Open Event Newbie Event: Crisis on Verona

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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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C R I S I S _ O N _ V E R O N A
Summer 2023: New Members Event


As the solstice sun of Verona set behind the high-rises of Prospera, Baelum, a grizzled veteran of the hangar's servicing crew, leaned against the cool durasteel of the entrance to the bustling spaceport. His calloused hands, weathered by countless years amidst starships, bore the patina of grease and grime, signs of a day's toil in the hangar's belly. The hum of starship engines filled the air, their rhythmic drone harmonizing with the cacophony of mechanical clatter and interspecies chatter.

Against the backdrop of Verona's troubled skies, vessels of all sizes and origins dotted the expansive landing platform. Jedi starfighters arrived in silent grace, their streamlined forms a stark contrast to the imposing bulk of Sith cruisers, dark omens against the pastel-hued horizon. Shuttles and freighters hailing from distant galaxies bore enigmatic envoys and shadowy mercenaries, each responding to Friar Lawrence's desperate plea for peace.

Prospera had always been a bustling hub of interstellar exchange, but the ongoing blockade, the brainchild of House Montague, had cast an ominous shadow over the once-vibrant city. Yet despite the specter of war, life pulsed within the capital's heart.

Baelum’s gaze followed a departing Jedi starfighter, its twin ion engines cutting a fiery path through the waning light. For a moment, he allowed himself to wonder about the world beyond the blockade, the broader galaxy that spun onwards in spite of Verona's troubles.

His mind teetered on the precipice of speculation, pondering the unfolding cosmic drama. How would the clandestine machinations of Jedi and Sith shape the course of his homeworld's future? Would the peace negotiations bring respite or merely fan the flames of discord? And what of Friar Lawrence's desperate gambit? Could a chorus of disparate voices truly conjure a symphony of peace amidst the dissonance of rivalry?

__O O C _ N O T E S

Welcome to our Summer 2023 Newbie Event: Crisis on Verona. You can read all about it here.

Reminders: Only members who joined our site in the last six months (after December 1st, 2022) are eligible to join this event. I'll be posting every 48 hours from the perspective of a different NPC based on your actions to update you on the consequences of said actions and keep the story moving. You can choose to interact with that NPC or not. Between those 48 hours period, you are free to post however many times you want. You can stick together as a group, or split up into smaller groups to target specific objectives.

Finally, sabotages are allowed. You can create a circumstance that will make it impossible for one faction to complete an objective.

M I S S I O N S _ R E P O R T
  • Bring the feuding factions of both Houses back to the negotiation table [not started]
  • Expose the Sith self-interested involvement in the conflict [not started]
  • Ensure the successful construction of House Capulet's space station [not started]
  • Covertly infiltrate House Capulet/Montague to cause discord and nurture resentment [not started]
  • Spark a grassroots revolution promoting the wisdom offered by Friar Lawrence [not started]
  • Expose the hidden manipulations of both the Sith and Jedi [not started]

Caeli Veridia

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 23, 2023
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Caeli landed her starship in the bustling spaceport of Prospera. She took in the busy scene around her, contrasting sharply with the quiet serenity of ruins of the Takodana Jedi Temple. Her robes provided a slight barrier against the evening chill as she left her ship.

She took a moment to reflect on the situation. House Montague, the rulers of the moon Escalus, were in a difficult position. They had to defend themselves from the ambitious House Capulet, who wanted more than their fair share of power. Caeli felt a deep empathy for them, understanding their fear and worry.

She leaned against her ship, her arms crossed over her chest. Her fingers brushed against the handle of her lightsaber, a comforting reminder of her duty and purpose. Despite this, she felt very alone in this moment, surrounded by the noise and activity of the spaceport.

Out loud, she asked, "Where are the others?" She was awaiting the arrival of her fellow Jedi.

