Ask Flashpoint Same Side of the Tracks


Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2022
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Zash was starting to think that Denon wasn't his cup of tea. He'd been spending more and more time here recently getting "on the job training" as the Sith called it. He was pretty sure it was just their way of dumping the scut work off on someone else.

And so Zash had been given a partner, a mission brief, and a "safehouse" location. He'd gotten to the safe house early and - rather than do any kind of recon - had spent the last few hours poking around on his datapad and playing games while sitting on a small second story balcony overlooking the street below.

He'd never met his partner before, but he'd been told her name was Ailis. That's about as much as he needed to know, and she'd be here soon.

He took another drag from his cigarra, and blew it out groaning loudly as a "defeat" screen popped up on his game of Qwent. He could only hope that his luck with the mission today was going to go better than his winrate for the day.

Stupid game, he grumbled to himself.
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Ailis Drast

Imperial Knight

Character Profile
Feb 11, 2022
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Ailis couldn't believe her luck. She had gotten off of her city planet homeworld Coruscant only to end up at the Sith Academy on Taris. Another city planet. Now she was being deployed for some mission training, to Denon... Another city planet. Was that to be the rest of her life bouncing from city to city.

Well, at least she wouldn't have a hard time getting around.

She had read the mission brief, break into somewhere and steal something. Or something like that. She'd remember better later when she wasn't preoccupied with locating the safe house on time. She had her datapad and comlink of course, but she had also gotten herself a pistol and a vibroblade for this mission. She recalled someone giving her some advice to get herself a blaster, and seeing as Denon was a warzone it seemed like the smart choice.

The safehouse was a shitty little building off the street. No fancy digs for mere acolytes. She entered the room and looked around, spotting someone out on the balcony of the apartment.

"Oh good, its a smoking room." Ailis said as she plopped down on the other balcony chair and pulled out a cigarette. "Watcha playin'?" She asked with a mumble through her lips holding the cigarette as she lit the thing. One fragrantly smoky breath later and she looked over at her partner for the mission for the first time. "I'm Ailis."



Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2022
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He glanced back to see someone else he guessed was his age coming in. She had a key so he could only assume this was Ailis. She made her way out to the balcony with him, taking a seat and pulling out a smoke of her own.

I dunno if it's smoking or not, but it didn't stop me. No spook's jumped out to stab me yet, he said, cracking a grin. If the ISB had its rules about smoking in their safe houses then no one had said anything yet.

But see, smoking keeps our cover more intact, he rationalized jokingly.

I'm Zash. Nice to meet you, Ailis, he said. Hm, she's kind of cute, he thought to himself before taking another puff.

He glanced down at his datapad and held it up a bit. Qwent. It didn't go very well, so here's hoping our job today goes better, he said.

You play? he asked, doubting the answer would be "yes" but sometimes people surprised you.

So I guess we're breaking in to steal some prototype or something. Ever done anything like this before? he asked. Somehow he got the impression she was someone who had been around before. There was a way she carried herself that was familiar to him on a visceral level.

Ailis Drast

Imperial Knight

Character Profile
Feb 11, 2022
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Ailis grinned back as the guy joked about not knowing whether it was a smoking room or not. "Maybe they're waiting for maximum casualties and now that we're both here... They strike!" She laughed after making a chopping attack type motion. She took another drag off her cig and grinned at his joke.

"Nice to meet you too Zash." She replied. It couldn't be said that she didn't have manners, even if she could be a little crude. "Nah, not Qwent, never gave it a try." She puffed again before continuing, "I'm more of an Arcane the Congregation type of girl." She hadn't played in some time, but it was the closest she had to Qwent.

"I'd be willing to give it a try though." She finished. She looked at him as he touched on what they were here to do. There was something about him that seemed... familiar. Not in a way that she thought she might have met him before but more of his vibe. The way he carried himself. And he was kind of cute.

"Yeah I read the file. They really try to keep us as in the dark as possible don't they?" She laughed morbidly as she tapped out the ash of her cig and extinguished it in the tray. "Not like this but... Simililar." She had done plenty of petty crime back home, and heaven knows what sorts of wrongdoing she got up to high on crude. She knew. It was all her but it was hard to picture. "How about you?" She hazarded the question.



Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2022
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Zash smiled as she mentioned maximum casualties. It was all part of a sadistic plan to off as many acolytes as they could.

He nodded along as she mentioned Arcane the Congregation. Alright, alright. Never played it myself, but at least means you're familiar with the concept, he said. He could respect that. She didn't seem so bad. Not too uptight and not too "I am a Sith Deity, I will destroy you" either.

Hmm, let's say this won't be a first, he said. Most of his "work" had been about getting in and out unseen because the cops weren't usually someone he wanted to get into a fight with. But beating up a few people once they were inside... well, that he could do.

Sneak in or do you prefer a guns-blazing approach? he asked. Sith were supposed to be terrifying, right? They were supposed to be able to strike fear and walk in to take whatever they wanted, right?

I'm not sure we're to the Raze level yet where we just walk in and take what we want, he said.