Post Skip Updates

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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I know I quoted this post once already but just wanted to say this since I forgot last night. While I fully agree that someone like GABA, Mav or myself shouldn't be in a leadership position in the Sith or Mandalorian factions, should that really stop me from having a Darth character? Even if it's only the title.

Darth is to the Sith as Jedi Councilor is to the Jedi. They're both the leadership. Although we haven't decided if you could hold both titles simultaneously, a) it wouldn't be fair to other people to hog roles like that and b) it's a massive conflict of interest.

Not in the leadership sense, but the same logic applies here. Should Cassa be denied a Councilor just because he's a prime candidate for the Rebel FL? In fact the two factions aren't opposing one another [at least I assume they won't later on], and if we're looking at specific info he'd be 4th or 5th in command of the Jedi, so it could be argued that he could do both.

It could be argued that, but it could also be the opposite. We haven't decided on the specifics of the rule yet. That's why I'm asking you to wait.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Its safe to assume, Mav, with Bastele's holonet speech and probably every camera on Sigur as he was escorted out of the temple, people found out about the Jedi retreating. I know already its been mentioned in the vigil thread and there's a noticeable IC split on whether to stay or go. Its pretty cool to watch it develop and unfold.

As for members go, TAC, he's up in the air for me. I think part of the issue is I never can catch him on messenger. Vulpes on the other hand, I know what he's up to, which I forgot, we haven't seen much of his Jedi doings because I have him infiltrating in another faction...that may be why we don't see him much, he reminded me he cut back on Jedi board threads to focus elsewhere....however, Vulpes is good about catching me up on things that are happening ICly and OoCly and I'm never worried about inactivity with him.

I wouldn't mind seeing both of them on the council either, especially if the admins are looking to make Cassa FL of the Rebellion. I understand the importance of doing something right and I think Cassa would be a fine fit, so we'll hold off on him for now.

Adding to the discussion on the conflict of interest though, I personally won't allow a member to be a Darth and a Councilor, same goes for any other major faction opponents, unless I'm admin' override on that decision. They can pick to serve one or the other, but I agree with the two major points Brandon makes about it.

Going back your post Mav, I think Ashara would be able to know when Sigur dies, there will be a noticeable Death Concussion, and won't be becoming one with the Force. So the Sith will have a body to mock with and will probably be plastered all over the holonet for people to see.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Also when I discuss things like infiltration in the private boards, I intend for it to stay in the private boards. If there is any issue with it, then you need to approach me either in here, Skype or by PM, I shouldn't have members outside the council asking me about this.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Alright, so we all seem to be in agreement in the timeline outline of the following:

1013 ABY - Coruscant and the Alliance falls, Sigur is dead, the Jedi go into exile and scatter across the galaxy with no real means or intention of communicating with one another. Guhoo and Ashara go about their separate ways, Ebberla in this time stays in the core to continue fighting.

1014/1015 ABY - Guhoo finally receives contact from his sister, Juno on the LOTF and they work together to keep the Jedi they have from being discovered.

Ashara continues to do her own thing with her gang of Jedi in the Outer Rim.

1015-1018 ABY - Ebb witness something demoralizing, forcing her to leave the front lines as she explores a pull in the Force that she's felt since Sigur's death.

1019 ABY - Ebb reaches the LOTF, sees just how far the Jedi have fallen, asks Juno to get her into contact with Guhoo and with Guhoo, to get in contact with Ashara.

1020 ABY - Ebb calls forth a Master's Council, this will include her, Ashara, Guhoo, Arikka, Larik and Juno. Ebberla sets into plan what needs to be done, at this time, we'll see the creation of the Shadows, tasks teams will form to hunt for hideouts, supplies; and others to look to rally Jedi support. The Masters will be assigned roles, their titles will be reassigned later.

1022 ABY - Ebb calls forth a meeting with all Jedi where she announces her council and their titles, and her as Grand Master; the Order is given direction and purpose again.

