic, it was just another trick for Gwen to turn a liability into profit. The downside of buying things well in advance was that a lot had gone bad, and some were just in horrible flavors that only some species with very alien diets would enjoy. She had tossed them all, along with a bunch of the good stuff into the bag, painted surprise on it, and was offering it to people for free. Who didn't like to gamble?

[OOC]: The bag of surprises is free for anyone to try, please roll a 1d100 and depending on the roll pick a good or bad treat of your choice, or ping me if you want ideas!

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Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Oct 16, 2021
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Elidan isn’t exactly the type of person that used to go to parties, he felt so nervous with crowds. On the rare occasions that there was a celebration at the Temple, the Padawan would briefly appear and then walk back to his room, where he would spend the rest of the time reading a book. Of course, there were also the times that he would not appear at all.

He was planning to avoid this year's celebration of Life Day, like how he did last year and the one before that. Since what happened on Ajan Kloss, Elidan didn’t feel pleasure in celebrating this holiday anymore. It would make him remember his friends that died and he didn’t want it. Due to that, he would stay in his room while the party happened. He even picked a new book to read.

To his surprise, Asadra appeared at his door and said, in reality she ordered, that this year he was going to participate in the celebrations with the other Jedi. Elidan tried to convince her to let him stay in his room. However, she wasn’t on her therapist mode, the Twi’lek was on her friend mode, and when this happened there was no way to change her mind.

She was so determined to make him go to the party that she even bought new clothes for him. The Twi'lek had said that it was a Life Day gift for him. Elidan felt so strange with them. They weren't the type of thing that he was used to dressing in. The half-Sephi only uses Jedi robes and his casual clothes were all hand me downs. He thought that he had never used something so fancy like that before. It made him feel silly.

Now properly dressed, Elidan walked to where the party was going to happen. Asadra had told him that special food was going to be served at the cafeteria, while a Life Day tree had been made in a nearby room. The half-Sephi had no idea where he should go. He stopped in the corridor, trying to decide. Maybe if someone that he knew walked there, the boy could follow them.

Severus Creed

Sith Order

Character Profile
Nov 3, 2021
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The stiches across his face hurt like hell, but Severus didn't complain about the pain and only held his bitter glare as he walked down the hallways garbed in his black robes. Clove had told him he'd look good in blue but Severus hadn't taken the time to change his wardrobe. Severus hoped that the fight with Rha'go somehow mended his relationship with the gorgeous half-Sephi, and he wanted to further extend the hand of friendship to her. Today was the perfect day to do so.

In the time he could have been buying new clothing, he had been searching for something he could afford to get Clove. In his pocket was a small white box that contained this mystery gift, and he was preparing to put it under the tree. It was a bracelet with all manor of small multi colored precious stones, so that no matter what you wore, the bracelet would match, too. The box only bore Clove's name and nothing else. It was going to be an anonymous gift.

The grim looking Padawan was headed down a long corridor where the fun was going to begin noticing a familiar looking red-head with sharp ears.

Severus' expression changed from cynical to pleasant as he waved at Elidan.
"You look lost." Severus pointed out bluntly, still smiling warmly. "Which I find confusing. You're already here." He gestured to the cafeteria room that smelled rife with good food, and then across the hall to a room with a huge decorated tree inside, surrounded by presents. "I think we should eat. I heard they have quite the fruit salad going on." Severus said, guiding the red-head to the cafeteria, making a quick glance over his shoulder at the room filled with presents.

He'd place his gift there later.



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 12, 2021
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[Corridor -> Tree Room]

Xiann stopped in front of one of the large windows to view her reflection. She straightened the small red and white shawl over her shoulders. It was hard to keep something so light in place without sewing it down, something she hadn’t thought of when making the outfit and she hadn’t had time to fix it once she had realised. She let out an annoyed tut before turning to the floating droids following her, “Come on then. Let’s go drop these presents off, hmm.”

The Twi’lek began to walk down the corridor towards the ‘tree room’, as Clo had named it, followed by a pair of hovering drones. One was carrying a large security case with a bow on the handle, the other a tray holding many small wrapped boxes labelled “Younglings”. Xiann herself was carrying a medium sized box under her arm, a slot in the top clearly made for people to put their hand in.

As the woman walked past the door to the cafeteria she glanced and seeing a distinct lack of food immediately lost interest and continued on to the tree room. Once inside she looked around and let out an impressed whistle, “Someone worked hard in here.” She spun around to take in the decoration as she walked over to the tree and the knight’s guarding it. She pulled out the pad in her pocket and tapped a few buttons. The droid carrying the tray gently placed its cargo on the ground before setting down next to one of the knights and powering down. “That’s for the younglings.” She spoke to the knights, “Little gadgets and Gizmos, you know, nothing extravagant. And this…” She handed one of the knights the box she was carrying, “...Is for the more advanced padawans, knights and master. Custom tunings to weapons and vehicles. Offer them to anyone you think is advanced enough to handle them. Yourselves included of course.”

She gave the pair a smile before turning and going to find a drink and a place to sit and wait for the arrival of others. The second droid with the final box followed her to her seat and then just hovered also waiting to deliver it’s cargo.

