

SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2009
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It's been a long time since I wrote in this datapad. At least fifteen years, maybe more.

What was my last entry? Right, I was debating buying IT-P0. Guess he filled in for... this. It's been a long time since I started it, nearly forty years, while I've wandered the galaxy. It's a bit of a miracle I'm alive at all, I guess. What's happened, lately? I guess I should start from where I left off on this thing; I ended up buying that droid. IT-P0. Talkative, but useful. With the help of Snow, a Shistaven I once traveled with, I managed to disguise his shell. He barely looks spherical these days. Still hasn't gotten the hang of how he's supposed to move in the body though, probably never will. If he does it won't be by my hand. I won't have the time to update him, not anymore.

After I bought him, well, nothing changed, really. I roamed, did more jobs. I don't remember their details, and these days what I did before Corusant seems pretty useless, uninteresting. Not compared to what I've been doing after the fact.

Corusant. Kind of odd, it was a place once. I never got to see it, but some of those I traveled with said it was a beautiful world, one giant sprawling city. Like a cleaner Nar Shaddaa. I find it hard to believe, and now I'll never know. It's not a place now, it's an event, carbon scoring on the datapad of history. People refer to it in conversation only darkly, conspiratorially. 10 years ago, the Sith crushed the Galactic Alliance, wiped them off the map. I had been on my way to Corusant, I had heard the news, that it was under attack. Thought if I got there in time I could make a difference. Heh. Well, I didn't. It was a smouldering ruin before I made it to Corellia. Didn't know what to do with myself, but it felt wrong, to let the Sith take over. I didn't know if I could do anything, but decided that I needed to try; the Chiss Ascendency had begun to fall apart, it had become public knowledge that Chiss were no longer formally allied with the Sith. It meant I could get a legitimate job in non-Sith space, and I decided it was time I put my craft to a valuable cause. Oh yeah, the Chiss Ascendency fell apart. Guess the Sith had used them enough, let 'em go into dept with the Hutts. Last I heard the Hutt had repossessed almost anything that could be sold or used. Can't help but wonder what she'd think. After all, she always advocated against the Sith, said they'd be the end of the Ascendency. Said a war was an insane idea. That it would get us all killed. Well, she's half right so far.


I went to Duro, another place that became an event. I was present for the start of that one, at least. It had been a long time since I had seen the Sith in action; I had forced myself to forget what they were capable of. Dunno how, given what happened, but here we are. It was horrifying. I helped build there defenses, thought they were pretty good. Looks like they failed, though. I fled with the first ships that left after the first bombardment. I guess it lasted a few more years, and that everything there aside from one city was wiped out. The faces of the Duros I had talked to, the ones that had complemented the upgrades I gave their systems, I still see them sometimes. Waking and sleeping.

I really got lost for a little while after that; I had pored all of my knowledge into those defenses, and they hadn't benefited at all. How could I claim myself an expert in anything? I still don't have the answer. I'd failed twice then, and the stakes had been subsequently huger the second time. I couldn't look at myself in a mirror, I couldn't look someone in the eye, I couldn't work. I was very lucky, then, to have run across The Fallen Dream. I think, at the time, the name caught my fancy, for it resonated with me so well. I don't know what possessed me to join them, and I don't know why they let me on, but I needed to feel like I was doing something.

And I was. I didn't know it yet, what The Fallen Dream would do for me. I met many sentients, all disposed against the Sith. I learned that there still existed fools in the galaxy that would fight the Sith. I don't know when I became one; I always ran, I never wanted to fight, and suddenly I was caught up in the current of the galaxy, and it seemed to wish to push me into a conflict I had avoided all of my life.

I guess that's why I'm writing now. I stopped understanding myself, and I feel like I'll need to, in the coming cycles. I need to know why I'll fight. And writing this now, I know.

I will fight.

Sabosen’tel’inrokini, born on Yashuvhu, was raised in standard Chiss manner. As a child he rapidly discovered that his house, Sabosen, did not suit his particular talents or temperament. While he got along fairly well with the medical component, the political and legal side of things the house was responsible for he found, pardon the pun, criminally boring. He rapidly discovered talents in building things, and his natural love for more abstract math and science led him quickly to the house of Inrokini, where he learned his trades. His love of the abstract rapidly surpassed the love for things grounded in reality however, and he began to falter at the more basic skills. He put off learning about circuitry, he ignored droid maintenance, and he very much detested having to do anything basic.

Mature for his age, he found a mate at age 12. A woman unlike any other, she was heavily involved in the political spectrum, he in the abstract research. While they had little in the ways of work to discuss, they were friends and allies, and while they were young for adults, they were beginning to consider a family life. Many thought they would fail, and that they were too young or ill prepared for such an event. Sabosen’tel’inrokini disbelieved, knowing his mate would be true to him. Unfortunately, whether or not this would be the case would never be known, because it was during the following year, 975 BC, that the Sith infiltrated that particular planet.

