Open Corellia The Light of Corellia

Syr Bors

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 16, 2024
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"Indeed, I hear it!" Bors replied as he swung his blade again at the abominations that were grouping up for a strike. The Giant Pango squinted his eyes and focused on the hellish city landscape. He could see the remnants of the city center in the distance. It was more than a fair distance, filled with toppled buildings, abomination hoards, cultists of Sith Lords, and who knew what else. There was the sight of what looked like smoke where the crashed ship might've been, but who knew if that was genuinely the ship or not.

"You!" Bors turned slightly and barked at the nearest squadron of soldiers. "You are with us! We don't stop moving unless a knight orders us to! No one gets left behind, no one falls alone! Radio to control to give us any support we can take!"

Without waiting for another word, Bors began to move forward. As Bors stomp the ground with each heavy step, he swung his blade at all the hostilities around him. The beasts roared and hissed and howled and rumbled at the foes that stepped out of formation, but Bors did not seem to mind outwardly.

Inwardly, Bors was terrified. It took trained soldiers countless hours upon hours to willingly step into combat. Bors was a mere padawan who slayed bugs and trandoshans, not literal monsters. But the cry for help had been sounded, and Bors' own compassionate spirit was stronger than his fear of teeth and maw.

"Stand up from the dead, in victorious sight, we strike with the cleansing of light!" Bors began to recite as he took several more steps into the chaos. The squadron behind him followed closely, utilizing blaster and blade alike to protect the singing Thaldek's flank. "Stand up in war, no surrender tonight, we charge straight into the fight! To the end! To the fall! To wherever the Force may lead!"

Slash, step, slash, step, stab, slash, the verses continued. Snicker snack, forth and back, the progress was slow and steady as new beasts replaced the ones that fell. Time seemed to slow around Bors as he marched further and further, cutting down those that got in his way. Blasphemous Beast and stalwart stone, crumbling ruin and putrid plant; all things were cut down with indiscrimination.

"Slight us, spite us, we are the arm of the holy..." Bors continued, his voice now steady as the marching steps he took forward. "Bite us, light us, strike with the force of the Light! Swear us, tear us, we will destroy all the lowly, all through the night its blood for blood!"

Bors was unsure how much time had passed. They were closer now. In the distance he could finally see the swarm of beasts clustered around a the outline of a ship. Between the group and it, a massive sinkhole filled with beasts and fallen soldiers. Such a roadblock would take some time for Bors to navigate around.

Bors glanced at Ava.

"Knight Ava, do you know how to fly?" Bors called out. With a moment of reprieve from the beasts, he placed his hands together, palms up. She was small and light and he was strong and heavy. With his strength and her abilities in the force, she could get to the ship and provide much needed support until he and the squadron could arrive. If she followed his lead, he would launch her across the massive sinkhole and hopefully directly onto the ship.

@homewrecker @DMCK


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 4, 2024
Reaction score
Don’t think, don’t think, don’t THINK! thought Caul as he ran as fast as his legs would carry him. Fear was welling up in him like a tsunami and he felt like he was trying to get away from it while running in knee high water. Nothing in the Jedi code or training curriculum had prepared him for abominations. No amount of study could fully translate how terrifying they were. How palpable the hate was that dripped from their being. But that wasn’t the worst of it. Caul was in a full spiral.

The Padawan came to a skittering stop as he rounded a corner. His breath was ragged, and his whole body was covered in a sheen of sweat. The squad he’d been with was gone. Each of the members ripped to shreds, first by an explosion then by an ambush. The fact that he managed to get away was… was… shameful.

He swallowed and winced, his throat was raw. He’d screamed and wailed until his voice gave out. Images of the dead flashed through his mind, but it wasn’t just Corellia he was seeing. It was Rin’s dead eyes in the hospital after Ithor. It was Callum’s blood streaked face on Yavin. It was the smell of charred duracrete and flesh intermingling. It was the grime that clung to his face and body. The tattered remains of his sleeve, and the blood running down his arm.