Cremek "Krayt" Candorus

Exiled Sith Master

Character Profile
Apr 25, 2023
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Cremek landed his ship down, he was early, it seemed, as he could not identify any of his fellow sith around, he stepped out of his ship, placing his mandalorian helmet right firmly on his head as he stepped off the ramp, the breathing apparatus he had in there whirred gently with each breath he took, he makes his way into the the meeting point, his black mandalorian armor presenting him a simple bounty hunter, here to make some easy credits with the growing tensions.

Davin Tillisk

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jun 6, 2023
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A bead of sweat rolled down the back of Davin's neck. The lush rain forests of Verona made for an incredibly humid environment that assaulted the young Sith as he stepped off the transport. He felt conspicuous in the black robes and so he lowered the hood. A cool breeze washed over Davin's sweating bald head as he looked to the sky. The scent of grass clippings and tree sap filled his senses as he watched the bustle of space craft and transporters in the darkening sky. His gaze lowered to the horizon and began the leisurely stroll to the mouth of the port.

People of all walks of life filled the port, most looking for a way out. The panic in the port would be severe if they knew what the man who walked among them intended to do to their home. Despite the confidence in himself, Davin felt a sense of unease. He glanced at the faces that past him by but no one seemed to look his way or cared about his presence. He couldn't help but feel that he was being watched. Somewhere in the crowd, someone must have been watching his every move. Davin gently reached out with the Force and could feel the anxiety in the people around him. I must be feeding off of their emotions. He pondered to himself for a moment and then pushed the thought away.

As he continued through the port Davin glanced up again. He noticed a maglev train coming into a station above his head. Full carriages unloaded as sparse pockets of citizens pushed onto the train to be whisked away into the heart of the city. That system of transportation could potentially work in his favor for his own seedier plans for this city. A grin formed on his face as he admired the maglev train depart. His mind's eye envisioned a civil war and it could be instigated by extremists of House Montague. He would need help to pull something like that off along with whispers to those in power within House Capulet. Davin continued with a spring in his step. "This heat isn't so bad after all," he chuckled with his grainy whisper of a voice.


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jun 8, 2023
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Tonight the wall is coming down

I am stronger than my fears

This is the mountain that I climb​

Rair's fingers danced along the length of fabric that fell from the back of her head, worrying the cloth as she sat in her ship and stared sightlessly at the ceiling. If she didn't get up, then nothing would start, right? That's how the universe worked?

A staccato whistle disabused the girl of that notion even as soon as it began to form and she shrugged. "I know, Cuetee. I know." She wasn't the lazy sort, she reminded herself as she stood from her pilot's chair, but with her work on Kinyen having wrapped up barely before she got the call to Verona, she had hoped to have a few days to process. Instead, she was here, looking down the barrel of a blaster set to start a war.

A war she was supposed to somehow help avoid.

"This is why I didn't join the diplomats," the young knight murmured to herself as she walked down the ramp of her ship and into the port, ready to do her best.

Got 100 steps to go

Tonight I'll make it 99

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Sith Order

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May 21, 2023
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Ikaran stepped off the intergalactic public transport ship he had arrived on, as he didn’t know how to fly himself. Feeling the humid air and seeing the many people around the busy port. He couldn’t help but think he had importance. Standing among so many non force sensitive she felt he was very lucky.

he had travelled through the grand crowd of people and managed to spot another sith. It didn’t look like a sith maybe a bounty hunter but he could tell it was a sith the force was aiding him in this realization. He looked at the supposed sith and got his attention he knew that they both knew they were sith.


Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael landed his ship in the bustling port, walking to his locker in the ship he put on his sith armor grabbing his lightsabers and repulsor blades. Though it was his sith outfit it wasn't inherently sith looking, it may draw slight attention but mainly because of the mask.

Geared up he would walk out of his ship looking around the port trying to spot any people on note. Unamused by the crowd he would continue on to the meeting point. Nothing like home, he would think while moving through the crowd. After going through what felt like a sea of people he caught sight of the meeting point seeing two others standing there. He made his way to them while looking around for more sith.

