The Jedi Way- Returning to the Temple (Closed)

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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It was a simple hut, well maybe a little more than that; with training circles and sand pits. Such a warm greeting to just leave me, Lyeric thought to himself as he stood before his last Master's home just into the beginnings of the forest outside of the Temple. The little Umbaran didn't quite understand it, but accepted the fact that Jedi were bound to their oaths as servants to the galaxy. He knew, he had known since before he came to the Temple here. He was one of the few to have a deep understanding of the servitude and duty one would bear to others at such a young age, his father made sure of that. He just never thought it would happen so soon, just after a couple days of meeting his Master and he's gone; off to some dangerous mission that doesn't allow for one so inexperienced.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathillion caught himself as his raising eyes met the morning sun. He cringed raising a hand to shield his sensitivity and further slide the heavy material of his hood down to lightly touch the bridge of his nose, as he often wore it.

Turning around, there was the Great Temple. He had never been far. Mikelus' home just had such an atmosphere to it. He would miss it. The heavily cloaked teenager began making his way to the main entrance of the Temple. The ground was like muddy hands gripping at the souls of his boots. He dragged his feet, resenting his situation a little. And within the first step into the main entry way, the others shot him looks. It was just like before. The introverted Umbaran looked dark to them, though the older Jedi knew better they still had that initial reaction. Wearing black robes over dark layers, the cloaked Padawan shifted to the comfort of the shadows once more; no longer welcome in the open, as he was at Mikelus' home amidst the wilderness. His constantly wide-eyed demeanor currently held a likeness to that of fear, though personally he felt nothing; just trying to go unnoticed. Creeping along wall's edge, Lyeric hoped his new Master wasn't far.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Though it was, and always had been his home, Hector rarely wandered the halls of the Temple on Ossus. Some found peace in meaningless wandering, but he was not one of them. So, as he almost always was, when at the Temple, Hector was to be found in what most would call 'Hector's courtyard'.

It had never been taken over for training purposes, being just too small for group work, and massively undersized for anything other than the simplest one to one training, and mostly empty as it was simply too far from the archives for study. Hector had adopted it as 'his' from almost the beginning of his time at the Temple, nearly three decades ago. It was light and airy in the day, cool and still at night, populated only by a single tree, as old as the buildings around it. So often was he there, the others left the small courtyard to Hector, knowing that it held a special significance to the Knight. So it had become 'his'.

And it was here that he was to be found. Here that he trained in his own way. Here that he studied. And here that he would pass on the knowledge that the force had seen fit to pass on to him.

Having sent a messenger to inform the young one he had chosen to train, he was expecting his arrival at some point. His missive had given neither time nor date, simply an invitation to train with him. He expected that the padawan would come immediately, it was simply in their nature to obey, and he smiled at the thought. Of course, there were always those that surprised the unprepared.

In his experience, the ones with the potential to surprise made for better Jedi.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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"Excuse me, have you seen... mrrph ... ....... where.. . ... a.. yo.. ....awan ...nywhere?"

Lyeric held still, staring across the hall trying to understand the mumbling. He had enough experience to know when he saw a messenger, what they wore and how they walked not to mention the letter he carried. The student speaking to the messenger looked around, then shook his head to the messenger. Quickly, the messenger then took off back towards the front entrance of the Temple.

Lyeric dwelled in thought, wondering the reason for the messenger's urgency and for whom it concerned. He had no idea of the situation, nor did he consider himself important enough to be the subject of their intent. The small for his age Umbaran held frozen in the shadows beneath the overhead cast light, from the slits above until a girl nearly bumped straight into him. Their eyes caught for a brief moment, though not for long. The dark purple blotched face of the teenager darkened beneath the lowering hood, as he further tugged the left side down and squeezed behind her to keep close to the wall.

His unusually wide eyes hadn't blinked now for some time, and began to accumulate mist and dust; thus concluding in a blinking fury. He stopped, rapidly blinking in minimal discomfort as he looked left. There he saw a wafting cloud of sweat escaping from the training rooms there that surrounded him with a seeming purpose. A building emotion bubbled up inside of him, feeling a great desire to be outside; and so he dashed off into a run.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Serene. That would be the word that Hector would personally have chosen for this moment. His awareness drifted with the force, riding the currents of the Galaxy's essence to wherever they took him. He was in no rush to begin training his newest padawan. Each thing fell into place when it was ready. Padawan's were no exception.