Then 1023 ABY, when the skip starts, Ebb will announce in an IC post to the galaxy, that the Jedi are back and are ready to act like Jedi again.
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SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
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Yeah looks like a good, basic, outline for the future. Obviously some specifics will be added later, but I like this. Full Council, new Grand Master and plenty of things to do post-skip.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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So as Bac mentioned in the think tank updates, the Jedi will be facing a sort of identity crisis as we try to rebuild the Order, as we search for what really makes a Jedi, a Jedi. With the death of Sigur, which Rom and I decided to change things up to make the blow of his death a little more sinister; it will hopefully leave more Jedi questioning their own involvement with the Order itself. Ebberla intends to take the Jedi back to how Luke Skywalker intended for the Order to be before it was caught up in so much politics. Basically what we saw this timeline so far the Order became a mini military for the Alliance, with its ties to the Senate and even as the Battle Master serving as their Supreme Commander and what has been seen in the past, the Jedi never do well when involved so intensely in politics and mainly war.

The Jedi have a reputation to rebuild come post skip with everything that has happened, mainly with the repercussions of the choices made by the council before the fall. This would be a good story especially for like Guhoo and Ashara where on the council previously as they look to fix the mistakes they have helped make. As it has already been emphasized, the Rebel Alliance and Jedi will not be on good terms. Part of the story will be trying to repair those relations with the fighters of the Alliance Remnant and the civilians that relied on Jedi to help them.

So what will you be responsible for post skip?

Sage Master, Ashara (Mav), will change the fewest, responsibility wise, you’re still considered the most knowledgable in the Force, both light side as well as understanding of the dark side. Since I want to emphasize the Jedi are meant to stop the dangers imposed on others, not destroy it. I will be keeping around the philosophies sections that are currently posted, probably tweak it a little, but we’ll also be still looking to put the eightfold path in use also; I’ll most likely make a new one since the current one is an IC posting of the path.

Come this post skip, we have an incomplete archives, as our temples were destroyed, the Jedi most likely have around their important holocrons and data, but everything else is gone, or damaged. I see this as an excellent opportunity for missions Jedi can do to fill up the archives again. With this in mind, Ashara would still oversee this, but I would like there be a Master given the title as Head Archivist and then those responsibilities handed down to them to get our masters more involved with the Order.

Ashara will still also oversee the healers of the Order, but just like the archives, I want you to appoint a head healer, to give our masters more opportunity to utilize their characters and be active within the Order. We’ll discuss more later on our master groups.

OoCly, Mav, you will be overseeing training in general. I don’t want to see you or anyone else on the council busy themselves with overwhelming amounts of padawans or training threads, that’s really not your purpose as we try to create the stories for members. I want to see classes and training delegated out to other members, but training in general I really want to see pushed into missions, where members learn hands on.

Battle Master, Guhoo ( Gaja) will actually take a back seat this upcoming skip. Battles will not be the focus, but the Jedi will still need to be able to know how to defend themselves otherwise. The Battle Master will be overseeing that Jedi are well prepared to handle Sith and nonFS alike if it comes to a violent confrontation, this is not limited to just knowing how to deflect blaster bolts. Guhoo will need to take the time to make sure Jedi know how to counter other weapons as well. Training, like I stated with Mav, push it down the ranks, let other Jedi, including padawans lead sessions and shouldn’t all come from yourself.

OoC wise, there isn’t much also I want you to do, I know you’re going to busy with the Hutt faction, so I think this would work out just fine. Another thing, I want you to work on with Jedi members is PvP, there still will be moments where we have skirmishes. You have permission to beat up members as long as they learn from it. xD

Shadow Master, Larik (TAC), this role will actually replace the Battle Master in its importance. The shadows will be broken down in a different manner than before where it was strictly against the dark side and it followed a lot of what was played down in like the video games. We haven’t had the shadow before because one, no one would do anything and two, how they were set up, they were irrelevant to the NJO. So the Shadows will be broken up as follows:

Shadows: These members follow more of the traditional route of the shadows, and they take active roles in infiltrating sith and Dark Jedi ranks, as well as knowing how to counter when asked to.

Infitrators: These members are responsible for infiltrating nonFS groups, such as we see the Hutts as well possibly keeping an eye on the Mandalorian clans that will pop up post skip.