[OOC: Any Padawan or higher can take from the box with the knights. It just has tickets in it that if you give to Xiann she will work with you to customise a piece of your equipment. Weapon, armour, speeder, etc. If you want an advanced customisation you can make a tech post with Xiann's name as the manufacturer if you want.]

Evergreen Glades

Jedi Order

Character Profile
Forsythe Crowholde
Nov 4, 2021
Reaction score
The Life Day Tree [Tree Room]

Papa always told him and his brothers that manners maketh man. And Evergreen was a fine young boy, so he had arrived earlier than his fellow younglings on the Life Day celebration organized by the Jedi Order. While it was his first Life Day out of Chandrila and away from his family, he didn't feel sad nor miss them as much because they always kept in touch with him.

Brand new to the Order, Evergreen still hadn't made any proper friends. It got a little lonely being by himself sometimes, and unsurprisingly he got into a bit of a fight with one of the boys for his choice of clothing and expression. The way the boy and his friends laughed confused Evergreen. Couldn't boys wear cute outfits just because they're boys? Couldn't boys like cute things, too?

How silly and immature!

The youngling approached the Life Day Tree with wide, sparkling eyes. The lights and the baubles made it look so pretty! Blue gaze shifted down to look at the presents beneath the tree, small hands rising to his cheeks as he ooh-ed and aah-ed at the sparkly gift wraps. Just look at the presentation! Those who brought the presents must be thinking of the person they were gonna give those gifts to!

"They're all so pretty!" exclaimed Evergreen as he spun on the spot. "I'm glad I wore the pretty outfit and boots Mama made for me! Now I look waaaay prettier in front of the Tree!"

The boy's attention soon shifted towards a newcomer, a very pretty Twi'lek accompanied by a pair of hovering drones. All three were carrying a security case, a tray, and a medium-sized box each, and while the other younglings were immediately drawn to the prospect of even more presents, little Evergreen's gaze was solely commanded by the Twi'lek in red.

She was soooo pretty!

Suddenly feeling awkward and shy, he stayed by the Tree for a few moments, simply following the pretty Padawan with his gaze. Evergreen knew that he had to act sooner rather than later, though. He knew that he had to muster the courage and confidence to approach her and tell her how he thought of her. Nodding to himself, the youngling let out a determined huff and marched towards her, strawberry blond hair swaying as he practically hopped the last few steps to reach her.

"Hi, you're so pretty! Please tell me your name!" he said loudly and with childish demand. Then, seemingly remembering his manners, Evergreen blushed and segued with a polite but energetic, "I'm Evergreen Glades, and I'm new to the Jedi Order! Pleased to meet you!"


Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
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Life Day Tree​

It was finally Life Day time!

The day of the year when everything seemed to click into place and there was nothing but happiness. Clove craved that feeling after the last few months. So, for the last few weeks, she had dove into the Life Day "committee" and helped wherever she could.

The majority of her responsibilities included determining what kind of gifts to give to everyone, helping with the Life Day tree, and, like any volunteer, spending hours upon hours making the gifts that now lie beneath the tree. It was busy work, which was exactly what she wanted and needed. Force, it was even therapeutic to make the same gift over and over again while listening to cheesy pop music and screaming out loud with the other volunteers.

But now it was time to put the work down and actually join the life day celebration. Her family had a tradition of dressing up as lavishly as they could. Or, well, to be more specific, her mother did, and she dragged her daughter and husband with her. Clove couldn't complain though, because it meant she could run around in pretty dresses. And she continued that tradition even when her parents were not present. She wore her favorite corsetted dress, which she usually reserved for special occasions due to the many layers of fluffy tulle being a nightmare to clean. Her floral tattoo peeked over the edge of her dress, revealing blue flowers and contrasting gently with the pink she was wearing.

She wore white heels with matching ribbons underneath the mountain of fabric, and a little silver necklace with a flower pendant rested perfectly in the hollow of her collar bones. Her long blonde strands were neatly braided at the top, with the braids curving around the side of her head and rejoining in the middle to be held by yet another matching pink ribbon. Underneath the braid and ribbon, the rest of the curls flowed freely.

Perhaps a little over the top, but after meeting Crix while dressed as a Sugar Life Day Fairy and getting the nickname 'Fairy' from many others, she felt she might as well embrace the look.

Plus, she loved how she looked and felt incredibly comfortable, and that was more important to her than anyone else's opinion.

The half-Sephi entered the corrider with a satisfied smile on her lips, twitching ears from excitement, and a hefty sack nestled between her arms. She didn't know where to start; the enormous Life Day tree on her right was beautiful, but the dining hall smelled like bliss. After a brief moment of thought, she realized that it would have been better to go to the Life Day tree first because the sack in her arms was becoming quite heavy.

The Life Day tree was better up close, in the sheen of the night, than she'd ever dared dreaming about. Her eyes widened as the tree's lights reflected in them, and she ooooh'ed and aaaaah'ed with the younger Jedi without a shred of shame. She shook her head and broke out of it after a short period of staring, though it felt much longer. Her body began to move again, and she lowered the present-filled bag behind one of the guarding Knights. "They're for my friends; I'll collect the bag when it's present time." she hurriedly stated to the man before he could complain, and rose back to her feet.

Giving your friends or family their gifts was always the most exciting part of the evening. And Clove had made certain to get something for both old and new friends.

