Ask Shanghaied in Space

Satori Ordo


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2023
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OOC: Open to the first reply, please DM me first if possible :)

Just Another Backwater World, Outer Rim Territories

The name of the planet didn't matter so much as the insignificant, candlelit tavern known as the Gimpy Gizka, at least not to Satori on that particular night. It sat between a fishmonger and a leaning, rundown hostel that looked like it could topple over with the first strong gust of wind. No different, no more alluring than any of the other taverns that lined the docks of the continent's inlets, and if there was any distinction to be made—it was that it was a step down from the rest.

Cheap, watered down alcohol, ill lit corners, and uncomfortable, wooden seats marred by one too many tavern brawls was all the Gimpy Gizka had to offer. That and the latest scuttlebutt. It had its own distinct atmosphere if that counted for anything, not that it was something to brag about. There were two musicians in the corner, one with a mandolin in hand and the other with an accordion as a few of the tavern's more soused patrons attempted and failed to harmonize along to the tune. Sailors, clothes disheveled and hair grown long, sat shoulder to shoulder at the cramped bar, wasting their last credit chits on a little bit of inexpensive, fleeting happiness.

Perhaps it all would have made for an interesting case study for someone with nothing better to do than to sit back and watch drunken sailors, but Satori was only there for one reason. To talk to the captain at the far end of the tavern, signing up sailors. Anyone willing to "swab the deck and sail the high seas" come the next sunrise, and there was no shortage of names scrawled across the captain's list. The Mandalorian wasn't one of them, sliding into an empty booth and biding her time. She was here for information, not for fish guts and glory.


Kasai Ryū


Character Profile
Sep 6, 2023
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Then a newcomer stepped into the tavern. Kasai Ryū forgo his shadow theme attire and gear tonight. Rather he wore a brown shirt with a couple of patches here and there with tan pants and boots. Ryū made sure his hair looked disheveled and his face was covered in sweat and some grind. Hands in both pockets Ryū made sure to look down the floor while walking forward with a couple of sailors chuckling and gossiping amongst themselves.

Soon enough Ryū got himself a spare booth and grunted a drink order before displaying a local coin to buy. Once the beverage was served the supposed sailor took a gulp before sighing. Before being a bounty hunter Ryū had actually sailed a few times back home as a boy helping his grandfather fish the shores. Later he did some smuggling work at sea for the Kasai clan back home but that had been a side job more than anything.

Still it helped his performance somewhat. He was here to hunt but had to keep it under wraps for now. Glancing down his wooden mug’s liquid contents as if in deep thought, Ryū was actually listening carefully. Somewhere within the rumors, shanties and nonsense was the information he now sought.

Drinking some more he thought with a brief scowl.

This drink is Bantha piss compared to sake back home.
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Satori Ordo


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2023
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Ale slid freely across the wooden bar into the eager hands of indulgent sailors, the golden liquid warming their stomachs as the fire burning in the hearth warmed their cheeks. It wasn't long before the tavern windows were thrown open, and the smell of the sea settled, carried by the cold night air that drifted into the tavern.

In the center of the room huddled around a refectory sat a group of large, sea worn men with overgrown beards and broad shoulders and lots of scars. Rough and tumble fellows that the Mandalorian, even with her training, would not want to face off against in a dark alleyway. Or a lit one for that matter. They were totally oblivious to their surroundings, but they weren't engrossed in a game of pazaak as Sataro had assumed at first. With the enthusiasm and glee more becoming to children than full grown sailors, they were betting and cheering on small, little green creatures that darted across the table. Those were gizkas, she supposed.

Satori glimpsed a newcomer (@Minuteman75 ) out of the corner of her eye, with patchy clothes and long, unmanageable hair that obscured part of his face. Just another sailor, and she didn't give him another thought. Her attention was all for the captain seated across the room, the Mandalorian's gloved fingers drumming against the table as she waited for the crowd that had gathered around him to disperse and make for the bar where they could spend their sign on bonuses. First they had to wait for the captain to finish regaling them with all of his grandest adventures—each of which sounded more and more like a tale plucked straight out of a storybook than the last—while ale dripped down his braided, blonde goatee.