@theaveragejedishadow @vinter

Davin Tillisk

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jun 6, 2023
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As the visions of the emerald planet burning from the flames of war subsided, Davin's gaze returned to the port behind him. As he considered his own plans to manipulate the planet and its people for the good of the Sith, it was time to seek out his allies in treachery. The operation would be grand and it was certain there would be others who would want to see the Sith fail. If he were to stand a chance at making a name for himself and to be noticed by his betters, what better place than here? What better time than now?

A meeting point had been established and Davin was anxious to meet those who would answer the call. He marched with purpose, his long strides breaking through his robes. The port visitors seemed to clear a path before him, giving Davin an air of superiority as he peered down his nose at those who made way for him. It wasn't long before he came among others clad in black. He felt like he was sticking out like a sore thumb before, but with so many gathering in one spot, it wouldn't be hard to deduce who they are and swear their allegiance to. A flourish of color might do them some good to better blend in. A problem for another day.

@Javier esschoolbus @theaveragejedishadow @vinter


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jun 7, 2023
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No — Verona. She was on Verona.

The planet's massive, ancient trees dominated the landscape below Adora's gliding starfighter. They weren't wroshyr trees, but they were close. Their thick canopy seemed to stretch on forever.

Adora's slender, magenta fingers traced the carvings of the wooden pendant hanging from her neck. Crafted from wroshyr wood, the simple details were amateur, unlike the adroit Wookiee artisans she was crudely immitating. In the pendant's center sat a Kyber crystal, a parting gift from her now deceased master.

Adora wasn't flying through Kashyyyk's upper amtosphere, but she was bringing part of the Wookiee homeworld with her in the form of her pendant. She wasn't a diplomat. That was one flaw she could certainly admit. Nonetheless, she was bringing two worlds together.

Kashyyyk and Verona.

But more importantly — Verona and her moon, Escalus.

Adora had little to say on the matter. Aristrocatic government belonged to the scrap heap of history. But that wasn't her choice to make. That was probably for the better. Had she been in charge, every day would be Magenta Day. Wait... that didn't sound half bad. Oh well, maybe in another life.

The starfighter plunged into Verona's lower atmosphere, streaking across the sky. Leaves of the large, native trees danced in the breeze left behind by the thrusting twin ion engines.

The squabbles of nobility meant little to Adora. She wasn't here to negotiate. That was best left to her more articulate peers. She was here for one reason and one reason only: to expose the machinations of the Sith, and avoid Verona and her moon from becoming another scarred victim of war, like her beloved Kashyyyk.

The young padawan finally engaged her commlink on the encrypted Jedi frequencies. "Padawan Adora, reporting in."

Adora's starfighter gently approached the spaceport. She wasn't sure what her next move was, but for now she would play the role of silent guardian and wait for further instruction.



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Jun 9, 2023
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Ja'Rek stepped off the public transport ship and onto the bustling streets of Verona. He took a deep breath of the humid air and looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. He had been here before, but it had been a while.

The port was a hive of activity. Ships of all shapes and sizes were docked, and people were everywhere, loading and unloading cargo, haggling over prices, and simply going about their daily business. Ja'Rek made his way through the crowd, heading for the Bounty Hunters Guild office.

He had come to Verona in search of work. He had been a bounty hunter for a few years now, but he had never been very successful. He had managed to make a few credits, but he had never been able to save up enough to buy his own ship. He hoped that would change here.


Sith Order

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May 21, 2023
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Ikaran now surrounded by others realized they were quite noticeable. A group of not so friendly looking individuals could bring some attention. Ikaran guided the group to a sort of secluded alleyway. Hoping that any sith still travelling to the meeting spot would be able to find it.