Antarian Rangers: This will be something new, where we allow nonFS to join the Jedi. Their specialties will be variable, but the Jedi will be looking for all the help they can get and will also allow Jedi to gain access and knowledge from people and places they may not be able to access. I’ve had several requests this past timeline if nonFS can join the Jedi and I haven’t figured out ways they would be able to do this, so hopefully this will help solve that issue.​

You’ll be heading missions, mainly for infiltration in the factions; we’re looking to change a lot with how espionage is handled and we’ll be working directly with other faction leaders to make sure we come up with a great story for this aspect of RPing.

OoCly, TAC, you’ll be handling the Jedi sign up threads and profile reviews (and the shadow board), I’ve liked how you’ve been approaching this and I think it will give Mav a break since he’ll be handling a lot of the training stuff. That way too, it kind of looks like the Watch Master is filtering out and keeping an out for infiltrators and such.

Then Vulpes, we need to think of a councilor title name, I'm open to suggestions. But you, with your Jedi Arikka, will be leading and scouting for missions for Jedi to do in Order to rebuild their reputation. You’ll work closely with TAC on this as he gains information about what is happening through our shadow members then using that information to create missions, these range from simple humanitarian missions which may not include combat to combative roles in order to take a more aggressive approach to accomplishing what needs to get done.

Included in this will be Jedi recruiting, as we scourer the galaxy for members, they may be hesitant to rejoin the Order or potentials may be hesitant in general, so it will be important to give a convincing argument as to why they would be needed in the Order again.

OoCly, we will have lead a mission board, keeping members updated on things they can do, keeping up with those who sign up and as well as keeping track on what happens on missions. This last part is important due to the fact, we’re being hunted, so members who disappear, it will be important to keep our locations safe and knowing when we need to move. With this in mind too, something I want to pursue with keeping track of members, is going after members who are captured. We’ve had a big problem of leaving this on the backburner, I’m terribly guilty of this I will add, but I want to change that.

So when Jedi ICly disappears, we’ll work together with other factions in order to send task teams to investigate and to get them back. I know there have been instances in the past where nothing could be set up because some leaders would just flat out say no, but with new leaders in place, we have better communication and are looking for story potential in the things we do. However, I think that will help members work together, connect, make them not feel so alienated from the council, knowing that we do care about their Jedi in our faction and stuff.

Then for me, I will be helping out in all your respective fields and handling cross faction negotiations; any negotiations Main factions or Indie will go through the Grand Master. I know some of you were asking about Chain of Command, it will change just a little:

Grand Master (Me, GABA)
Sage Master (Mav)
Watch Master (TAC)
Councilor-in-Waiting (Vulpes)
Battle Master (Gaja)



SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2012
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I'll leave others to comment about their own sections, although I read them and it all sounds great.

I love the idea of the Rangers, and am really looking forward to working on that. My main concern is what you already mentioned- the communication between factions. With the Shadows and Infiltrators messing around with other factions so much, a lack of that communication could really be a killer. It's already hard, because there's a give-take that has to be worked out between factions leaders, which can put a lot of postponement on missions and ideas, and that hesitance will make people much more interested... I think. Correct me I'm wrong.

So, at least from my perspective, I have a request. Can you and the other FLs, as well as the staff (hi Bac/whoever's readying this!) come out with a public, simple, and step-by-step explanation we can post on the Watchmen's area (however you decided to organize the sub-forums) where we can explain all of the steps. Even the ones that they aren't involved with, but are involving me/you moreso. Also, what will be my ability OOC for this? If we want to infiltrate other factions, will I be talking to the FL or will you be? Questions like this will have a big effect on your work load and the success of a process. You already touched on it, but if we have to do that EVERY time we want to plant a Jedi/something happens... it'll get to be a lot. The question is asked, and I'd be willing to help in whatever way to make the process for this more streamlined and efficient, so we can get those awesome roleplays in.

Aaaand those are my immediate thoughts!


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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We're looking to make this area more transparent as to what happens, on a FL and admin level, we're all in agreement on this and we're going to be working together to make sure things are played fair and members have a good time with this. So faction leaders will know who is who if they wish. Like if we want to do some Sith infiltrating, we'll be talking to Rom and his Ubi leader, who will be Kiro to work out a story that will be fun and fair for both sides when we want to do something that would need a appropriate reaction. Its still in the think tank discussion, but we'll get this completely sorted by the time the skip comes.