Clove turned away from the sight after taking one last look at the tree and scanned the crowd for anyone she might recognize. Then she noticed a lovely blue Twi'lek in a red dress with white fur trim talking with the cutest little Jedi Youngling not far away. She waited until they were finished with their introductions before approaching them with a cheerful smile and a small wave. "Hey there, both of you! Happy Life Day!" If they let her, the half-Sephi would give the Twi'lek a warm embrace before kissing her three times on the cheeks; left, right, left. It was a yet another small tradition from back home. She'd then kneel in front of the boy in the cutest ruffles and give him a more delicate hug. "I don't believe we've ever met, have we? My name's Clove."

She couldn't help but notice the trolley with the mystery treats while greeting both. Perhaps dragging Xi and the adorable kid along and playing the game together would be fun.



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 12, 2021
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[Tree room]

Xiann turned in her seat face the youngling that approached her with such vigour and gie him a wide, friendly smile, “You’re a bold one, Mister Glades.” She crossed her hands on her lap and leaned forward slightly, “I don’t think anyone has ever marched up to me and said such a thing with such confidence, You’re going to be a real hit when you get older.” She chuckled lightly, “I’m Xiann and it’s a pleasure to meet you young Evergreen. I haven’t been here a year yet, so I suppose I’m still fairly new too.”

She sat back up straight as she noticed Clo walk in and over to the tree before spotting her in return and heading over. The Twi’lek was a little surprised by the hug but returned it anyway. It was the kisses that completely caught her off guard though, her cheeks turned a shade of purple as she felt the blood rush through her face. She took a moment to compose herself while Clo hugged the youngling, clearing her throat, “Happy Life day Clo. And you too young Evergreen. Oh, introductions. Clove, this is Evergreen Glades. Evergreen, this is Clove Vanhoop.”

Xiann pulled out her data pad and after a few button pushes the droid next to her floated over and slowly placed the large security box on the table. After a few more beeps from her device, Clo’s device would ping with a notification. “This is for you Clo. I wasn’t sure what to get you, but I eventually settled on this.” Her feet shuffled slightly, a little unsure of herself, “If you don’t like it I can always change it out for something else if you’d prefer.” She wasn’t usually a gift giver, so it had taken her a long time to come up with what she did. She just hoped her friend would like it.

@LilyNion @Forsythe Crowholde

Laeonas Tannaras

Exiled Jedi

Character Profile
Feb 12, 2020
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Life day.

Brentaal was a unique world. It sat at the crossroads between two of the galaxy's most traveled hyperspace routes. In spite of that, it's population was dwarfed by other founding worlds, yet still eclipsed the populations of many inhabited systems in the galaxy. That unique position had allowed it to begin a hub of commerce and travel. People of all different culture’s, mixing and exchanging language, customs and traditions. Some in the aristocracy and the lower classes alike might’ve found such foreign influences “polluting,” but there was a beauty to this exchange that was undeniable.

Yet amongst that blend of tradition and celebration, Laeonas had not been one of life day’s many celebrators. His mother’s excuse for a lack of celebrating was that her father had never liked the holiday. She’d never got a chance to celebrate, and hadn’t learned much about it beyond an exchange of gifts. When life day came, it usually marked an above average dinner (pre-cooked, as his mother couldn’t even make a grilled cheese without nearly burning down their tenement) and a couple hours watching the holo.

Still, Laeonas knew enough about the holiday to know that the party he was going to… well, it wasn’t like the ones he was used to. Such events were hosted for people of all ages, where attractions like illicit drugs and scantily clad dancers were… frowned upon. Laeonas was going to celebrate this holiday in the way it was meant to be celebrated— corny songs, gift giving, and absolutely no spice. It’d be the first real life day of his life, and he wouldn’t let anyone— most prominently, himself— screw it up.

So he’d spent a half hour looking up random holiday trivia and tropes on his comm the day before. To his relief there was some drinking allowed at most parties, albeit in a strictly social sense. Being around large crowds of people and interacting with them while sober was very, very annoying. Walking Towards the dining hall, the man’s outfit was that of a simple pair of khakis,
and a
blue sweater that hosted an advertisement to some company or another. He didn’t know if it was a reference or not, and he certainly didn’t care.

He wasn’t without his usual style though. Ofcourse, he wore some mascara, concealer— just enough to touch himself up without looking like he was part of some old brentaali warband come to sack a palace complex. Those emerald earrings he wore were on, which juxtaposed pretty hard against the otherwise casual outfit.

Walking down the hall, the man glanced over at a cart being pushed by a young woman.
“…huh. Neat.” He muttered, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. “I’ll grab a few bars of cho- oh.” He stopped, glancing at the surprise bag. “…I don’t remember this on the wookiepage.” Hed mutter, reaching in and pulling out a rather large shoebox.

“Oh shi— ahem. Interesting.” The man added, opening the box. Inside were a pair of horned animal themed slippers, that looked… rather cheap. Laeonas wasn’t going to complain though; complaining about gifts was very much against the life day spirit. “…wow, thanks for the Uh… the slippers.” He said, holding them tight to his chest. “Uh… so, about those chocolates?”

