Tg-77 mpu(l)


Wide Eyed In This Galaxy Of Wonder
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score

Manufacturer: Techno-Galactica Industries

Production Line: Multipurpose/Use droid line

Model: Techno-Galactica Model 77 Multipurpose Unit (Large)

Affiliation: Public

Availability: Mass Produced (Discontinued)

Modularity: High

Composition: Platesteel exterior(stock) with hard points for attaching additional armor

Ownership: Public/Private sector

Description: The Techno-Galactica Model 77 Multipurpose Unite (Large), TG-77 MPU(L), was initially designed in the waning years of Techno-Galactic Industries. In the years Prior TG had lost several contracts and was struggling to keep up sales in a public market that they had never done too well in, in short they were losing money fast. In an effort to increase profit and stop the company's slide towards bankruptcy the company switched gears from private contracts to producing droid models that could fulfill a variety of roles for the public, promoting high modularity and customization in each of the MPU models.

The Model 77, considered by many as the crowning jewel of the MPU line, was TG's first successful departure from their humanoid and smaller product lines. Two powerful triple jointed legs (if one is counting the ankles) ending in broad, flexible pads that were designed to ensure stability and mobility on most types of terrain, ranging from flat paved surfaces to rocky mountains to bogs and marshes. The chassis itself was suspended a meter and a half above ground and housed most of the droid's circuits & sensors, it's brain, and a large amount of unused space for storage or after market additions. Mounted to the chassis were generally two large jointed arms that ended in four fingers, but these arms could be easily removed or replaced with a variety of other tools.

Since modularity was Key with this line (and even more so with the 77s) every unused portion of the chassis was covered in hard points in order to allow for easy instillation of extra processors & sensors as well as adding armor to the exterior, shield units, weapons, communication equipments, hardened cargo containers and more. The arms could be replaced with ones with more dexterous finger, digging tools, heavy blaster cannons, missile pods, analysis tools, com gear and more while the legs could be removed to be replaces by treads, repulsors or even multi-leg additions. The motto for this particular model was "If you can dream it, we can add it", and Techno-Galactic stayed true to their word.

The unfortunate part was that even though the TG-77 was received well by the general public it still wasn't enough to keep the company running, and TG shut down three years after the model's launch. To make matters worse TG had been the sole provider of after market additions in order to boost profits, now with the company gone the only way to modify the droid was through a good portion of time spent tinkering with each part. But even so, decades after the company's collapse, several 77s are still in use as cargo lifters at some spaceports or as light tanks by private security forces, pirates, and mercenary groups.

Classification: Fourth and Fifth Degree
Weight: 200 Kilograms
Height: 3 Meters
Movement: Bipedal(stock). Repulsor, Tracked, Quadrupedal, Hexopedal(after market additions)
Armaments: Thin platsteel armored chassis(stock). Heavy weapons/missile attachment, mine layer, flare launcher, smoke grenade launcher, light repeating blaster (commonly seen options)
Misc. Equipment: TAT targeting system, Telesonic Model Audio Pickup, ANs-7e sensor unit. Several after marked packages were available including arm tools for digging, fine manipulation, construction, and extra sensor arrays. Legs could be replaced with a variety of mobility packages. Note: TG-77s still in use today are generally heavily modified and missing most of their original stock parts and equipment.​
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