Prodigal Son (Taoré's Quest)

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
His eyes and ears darted around to familiar sights and sounds that had not reached his senses for nearly 7 years. To say it was a jarring experience for him would certainly be an understatement. His torn Jedi tunic underneath his durasteel chestplate suddenly began to feel more like slime as he walked closer and closer to the place he had once called home. Perhaps not in location, but in spirit. The way of the Jedi was a path he believed not suited to him, but rather forced upon him by others. Did it matter that he was a reincarnated Legendary Jedi? Not to him, he knew that for sure. He felt the lightsaber, the only heirloom that connected all the pieces together, grow heavier on his belt as he took more and more steps towards the Temple, his dark black cloak billowing behind him.

He stopped abruptly as his enhanced, albeit unpolished, Jedi senses kicked in and began to really feel the power that for many years was non-existent in the past few years rush back to him. Unlike the Darksider he encountered not a few months ago, this power he felt was warm and hopeful. He felt a slight lightness in his stride with each step he took, but he knew this was only a temporary as Jedi training was anything but light and inviting.

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
He managed to find a seat outside the entryway of the Temple, knowing full well that any Jedi Knight or Master would be alerted to his presence. It's been 7 years since he walked away from these doors. He pulled the lightsaber off his belt and began to spin it gently in his fingertips. Of his family heirlooms, this was all he had to remember them by: The Jedi way was all he knew in his childhood. The irony wasn't lost on him that the only heirloom was a weapon an ancestor of his who shared his name. They always wanted him to be something he felt he wasn't ever going to be. He just wanted to be Taoré on HIS terms, and not have anyone else dictate his future.

But is that why I came back? Taoré thought to himself. Once again, the irony was not lost on him. Returning to the very thing he felt he needed to run away from to save his own hide. It made his skin rankle, but he shrugged it off with barely a craning of his neck.

Despite all the Jedi he knew were present throughout the Temple, he did start to feel slightly lonely without Arfive. An Astromech Droid he encountered during a raid of confiscated weapons and technologies deep within Imperial space with a group of freedom fighters he had met during his travels. Over the past couple of years, that little droid was the closest thing to a friend he ever had. The only one thing in the galaxy that didn`t expect a great destiny out of him. Arfive was currently watching over the ship, an old T65, in case anyone got wise. He sincerely doubted that no one within kilometres of this place would try and steal that old thing, but it was out of habit more than anything.

Besides, he thought, Jedi never really DID like droids very much, despite their claims.

This comment made him snicker slightly to himself as he sensed someone nearby that made him spin in their direction.

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