Impatient to get this over with, the teenager slid out from the booth she had occupied for the last half hour and wound her way across the room until she stood directly in front of the captain. Face to... helmeted face. "Captain Wolcott?" she spoke up, trying to make herself heard over the noise.

"Aye," he replied through a yellow grin, as if he really were a character from some storybook.

The group of gizka gambling sailors were growing louder. A disagreement. Something about one sailor driving a vibroblade through the heart of one of the other sailor's pet gizkas. Evidently the little creature had won one too many matches in a row, and accusations were being hurled both ways. Satori wasn't really apaying attention and didn't really care. Not until a solid wood chair hurled across the room connected with her back.

A fight had broken out, and it was all hands on deck.

brawl bash ♪​


Kasai Ryū


Character Profile
Sep 6, 2023
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Even though he learned Basic back on Tao it was hard to understand half of what these sailors were saying. Their dialect was different than he was used to. Still Ryū managed to piece together enough to understand. He played the role of a silent drunk trying to forget life’s troubles by laying his head on the side of the counter.

Hearing the Mandalorian(@llamallove) address the captain he peeked out with one eye toward them. That was until mayhem ensued from the other end. Sitting up in alarm Ryū then witnessed the fight breaking out from a gambler’s table.

Hardly surprising in hindsight if he had the time to think about it. It was when the chair slammed into the armored woman that Ryū realized he needed to make a quick decision.

Getting out of his booth the uncovered bounty hunter was soon met by a young sailor coming at him for a tackle. Instead Ryū sidestepped, tripping the attacker who flipped over the counter with a cry and crashed with glasses shattering. Grabbing a nearby bottle the man from Tao heard rushing footsteps from behind and spun around and slammed his makeshift weapon into the face of another voyager who fell back.

Not waiting for him to recover, Ryū ruthlessly stomped on the other man’s face to keep him down.

The fight had truly begun now.

Satori Ordo


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2023
Reaction score

Satori buckled beneath the wooden chair, pitching headlong into Captain Wolcott. The captain gripped her shar'tas, stomach shaking with laughter as he said, "I usually wait until the third date ta get ta second base." Candlelight flickered across his drawn face, and his gaze fell to his hands. His eyes were full of greed. "Say. Is this real beskar?"

She didn't answer, using the nearest table to regain her balance and dignity. One of the gamblers—one of the largest ones, of course—was charging toward her with the ferocity of a bull, and she had never felt more like a piece of china. Satori sidestepped and, reaching for a bottle of rum at hand, smashed it over the back of his head. He slumped onto the floor, but the Mandalorian wasn't out of the clear yet. While she tried to fend off one of his buddies, she didn't notice the odd sailor out (@Minuteman75 ) across the room.

A drunken sailor had snuck up behind the man and clapped a slender, unimposing hand on his shoulder. "Hey!" he hiccupped with accusation in his voice and pointed at the other sailor on the floor. "That's my friend!" He stumbled forward two steps and took stock of the situation pretty quickly for someone as knackered as he was. He looked between Kasai, his bloody boot, and the unconscious sailor on the floor—whose face looked more like some of the fish next door than it did a man's at this point. "Uuuuhhhh—never mind!" he announced suddenly with another hiccup, waving a dismissive hand in Kasai's general direction. "Carry on. Carry on."

The Gimpy Gizka had descended into chaos. Glass shattered. Tables were flipped upside down. More chairs were thrown across the room. One of the musicians shrieked as her mandolin was snatched from her hands and broken in two over someone's head. The bartender had grabbed his stun baton from behind the bar and waded into the middle of the fight, trying to break it up. Someone was being held down face first in the lobster tank, and the gizkas were running amok all over the tavern.

Satori was beginning to work up a sweat, clearing herself a path toward the exit one sailor at a time when she felt something sharp at the back of her neck, and she collapsed in a heap onto the floor. Then everything went black.