@LilyNion @Wit @Xian @LouJoVi @Charles

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Evergreen Glades

Jedi Order

Character Profile
Forsythe Crowholde
Nov 4, 2021
Reaction score
The Life Day Tree

The pretty Twi'lek's smile lit her face up in a way that made every other smile – even his own – dim in comparison. Face flushed with bashfulness, the youngling would have shrunk in on himself if it weren't for her introduction and light chuckle. Whatever hint of hesitation Evergreen still felt vanished, encouraged by the pretty lady – Xiann – speaking back to him despite his earlier rudeness.

Him, a real "hit" when he got older? The meaning flew past the boy's head, and he made a mental note not to hurt anyone. Though thinking back to her earlier comment about his approach, maybe "hit" had another meaning. Was it being liked by others? Evergreen hoped it was.

The way he gazed at Xiann would show how charmed the youngling was towards her. Evergreen liked everything and everyone pretty, and from his outburst earlier it would be painfully obvious that he had taken an instant liking to her because of her physical appearance. But even then he was taught by his parents that there were more important things than physical beauty. The little Jedi tilted his head, blue gaze turning curious. Xiann was a Jedi, so that meant she was nice, right? That her prettiness extended to the way she treated others?

All that deep stuff was going to make his head hurt, so Evergreen decided then and there that Xiann was a nice person.

"Aww, but you've been here longer than I am," he told her with a pout before reciprocating her smile. Evergreen was about to ask who made her outfit when he noticed that she seemed to have spotted something – or someone, rather – somewhere behind him. The youngling turned around to follow her gaze and found another girl clad in a breathtaking dress. And when the newcomer was close, Evergreen found himself shutting down – going "blue screen", his older brothers would say in teasing – when he realized who had graced him and Xiann with her presence.

Evergreen watched, blue eyes wide as the moon, as Xiann – Life Day embodied into a pretty Twi'lek bearing gifts – was swept into a hug by an honest to goodness Life Day Fairy (because the newcomer had to be!). The little Jedi was just as caught off guard by the kisses like Xiann, his face turning redder as the Life Day Fairy shifted her focus to him, knelt down so she could reach his level, and wrapped her arms around him in a delicate hug.

He expected kisses, but none came. The youngling would've pouted and demanded for some if he hadn't been too enamored by the pretty Fairy.

"H-H-Happy Life D-Day to you, t-too," stammered Evergreen, still red in the face as the Life Day Fairy introduced herself and even after Xiann had done the same. Clove, Xiann – pretty names for equally pretty girls, and their attention were on him! Did this mean he was popular? Talking to one pretty lady was already too much, but now there were two of them?

He felt like a leading man in one of Mama's favorite romance holoseries, torn between two pretty girls who were fighting for his heart!

(Clove and Xiann weren't actuallt fighting over him, that much Evergreen knew, but couldn't a boy let his overactive imagination run rampant?)

Despite only meeting the two ladies just now, the youngling suddenly felt awful that he didn't have any gifts for them. He was sure that Xiann and Clove would understand, that they would tell him that it was alright. But he still couldn't help but feel terrible! So, stepping slightly away from Fairy Clove's touch but not wholly disentangling himself from her hug (it felt so nice and warm!), Evergreen looked around in search of anything he could give the ladies. Would they like flowers? They would! He'd get some for them later!

Ah, Xiann was already presenting a gift for Clove! He didn't know or couldn't see what it was, but he'd bet that it was something cool and cute. Or maybe something useful?

"I wish I have something for you both," Evergreen couldn't help but mumble, a little dejected as he shuffled one booted foot then the other.

@Xiann @Clove Vanhoop


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Oct 16, 2021
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The Dining Hall

Elidan was still trying to decide where he should go when he heard a familiar voice. Turning, the half-Sephi saw Severus approaching him. He wasn't surprised to see that the other boy was wearing black clothes even during the celebrations of Life Day. All the times that he saw the other boy, he was always dressed this way. The Padawan thought that would be strange if he wasn’t.

Hello, Severus. Happy Life day!” Elidan signed to the dark-haired boy. He was uncertain if it was the correct way of greeting someone during the holiday. “I was trying to decide where I should go.” he explained.

The other boy’s idea of going to the Dining hall wasn’t bad. The half-Sephi hadn’t eaten anything since he had lunch and it had been years since he had eaten Life Day food. “Yes, let’s go there.” then he walked after Severus, entering the cafeteria.

Elidan was impressed with how the cantina had been decorated, it didn’t even look like the same place where he used to eat every day. There were so many different types of food on the tables, each one smelling better than the other. The half-Sephi thought that never before he had seen a room with so much food.

Turning to Severus, Elidan started to sign to him. “So, where is this fruit salad that you talked about?” in his opinion it was a really stupid way of maintaining their conversation, but since the dark-haired boy was the only person that he knew at the room, he wanted to at least continue interacting with him.


Willa Kanz

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Sep 17, 2020
Reaction score
Tree Room​

Willa had never been much for Life Day. Her dad was often off at work, and when he even bothered to remember, it wasn't much. For a few years after her mom ran off, she tried, but after a couple years she just didn't bother. Part of her was tempted to go to Kashyyyk and see the real celebrations there, but she was told to socialize by, well...

Almost anyone in charge.

So here she was. Socializing.