Otherwise, we'll have a separate sub board for this stuff.

Master Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jun 18, 2011
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As far as overseeing training, I assume that also means to make sure people holding classes are teaching the right thing. Though I guess that's what we're supposed to be doing that already.

Another thing, for new characters I fell that we should work on some basics that most characters shouldn't have in terms of powers, abilities and equipment so we're all on the same page. The most recent example would be the paddie that learned Vaapad from a holocron.

There were a couple other things but I forgot cause this took me so long from my phone.


SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
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Battle Master, Guhoo ( Gaja) will actually take a back seat this upcoming skip. Battles will not be the focus, but the Jedi will still need to be able to know how to defend themselves otherwise. The Battle Master will be overseeing that Jedi are well prepared to handle Sith and nonFS alike if it comes to a violent confrontation, this is not limited to just knowing how to deflect blaster bolts. Guhoo will need to take the time to make sure Jedi know how to counter other weapons as well. Training, like I stated with Mav, push it down the ranks, let other Jedi, including padawans lead sessions and shouldn’t all come from yourself.

OoC wise, there isn’t much also I want you to do, I know you’re going to busy with the Hutt faction, so I think this would work out just fine. Another thing, I want you to work on with Jedi members is PvP, there still will be moments where we have skirmishes. You have permission to beat up members as long as they learn from it. xD

Grand Master (Me, GABA)
Sage Master (Mav)
Watch Master (TAC)
Councilor-in-Waiting (Vulpes)
Battle Master (Gaja)


Alright then. First of I really like the identity crisis aspect of the skip and that is something that I'll be pursuing with Guhoo, certainly it'll be the main focus of his story in the beginning stages of Part II, and looking to involve other Jedi as I create stories and adventures, that will also serve as training and a learning experience while being fun and exciting at the same time as opposed to standard training threads.

As far as training goes our opinions match, I'll have him oversee training threads, sparring sessions and lessons, whether in person or via holo and offer guidance if needed/wanted. But I'll say this, I will be looking to avoid having to do battle/teaching myself, as I don't really lack PvP knowledge or practice, but if someone needs his attitude checked [some like Bubak for example?] I won't hesitate to deliver an ass kicking, or rather a learning experience. Nor will I deny help to anyone who wishes to prepare for a confrontation against the Sith.

With the Hutt Cartel though don't expect me to hold big classes on how to use lightsabers and what not, unless of course we have a big fresh new batch of Jedi padawans that need it.

As for me now being 5th in command of the Jedi Faction I say how dare you Ruth! lol

TAC and Vulpes have more say than I? Challenge accepted! >:3

Master Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jun 18, 2011
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I know you still want to talk about it, but I wanted to start it off a bit by throwing out some ideas.

Masters serving under the High Council

Sage Master:
(Head Archivist/Lore Keeper)
Lead Healer

Battle Master:
Weapon Master
(if Cassa is still going to want to and be able to be involved in that capacity)
Master Champion

Watch Master:
Shadow Master
(anti-darkside peeps)
Spy Master

Master Arbitrator (or something... maybe just Arbitrator, but then you don't get the 'Master' in the name):
(scout, missions)
Master Attendant

Obviously the names are tentative.
Not sure if you wanted any directly under the Grand Master, GABA, considering we're all directly under you. I mean, getting 8 specialized Masters is going to be hard enough. Though they obviously don't need to be filled until someone grows into that role (i.e. people don't make a character starting as a Master specifically for that role... at least that wouldn't necessarily be ideal). But as you said it would give people something to work towards; an actual, tangible goal.