His heart hammered in his head and Caul struggled to get his breathing under control. He needed to make it back to the main force. He had to report what was happening. Someone had to know about the danger. Don’t think, just act. Don’t think, just act!

Before he could move the corner he was standing behind burst apart. Caul was thrown to the ground, bounced once, tucked into a roll and came up in a kneeling position. His lightsaber was alive and in his hand, the place where he’d been standing was ruined in it’s place was the snarling face of the abomination that had attacked his group.

Caul reached out with the force and hurled the fragmented pieces of stone back at the monster! He was moving back eyes locked on the abomination closing in, nothing he did could slow it’s loaping gait. It was playing with him. Drinking in his fear, delighting in his pain. Then he was falling? Everything he’d been feeling paused and the only thing he could think about was the sudden embrace of weightlessness as he got shorter and the abomination got taller. The last thing he saw was the abomination's head cocking to the side, mirroring the confusion he felt… then everything was dark.

A small drop of water slipped off a pipe and fell through the dank interior of the sewer. It landed on Caul’s face. His eyes snapped open and he took a breath like he’d been holding it for hours. He immediately wretched after. The surprise of sewer stink made him frown. He looked up. A manhole was a few meters above him. He looked around for his lightsaber and found it. He clipped it to his belt and then pulled his flashlight out. He had no idea where he was down here, but honestly, that wasn’t much different than it was above. At least for now he’d slipped the abomination that had been chasing him… he hoped…

Caul was assigned to a group pushing the front line, things went really bad when they were hit by an explosion and an ambush back to back, he's the only one that made it. While running for his life from the same abomination as before he managed to fall down an open sewer, yay!

Last edited:


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Sep 12, 2023
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The abominations in front of the young knight rushed at him in vast numbers. He had to be careful not to get overwhelmed lest he opened the opportunity for the beasts to harm him critically. He breathed deep before pressing his attack at the charging beasts, cleaving through their forces with practiced precision. This battle had gone on for quite some time and it had an impact on each person's performance. He thought deep about what was truly necessary to combat Raze. Was his efforts on the ground enough? Well, that was something that he couldn't determine at that time.

He heard a few explosions close by and the screams of children in a building near by.
"Damn it, more civies around. Let's hope I can safely get them out of here." He started running towards the building while slicing through any enemy in his vicinity. All this destruction was weighing on him. It made him start to think of his home, Rion. He could only hope that the war never found it. The green luscious beauty of his home was something he treasured and didn't want to think of losing.

"AHHHH!" That ear-piercing cry for help pushed Kaedan into overdrive. He didn't have time to waste. He reached out his hand with the force and pulled the door right off which allowed him to run right in. In a corner were a group of small children and an injured adult woman. Approaching them were a pack of Abominations, on the ready to pounce. "I am here to help." He moved swiftly and stood between the beasts and the people.

"Are you able to walk?" He asked while holding his lightsaber in ready position. "No... Banged up... too... b-badly." He nodded as he watched the approaching beasts. He took a small breath before going on the offensive. He dashed at the one closest to him and chopped it in half. One of the other ones jumped on him, causing him to fall with it wrestling to bite him. As he was pinned down, the another one charged at the people. Even though he was struggling with the beast on top of him, he had to do something to protect the people.

He dug deep within and desperately called on the force for assistance. From his downed position, he outstretched his free hand while wincing. The beast lunged and slashed at the children however it would find itself suspended mere millimeters from its prey.
"I won't let you harm them!" He strained. He used his other hand, which was actively fending off the beast that had him pinned, to lift the beast off of his body with the force. With the two of them in his grasp, he levitated them to the space in front of him and slammed them on the floor. He then cut both of them in two. "Alright, let's get you out of here and to the evacuation zone."

Kaedan lifted up the injured woman. "Please stick close, out there is going to get scary but I will protect you and so will my comrades." Kaedan spoke to the children, reassuring them with a smile. He then activated his comms. "I have some children and an injured adult to take to evac, if you can create space while I get them there, that would be most appreciated. We also need medical assistance." With that, he and the group left the building. Now it was up to him to escort them through the war torn battlefield safely.

