The Mob: Assignments and Ranks

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SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
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The mob (or mafia, if you will) is not a monolithic organization, but rather a loose association of groups known alternatively as families, coscas, borgatas or clans. A typical group has a pyramidal command structure: a clan is lead by a boss (also known as the capofamiglia) who is in turn aided by a second-in-command, the underboss or sotto capo and numerous advisers, the consigliere. Under their command are various crews of soldiers, each headed by a capodecina or caporegime. For simplicity's sake, the capodecina will usually be referred to as the 'commander.' Beneath them are those not truly considered mafiosi or considered outsiders, the affiliates. If an affiliate is from another clan, they can generally expect much hospitality.

From Wikimedia, here is an image depicting the hierarchy of any given clan.

Above all of these ranks, however, is the capo di tutti capi, or the "boss of all bosses." Often, this is less a true rank than a nickname coined by the media to refer to any particularly influential boss. Any member of a given clan can expect to be referred to by other family members as brother or sister. They are in turn referred to as sons and daughters by the underboss and the Don's adviser, whereas the Don himself will refer to his direct underlings as his children and to everyone else as his grandchildren. This way of addressing other mafiosi help to accentuate the 'family' feel of the organization.

Turncoats are allowed to leave but can expect constant observation and what will eventually become a gruesome demise.



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KEY: The key to the various difficulties of each mission is as such: 1 represents an easy mission that can be accomplished by a single individual. 2 represents a moderately difficult mission that can be accomplished by two or more persons. 3 represents a difficult mission that can be accomplished by two or more persons and a commander. 4 represents an extremely difficult mission that can be accomplished by three or more individuals, a commander and the mob boss or underboss. Advancement can be earned through 4 level one missions, 3 level two missions, 2 level three missions or 1 level four mission.

A salt-addicted Arconan needs his fix. It's up to a rank-and-file soldier to make the delivery and receive payment; however, rumors have been circulating that the Arconan in question may be a police plant. Discretion is advised, and it may be necessary to attempt this mission as a pair.

THEM! [2]:
A group of fellow mafiosi have been put in a tight squeeze. They're stuck in a rundown hotel deep in the bowels of the undercity and are being surrounded by law enforcement. The police are using a handful of canoids to try and flush the mob members out of hiding. If we can save them, their family will be in our debt, and we could always use some favors... [Requires at least two individuals]

The Toydarian Zelko, a firearms vendor, has declared himself a separate entity and wants no further part in our dealings. Beyond that, he stopped paying his "protection" fees more than three months ago. I'm sending a representative to dispose of him... he probably has a guard or two, though, and is probably expecting us. He lives in an apartment down in Coruscant overlooking a busy market district. However, his view is obstructed by a slightly larger building whose roof ends just a few meters away and above Zelko's window. Hmm...

A rival family is causing trouble around our headquarters. Destroy them and let it serve as a warning to any other young and upstarting families that pestering the Alighieri clan is a surefire way to destruction.

NOTE: All of the above missions take place on Coruscant. Until we've quieted down the area around home, I won't be listing missions far from the Core. When an [IN PROGRESS] tag is next to any mission's name, followed by whoever is participating in that mission, you'll have to ask them for permission if you want to join. If a [COMPLETED] tag is next to a mission name, it is, obviously, finished.
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