As the group now settled Ikaran wanted to know everyone’s first thoughts. Hello friends, I hope we all had a safe trip. Now what shall we do. Ikaran stayed seated gazing at all the sith Ikaran had no clue who they were maybe acolytes maybe something to be afraid of. As Ikaran was an acolyte he was nervous. But a strike of confidence reached him as he knew none of them knew that.
@theaveragejedishadow @Javier esschoolbus @Stump

Cremek "Krayt" Candorus

Exiled Sith Master

Character Profile
Apr 25, 2023
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"we wait for our superior to arrive, or someone with a clue on what we do first. Other than that we assist our mutual Ally in any way we can."

Champion candorus loomed, he had no visual weapons on him, then again, his reputation for well.. being a little more.... Bloodthirsty than most sith when his temper was lost was not exaggerated, he surely was armed with something, as his ally's drew closer the imposing aspects of the mando-sith armor became more apparent.

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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"If I remember correctly the patriarch of the ruling house on planet sent for us. If an attendant doesn't arrive shortly we should make our way to the palace." Not trying to appoint himself as the de facto leader he also can't help but feel they didn't fully watch the holocom message they received. Sizing up the other sith both through the force and in appearance they all seem to be equal in overall terms. Although he could tell the sith in the mando suit was probably the most experienced of the bunch.

He looked around for a place to rest finding an old rug on the floor spreading it out he sat down and began meditating to prepare himself. His main concern was for the tidbit about the rival family hiring their own outside help. While meditating he tries to find a way to either go past or destroy this blockade preventing the station being built. After mulling it over he decides he doesn't have all the info he needs to fully devise one. He decides to just focus on his attunement to the force as he was taught. Though this would make him more noticeable in the force potentially alerting any jedi or sith serching for force usage/power. He would continue waiting for the other sith to lose patience or a contact to arrive

Caeli Veridia

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 23, 2023
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A palpable silence ensued as Caeli found herself alone in the humid air of Verona, waiting for her fellow Jedi to arrive. A sense of trepidation and eagerness intermingled within her, as she realized the enormity of the mission. She took a deep breath, allowing the smell of Verona's lush vegetation to cleanse her troubled thoughts.

Raising her commlink, she switched it to the encrypted Jedi frequencies. "This is Padawan Caeli Veridia, reporting from Verona," she spoke, her voice clear and steady, belying the undertone of anxiety. Her heart pounded a rhythm in her chest as she awaited any response, the humming of her commlink the only sound breaking the tranquillity around her.

Drawing upon her wisdom and compassion, she suggested a course of action. "It might be prudent to initiate contact with Friar Lawrence. Known for his peacekeeping efforts, he could be instrumental in bringing all parties to the negotiation table," Caeli proposed.

@KaraLi @Skippypls

Davin Tillisk

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jun 6, 2023
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"Actually, I do have some thoughts," Davin wheezed, his vocal cords would be working overtime for the foreseeable future as he considered his next words carefully. The Sith have always been made up of ambitious and untrustworthy people, it would go without saying that Davin himself falls in that category. "The scope of our mission is far too narrow-minded. Verona and Escalus are rich in resources. I propose we install House Capulet as a dictatorship and wipe out their opposition once and for all." The idea felt tantalizing enough as a dark grin formed on his face. "We would be rewarded greatly if we delivered this planet and a station to the Order. I say we make the first move and meet with this King who so boldly asked for our assistance. We are not puppets, why should we wait on the whim of someone so weak?"

Davin cleared his throat and spat bloody phlegm onto the ground. His mind once again working like the cogs within an intricate clock. He hoped that this short speech would be enough to convince his brothers-in-arms. Would House Capulet be receptive as well? Who would be the one to light the fuse of civil war? Perhaps a willing bounty hunter for the right price. Davin brought his right hand to his chin and rubbed the small scar with his index finger as he contemplated.