Her eyes scanned the room. Hoping to see her Master, or even a familiar face... but there was no one. For now, she sat back, content to listen to the music, the lilting voices... her eyes drifted shut, and a few bars of an old Life Day song hummed out on her lips, fingers tapping on her arm. She wasn't falling asleep, but content... for now, just for now, she could relax, enjoy seeing the little ones and feel their palpable excitement. They weren't her family...

But maybe, just maybe...

This was the closest to a family moment she'd ever had.

Severus Creed

Sith Order

Character Profile
Nov 3, 2021
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The Dining Hall

Severus was glad to have Elidan's company. He didn't stare at him with any sort of concern like some of the other passing Padawans had and seemed to enjoy Severus's company as much as Severus appreciated Elidan's. The red-head had asked where the fruit salad was and Severus smirked as he led the way to a bowl filled with some very delicious looking fruit mixed in with yogurt. The fruity smell was brilliant and made Severus's mouth water.

"Here you are." Severus handed a large plate to Elidan before grabbing one for himself and scooped a bit of the fruit salad onto his plate leaving room for some of the smoked turkey and roast that he could smell further down the long table filled with all sorts of food. After grabbing what he could, he sat down next to Elidan and remembered something- but he flinched in pain when he raised his eyebrows, his skin tugging at the black stiches that raced from the bottom of his jaw to the top corner of his head across his nose.

Those damned Sith! Severus remembered the fight with Rha'go Dominus like it had happened yesterday, and if it weren't for Clove, Severus doubted that he wouldn't be here sitting next to Elidan.

But, getting back on track, Severus didn't open his mouth to speak, instead touching Elidan's mind with his own;
"Don't freak out, please. It's just me. Honestly, it's easier to communicate doing this with my stitches and all, so I hope you don't mind- but anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to learn how to use telepathy. It's relatively easy, if you put your mind to it, and I think it would make communication a little easier on your part. I mean no offense by that, by the way. Think of it as a gift from me to you for Life Day."


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2021
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Sevrin spent very little time near the Jedi temples. Most of the time he was actively working behind enemy lines, entrenched deep in Sith space. His Shadow work had yielded quite a bit of intel about Sith troop movements. His efforts had also led to the offensive strike against Felucia, though it ultimately ended back in Sith hands. The thought still bothered him, though it wasn’t in his nature to complain about it to the Grandmaster. After the latest senate session, she had enough on her mind.

The Sephi wasn’t exactly the social or party type, but security had been upped quite a bit since the Dantooine attack. Any areas with a large number of Jedi had Knights and Masters patrolling the perimeters. As this event lined up with one of the rare times he was at the temple, the Jedi Master opted to sign up for guard duty.

The tall Sephi was poised like a sentry in the hallway that bridged the tree area and the dining hall. He was visible to both, though he made no move towards either. Sharp, silver eyes scanned the areas around him, his fluted ears twitching every now and then as the music changed or if there was a particularly shrill laugh from somewhere.

He was dressed in form fitting armor, a saber hilt on each hip. Sevrin was leaning against a wall, his arms crossed. His hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail, leaving a few locks to frame his angular face. There were no obvious expressions on the man’s face, his gaze frosty and his demeanor similar.

Though he externally projected an aura of aloofness, internally he was rather pleased to see the Jedi celebrating and unwinding. While he didn’t actively participate, it was nice even for him to momentarily put aside thoughts of chaos and bloodshed.

Haldir Eressëa

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Forsythe Crowholde
Jul 26, 2021
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Hallway ‣‣ Dining Hall

Somehow, he'd made it back to Yavin IV on time to spend Life Day with his fellow Jedi. The Knight had followed a strict schedule, making time for his little brother and celebrating early on Arkania so he could do the same with the Jedi folk. He was met with a few inconveniences on the way back to Yavin IV but none of them dire nor serious, and while facing them slightly irked him along the way Haldir still managed to keep his calm and go back his merry way to the place he called home.

Preparations for the celebration had been hectic. Haldir tried to help but felt that he would only get in the way, so instead of manual work he had pitched in for the funds and expenses needed to make the celebration happen. The Knight might have been disowned by his family but his younger brother Hasebe was crafty and cunning enough to pull strings when it came to Haldir's inheritance. It was something the younger Erennor insisted on discussing with his older brother, and Haldir couldn't find it in himself to ask Hasebe to cease such efforts.

They were still brothers, Hasebe emphatically stressed, and Haldir could do nothing to stop the younger Erennor to look out for him as much as the Knight had always done for him and Hyarantë.

Haldir, in return, never asked for anything from his little brother for Life Day. Instead he prayed for Hasebe's health and safety – and, by extension, the still comatose Hyarantë.

The halls were decorated appropriately for Life Day, an appreciative smile tugging the corners of the Knight's lips upwards. He had signed up initially as part of security for the celebration, but Hasebe wished for him to join in the festivities and to send pictures of him with his Padawan and other fellow Jedi. Haldir couldn't say no to his little brother and ended up dressing casually for the celebration. A turtleneck, blazer, pants, and a pair of shoes, all unsurprisingly black, and a vulpine half mask with a pair of small suzu hanging on the left side of it completed his choice of attire for the festivities. On his right hand he held a small box, a gift he'd prepared for his Padawan, Willa Kanz. Contained within was a silver bracelet that reminded him of her "supernova" moment when their conversation shifted to music, and a protection charm that she could put any singular and small item she wanted inside.