His awareness growing ever greater, he came across a multitude of presences in the force. Some familiar, some utterly unknown. Some burned fiercely, like he did, others were little more than a guttering candle in a hurricane. Each had their own potential.

Potential that he was well placed to unlock. And whilst he may not have been in a rush, he could feel the force telling him to act, in it's own way. So, taking a more direct hold on his meditation, he began to search for force signatures that struck him as untapped, wary and a little bit anxious.

Finding a decent handful, this was Ossus after all, he exerted the subtlest of pulls on their emotions. They wouldn't realise it, there were Master's his touch was too subtle for, but they would be inclined to walk in his direction. Choosing left over right on a whim, perhaps hoping to catch a glimpse of the Knight that some padawan's called 'The Statue'.

But they would come. Hector could feel it, the force was telling him, that his future padawan would be amongst their number. Most would walk past, but the young one would simply know. The Force willed it, and so it would be.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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Running, he no longer knew why. Lyeric flew past a small opening of pillars to a garden or courtyard, he knew not the difference as he'd never been back here before. Maybe he had, but he'd not payed any attention to it. He rather enjoyed dark rooms over bright open spaces, but he would not protest at the moment. Because right now, he just needed to be outside.

Skidding to a halt, something was wrong. Why did he pass that opening? Should he not have gone that way? It was outside that he sought, and yet he passed where he should have exited. Quick, he thought. And so he spun around with a throwing of his heavy and layered robes, rushing to the courtyard. He never rushed like this. He concluded that he just couldn't stand being among so many people any more. And as he gripped a curved and bulging pillar, the little Umbaran swung around to a stop. Most obvious in his actions, no doubt drawing attention in his swing, Lyeric shielded his eyes to adjust to the light. He felt better, catching his breath; this was where he needed to be. And as he stood there, he remembered that he was supposed to meet up with his new Master today. His mind had been so turned around and affected by the numerous members there, that he'd forgotten completely. Lyeric looked around for a hint of where he was. His face barely showing from underneath his shrouding hood.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Hector smiled. He knew without opening his eyes, without even having to focus on the swirling patterns in the force, that his latest padawan had arrived. The force's will was done, once more.

Opening his eyes for the first time in hours, his dark brown eyes peered out past scruffy brown hair that just reached the bridge of his nose. Looking directly at the youngling who had entered, he paused for a moment. He would normally have used the force to reach out and glean information from it of the boy, but this time he would not. One could rely on the force too heavily, even one such as himself.

The boy looked slightly too old to be a padawan, but only just. So, most likely, Hector was going to be a replacement master, and wouldn't be working with a blank slate. The child was also pale beyond that which would be deadly for a human, so clearly another species. Likely one from a dark world. Most likely Umbaran.

"Boy," He called out, from the shadow under the tree where he was to be found, "either come in, or move along. Hanging around there is making the whole place look untidy."

Gesturing with a hand to the grass to his side, he waited for the boy to act. The will of the force would guide the child to where he needed to be.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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His head snapped over at the sound, though his hood stayed its shielding layers over his eye.

"either come in, or move along. Hanging around there is making the whole place look untidy."

Lyeric looked around, trying to see how he cluttered his surroundings so; yet swiftly making his way over to the Jedi. Stepping not inches away from the man, the little Lyeric looked up from under his hood; only to show his chin to the human. "Are you my new Master?" He'd rather ask if the man a more general question of whether or not he knew who his Master would be, but then he'd have to start with introductions; and that would mean possibly giving out his name for no reason. Already, Lyeric felt a bother. He was a most capable sort, but hardly ever showed this when not applying himself.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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"Well now, that depends," Hector replied, "On whom your new master is supposed to be."

A slight smile crossed his features, and he allowed his eyes to slide shut once more. He had a reputation as courteous and polite, but also as troublesome and vague. This was in part due to his peculiar philosophy and his unique outlook.

This child was most likely the one the council had said he was to train, but the child was being deliberately evasive, a trait you had to earn, in Hector's opinion. So, he resolved to wait for the boy to act. He was not the type to spoon-feed a pupil, progress must be earned, and fought for, to be worthwhile.

This was, in a very real way, the start of the boy's first test.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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The young one wasn't aware of Hector's reputation or he might have been a bit more prepared as he walked blindly into his hazing. He had not received a name from the Temple's notices either, and as such he was not aware of whom he was to train with specifically. Though he had a feeling it was the man before him. It just seemed too convenient.

