Out Of The Frying Pan


Undercover Mando
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2007
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With a somewhat contented sigh Delmon over saw the many members of his clan as they labored before him. Over the last several weeks they had merely existed, aimlessly wandering through empty space in search of a home where they would not be immediately found out by those who sought them. The men and women of clan Ordo had found themselves wanting, eager for something to occupy their sorrow filled minds. In the south end of the outer rim just about as far as one could possibly go they found such a thing.

The verdant green of planet Vestar beckoned clan Ordo like a siren's song. It's native populace having been exterminated by the Imperium of old, it was practically uninhabited. Perfect for the weakened Mandalorian clan to set down and begin anew. Being that no actual settlements still existed on the far flung planet, Ordo was forced to take desperate measures to ensure they had a well defended home on their newly claimed planet. One of their few remaining Shukala clan Corvette's had been scuttled on the planet's surface to provide a base of operations. The shield generator from the derelict frigate that once hung within Dxun's orbit had been salvaged to add an extra layer of defense to the newly christened base. Seeing no point in letting them go to waste, the main guns aboard the Corvette were kept intact, meant as an added layer of protection from unwanted visitors.

The task of retrofitting the Corvette's generators and turning the scuttled hull into a decent base of operations busied the members of Clan Ordo, allowing their hearts to harden and their thirst for retribution to fester and grow. They all had one thing on their minds as they worked with their hands to forge a new home from the ashes of the old. Vengeance. What was once disdain for the Sith and their Imperium had turned into full blooded malice.

Never again would the members of Clan Ordo be able to run freely through Dxun's endless jungles. Never would they be able to return to the place of their forefathers, where their loved ones had returned to the earth to give back to the green. There was no illusion that the Sith had entirely glassed the once lush moon, even though none within the clan's ranks had returned to witness the devastation the dark siders had wrought. Life would return to the moon in time, though none currently alive within Ordo would live to see it. Destruction on such a scale would take thousands of years to heal, maybe even longer. The plethora of deadly predators that had inhabited the small jungle moon would live on only as memories, save for the handful of Maalraas that the clan had used as a form of hunting hound. They were sure to be the last of their kind, save for whatever meager populations of the beasts born from the animal trade that might exist.

Though many had turned their sorrow into hatred, Delmon hung onto it like a fresh wound. That very reason was why he chose to seclude himself from his fellow clan members. Most knew of his whereabouts, but chose to leave their leader to grieve on his own. His thoughts were planted squarely on his mother and father, who had been returned to the green like so many others before them. The Skyblade clan had existed for thousands of years, weathering the storm of war and death the galaxy held and always coming out stronger than before. Under his father's watch his clan had flourished, and under his father's father it had done much the same. Such was the way of things. That is, until Delmon took the reigns. Within ten years of gaining the title of Alor only hardship had befallen his people. They had gained new brothers and sisters from clan Ordo, yet were beset by foes on all sides due to their sister clan's negative stigma. That hardship had been weathered with their combined strength, but it was as nothing compared to the Sith and their seemingly endless armada of ships. Now his people had lost the only constant. Dxun was forever lost to them, and he couldn't help but feel it was all his fault.

For the first time in years doubt had begun to creep into Delmon's mind. The future and safety of his people was in jeopardy, and he felt as though he could nothing to change it. So much so that he had forgone some of his more prevalent beleifs and sought out the Hutt's, who had been keen on recruiting the clan for some time. It was something he didn't very much want for his people, they were far above hired muscle in his eyes. He had also sought out the Rebellion, though they had been much harder to get in touch with. Both groups had agree'd to a meeting. Delmon would attend both to increase the odds for his people.

As he sat atop a high branch as he watched his clan, he messaged one of its newer members. She was promised a new life and an exciting future, something Delmon was not sure he could provide. Either deal whether it was with the Hutt's or the Rebellion was sure to be a game changer. Though Shev'dela was relatively new to the clan, Delmon found himself trusting her. He had told no one of his plans, she would be the first to know.


kids need their comics
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2009
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“The moon is gone. Glassed by the Sith. Some Survived. Attempted to send warning. “

Shev’dela disinterestedly stroked the back of a near sleeping Maalraas with one hand and pecked away at the keys of her holopad with the other where it rested in the dirt beside her helmet. She’d always had an affinity for animals but her vigor for anything remotely pleasurable was now gone…and She was in no mood to try and feel any other way. She paused momentarily, staring at the screen as if hoping the right words would materialize and save her the effort of trying to find them…but they never came.

The beast faintly hummed in its throat and pushed its muzzle into her hovering hand for attention.

“I am sorry.” She closed the message, shifted her contacts to “Shay’a Tor” and sent it without further hesitation. She didn’t want to linger any longer, it only brought the fowl thought of how her friend would react to the news… Dxun was gone and the worst of it was that she’d hardly grown to know it.

Only weeks before had she arrived and made it her home before it was taken. She’d walked the jungles, introduced herself to the land and immersed herself in a vivid fantasy of the future. One where she’d forge her own destiny, find sisterhood among a family and perhaps even find a man who’d take her. Someone to rest her head on at night…The first few nights she’d lay awake on the jungle moon excited at the prospect of the next day’s hunt. The new faces she’d meet, the bonds she’d forge.
She’d spread her father’s ashes on that moon…and now they’d be indistinguishable among the scorched ruins. The sting of betrayal made her stomach turn. She still laid awake at night but it was for other reasons. The image of his face was sleeping in her memory, locked away by guilt.

Raising herself from the Maalraas’ side she gave his flank a final pat and walked with her helmet under her arm through the busy ranks of displaced Mandalorians, making her way to who had summoned her- the Alor.

She kept her eyes down, face concealed by the wrappings and flat mouth piece of an altered Tusken headpiece. It wasn't until she’d reached his position that she raised her gaze, confused at first and looking about until she’d found him among the branches of a high tree.

“Alor.” She addressed him flatly.