Eruc Panacean

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
May 24, 2022
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Eruc's hands lowered over the wounded civilian's injury, a sprained ankle marked by the telltale hues of bruising. A soft luminescence emanated from his palm, coaxing the bruises to fade and the pain to diminish. Yet, as he withdrew his hand, a sense of restraint lingered in his movements, a deliberate choice not to fully alleviate the woman's suffering.

"Please, it still hurts..." The woman's plea tugged at Eruc's heart, her eyes reflecting both pain and understanding.

"I know, and I apologize," he murmured, his voice laced with regret. "But I cannot afford to expend more energy on healing, not when our safety hangs by a thread."

A flicker of fear crossed the woman's face, mirrored by the haunting memories that resurfaced in Eruc's mind—the echoes of explosions, the faces of the fallen. The voice of his father, a specter of doubt and self-condemnation, licked at his brain like a neurotoxin.

"You're weak, Eruc," the voice sneered, its venomous words a relentless assault on his psyche. "They'll all die because of your cowardice. If only you were stronger, if only you embraced the power within."

He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, expelling the voice and with it the allure of the dark. The Healer was snapped back to reality by the horrific sound of bone scraping against durasteel. The claws of a Razeling pierced through the side of the ship, sending sparks cascading across the room. The civilians screamed and ran to Eruc's side.

"Go further into the ship and hide. I will hold it off."

He would be lying if he said he his heart wasn't racing. He could feel his hands shaking before steadying himself with a long exhale.

"Go!" He barked, prompting the wounded under his care to retreat into the next room of the shuttle. The knight kept one hand infront of him, preparing to neutralise the creature. With his eyes closed he sends out another telepathic message, this time locking on to the two closest Force Sensitives he could detect ( @Narzen @DMCK ). His message was simple - he couldn't waste time thinking of anything more elaborate.

We are discovered.

Another sickening scrape along the metal, more sparks flying. This time it was accompanied by a hideous snarl, and a vicious growl that sounded disturbingly like laughter. As if the savage creature were mocking him. As much as he typically avoided Jedi affairs, he was still a Jedi. He had a duty to those under his care, and he was willing to die for them - but he still hoped whoever received his message would get here before that was necessary.

He took a deep breath and readied the force in his finger tips. preparing to push the creature back the moment it breached the ship.

Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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She couldn't mourn now as much as she wanted to, the feeling of chaos threatened to take over, to give her solace in a time of complex despair. However, she knew that feeling, and though it would feel good, it wouldn't feel right and would betray everything that everyone here was fighting for, it was not the way. The comm crackled in her ear as she splashed through raised waters, grimacing to think of the filth and runoff that resided down here. She paused with her team, listening to the request as she looked around the corner, her senses extending outward, "We'll make it happen." she told Sevrin through her comm.

"There are two runs of cable that link from the generators." said one of the engineers, "Severing one will not cause too much interference, emergency controls will still run, so we'll have to cut them both, one the easy way and the other, much more...complicated." he explained leading the team into the utility tunnel. It was a narrow corridor beneath the comm station, pipes stacked upon pipes that lead in and out of the comm station. Some were clearly labelled, others were not as they went further inside.

"Jedi, sever this one." he said tapping a larger plated pipe above their heads. Theia nodded and ignited the saber. The screerats backed away from the padawan, sparks spilling on the floor before Theia as she pulled the saber through the resistance. The pipe burst open, fibrous wires spilling out and the lights flickered several times before part of them went out. In the tower, Sevrin (@Sreeya @throwitintothefire ) and his team would notice the power fluctuation, lights dimming or shutting off entirely, but still enough for someone to see in an emergency situation. The power was unstable though, flickering, growing brighter and then dimming, or shutting on and off completely.

"Good, now lets get to the other one," said the engineer leading the way further into the utility hall. Their narrow corridor eventually opened up, leading to several blocky structures where the power was fed into, "Perimeter, please, while I work." he said kneeling in front of a control panel.

"We can't just cut?" Theia asked.

"Not unless you want to fry yourself."

