Ask Nar Shaddaa Lightweight babbyyyyy

Nero Agrippa


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2020
Reaction score
Nar Shadda
Nero's second penthouse
Upstairs Gym.


Nero Agrippa would have sweat dripping off his forehead from his hairline. A single piece of hair not slicked back with the rest as it hung freely over his eyebrows. He was soaked but focused. His eyes staring at the huge mirrors that were circled around the gym on every wall except a gigantic window that overlooked Nar shadda as it held a good view of the city and the ships flying in every direction. The sun was setting and the Neon lights of night began to flicker on over the city. His stereo was blasting some new rapper that was making his way around the galaxy"Wanye Kest". The music would be bouncing off the walls and shaking the mirrors on the walls. Nero only wore gym shoes and briefs under his shorts. A 45lb bar in his two hands with 2x 45lb weights on each end as he was pushing himself through the overhead shoulder press. His shoulders were on fire but it was a solid burn. More pain more the gain and he wasn't quitting yet. Soaked in sweat and his muscles popping it was only the start.

The hook of the song would be in full swing as he pushed the bar over his head in a full raise as he extended his arms and squeezed his shoulders once he had it way above his head. Feeling the burn he would bring it back down and repeat this process until his reps reached to 12. Letting the weight hit the ground and settle as he lowered it. The music making his head bop side to side while going up and down. Checking his holowatch as the timer hit 30 seconds for his rest and recover as he picked the weight up and repeated the steps except hitting his reps to 10. Doing the pyramid program as he dropped two reps every set until he hit 8. This way it would maximize his muscles burning but not over extending it by doing to much. Once complete he would set it down and make his way over to the free weights. Picking up 2x 60lb dumb bells he would take a seat in a small black gym chair and begin over head shoulder presses with free weighted dumb bells. Gripping the 2 weights in his hand as he began to straight his posture and lift them up level to his shoulders. The chorus of the song starting to pick up with another climb of beats. Another crescendo of the bumping music beginning to form as the beat picked up the speed. Letting out a grunt as he pushed the weights over his head and extended his arms. Squeezing once fully extended and setting them back down as the beads of sweat hit the floor and ran down his tattooed body.

Repeating the same pyramid process as he went from 12, 10 and finally 8. His eyes staring with focus as his mind was clear. Pushing off the last reps with hevay grunting as he dropepd the weights to the ground. Checking his watch for recovery as he stood up a bit and jumped slightly in one spot while rolling his shoulders. Grabbing his bottle of water as he took a mouthful. The sweat rolling down to his shorts with a gleam from the lighting. He heard his watch beep as recovery was over. He made his way over to the free weights once more and grabbed 2x 90lb dumb bells and began to do shrugs. Keeping the weight close to his sides as he raised his arms up with his shoulders and squeezed. Setting the weight down once one rep was complete before lifting again until he hit 12, than 10 and finally 8. Setting the weights down screaming "LIGHT WEIGHT BABYYYY" as sweat poured down his face and tattooed body. Reaching over he grabbed his other drink off to the side of protein powder and took a mouthful.
