Orn Secura


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
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Orn Secura

twi'lek ⚬ twenty-six ⚬ consular jedi knight ⚬ level one


NAME: Orn Secura
SPECIES: Rutian Twi'lek
AGE: 26

FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Knight
OCCUPATION: Jedi Consular

HEIGHT: 1.8 m
WEIGHT: ~75 kg
BIOGRAPHY From a minor branch of the Rylothian Clan Secura, one still in its infancy and relative obscurity, Orn, discovered as a young child in his homeworld, never had much of a connection to his parents or family in general. And, since early indoctrinated in the ways of the Order, became quite quickly a steadfast defender of its principles. An outcome that was by no means unrelated to his first master, a stalwart Jedi, firm believer in even the most archaic parts of the code, who held the Twi'lek as an apprentice even as the Order saw fit to knight most members with little training.

Of course, with the whole 'galaxy being at war' thing, any formal training could not compare to what was once lectured in the peaceful Jedi temples, or to even not long before, when the title of Padawan still existed. But his unofficial master sure came close. Although somewhat lacking in swordsmanship, the older Jedi hoped to pass a bit of his wisdom and Force prowess to the newer generations of rushed members. And partaking in dangerous missions, way above what he and some of his peers were trained for, the Secura either succeeded or perished. And succeed he did, eventually adopting the warrior-monk ways of his master.

Living a hectic life, just like most others in the Order at the time, the somewhat unprepared Knight saw his fair share of adventure, helping both the war effort, in the frontlines mainly as a healer, and the general citizens of the galaxy, not fully turning away from what he believed to be the Jedi's true calling.

During their many travels - some of them putting Orn in contact with his original clan, seen more as an outsider than anything else - the issue of Twi'lek slavery came to the attention of the young Knight, who took it upon himself to aid in the battle against it wherever he could. Sure he tried, but with the whole practice being somewhat common even in the Inner and Mid rims a single do-gooder has a very limit reach, even moreso once one realizes the size of this huge economical racket. Today it stands as another objective in his expansive and hardly achievable to-do list.

A scholar at heart, the destructions of temples, libraries, and other various places of learning affected the young Knight the most. While he was privileged to learn the ways of the Force with an experienced master, not many shared that privilege, as he soon realized. And in the neverending destruction, more and more Jedi texts and secrets were lost, making sure the next generations would grow even further from advanced understanding of the Force and its nature.

This issue, however, was not of true concern to more military-minded Jedi, and found limited interest among the ranks. A task force to find and preserve Jedi knowledge was finally formed when some of the key figures inside the Order, mainly focused in pushing the Exiles back, realized what could happen in the years to come if their resilient enemies amassed enough of the powerful older manuscripts and holocrons, that could no doubt give their readers an edge. Orn and his master took part.

To many members of this new focused cell, action had been taken far too late, the bulk of the damage already done, and yet most wanted to do their part in preserving the Order's knowleadge. As the fighting subdued and the Exiles exhausted their forces, the cell had a few successes in defending a few temples and hunting Dark Jedi who held important pieces of their now burned libraries. Unfortunately, it never gained much traction, and was kept to a limited scope.

All in all, this time in Orn's life is responsible for many important and varied experiences, not only by learning through the recuperated texts and holocrons, but also through dealing directly with the enemy. Among both the Jedi and Dark Jedi, it's somewhat understandable that not many would care enough for preserving knowledge during such trying times, focusing instead on the direct annihilation of their foes, but those who did, in both sides, usually shared a passion for the information they carried. And so, the Exiles he dealt with were rarely ever those in the front lines, being instead those who valued the Force above all else, those who had a deep connection with the dark and its many perilous yet powerful paths. Those who understood the value in allies with the same hunger and connection to the Force that bound them all.

As such, the darkside stood close by as an ever tempting mistress, the lure of power clinging to the artifacts they recovered, some tainted beyond recognition with dark energy. Some of his comrades fell, and at times even he for a second considered it, but in the end those possibilities were always shut down by his strong conviction in the light. That and his ex-master's influence. Orn, who already held his master turned peer in the highest regard, had no doubt his presence and general advice helped him to stay true to the ways of the Jedi.

