Request for a Master post skip. (Training in vaiko or niman)


Super Duper Member
SWRP Writer
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Okay so I'm not sure how many peoples characters know either vaiko or niman. I've never seen a character that has mastered either of these forms and I really don't know that many people who have even bothered investing time into learning these techniques but I am very interested in finding a master that can teach Mura one of them. Preferably vaiko but I would settle for niman. I plan on making Mura a sentinel type character that combines vaiko or niman with force powers. If anyone is interested in taking a Padawan and can teach Mura vaiko or niman it would be greatly appreciated...

I am aware the the order is kinda chaotic at the moment but I'm hoping someone can take Mura as their Padawan for after the time skip. Thanks a million!

I guess I should also add that I'm available usually everyday after after 3pm US eastern time.
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