His feet took him to the Dining Hall, and Haldir had to do a double take when he saw that the cafeteria had transformed into something so elegant and festive. The cooks outdid themselves, judging from the scents and the food laid out on the tables. The Knight was immediately drawn to the sweets, passing by Elidan whom he greeted with a casual nod and another Padawan, Severus Creed. He swiped a chocolate chip cookie from a platter, and, taking a quick bite, he surveyed the area in search of his Padawan, not knowing that she was currently in the Tree Room.

@Killa Ree @LouJoVi @Charles
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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Life Day Tree & Hallway

While it was difficult to deny that the Life Day tree was attracting children, there appeared to be two additional hotspots the kids seemed to adore.

Gwen's (@Wit) candy surprise cart was the first hotspot. Many children gathered around her cart, each one more eager to try their luck than the next. One Padawan, a small girl with brown bouncy ringlets, had just purchased one of the candies and bravely swallowed it. Surely she was a good girl! The Padawan locked her gaze on Gwen, the skin around her cheeks turning green and tears welling up in her eyes. It took the girl ten seconds to resist the urge to gag on the piece of candy, but once she did, she pressed her hands into her waist. "I've been very good this year! Why did I get the bad candy?! My mommy always says I'm very good!" She paused, "My daddy is a lawyer—" He wasn't "—And I'll make sure you'll hear from us!" And with that, the girl bumped into Laeonas (@Tom ) with a very annoyed look, squealed a "Watch where you go!" before storming off to the Dining hall, no doubt finding her mother.

One of the guards, Jedi Master Sevrin (@Sreeya), was the other. Several groups of Padawans eyed the tall Jedi who had earned quite the reputation among them. Girls flocked together, whispering about how cute he is or how he helped them with their stance during one of the rarer combat lessons. Two of the boys, on the other hand, started bragging about how they'd beaten him in a one-on-one match. In reality, they hadn't even fought the Jedi Master once, but that didn't stop the rumors.

A bell rang through the area, drawing the attention of most Padawans and Younglings, as the room buzzed with life. One of the two Knights who had been kneeling next to the gift was now standing in front of the tree, his left hand clutching the bell and his right holding a list of names. "Everyone, gather around me! If you can, send the Younglings to the tree!" His voice boomed down the corridor and even made its way into the dining hall. "Because it is time, we will begin the opening of the gifts with the youngest members of our community, the Younglings! the Padawans will be next after the Younglings have all collected their gifts! Anyone who does not pick up their gift today will have it delivered to their dorm room!"

"When I call your name, step forward and grab the gift with your name on it!"

While some younger children required some type of help to find their gift, it went surprisingly quickly.

"Evergreen Glades!" (@Forsythe Crowholde) the Jedi Knight called across the room. Evergreen would find his present near the front of the tree if he made his way to it. A delicate green bow was tied around the gift, which was wrapped in vibrant golden paper with golden imprints. The young Jedi would find a soft teddy bear with a velvety red ribbon around its head inside of it. The ribbon could be safely untangled and worn as a hair accessory. It came with a short personal letter, just like the other Youngling's gift. "Dear youngling Evergreen, no matter how much people tell you to change, never lose the colors in your life," it read.

In reality, getting information about the Youngling in question was a nightmare for anyone who had helped wrap the gifts, making the personal notes a nightmare. But, at the end of the day, they all agreed the effort was worth it.

@Xian @Killa Ree

Dining Hall

It was difficult not to notice the joy on the children's faces as they ripped open their presents and ran around showing off their gifts to their friends. Their happy shouts and giggles could be heard all the way into the Dining Hall. But once the majority of the Younglings had received their gifts, the focus shifted back to the Dining Hall.

"Everyone, please take a seat at the tables!" A short gray-haired Yoda Jedi Knight shuffled through the decorated cafeteria, trying to catch everyone's attention. "It's time for the first and main courses! Everyone has the option of a regular meal or a vegetarian meal. Dessert will be served after the gifts around the Life Day tree have been completed!"

The younger Jedi, who had just returned from the Life Day tree with gifts under their arms, were directed to a smaller table known as the 'Kids table' by the Jedi. Those who weren't sick or full from Gwen's mystery candy were stuffed with delicious foods such as fries, fried Endor chicken, mashed fruits, and so on.

The starter for the older Jedi was a carpaccio of Naboo Shaak meat with a herb oil sauce drizzled on top of a layer of cheese, earthy lettuce, and pine seeds. For vegetarians or those who prefer not to eat Shaak, there was a choice of a creamy rich mushroom soup or a hearty and warming tomato soup, both served with garlic bread and butter.

After the starter course, the plates were quickly swapped for the main course, which was the dish that almost everyone was most looking forward to. It included slow-roasted Happabore ribs with crispy potato slices, a salad with several Yavin IV lettuces and herbs, and cheese-filled mushrooms. A large slice of chestnut and Naboo kale pie, served with baked cheesy gnocchi and the same stuffed mushrooms with cheese, was available for the vegetarians. Those who disliked cheese could swap the gnocchi and mushrooms for a blend of roasted vegetables.