They came, first silently, so that only the most politically astute would notice them. Sabosen’tel’inrokini certainly would not have, but his mate did. One night, she quietly talked to him about the new strangers in the political and military hemispheres, asking if there had been any in the scientific world. He ignored this, thinking she was just paranoid, or imagining things. And yet in the coming days, she insisted things were happening, her worry morphing into naked fear. Things came to a head one night, and after a heated argument, Sabosen’tel’inrokini agreed to install some basic defenses in their home, in case of ‘attacks’. Sabosen’tel’inrokini thought this to be absurd; he thought that his poor wife was imagining her importance. And so, before leaving for work the next day, he hurriedly installed a drop-down ceiling mounted turret, which could be activated by a simple button press, which he gave to her before leaving. He returned home that night to a very different scene than what he had left; he found a burning hole in the ceiling, directly where he had installed the turret earlier. A quick inspection revealed that the opening mechanism stuck; the turret had tried to drop down and fire, and only managed the latter, frying some rodents.

His wife he never saw again; she was reported missing, and eventually her corpse was discovered deep in the jungles of that world. There was an investigation, and for a time Sabosen’tel’inrokini was held prisoner; he knew none of his rights or laws, having ignored them as a child, and as such did not know what he was being held for. Perhaps that was for the best; all he could think about, was how she must have felt, jamming that button, praying for the turret, the most basic form of defense, to come down and show mercy, before she was murdered. How, in her last moments, she must have hated him, hated his carelessness, his arrogance, his assumption.

He was acquitted eventually, and left Chiss space soon after, no longer fitting in, no longer capable of living there. He traveled the Galaxy, avoiding Sith territory out of fear of helping those who murdered his wife, never thinking of the abstract, but rather focused on the applicable components of his capabilities. He learned technology, dove into repairing circuits and droids, and personal security devices. He bought an illegal IT-O droid, hollowed it out, and created a companion for himself, which he dubbed IT-P0. Taking on odd jobs here and there, he was content to wander Galactic Alliance space, evaded what he mentally referred to as Sith space. He condensed his name to Sentelin, and would never again consider Sabosen or Inrokini as a family he belong to. An outcast by choice, Sentelin’s only goal is atonement, to protect and learn in ways that his mate would have taken pride in.

Near the end of the war that led to the destruction of the GA, Sentelin decided to lend his aid. He was too slow to help Corusant and by chance ended up on Duro in the months before the Duros Genocide. While he was there, he made the decision to fight against the Sith, and helped shore their defenses as best he could, trying to help in any way possible. It was all for naught, and he fled the colonies immediately after the first shots fired in that battle. The Sith's easy and crushing victory there caused Sentelin to have an identity crisis. While deciding what to do with his life, he by chance joined the crew of The Fallen Dream, a rebel crew that would eventually go on to join the rebel alliance. To this day he is still unsure of his purpose, but he spends his time between constructing makeshift weapons out of parts and designing new weapons and defense systems for the rebellion, not truly putting his heart into either.
NAME: Sabosen’tel’inrokini (Sentelin)
FACTION: Independent
AGE: 59
HEIGHT: 5’11
WEIGHT: 180 lbs.
HAIR: Black and grey (pepper), long, and frayed at the edges; he keeps his hair tied in a pony tail that falls behind his back, a few wisps sticking out at unexpected angles.
SKIN: Blue, somewhat dark for a Chiss.

STRENGTH: [7/10] : He is well-built, and muscular, as his work can involve lifting. While he cannot compete with body builders and his strength isn’t something to be marveled at, it is considerable.
DEXTERITY: [4/10]: Sentelin’s skill with his hands is learned, and did not come naturally. His reaction time is below average and his coordination is not much better.
CONSTITUTION: [9/10]: He very rarely feels illness, and he handles most physical pain easily.
INTELLIGENCE: [5/10]: Not particularly inventive, nor is he a quick learner. Within his domain of skills he is highly knowledgeable, a strong memory backing up constant practice.
WISDOM: [5/10]: His ability to look at the big picture is somewhat weak. Sentelin’s strength lies in is his ability to determine the outcomes of local events, using logical thinking and intuition.
CHARISMA: [3/10]: Sentelin has no love for people, coming off as gruff and dismissive. He also tends to commit social faux pas without thinking. The Chiss is somewhat aware of this, but does not care enough to stop himself.


Sentelin’s skill set was related to technology and research; as such much of what he understands is related to that field. In particular he is skilled at building things with his hands, a talent that extended from construction to tech repair. In particular he is fond of fixing and upgrading droids. He also can assemble basic weaponry from a small supply of junk, and more powerful weaponry from other weapons. He is also a competent pilot and he has an array of shadier skills that could serve him in difficult situations, ranging from the knowledge and use of explosives to cracking security systems. He attempted to learn more advanced computer use, but discovered that much of a computer is beyond him. As a child, while he was still within the Sabosen family, he learned basic medical care.