Some other things we're going to have to go over (because I'll forget if I don't write them down somewhere). Most of these are pretty obvious. Again, these are mostly just for me to refer back to and remind myself what I need to be thinking about.
Training guidelines:
  • IC - what characters are going to be able to learn, when and how
  • OOC - new characters, resources available
  • Enforcement - as I said, we need to come up with some general rules and clarification of vague rules so we're all on the same page. (Forms, Force powers, gear, and skills in relation to experience/training time.
Master Groups:
  • IC - role, allowances (authority)
  • OOC - role, allowances (authority)

Now, just to clarify (make sure I understand correctly); the Jedi will, for the 'most' part (at least a good chunk of Jedi), be unified, at least in a sense. At the start, after the skip, one of our first priorities will be searching for those Jedi (PCs) that are missing. We will still have The Light - where is that going to be, exactly (or in what general area)? What was the planet where our new base will be? I totally forgot. :/

Couple other questions that I just thought of:
Where do you want the Master's stationed - their HQ if you will? We had the Temples this time, are we going to have something comparable? Though I suppose we don't really need to considering the setting. I was just curious.
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Formerly Known as Vulpes
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2012
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So I googled "Peacekeeper synonyms" and Consul is the only one that would make sense infront of Master, that I see. "Consul Master" sounds too much like Council though, imho.

Also I'm looking up synonyms for "peace" and that sort of stuff, hoping to find a more reasonable name. I'm not having any luck so far.

Also I skimmed all your stuff and will give it a full read soon and post my opinions, but it seems good


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Alright so after discussing the title situation further with Boli. I've decide to switch title roles, Watch Master will fit in more for what I want Vulpes to accomplish while Arikka is on the council; then as for TAC, the title of Watch Master will then be replaced with the Keeper of Secrets which will fit with more of the obvious darker role it will play.

Role titles, which I was hoping to guide to would be honorary, I don't want to limit to just so many titles since by the time someone reaches Jedi Master, their characters are fairly well developed and I believe if we give them something that pertains especially to their character then it would make it more unique to them and worth keeping around. So some so far is Jhon's which is Keeper of the Way and then Juno's Weapon Master are just some of the examples. But as I posted earlier, some definite ones would be Head Archivist and then Chief Healer; also, too, Spy Master is the name of a dark council position.

Obviously depending on their expertise, they would report to the follow Councilors before me, but I still would like to be kept in the loop as to what is happening.

Training guidelines will more or less stay the same. Obviously we'll be limited to what is available to study holocron wise, but that will make way for missions and training outside the hidden temple and making training more engaging. As for rules on powers and stuff, they can do whatever they want for the most part, artifacts I've been sending to Jiang and Adena since they have been handling past issues with that. However, members are free to chose what they want their characters to learn, however, they will just have accept the consequences if they ever decide to act in a manner that is questionable among the Jedi.

Not sure what you mean about the Master groups.

Now, just to clarify (make sure I understand correctly); the Jedi will, for the 'most' part (at least a good chunk of Jedi), be unified, at least in a sense. At the start, after the skip, one of our first priorities will be searching for those Jedi (PCs) that are missing.

For the most part, yes and we'll still be looking for others to join as well as keeping the Sith off our trail and trying to figure out where our purpose exactly lies.

We will still have The Light - where is that going to be, exactly (or in what general area)? What was the planet where our new base will be? I totally forgot. :/

The LOTF will be first located at Anoth, but it will roaming the galaxy in a convo as I see it. Anoth has a former hideout used by the Skywalker children, I figure we can make that into the base. Anoth is fairly isolated so it will serve as an ideal spot for the hidden temple. Otherwise, for other locations, there was that one place TAC was talking about, however, I'm open for suggestions on locations. Though I know I think it would be cool to have Jedi scout out areas so we can move some locations every now and again to keep the sith off Jedi trails.

Where do you want the Master's stationed - their HQ if you will? We had the Temples this time, are we going to have something comparable? Though I suppose we don't really need to considering the setting. I was just curious.

They will need to be dispersed. I don't want no more than two at a time in thread personally together, hologram is fine when meeting more than a couple at a time. However, we won't have designated temples for each.

Master Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jun 18, 2011
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The Master Groups was a term you used. I just meant the Masters that would report to us directly. But yeah, of course we'd be keeping you in the know!
Anywho, I just meant what authorities, both IC and OOC, we'd give the character and the player, if any were to be given. Though honestly those would just be what Masters are allowed to do already - handle punishments/consequences for actions, lead/over see classes, lead missions, etc.

