The Emperor's Address


SWRP Writer
Jan 13, 2008
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His time had come. As the Galactic Emperor walked down a darkened corridor toward the the chamber of the Supreme Tribunal, he emerged into a bright room, with massive lights above enveloping his every movement as he walked toward a central podium. As the Emperor, Darth Exodeus stood on the podium, it began to rise high above and glow intensely as a holo projection of him began to broadcast across the holonet, both to Imperial and Alliance Space.

"Citizens of the Galactic Empire, by now you have heard the reports of war, the aggressions of the Alliance toward our worlds. By now, you have come to know of the destruction of the flagship of the Jedi Order, the Will of the Force, and of the instigators of these events. In a course of action taken by an entity independent of the Empire, we now face a danger as never before, a crisis unprecedented. Citizens of the Empire, a new enemy stands before us this day. Even now they prepare for battle against us... they arm themselves with weapons of war powerful enough to destroy us and all that we are.

Under the guise of freeing every loyal citizen from the Sith who protect them and preserve the Empire, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and their vaunted Jedi guardians have shown themselves for who they truly are. They claim themselves as being seekers of peace and justice, while their worlds rot from within from corruption and dissidence. Their Jedi who claim themselves as guardians have continuously failed in their duties as enforcers of order. And now, they turn to us as their enemies. Now, they seek war against us.

On this day, in this hour, I say this to every loyal citizen of the Empire - fear not! In the face of danger and the threat of war, we shall stand against these aggressors. We shall fight, and we shall be victorious! Our great armies shall be led by the Order of the Sith, and our soldiers trained to fight against all those who would see our worlds burn and die. In the name of your Emperor, warships will be sent out to destroy those that oppose us, and our soldiers carried forth amongst the stars, and we will bring destruction upon all those who stand against us.

I say to all those within the Empire; to war! To war to fight for your Emperor, to battle to protect your worlds! I say to those who stand with the Alliance or their Jedi; you will fall. You will be crushed and you will defeated. And I say to the organization responsible for the revealing attacks; your actions and revelation of their effects are to be admired. But also know that no force defies the Empire. Know that we will hunt for you, we will find you, and then you will be given the choice. You will join us, or you will be destroyed.

And now, I say this to every sentient being on every world; the power of the Sith shall be felt across the worlds of the galaxy, and our enemies vanquished. Henceforth, let it be known across that the galaxy that the final remnant of the Empire of the Fel Dynasty has been extinguished. Let it be known that from this day forth, the Galactic Empire shall be reborn anew, as the New Sith Empire!"

As the podium began its descent, the Supreme Tribunal let out an applause that echoes across all of Bastion. Exodeus stepped off without another word, and slowly made his exit, grinning behind his mask. His war was coming... finally, finally... his war was here.