Theia frowned and joined the others, waiting and watching. The power flickered again, but this time it was accompanied by an ear-piercing screech and the rebels pulled back into a tighter formation. Theia's own senses expanded outward, her grasp tightening on the saber for their enemy to reveal itself.



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 4, 2024
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Caul’s boot splashed through the muck and mire of the Corellian sewer. He’d been running for minutes. The muffled cacophony of the battle above was his only guide. Well, that and the force. He leaned on his training, closing his eyes and letting the omnipotent power guide him. He was still struggling. His emotions were all over the place and the idea of calm was so foreign to his mind right now that he accepted at any point he could just walk right off the narrow path and into the wide open maw of Corellia’s innards.

The Padawan chanced opening his eyes as he came to a stop at a crossroads. He looked left then right, both directions offering no indication of hope or safety. Caul let out a long frustrated breath. Why was he like this? Why couldn’t he get his shit together? Why was he such a coward? A drop of water landed on his forehead causing him to flinch. More than a little grossed out, Caul wiped the drop away. Berating himself wouldn’t help. He could only do what he could do, the issue with that clarity was… he didn’t have a plan for this.

Plans were his bread and butter. Caul spent so much time worrying about what could happen that he rarely left any room for flexibility in the moment. Adaptability was his weakness and it was glaringly obvious that well laid plans didn’t mean shit when bombs started going off. He sank down to the gross wet ground and wrapped his arms around his legs curling into himself. He was a failure, he should have died on Ithor, not Rin.

The whole sewer shuddered. Caul’s survival instinct took control and he was up and running. A thunderous crash that sounded like the planet itself being torn apart ripped through the tunnels, and as quickly as it came on, it left. The sound was replaced by a high pitched whistle and the sound of his ragged breathing. There was a resounding crack, and light began to pour in from just above.

Caul’s eyes looked for any way up, he spotted a green tube and ran for it like it was a long lost lover. He dove into the tube and began to climb, well, climb was being generous, he scrambled upward like a monkey lizard whose tail was on fire.

The sweet kiss of fresh air on his face nearly made him cry. Caul tumbled out of the tube and onto the ground. He pushed himself up and looked around. There were more than a few Jedi he’d never met before around which was a welcomed relief. Then he caught a glimpse of the one in charge. Caul trudged over, he was aware of the other Jedi shifting out of his way, which was totally logical given the way he had to look and smell.

Master,” he was still breathing hard, “ The west forward squad,” or was it forward west? “ They got ambushed. Bombs, big bombs.” he sounded crazy. “ I’m–” then it hit him, “ I’m the only one that made it out…

His admission sucked the last bit of strength from his legs and he dropped to his knees, while doing his best to hold back the tears that had been threatening to stream down his face.


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Shadow Master

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2021
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Sevrin was too preoccupied with clearing out a space to worry about Shaw’s moment of fascination with the saber. He heard the familiar thunk of a door falling and assumed the boy finished the task. A quick glance over revealed that Shaw was face to face with an abomination that began to charge right at him. Cursing inwardly, Sevrin turned towards him, realizing there was no time to give Shaw any instructions. He couldn’t push Shaw to the side because there was heavy abomination presence on both sides. The only safe place was directly behind Sevrin where he just cleared.

The Force coiled around Shaw and he would be unceremoniously dropped to the ground. He would then slide along the grass to pass right between and underneath the far taller Sephi’s legs and behind him as if Sevrin was long snapping back a football. Sevrin didn’t even look down, both sabers already in his hands as he engaged the abomination that charged at him after having expected to maul Shaw. Sevrin stepped right over his padawan, clashing with the abomination that lost its limb to a saber.

His sabers were a whirlwind of motions, and he finished the engagement sporting a gash on his arm from a swipe. Sevrin exhaled and looked back in Shaw’s direction, “Get up, padawan, we must ascend the tower,” He ordered as he began to climb, “Destroy all electronics to completely cut off their comms,” He told his padawan as they ascended.

If they had an abomination waiting inside, Sevrin could only imagine what else was protecting the secure rooms upstairs..