The boy's political background arose as he spoke plainly, almost devoid of life but for the hint of innocence in softness. "I'd say you are. You're alone, doing nothing." His words lacked the eloquent punch, and his age lacked the understanding to know the difference between doing nothing and being still; but either way, basically he spoke facts as he saw it. Nor did he mean to lash out. He was just making an observation. His face held to the side, keeping his hood over one eye. He didn't mean to hide anything in particular, though it was his nature and tendency.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Hector laughed, quiet and deep. His eyes opened again, looking directly at the young boys. Or, at least, where his eyes would be. Instead, they found only one eye, and a hood. If that wasn't a telling character trait, he didn't know what was.

"Surely if I was your master, I would be seeking you out, not sitting around doing nothing?"

He couldn't help but smile. His own master had forced him to engage with logic, and reason before he had even agreed to train him. He had had to have a similar conversation.

"Besides, how would either of us know whether I'm your master? You haven't told me his name yet."

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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Lyeric felt a bit of a challenge from within. For some reason, he felt the need to outwit this man. Of course he never was strong in his vocabulary, nor his detailed descriptions in literacy; all due to his father's instruction to keep quiet and observe. But still, he held a bit of talent in the art of debate. Though this may be some random Jedi before him, it was in Lyeric's mind that he had to prove himself right.

"... you haven't told me your's either. Which means, most likely, you are him?" Thinking to make a connection between his lack of knowledge and the lack of presented information, Lyeric hoped to force an explanation and therefore bring forth more factual evidence to his cause. And as a result of his bolstered determination, his head twitched left to shirk away the hood a bit; unbeknownst to him, he needed some room to confront this man with his words.

In his pause, he further found a statement at the tip of his thoughts to add. "or maybe you're doing nothing, cause you're waiting for me?" Also, in ignorant focus, the young Umbaran had placed his hands upon his hips. It was in this focus that the true character of Lyeric would shine, as he was prone to excel; when not too inside his own head, worrying about how others saw him. Though still, his heavy hood shielded the light, he would retain his diagonal stance with a remaining distance of one foot away from the man before him. It was in his body language still, that he remained stand offish.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Hector laughed inwardly. The kid had fire in him, oh yes. Either stubborn, or proud. Either of which he believed noble traits in a Jedi. And not afraid of authority. Well, not too afraid.

"Or perhaps I'm just rude? Or maybe I was waiting for you to introduce yourself?" He laughed at this, then continued, "How are you to know I'm doing nothing though, young one? Maybe I was training, and you interrupted me?"

Hector allowed his eyes to slide shut. He was entirely sure that this boy was supposed to be his padawan. If the boy was already taken, he would go and demand that he be turned over to his care. Indeed, he was already planning how he would train the young one.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
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Lyeric paused. It was apparent that not many had entered the courtyard here, since he had. Though he didn't need to look around to confirm it. He had long employed the use of feeling for his surroundings, as young as he may be both in life and the force. He had to, if he was to become the shadow lurker he is today; though not a chosen role for himself, as it was more forced upon him.

The Quermian boy let slip a slight curl of his lips in enjoyment, though he had yet to blink since he revealed both eyes; no doubt a sign of his engaging thought process. Only hesitating for moment before erasing the grin on his face he rebuttaled, "Then why invite me in? You were waiting for me, whether you were training or not." Lyeric was determined, though he later dwelled on the use of the word "me" instead of "someone" in his head. His physical disposition remained, awaiting response.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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The boy was onto something. Whilst he had no way of knowing, Hector rarely acknowledged those who entered his courtyard, unless they had come specifically for him. However, he wasn't about to tell the boy that.

"Ah," Hector was quick to reply, "but I didn't invite you in. I gave you a choice, and you chose to come in. That says more about your intention than it does mine."

He remained utterly at peace, awaiting the boy's response.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Lyeric still had no clue to the means of his 'assisted guidance' towards this courtyard, and could not have known any more about this character before him than what he could see now. This Quermian took longer and longer with each reply, but he had to keep it up. He figured in his mind, "why would he continue, as I am, if he weren't my Master?" No, he was sure of it. This was his new Master.

"To interrupt your training? Why would you do that?" The young one queried, wondering about the man's reasoning. If he were training, why give a choice if not because he was awaiting interruption? It was by no means a 'checkmate', but at least Lyeric thought of something. He was running out of ideas.