Anywho - yeah, that is a better idea. Having them, in a way, choose their own title that goes in line with their specialties.

Thank you for the reminder (about our new 'home planet')!
I know I'm beating a dead horse at this point, but are we keeping the Cularin Enclave empty for the time being? This is more for the story I need to write up so I know how to approach that with Ashara.


Formerly Known as Vulpes
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2012
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Do you know if any of the Jedi temples from the old timeline are still intact and aren't in generic overly-populated areas? That might be a neat little throwback, if there's any like that. And will we still have access to Ilum?


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2012
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Keeping my folks separated will be easy enough... sort of our job. I planned on establishing the fact that we had been roaming around for awhile in my write-up for my little Jedi community. So I'll try and figure out a few planets, as well as adhere to any planets you'd all like to see, to give an explanation of how we got there there.

Just need to rearticulate, operating on two hours of sleep.. I'm now the "keeper of secrets"?


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
The Master Groups was a term you used. I just meant the Masters that would report to us directly. But yeah, of course we'd be keeping you in the know!
Anywho, I just meant what authorities, both IC and OOC, we'd give the character and the player, if any were to be given. Though honestly those would just be what Masters are allowed to do already - handle punishments/consequences for actions, lead/over see classes, lead missions, etc.

Ohhh, ok, yeah, we'll still delegate stuff down the ranks to the Masters of the Order and then they would directly report to the respective Master that needs to know that information. So come post skip, to keep councilor/council meeting requests to a minimum and avoid becoming HR for character's personal issues, we can surely push those types of meetings to the masters like I have been trying to do.

As for their authorities, the council should be able to trust the judgement of the Jedi Masters, after all we given them our trust as Master, so they will be able to handle consequences, lead missions, etc, stuff they should be doing all ready. Just none of them would be able to kick any Jedi out of the Order.

I know I'm beating a dead horse at this point, but are we keeping the Cularin Enclave empty for the time being? This is more for the story I need to write up so I know how to approach that with Ashara.

I have a feeling the Sith would probably learn about it. I tried erasing stuff from the archives, however, that didn't work out as planned so the Sith will be getting a good handful of information so I don't believe we'll be using the Cularin Enclave; the Sith would probably have found it during the skip.

Do you know if any of the Jedi temples from the old timeline are still intact and aren't in generic overly-populated areas? That might be a neat little throwback, if there's any like that. And will we still have access to Ilum?

We never had access to Ilum. Its in Chiss territory and getting over there is a headache. So threads I have seen Jedi create about going to Ilum, I gave them a heads up if the Chiss did learn of it, they have every right to intervene, but otherwise we'll have to see what happens post skip and see what's going on with the territories.

As for temples from old timelines, they were all on the popular Jedi worlds iirc, Ossus, Tython, Coruscant; I did joke with Johnny we could use Vo's 'new' estate on Onderon, however, we would have to worry about 50 missiles targeting it and Mandalorian ghost fleets.

Some worlds I looked at though:

Naboo - could relate some stuff with the Rakghoul plague that broke out there and why the Jedi settled there
The Maw - Though it would be in Hutt territory, its always had a significant place in EU canon with stories and at one point it served as a hideaway for Jedi during the Vong War. Also with mentioning as it being in Hutt territory, we can set up stuff with Gaja and the Hutt faction to expand story wise with that.

But as I mentioned I think earlier, something I want to look into is moving these enclaves every few months or so to new locations to keep everyone on their toes. Also I think to, for security, the Anoth temple and LOTF will have access only by convo escort, but when I get to writing up the security measures, I will expand on that.

Keeping my folks separated will be easy enough... sort of our job. I planned on establishing the fact that we had been roaming around for awhile in my write-up for my little Jedi community. So I'll try and figure out a few planets, as well as adhere to any planets you'd all like to see, to give an explanation of how we got there there.

Just need to rearticulate, operating on two hours of sleep.. I'm now the "keeper of secrets"?

TAC - Keeper of Secrets
Vulpes - Watch Master


SWRP Writer
Nov 20, 2012
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And would our responsibilities remain the same?


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Yes, your title is just changing.