@throwitintothefire @Phoenix


Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Jun 2, 2023
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Kaldar looked down from the comms tower, watching the flashing of lightsabers below and seeing how they advanced on his position. Normally, he would have liked to just talk his way around the Jedi, but this wasn't really a situation that was conducive to that.

Kaldar weighed his options and pondered for a moment simply waiting up here: potentially trapped and dropping down to see if he could get a cheeky kill on... was that a Padawan being swung like a football?

He squinted as he tried to spot it and just... shook his head. Was this the smartest thing to do? No, but this battle was a losing proposition either way. If he could slow down the Jedi push then the bombs could go off and the darkness would deepen. All the better.

He took in a deep breath, that antagonistic need for the high of living on the edge pushing its way back to the surface.

Kaldar plucked the lightsaber off of his belt and just... dropped.

The Force cushioned his fall as he landed a dozen yards in front of Sevrin, red lightsaber bursting to life in his hands. He could have just charged in recklessly, but his goal wasn't to just fling himself at the enemy and die. Everything had purpose, and this was a fight... well, he might not win it but as long as he didn't lose then did it really matter?

I don't think we've had the pleasure, he said, his voice coming out garbled by the helmet he wore as his eyes behind his helmet locked with Sevrin.


Jedi Order
Jedi Lord

Character Profile
Jun 1, 2023
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As Vanya finished her blast and bought time for the Knight to close up the opening in the wall, providing a few moment's extra time for the survivors to get out.

Vanya... felt like she was pretty much running around with her braids on fire. Everywhere she looked there was a new problem that needed dealing with, everywhere around her was death, and it threatened to consume her.

One fire at a time, Vanya. Next fire is... and the Winged Spirit immediately provided her with an answer.

Someone was connecting to her comlink. Someone she didn't know who was in a place she didn't know fighting things she didn't know. Bad combination.

Chaos, chaos everywhere. Winged Spirit help me, she prayed silently.

Where are you? Who is this? she asked, eyes darting around the area to try to find... anyone who could match the description. It would have been real great if Vanya actually knew which way "west" was right now, but she definitely didn't. Amidst the twisting steel and glass of a planet like this it all looked the same.

Tell me how to get to you, she said, trying to wave down a nearby soldier to see if they had a compass or something that could help her get to this unknown... Padawan? Soldier? Knight? Who the kriff knew!?


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
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There was no time to react, and even if there had been Shaw wouldn't have. Fear had him in its cutches, and he just stood there like a statue, unblinking and unmoving as the abomination charged him head on. Shaw's name would have been added to the growing list of its victims had it not been for Master Valtiere's intervention, coiling the force around the padawan and yeeting him between his legs to safety. Shaw just blinked, unable to process what had happened, sitting up just in time to see the abomination fall to the ground dead.

No time for thanks either. Master Valtiere had given orders. They were to climb the tower. Shaw's legs grew weaker with every step he took, and he had to force himself up the stairs one step at a time. If it hadn't been for the sephi hot on his heels he might have given up right then and there. Blades clashed with control panels and switches as they climbed, but there was little strength behind the swing of Shaw's blade. The slashing of his vibrosword mingled with the thrashing of his own heartbeat in his ears until he couldn't differentiate between the two.

Every sound was amplified. Every explosion. Every distant cry for help. Every blaster bolt. Every abomination's roar. It made his skin crawl and his pulse race. He reacted to every little sound, imagining it to be an abomination ready to tear him to pieces, even when it was just a rat scurrying away.

An overwhelming dread was building inside of him. He tried to tell himself that everything was going to be okay, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was going to die in this comms tower. That he had left the safety of Takodana and all of his friends to follow Master Valtiere into the unknown just to die at the first distress call they answered.