Nonetheless, this time afforded him many new friendships and relations, both among the Order and outside of it. A few temptations surely appeared along the way, but for someone who daily fought against the darkside, they were easily resisted. Quite socially developed, his circle grew quick, which is why the Tragedy at Ilum represented such a blow, like to many others.

When their evil counterparts invaded the sacred Jedi world the relatively peaceful consular cell saw a provocation that could not go unanswered, and so they took part in the defense. The fighting was like nothing the Knight had ever seen, and he came to realize a lot of luck was involved in him surviving even the first skirmishes, going against Dark Jedi way more inclined to dueling than he was. But true luck came when the crystal exploded.

Well, at least if we are to consider seeing your comrades, people he had spent the last years with, evaporating in the blink of an eye, luck. The waves of energy stopped the fighting, killing indiscriminately throughout the planet. The ever increasing death toll left a mark on the Twi'lek, who was there to see his would be master leave cover to help a fellow Jedi stuck under a fallen structure, only to fail getting back soon enough.

The images were horrifying, something out of a nightmare, and would surely stay with him for years to come. And yet, when the crystal finally let up, there was not much to mourn, not much to recover from the dead. Such was the power of destruction of the darkside. And so they left, hundreds, thousands of their peers fallen on their most sacred planet.

Divided in many sects once it came out that the Order's Grandmaster betrayed them in their finest hour, the Jedi were, for the first time in many years, as divided in nature as the Exiles. The Guardians' retreat came as a surprise to Orn, whose trust in the light and in the Order did not fault, for he had known many good Jedi who were infected by the sickness the darkside was. It was unfortunate their Grandmaster's will had not been strong enough, but he did not see it as a time to close in the Order, instead believing they should keep their work recovering artifacts to preserve its knowledge and sanctity in the eyes of the Galaxy.

Of course, his first instinct was to hunt down every last Exile. But even then, the darkside would never be defeated, and if the Exiles ever returned in force, they had to be prepared. A new generation had to be trained and taught what it meant to truly be Jedi.

PERSONALITY AND TRAITS Like most other present, the tragedy in Ilum deeply changed the Knight, and his outwards presence can definitely be divided in before and after the events. Chiefly because of his upbringing, Secura had always been somewhat of a stern character, but was also usually quite light, even jovial, letting through some humor even in the worst possible times. After the explosion that shook the galaxy, however, much of that lightness left the Knight, now quite a bit more serious, dry, even grim.

Although still a firm believer in the ways of the light, the power of the darkside has undoubtedly always been appealing. But with a seemingly never-ending belief in the goodness of the Order, and amicability with the denizens of the galaxy, time and again Orn has defeated those desires. A true believer that a Jedi's calling is in the form of helping, fighting for peace and the betterment of the life of others, even after the events, the Knight stays strong with the lightside. If anything, he would rather try and fix the Order from within instead of abandoning it. Understanding, however, he has always been of the war effort, acknowledging that in current times the Order's true calling might be put in second place as more immediate concerns take precedence.

The darkside to him is nothing short of a sickness he has seen many of his comrades fall to, and the Jedi, a cure. So they should not hide, they should not cower, instead keep doing their part in repairing the wrongs of the past, ridding the galaxy of its biggest current evil. Different than some of his fellow Consular, he is not against the use of force, and actually advocates for the active hunt of not only knowledge, but also Exiles.

A man of noble intentions, the Twi'lek maintains a code of honor, and tries his best not to trail the shadowy path of deception. He keeps to his word, and heavily expects others to do the same, not easily accepting help or even the company of those he deems not honorable. The times he had to deal with Dark Jedi stood as tests to this concept, however, as arguing for straightforwardness and any kind of trust in them is nothing short of crazy. And after what happened, it is impossible to not realize times are changing, and now that both sides' strength is diminished, one must accept the burden of being at least a bit more dynamic in their dealings.

Under the concerned, serious face, however, lies a kind heart. Orn is compassionate to the struggles of others, at times putting the well being of the innocent citizens of the galaxy over his own. There is no way to argue the Jedi had no hand in the state of affairs, and while he doesn't believe the Order is fully the culprit in the war like some other Consulars do, he does believe it's their duty to try and fix things instead of hiding behind walls to meditate.

calm ⚬ compassionate ⚬ dedicated ⚬ idealistic ⚬ disciplined ⚬ respectful
reserved ⚬ cautious ⚬ dogmatic ⚬ indecisive ⚬ regretful​

POWERS AND ABILITIES The strong suit of Orn definitely lies within the Force, as his training mainly focused on it, and he has quite a bit of experience for someone of his rank, putting it to use during his years hunting artifacts. At the start mainly a healer in the frontlines, that ability was outshined by others more oriented to combat and general use, such as telekinesis and sensing. However, his aptitude to Force Healing is still naturally the strongest, the others hardly being past average.