His main strength is his skill set and dogged determination to survive and move on with life. No matter how hard things get, his response is to work harder. And yet this is a massive weakness, because he can be stubborn and sometimes miss a creative solution to problems, preferring to use skills that may or may not be right for the situation. In terms of combat, he is strong, and can take hits, but he is slightly slow and has bad aim. To compensate, his personal blasters have longer barrels and aiming indicators; this makes him very good at hitting targets from a certain distance, and at certain speeds, but horrendous at others. In close combat he has no real knowledge of how to use a sword, outside of what he acquired by observation and doing

- One vibroknife, modified to have a larger hilt and guard.
- One standard issue blaster, modified for aiming purposes.
- Pack, containing a sleeping cot, a couple of changes of clothes, and a basic medkit, all in poor condition.
- Basic Energy Shield
- One vibrosword, telescoping. Makes for easy concealment, but it is also more fragile as a weapon, and it cannot stand up to repeated blasts.
- Toolkit and parts for repairs

IT-P0 is a repaired and dramatically altered IT-O droid. This droid has been painted dull blue in an effort to make it less recognizable as a torture droid, and many of its accessories and sensors have been blasted off, making it look like an overlarge, badly beaten remote. The most noticeable feature of the damage is a large piece of its metal casing is missing in the northern hemisphere. In the place of the shell is empty space and a second eye which can rotate and extend; cheap metal covering a squared away section. The syringe has been replaced with a slightly unwieldy cutting laser, causing IT-RM’s hovering to be slightly erratic and his frame to be tilted. He has a drop down panel which contains a set of tools for Sentelin to use.
IT-P0 was sold as a ‘new model’ of utility droids at a pawn shop on Nar Shaddaa. Sentelin purchased him to help with work, only to later discover the illegality of owning an IT-O droid. After trouble with the authorities on Randon, he decided to ‘upgrade’ the droid as best he could to avoid people noticing its original model. While it had been sold with none of its torturing implements, and a missing motivator, its basic shape was too recognizable. He opened up the bottom of the sphere, and removed many of the inner pieces, including all circuits related to combat, and replaced them with empty space to keep basic tools, and a proper vocabulator, so the droid could actually speak. He also managed to remove the original memory core, and insert that of a 3P0-type protocol droid, hoping its capacity to learn and comprehend would suffice. The final touch was welding a massive piece out of the northern hemisphere and inserting a second eye, which can be rotated or extended for looking into small spaces. After that he painted it blue and called it a day. IT-P0 rapidly developed as an extremely quirky droid, very confused and often anxious and talkative. It serves as a nice counterbalance for Sentelin, as it prefers fulfilling protocol directives over both what its form wants (torture) and its master wants (utility).
Sentelin is fairly quiet and doesn't tend to stick out. He waits for others to finish speaking before he has his say, and won't waste time with idle small talk. He has gained a grim determination that tempers all aspects of his personality; given a task he is certain needs to be done he is quite willing to sacrifice a great deal for it. He is initially wary of new people, but lacks the social tact to act as if he's not. He lacks confidence in his work, and if not directly engaged in a task, he likes to fidget or repair something. He is extremely closed about his past prior to the rebellion, only willing to state he was a security systems installer. It's a reasonably well known fact that prior to the rebellion he had no allegiance. He also avoids the subject of the Chiss Ascendency like the plague, preferring to focus on the Sith as his main enemy.

Sentelin does not look as tall as he is, typically slightly slouched or hunched. He nearly always has bags under his eyes, and his face wears a near-permanent grim expression, lines and creases taking an early hold on him. He wears what might have been a white shirt once; dirt, grime, oil and burns have converted it into little more than a dirty rags and soot that drapes his body. He wears a vest and large tool belt, multiple datapads and components sticking out at many angles. He also keeps a length of wire in his belt, gleams of it visible in direct light. His khaki pants are in similarly poor condition, a hole in one knee, revealing his dark blue skin beneath it. At his side travels a spherical droid, badly painted deep blue with several chunks taken out of its surface. His clothing is neither baggy nor form-fitting, and a casual glance reveals some muscle in his biceps and pectorals. He wears his long, stringy black hair in a loose pony tail, in an effort to keep it out of the way more than anything. While traveling he also carries a small pack with him, keeping the remainder of his possessions in it.





It's Just Business
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The White Fire
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
Cool Chiss. I like the Droid too.


That Guy
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Good to see another Chiss on the forum. Welcome.


Not nearly as Prissy as Padme
SWRP Writer
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
If Sentelin needs a job, Komad Industries is hiring. I'm sure we could make use of an excellent technician such as he. :CHappy


SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for the kind words. Not sure on the job offer, I'll have to think it over.

Oh, and I'm technically older than 4 years; I used to have an account on the original SRWP site. Looking back, I was a terrible writer; I can only wonder how long it will take for me to decide this is terrible as well :P


SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
You got an impressive unique Chiss here, Indigo. Good luck with the Rebellion. :)