A voice made his heart skip a beat, and a cloaked figure dropped down right in front of them, startling Shaw and making him stumble. That building dread had found him. He was face to face with it. @Sreeya @Phoenix

Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Shadow Master

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2021
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The Sephi calmly stared at the figure ahead of him. He didn’t need to ask to know the man was not just Sith, but one of the worst out there. The darkness he projected was some of the vilest kind and he was drawing strength from the chaos and pain all around him. Even being in his presence would prove draining to especially Light devoted Jedi. Sevrin had engaged enough Sith to know this one was dangerously different. He began to step closer towards the man, tilting his head slightly, “Why isn’t your Dark Lord out here?” Sevrin asked, speaking about Tempest of course, “Or did yours get wiped off the face of the galaxy?” He asked icily.

His sabers twirled in his hands as he stood as a sentry, “Leave this place with your cronies, wretch,” He commanded, “Or join the Force with your master,” Sevrin said.


Ava Xeto

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Feb 29, 2024
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Ava battled alongside Syr and the other Jedi, as they slowly, step by step, carved through the hordes of monsters. Eventually, the downed shuttle and the city centre were in sight.


It took a few seconds for her to realise what he meant. “Oh, I get it.

Their determined fight against the creatures had earned them a brief reprieve, as the creatures attacking their small group had briefly scattered. “I’m going to take a run up and then jump Syr. I want you to use the force to help propel me.

Without warning, another telepathic message. They were discovered and she needed to hurry. “Let’s do this, Syr.

Running up to the edge of the sinkhole, she propelled her body with all her might. Soaring through the air, she felt herself being pushed by Syr.

She rose up, further and further from the ground; above the monsters and the bodies in the sinkhole.

What goes up…

She couldn’t remember having dropped from this height before. Her descent quickened. Am I going to make it?

Bracing herself, she was either going to make it over the hole or slam against the side of it.

I’m going to make it.

Readying herself, she tried to use the force to help cushion her fall. Landing with a heavy thud, she rolled along the ground as she struggled to control the momentum. Gradually, she slowed until she skidded to a stop.

She took some time to catch her breath, before slowly sitting up. I’m alright. She dragged herself to her feet, taking a few seconds to get her bearings. Turning around, the ship wasn’t too far off.

The creature trying to force its way into the downed ship, in the city centre, wasn’t given a chance. Sprinting up to it, she used the force to push it from the ship and then, in a few swift slices, she carved open its chest and beheaded it. “Are you ok in there,” she called out, hoping someone in the ship would respond.

(TLDR: Managed to jump over the gap and kill the creature trying to break into the ship. 19/20 dice roll for successfully getting over the sinkhole.)

@Narzen @homewrecker


Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Jun 2, 2023
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Awww, on the contrary, you ought to be thanking me. We dumped Tempest with the rest of the garbage. Managed what you Jedi couldn't. Don't you just want to be friends? he asked, watching the way the Sephi circled.

There was something almost... familiar about him. The two had surely never met - the Sephi wasn't someone easy to forget - but there was something not about his appearance or his body, but about the way he moved that felt familiar to Kaldar.

You see, Kaldar had never met Raze when he was Emryc and there was, of course, no family appearance between Raze's pre-orbital strike body and Sevrin, but for all the years that Raze had spent in Emryc's mind, there was something that had still lingered there. The way he... walked and stood. The way the angle of his chin was held high. It was subtle, and of course, Kaldar would never be able to guess at the thrice removed truth, but it still tickled his subconscious.

Peculiar, he thought somewhere in the back of his mind.


Imagine what we could accomplish together. We could bring down the whole Sith Order, he said. Perhaps for just the fleeting moment, Sevrin would imagine bringing an actual end to the Sith threat. He didn't care about his name in lights in the sky, but it was an opportunity to create lasting change, perhaps.

The call of the Dark Side in this place was strong, and while Sevrin normally would have never considered such an offer, perhaps with the poison of the darkness whispering in his mind, the seed would be planted. The seed of doubt.

But ever he was ready should the Jedi choose to strike.

Syr Bors

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 16, 2024
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The jump, the throw, the surge of energy that raced through Bors. Bors watched in slight awe as the knight sailed through the air. When she landed, Bors cheered.

"Thats the way to do it!" Bors shouted and stomped his feet in joy. He looked at the other men.

