Tabloid Sith Academy Goes Up in Flames, Onderon Celebrates

Elora Trevino


Character Profile
Oct 27, 2021
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"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome back to the Hyperlane Herald, your most reliable and up-to-date source for breaking news," Elora began with a smile that reached her eyes and made yellow irises glow with unmistakable enthusiasm. Finally, real journalism, not that fodder for the Celebrity Catch tabloids that was almost as bad as this mysterious, lingering cough she couldn't get rid of.

"Yesterday a Sith Training Academy on Dromund Kaas went up in flames after a special forces unit from Onderon known only as 'Delta Team' planted explosives across the facility. News of the explosion reached the galaxy at large this morning, after Senator Graves held a press conference in front of the Royal Palace on Onderon to announce the mission's success. We were able to obtain footage of the fires that spread across the academy as a result of the explosion from a teenager that caught it all on camera, but we do warn that viewer discretion is advised."

Once the brief footage of the academy engulfed in flames had ended, the camera cut back to Elora Trevino.

"This military strike comes just days after Senator Graves' holonet appearance, where he was quoted to say, '...the Sith cannot claim that this war they rage is anything less than a terrorist rampage. The Sith Empire play judge, jury, and executioner with an entire alliance of space, with your very lives.'

"Since this morning, celebrations have broken out across the planet of Onderon, some calling this the Free Worlds Alliance's first major military blow against the Sith Empire. The identities of Delta Team are not known, but Senator Graves says that Onderon owes them a great debt of gratitude, and it would appear that many of the planet's citizens would agree with that statement. When questioned later by journalists, Senator Graves added that he would 'Welcome these brave heroes home personally.'"














Amira Din

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 28, 2022
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Amira sat alone in a dark, poky one room apartmen on Eriadu. Even four floors up with windows closed, the reek of the corner delicatessen on the first floor was inescapable. It was the sort of low-grade establishment that killed the stray dog in the back alleyway and advertised for shaak roast the next day in the store window, but what could you expect in this neighborhood?

Cold raindrops beat against the windowpane, rattling the glass and threatening to spill into the room at any moment. It would probably be the first drop of water this apartment had seen in fifty years, give or take. Amira sat on a torn, putrid yellow wing chair, her long and lanky legs spilling over the arms of the chair.

The Tiefling was hardly paying attention to the old television set in front of her as it played, more interested in digging out noodles from the oyster pail in her lap. It wasn't until the Hyperlane Herald news segment came on that she bothered to look up.

"Kriff," she muttered to herself, eyes wide as the reflection of flames danced across her yellow eyes. An unsteady hand reached up to cover her mouth with its palm. Suddenly, her stomach felt as if it was weighed down by one of Pa's old, outdated gardening tillers that he refused to get rid of.

Had Altair been there? Had he escaped the explosion? And what about Imani? What if she'd been there visiting him? The Teifling's heart skipped a beat. It was time for Amira to come out of isolation. @lizziie @Sreeya


Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
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The news spread almost as quickly as the fire that engulfed the academy. Clove got the news just as she was about to leave Yavin IV to get some new sunglasses and a hat to disguise herself. She couldn't figure out why the Padawan chat, which she should have left now that she was a Jedi Knight, was discussing a fire.

But then she caught the header; Sith Academy Goes Up in Flames.

That news should have made her happy, and she should have celebrated with joy. This was a huge blow to the Sith order; an entire generation of Sith would have been trained there, and now their training facility was gone. But there was no joy in Clove. Instead, the news made her skin pale and her hands tremble. She didn't care about the academy itself, very good riddance, but there were teenagers and children in that building. Teenagers she knew, relatively innocent teenagers. Altair, Vahl, and Sol.


The half-Annfyn frantically dug through her bag, looking for her commlink. Why was her stupid bag so big?! After what felt like an eterenity she finally found the small metallic device and pulled it out of the bag. While her trembling hands made texting somewhat difficult, her fingers flew across the screen, sending quick texts to Altair, all while her heart was racing in her chest.


Clove finally wandered up the shuttle's ramp, a restless feeling in her body. She couldn't take her gaze away from her commlink, her eyes glued to the screen, hoping he'd respond soon.