All the while, the heavy material of his hood began to slide further down; back into its previous rested position.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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He laughed, loudly, not in a cruel way, but of genuine amusement. It had been a while since a padawan had been both willing and able to actually come close to holding their own. It was a refreshing change, indeed.

"Perhaps my training would be improved with incessant distraction? Or maybe I needed somebody to practice on."Hector allowed himself a wicked grin,after all, he was master of a number of techniques that required a subject, a number of which were neither pleasant, nor peaceful.Again, the fact that he would never use them on a fellow Jedi, let alone a padawan, was something the boy simply couldn't be sure of.

Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
The young Umbaran looked around, taking a moment before returning to the man with intent to make eye contact. "Here?" Pausing thereafter once more, he felt confident in how quickly he replied this time.

If this man was here, training - waiting for interruption or one to practice upon, why then the remark concerning the areas beauty and 'tidiness'? Such attention to detail would only stem from such a regular to the area to somewhat claim ownership of its upkeep and essence. Lyeric wouldn't go as far as to claim definitive knowledge of this man's personality or habits, but the argument was sound; and so he felt solid in this approach.

Furthermore, Lyeric had yet to see another soul enter this courtyard, and as such could not believe that this Jedi came here for the purpose of training randomly with others. The little Lyeric felt for sure that he had this man in the palm of his hand. "I'm new here, but it seems like most train in the training rooms?"

Having just about grown a smile on his normally stoic features, the Umbaran's victory in his mind was all but crushed when another teen-age Padawan looking Jedi walked into the courtyard most determined. Yet after three confident steps, the Jedi looked around confused and took to find their way elsewhere after apologetically bowing silently two or three times. No doubt an effect of Hector's initial pull, subtly through the force, to bring his newest Padawan to him; also bringing in this straggler. To the confusion and utter discouragement of Lyeric, someone had indeed walked in and laid waste to his perfect argument at the worst possible moment; yet still having weight, his stance was no longer full proof. The straggler's confusion and immediate departure was noted by this Umbaran, but he feared its use against him.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Hector laughed, the boy had a point. Sadly, his point was the precise reason that he didn't use the training rooms to train. Acknowledging the appearance of a padawan, one of the ones he had gathered up, he smiled as the boy left. The force had indeed chosen this one for him.

"This is true, most Jedi train in the allotted areas. But I'm not most Jedi. You would be wise to not judge a man simply by the company he keeps."

He paused a moment. He had chosen his words carefully, but recognised that they may well sound different to a boy as young as the one before him.

"And before you think it, no, I'm no rogue, or rebel. I'm just somewhat unconventional. And that extends to choosing to sit and train in quiet places."

Another laugh now. Unconventional tended to be what the more polite Jedi called him. Or what they said to his face, at least.

"Now, your name please, youngling."
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Lyeric Ubbal Arathilion

Pseudon of the Animus
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
"Lyeric Ubbal Arathillion", he answered respectfully.

Lowering his head now, reverting back to his normal self, the Umbaran would answer any question asked of him. He was, after all, an obedient student of the Jedi teachings. He had enjoyed this first meeting of what he believed was his Master. It was almost as if they had chosen each other, in but a moment's passing.

In this introverted state of being, Lyeric was rarely forthcoming with any talk; and so he'd wait to be spoken to, answering plainly and simply as he was required.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Hector immediately noticed the change in demeanor. The boy had moved away from engaging, which was a disappointment, but he wasn't radiating the same... not fear, but anxiousness as he had been before. A step in the right direction, at least.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lyeric. My name is Hector."

Gesturing for the boy to sit, he leaned back, against the tree, and unfolded his legs. Stretching for the first time in hours, he let himself relax, and immediately a gentle breeze began to blow through the courtyard.

"If you're going to be my padawan, which I imagine you are, then there's a few things that need to be said right now. I can teach you everything that you need to learn to be a Jedi. But I cannot make you one. That, you must do yourself. And whilst I will do everything in my power to help you, it is ultimately entirely up to you."

His tone was serious, but not unkind. He was simply being honest, and straightforward.

"Also, I won't be the only Jedi conducting your training. Thanks to what some would call a deficiency on my part, I'll be asking an old friend to help me out. I'll tell you more when it's important that you know it. For now, though, the first lesson."

Hector smiled. This was the important part. Where some master's would lead with instruction in the force, or how to swing a lightsaber, or teaching the code, he would not. His master had once done the same with him.

"A question for you. What matters most in the entire galaxy?"