"Hey, there is no way you are tossing me like that..." the medic said, waving his hands.

"I would never think of doing that..." Bors said, a little disappointment in his voice.

Bors didn't get a chance to comment further. A swarm of spider-esque sithspawn began to climb upwards from the sinkhole. Their legs drove deep into the sides of the wall, their maws opened up with rows and rows of razor teeth. They were hungry for fresh blood, and the leaping Jedi overhead had caught their attention.

"Lets move! Keep guns downward at them! I'll hold off any foes up here!"

And so the group began to long trek around the sinkhole. As the soldiers fired downwards into the sinkhole, trying their best to stave off the monsters, Bors kept to the outer rank, slashing at any beast that came too close.

@DMCK @homewrecker

Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Shadow Master

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2021
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As the Sith spoke, Sevrin couldn’t help but notice that the man was a bit more apprehensive around him than expected. It went far beyond fearing a Jedi - there was something about Sevrin that the Sith found outright unsettling. His silver eyes narrowed slightly, but there was no shift in his expression otherwise.

“Are you truly going to give me the typical comic villain recruitment speech?” Sevrin asked dryly, “Waste not your breath,” He heard them of course - the whispers of the Dark Side. The all too familiar call of the siren that was always so toxic and alluring. It beckoned him like an old lover. He could almost envision Amariel whispering those words to him. Wouldn’t it be easier to ally with a powerful group to take down the Sith Order? Wouldn’t it be so much simpler instead of taking on both Raze’s supporters and the Sith Order?

But Sevrin Valtiere was a trained Jedi Shadow. He went through his specialized trials strictly to resist the Dark Side. He spent most of his time behind enemy lines in places steeped in the Dark Side. And he always found his way back.

Though he didn’t attack outwardly, Sevrin channeled the Light in a way that would send the voices reeling. Kaldar would feel it as well as a burning sensation echoing across his psyche. Just as chemotherapy was more effective against fast-growing cancers, so too did the Light burn just a bit greater where it was darkest.

“Make your choice,” Sevrin said curtly, the burn getting incrementally worse for Kaldar.



Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Jun 2, 2023
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Kaldar wasn't too surprised that his ploy had failed, but it was not only worth a shot, but also bought him more time for his bombs.

Sevrin pushed back with his own flashes of burning light, feeling the way the darkness seemed to recoil and push back around him, a danger if it was to persist, no doubt looking to rob him of his own power here.

Well, it was a nice try, he thought to himself, but didn't waste - or buy - anymore time.

He darted forward, bringing his saber across at belly height in a horizontal strike from his own left to right. He preferred Form III and even as he struck, he was preparing to fall back again, simply forcing an instigation of their conflict.


Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
May 16, 2023
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There was a yellow glow in the shadows, orbs locked onto the rebels and the Jedi as the engineer counted down his work. Theia turned to face what lurked in the shadow, but the orbs disappeared, though the feeling of urgency and danger did not. The whole room shook violently as bombs were dropped on the surface and it was then the abominations attacked. Three of them bursting forward, flanking the rebel ground as rifles started to tear into the beasts. They moved quickly, calculating, they were not as reckless as others they encountered. These knew how to hunt as though they knew exactly who they needed to eliminate first.

Theia swung her saber, backhand slash cutting across the stomach of the beast. A putrid smell hit the girl as she stepped forward, surprised by her own actions as she kept on the creature, not letting up as others took to protecting their engineer as he hastily worked. As the last one collapsed in pieces, more creatures arrived, "How are we doing?!" she yelled out over the screams of the beasts, blaster fire rung all around herself and the others, members of their team dropping quickly, but not from the attacks from the abominations.

"Burn in hell, Jedi!" someone yelled out and Theia turned, immediately coming face to face with the engineer and his blaster. Theia reacted faster than she could process, her saber coming through the barrel of his weapon before cutting across his chest as he cried for his love of his god: Raze.