@LouJoVi @Charles @Forsythe Crowholde


Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
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Life Day Tree
Clove's focus didn't linger on the cart for long because, for a start, it was too crowded for her to bother. Second, the Youngling seemed dazzled by her and lingered in her hug for much longer than she had expected. Not that she'd mind; hugs were always welcome, especially when they were given by someone so innocent and pure. "Well, it's great to meet you, Evergreen! You have a lovely name."

With a cheerful smile, the half-Sephi looked past the boy to Xi before slowly lowering her arms out of the hug. Because, as lovely as the hug was, the lovely Twi'lek had come bearing gifts.Something that Clove, in all honesty, didn't expect. She rose to her feet and lifted her gaze to the box while correcting the layers of floof on her dress with her hands and taking the small datapad out of the right pocket. She approached it with curiosity, and when she looked at her datapad, she saw the message "Box unlocked" which only added to that curiosity.

She carefully lifted the lid of the box to peer inside. There it was, the rifle they'd practiced with. Her first reaction was to quickly close the box and reactivate the lock before anyone else noticed or paid attention to it. Because, obviously, bringing a rifle into a room full of children was not a good idea. "Just a moment! I'll thank you properly in a second!" she said in a singsong tone, while lifting the box off the table and into her arms.

Force on a bicycle, it was heavy.

Still, the half-Sephi managed to stow the box behind her gift bag, safely out of sight of the children and also out of sight of the adults, to avoid any trouble. Rifles like these were not prohibited, but it was a special festive day after all.

She figured she might as well give Xi her gift now that she was near her bag of presents. She reached into it, retrieved a box, and slid it between her arms and chin before returning to Xi and the boy. With a huff, she carefully placed it to the ground and walked over to the Twi'lek, wrapping her arms around her and embracing her as tightly as she could. "Thank you so, so, so much for the present, Xi! It's fantastic!"

The boy was awkwardly shuffling his feet and apologizing for not having a gift by the time she lowered her arms. "That's all right, silly. We've only just met, after all. You had no way of knowing." She turned around on her heels to face him as she spoke to him. "But... I believe..." The half-Sephi paused in the middle of her sentence to listen. It was there, the announcement that the Younglings could go get their gifts. "I believe you will get a gift at any moment now." Her bright smile curled up her lips.

Clove returned her attention to Xi and pushed the box closer to her, regardless of what Evergeen decided to do. Silver wrapping paper was used to wrap it, and a light blue ribbon was tied around it. "Here you go, I've got something for you as well." A small droid with three interconnected spheres rested inside the box. Two aged-looking spheres were adorned with a layer of hand-painted silvery-blue scales, the third one in the front with two eyes and a painted-on pink tongue. A Crystal Snake. "It can't do much more than slither around, but I figured a blank slate would be best since you like to tinker with droids and such!"

Aside from the fact that a 'blank slate would be best' was not a lie, there was only so much she could get before her money ran out. Thankfully, her family was well-liked by the residents of their area, and many felt obligated to repay the doctors. But, eventually, even that well of favors ran dry. So she was out of cash and favors, and a fully programmed, or new, droid was simply out of the question. She couldn't complain, though, because she still scrapped together a bag of gifts, one of which was Xi's. So she knew it was all right, even if some of them weren't quite as new or perfect as they could have been.

The sound of food being served in the dining hall twitched the half-Sephi's ears and piqued her interest. "Would you like to go get some food?"



Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Oct 16, 2021
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Elidan followed Severus toward the tables. Now that he was close to it, the half-Sephi could see the food better. Everything seemed to be delicious and there was a great variety. It made his mouth water.

He smiled at Severus and accepted the plate that the other Padawan offered to him. While he picked the fruit salad and some other things, Elidan noticed the stitches at the dark-haired boy's face. The half-Sephi wondered what happened for him to have these. He had heard some rumors that it was due to a mission with Clove, but he wasn’t sure. Would not be correct for him to ask.

When he sat on the table to eat, Elidan noticed Severus' obvious discomfort. The other boy was probably in pain due to these wounds. Perhaps he should ask the other boy to see if he wanted to go to the medical bay. The stitches could be opening.

Before he could say anything, Elidan saw Haldir. The man greeted him with a nod and the half-Sephi answered with a wave of his hand. He didn't expect that the masked Jedi Knight would be there. He didn't seem to be the type to participate in celebrations.

Then, Elidan felt Severus trying to establish a telepathic connection with him. He allowed and smiled when the dark-haired boy offered to teach him how to do it. "Thank you for the offer, but I already know how to do it. Master Alexandria Voran taught it to me some time ago. But you can help me practice it." He remembers that the Grandmaster said that he should ask his friends to help him practice it. He already had the help of Ruzaan, but maybe Severus would like to do that too.

When the meal started, Elidan couldn’t wait to eat its courses. If the appetizers were already good, the main food would be fantastic.

@Charles @Forsythe Crowholde

Brienna Lanaamer

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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Bri loved Life Day, plain and simple. It was always her favorite time of year, having grown up with fond memories of Life Days past on her home planet of Chandrila and at the Jedi Temples on Ajan Kloss and Yavin. With a slightly extended break on the jungle moon after her last mission, the Knight had volunteered herself to help with both the preparations and running of festivities. Pacing back and forth between the two main areas, all Jedi, young and old, seemed to be enjoying the day. Bri couldn't help but share the infectious energy of the younglings and Padawans who eagerly waited their turn to get their gifts from underneath the tree.