@Javier esschoolbus @theaveragejedishadow @vinter

Cremek "Krayt" Candorus

Exiled Sith Master

Character Profile
Apr 25, 2023
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"I do not care, as long as it gets done, the Capulet house is already sympathetic to our cause, we just need to push them in the right direction thats all."

he crossed his arms

"I will take care of running interference for any.. unwelcome visitors who get in the way."

out of all the sith to arrive he was probably the more experienced one, to his knowledge.

@Javier esschoolbus @vinter @Stump


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jun 8, 2023
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Tonight the wall is coming down

I am stronger than my fears

This is the mountain that I climb​
Padawans Adora and Caeli checked in over the comms which brought a small frown across Rair's visage. She had expected another knight or two, maybe some padawans accompanying them, but just the three of them?

Well, maybe Jedi didn't crave adventure and excitement, but it certainly had a way of finding them.

"Jedi Knight Rair here," the young woman said into her own comm device, "Glad you two made it safe. That's a good idea, Padawan Veridia, but..." She trailed off, trying to weigh the pros and cons. They were brought here to help, and if they stepped on the wrong toes, they could make it a lot worse, plus bringing in an additional third party...

Still, the Jedi weren't here to pick sides, and the Friar, if he was a representative of the people, probably should be looped in.

"Why don't you head to Friar Lawrence, Caeli? Padawan Adora, do you think you can manage a conversation with the Montague's? They called us here, so should be the most receptive to our presence. I'll go speak with their rivals, the Capulets." Three Jedi for three factions... well, at least the numbers were on their side. Caeli clearly had a head for diplomacy, so her getting a feel for the third party made sense, and Adora? Rair could tell less about her from their short conversation, but the Montague's were the easy group in here.

Which left her as the Knight to speak with the likely most antagonistic group.

"Hooray," the young woman thought to herself.

Got 100 steps to go

Tonight I'll make it 99

@Marianne @Skippypls

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
Reaction score
"Weak or not stepping on the toes of a group that controls a planet and has the means to oversee such a construction as this station means it has more wealth and power than the sith do currently. With our current standing being to offstandish is not the play of course massacring the rival house and any other opposition will be easy but would leave the door open for further insurrection. Something the sith as a whole isn't currently equipped to deal with." Sure Trael was ambitious but he also realized the situation the sith are in from a tactical point of view. An outward show of force by the sith would bring the galaxy down on them. They need to be more careful in how they do things until a powerbase has been reestablished. Opening his eyes and standing up he looks over to the sith that made the suggestion. "Though you are right, I'm tired of waiting like some pet being let out. I agree we should go to the palace but we should treat this we some secrecy. The galaxy has been steadily trying to weed us out as it is and we possess no armed forces or extensive fleet. If it is openly known we are here and working towards integrating the planet all of the work done here will have been useless" He looks over to the seated sith. "Do you have an opinion or plan we should do I'd rather everyone have an understanding of each others ideas and plans."

@theaveragejedishadow @Stump @vinter

Cremek "Krayt" Candorus

Exiled Sith Master

Character Profile
Apr 25, 2023
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when the man tried to scan the sith sorcerer he felt nothing but a blank, the clever man was hiding himself from the force, ever aware that his enemy, the jedi, could be here even now. The scion of the dark side of the force clearly felt the poking around, as he gave trael a glare.

"whatever is needed to get this sap fest done."

the mando-sith sighs, but it came out more or less a static growl with his modulator.

"holo me when you get our missives if you will, we were told the enemy has reached out to the jedi order, so expect resistance in the form of.. them. Again, I can run interference for any... saboteurs."

he nods, his combat experience was quite advanced, as well as his skill, he could perform the role of the hunter if need be, besides.. he needed to test his new invention..

@Javier esschoolbus @vinter @Stump


Sith Order

Character Profile
May 21, 2023
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Ikaran looks around at the sith around him, and decides what he wants to do.
“I say we go to the palace discreetly”. Ikaran has not much to say he believes they should do what they are there for and nothing else.

He believes they shouldn’t cause to much disturbance, and with the low amount of sith there is he believes it will be easy.
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