She starred at the collapsed engineer, feeling her chest rise and lower quickly with each breath she drew, trying to process what had just happened. It would another survivor of the betrayal who would bring her back to present, "Hey, hey... you're hit..." the zabraki woman said, helping Theia guide her hand to her side. The padawan looked down, the reality hitting her along with the burning and aching sensation. Theia didn't say anything and looked at where the engineer was working.

"We...I...we need to cut power." she said.

"We will, let me do it, okay?" the zabrak said taking Theia's saber hand into her palms; the padawan looked back down on the man she had killed, "Hey, focus," she reassured Theia who took an aching deep breath, "Good girl, I got this."

Quickly, the woman worked, grabbing several charges from her pack and others that were being carried by the downed members. She set them along the structure, timers set, deciding to hell with whatever their traitorous member was doing and she would do it the old fashioned way. She just about had enough of the death and chaos the Razelings and their monsters have brought to Corellia. She put an arm around a shell shocked Theia and guided her, "We are leaving now."

In moments, the entire building would reverberate with the shaking from the explosion underground. Power would flicker, alarms would blare loudly before suddenly being silence with darkness.


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Shadow Master

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2021
Reaction score

As the swing came, Sevrin had the saber in his right hand prepared to block. He swiped his vertical blade in a clockwise fashion, stopping the horizontal swing in its path. However, instead of spinning to flank Kaldar on his right side like he may have expected, Sevrin gave a light flick of his wrist in an attempt to drive the tip of his saber into the man’s left shoulder. This ensured that his blade was still up in guard and would require Kaldar to shift to defense.

“Your master is dead, you don’t need to keep doing this,” Sevrin said curtly as they engaged. Why didn’t this man simply join the Sith Order if he was so tied to the Dark Side?



Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
Kaldar much preferred to fight on the defensive, an unusual fact for most Sith. He had always found it humorous that the Sith were so averse to a passive fighting style.

Kaldar's own previous preparation to fall back was probably the only thing that saved him losing an arm. His push backwards meant his enemy's saber missed just in front of his shoulder, but just for good measure, he continued to push out with his own saber to force his opponent's thrust away.

With the Jedi's saber layered over top of Kaldar's own, it protected his left hand as it thrust under and sent out a blast of the Force to knock the man back and through the wall behind him.

If it was successful, he wouldn't immediately press the attack, but instead responded to the Jedi Master.

Oh, and what should I do instead? he asked. He actually was curious what a Jedi thought he should do with his life. Join the Light? Become a Jedi to be redeemed? Right. Surrender and sit in prison? He would rather die... probably.


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 4, 2024
Reaction score
To say that Caul was disoriented would have been a dramatic understatement. His vision swam as the blood loss from his arm started to settle in. He’d been pretty positive he was speaking directly to Vanya, Jedi in charge of this operation, but as he blinked he realized he was looking at Terek Ordeen and speaking into the commlink the Jedi knight held.

Caul’s head cocked to the side and Terek mirrored his confusion, the knight pulled his com back and relayed their location to Vanya, “I’m gonna get the kid on a bacta drip, he’s not totally out of commission, but it’s pretty clear he's been through some shit, we’ll be at the delta six med tent.

Caul swayed with barely held together consciousness, Terek smiled, “You did good, kid, rest. I’ve got you.

All Caul could do was nod his understanding then everything faded to black.

A little later…

Caul woke up on a cot. The sunlight beaming through the canvas roof bathed the room in a golden hue. He didn’t move at first because he had no idea where he was and if he was in danger, surprise would be a better companion than swift action, so he held still to try and identify his surroundings. The familiar clatter of a 3-PO droid shuffling around caught his attention and he chanced a glance in the nosies direction.

Oh, you are awake, thank the force!” came the effeminate trill of the Droid’s vocal processor. “Your bacta drip has finished, how do you feel? I should preface by saying it is not uncommon for the patient to experience mild nausea after treatment.

Caul blinked, then frowned, then realized he was alright. “I-I feel fine, thanks.
That’s wonderful news! I’ll alert Jedi Ordeen. Please relax, there is a good chance you’ll be going back out.

Uh, okay,” Caul replied, more than a little anxiety welled up at the prospect of going back out into the hellscape of Corellia.