The tree was decorated in a pleasing manner, homemade ornaments and lights exuding an atmosphere a warmth for all who stood nearby. The Jedi didn't really have a dedicated set of Life Day decorations, and much that was currently adorning the temple had been donated or hand-made by the many Jedi who shared the same Life Day spirit that Bri did. It added to the warm, light filled feeling of the day. The Knight sighed with a smile, reflecting a moment. There was always darkness in the Galaxy, and it seemed even more so recently. But, the values of Life Day - joy, family, love, compassion - were timeless. It would serve many in the Galaxy to try and keep the Life Day spirit inside them throughout the year.

The warmed spice scents of the dining room had begun to permeate around the Temple entry area, and Bri was tempted to grab a quick bite in between her duties. She held out resistance a little longer by refilling her glass of (alcoholic) fruit punch. It took more than a little use of her Jedi training to dodge the eager younglings running to-and-fro, seemingly intent on spilling the dangerously red colored liquid on her sweater. Taking a sip, she spotted a familiar face straddling the two areas, the tall figure of Sevrin Valtiere. She had accompanied the Sephi on the hunt for an artifact a little while back, and while it didn't pan out, had enjoyed his company nonetheless.

Bri grabbed another glass of punch, this time the non-alcoholic variety, and approached Sevrin with a bright smile. The Sephi was sporting his usually stoic face, but Bri thought she caught the hints of a smile as the younglings opened their gifts. Or maybe I'm just projecting.

"Thirsty?" Bri opened, holding out the cup of fruit punch for the Sephi to take if he wanted. The two stood in relative silence for a moment, before the Knight continued. "Thanks for helping out," with a friendly smile. It was clear Sevrin was on guard duty, and to be honest, there weren't many that left Bri feeling more safe than the tall Sephi. It was also not the most exciting of Life Day tasks, but Bri was genuinely appreciative of the desire to volunteer. "The Life Day spirit is infectious!" she added with a joking laugh, gently poking Sevrin in the side with her elbow.


Thelian Lsai

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2021
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Thelian very rarely attended Jedi parties – and there was a plethora of reasons why that was the case. Not only was the Echani not a particularly social person by nature, the food served at most Padawan gatherings was notoriously risky – being the cause of multiple of his peers being sent to the infirmary just this year. Most of all though, the outing on Chandrila had left an exceptionally bad taste in Thelian’s mouth for weeks since – leading him to avoid any and all social gatherings as if they were hotbeds of AMS.

Nevertheless, here he was. Arms crossed over his chest, sporting his standard deadpan expression.

While the Echani would never admit it aloud, this marked his first real Life Day celebration. The circumstances of his childhood had left no room for the festivities and presents beneath decorated trees. The Order had gone all out this year, and there was a part of Thelian that was genuinely curious what all the hype was about. Curious about something that, unlike his peer, he never had.

Of course, once Thelian determined that he would be attending, he was left with the difficulty of what to wear. Unsurprisingly, most of his wardrobe consisted of casual or fitness attire and he didn’t own a single thing that even vaguely resembled formalwear. And it was going to snow on Tattooine before the boy ever asked to borrow something from one of his dorm-mates.

As a result, Thelian wore a pair of dark jeans and grey, hooded t-shirt that tightly fitted to his torso – drawstrings of his hood hanging loosely over his chest. While the Echani dressed rather plainly, the boy clearly hadn’t forgone all attempts to freshen up for the event. The air around him lightly scented with some cheap cologne he had snagged from one of his peers, and for once in his life, Thelian had styled his taken to styling his messy snow-white locks with hair gel – combing it neatly into place.

Most notably, the eyes of Jedi and younglings alike would be drawn to the Echani’s left hand. The wounds he sustained back on Belkadan hadn’t quite fully healed by this point, and his entire hand from the wrist down was tightly wrapped in white bandages. Even still, those that took a closer look would very clearly be able to see that the Echani was missing his pinky and the upper half of his middle finger on that hand.

Lingering within the Hallway between the Life Day Tree and the Dining Hall, Thelian allowed his gaze to wander for a few minutes – gradually flicking between the Jedi who arrived and the multitude of younglings who gleefully ran through the halls. Eventually, the Echani’s silver eyes locked onto the seven-foot figure looming like a literal sentry over all of them.

For all of his bravado and outward confidence, the Echani couldn’t help but feel the slightest pang of both nervousness and excitement as he fixated his attention onto Sevrin, taking a long drink of the spiced cider in his hands. The Sephi Jedi had a reputation as one of the best swordsmen in their order, and was one of the few people Thelian genuinely looked up to and admired. Due to the Sephi rarely spending time at the temple, having the opportunity to interact with the Master was a rarity – and one that Thelian wasn’t going to squander tonight.

After taking another drink from his mug and another moment to muster the confidence, the Echani began to make his way towards Sevrin - though not before Brienna beat him there. While he knew the Jedi Knight by name, that was about all Thelian knew.

"Master Valtiere, Knight Lanaamer." He gave them a respectful nod of his head - even if he maintained his usual expression. "I hope you're both having a good night."

@Sreeya @ModernMarvel