Lightsaber training was not exactly neglected, but swordplay is not something Orn truly excels at. His choice of main weapon has always been the staff. Longer and harder to master, the Twi'lek did see some success with it during the war, but had to fall back to a single, simpler lightsaber after his original one was destroyed in battle, one that demonstrated quite effectively the weakpoints of the longer saber. With a style molded in the chaos of war instead of a classroom, his knowledge of actual combat schools is limited, in practice using parts of many different formal styles. Form V's ideas are heavily borrowed from, as are the practices of Form VI when fighting with a double-bladed weapon.

In the end, all of this makes for a somewhat conservative yet adaptable dueling style that might throw off some more studied opponents. The Knight is realistic regarding his own abilities, rarely overestimating them or underestimating the enemy, which ties in nicely with his approach. To enhance his perhaps even lackluster performance, he learned to also rely on the Force.

As a relatively well traveled Jedi, he has experienced quite a few different situations throughout the galaxy, and has a good sense of scale, distances and positioning, being an able navigator, be it in the oldest of abandoned temples or the most sprawling urban areas. The contact with many scrolls, holocrons, and general artifacts of old belonging of course to the Order, gave him some great insight in history, culture, and of course, the Force, and Secura is generally quite knowledgeable about a whole array of subjects, even if few of them are in depth.

For general skills, he does understand how to work a ship and pilot one at a basic level, as one would expect from an almost-nomad warrior-monk. Alternatively, an interest in cooking and the galaxy's finest cuisine has always been present, and he is known to make some good meals from almost nothing, which comes in handy when stranded in temples or what have you, hours to lightyears away from the nearest restaurant.

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Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
  • Single-bladed blue lightsaber
  • Jedi Robes
  • Rebreather
  • General exploring equipment
  • Simple cooking supplies
  • Handmade flute


Plot: Aid Center
  • Greatest of Intentions, wherein Orn meets on Ossus the small group responsible for this new important yet somewhat controversial Jedi project.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Very nicely written! I was afraid that I was being too descriptive in my own biography, but this made me feel a lot better.
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Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Very nicely written! I was afraid that I was being too descriptive in my own biography, but this made me feel a lot better.
Hey, thanks! I'm actually looking to shorten my character bios from here on out, actually. :P


SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Hey, thanks! I'm actually looking to shorten my character bios from here on out, actually. :P

Mine is a lot longer than I had anticipated. I'm worried it's more in story format than it is a biography. I've been working on it for the last week and am just now realizing I should have done it differently.

Oh well. Whomever reads it should at least find it a good read.


SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2016
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No! the more the better, your profile is fine! You never want a short profile, make it stand out. Plus I like you use the same images for characters...Like me ^_^ great profile btw


SWRP Writer
Nov 19, 2010
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Word - but I don't think we're allowed to use canon last names. Aayla Secura.


SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2016
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Word - but I don't think we're allowed to use canon last names. Aayla Secura.
Secura is a large clan on Ryloth so i think it's okay. Same as the kiffar clan, you can have Vos as a surname, doesn't mean you are relating your-self to Quinlan Vos

... I think that's how it works...


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Secura is a large clan on Ryloth so i think it's okay. Same as the kiffar clan, you can have Vos as a surname, doesn't mean you are relating your-self to Quinlan Vos

... I think that's how it works...
Yes, that's the idea. Honestly, I hadn't even considered it could be a problem til I talked to someone else about this. Waiting on the profile review to make sure, though I don't think it'll be an issue.

I also plan to eventually write about/have a plot involving the clans and other Twi'leks.


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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Secura is a large clan on Ryloth so i think it's okay. Same as the kiffar clan, you can have Vos as a surname, doesn't mean you are relating your-self to Quinlan Vos

... I think that's how it works...

You're 100% correct.

Working my way through the bio now Haro, I like it so far. : )


Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
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