Open The old transmission

Hak Te'Jaris


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Mar 28, 2023
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Its been a year since that adventure on Tatooine and that dessert drowned temple.He still remember those two Sith that "helped" him.Before then he had only heard stories about them...the Sith.But his mind was always came back on to why he met them in that temple.One of them kept saying about Revan and the secrets hidden at that tomb.
He did found the lost expedition,even in their final resting place.The only reason he risked his neck to find them,was that two of the members,one of the mercs and the Jedi were friends of his.His hurt sunk seeing them that day...just laying there...forgoten.
Hak leaned back on his chair,as he was at the cockpit of the RustBucket.He was holding the old lightsaber of his friend,a simple but sturdy hilt.R5 wheeled in the cockpit and let out a blurb of sad droid speech.

"I know buddy...i couldn't even bury them...hnnn."

Hak took a deep breath and turned on the command concole.

"Enough mowping for one day huh? Now where is that old channel...hmmm...HA there."

Hak turned to R5 with a smile and said

"Alright big man.Go activate the old transmitter and encript the transmission as well.I dont want any Sith a holes noticing us,tho these are virtually Ancient transmission would need a republic era tech.Good think ol'RustBucket has one of those hehe."

R5 chirped happily and rolled out quickly towards the back of the ship.

"I hope this works"

As Hak flipped the switch on the concole and the old encrippted transmission of echoed in the vast expance of space.He was located once again at the very edges of the outer rim,his usual hidding spot.This transmission could be intercepted by Jedi or some older Republic vessels.The information he was currently holding was of the atmost importance for both parties.So he leaned back and waited,as he usually does.

Xim Zhan


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The Mad Hammer
Sep 12, 2023
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The G1aA Starfighter Manda Money zipped quietly through the vast expanse of space. Aside from the hum of the ship’s onboard systems and the occasional beep of deep space scanners, all was quiet; as quiet as the glistening golden being reclining at the helm. There was nothing out here and Xim had dropped from hyperspace to undergo yet another boring scan. It was not a glamorous job, bit it paid a chunk of cash. Moreover, it was helping to the greater good. This far out, a Mandalorian had been a pleasant hire in hopes he could handle his own of something went awry, as these things often seemed to do.

“Nothing worth noting,” Xim growled to no one in particular as he sat up and read the scans before his fingers began to fly over the console preparing for another jump. Just as he began to key in the next jump coordinates, the deep space relay chimed, eliciting a raised eyebrow from the pilot. “Who is sending signals this far out?” He pondered as he tapped the screen. “Hmmm. Odd.” He could not make sense of the message. It was garbled and the computer had trouble translating and computing it; too old for modern transcription programs.

Xim shrugged, “At least it is something.” He quickly rekeyed this new set of coordinates to where the message seemed to have originated from and without a thought pressed the button. The craft leapt from existence into hyperspace. It would take but a few minutes to arrive, and a known mystery had to be better than nothing.

As the Manda Money approached the hyper drop, Xim powered up his deflector shields. There was no sense not being prepared for the worst. As the ship regained real space, Xim’s eyes darted from consoles to the vast expanse laid out before him beyond his T-visored helm and the ship’s canopy. A single freighter floated like a solitary stone jutting above the surface of the stillness of space.

A scan of the ship gave her ID code: RustBucket.

Xim smiled behind his helmet. Surely an independent freighter or smuggler…maybe even a trap? Nonetheless, the Mandalorian keyed his communicator.

MANDA MONEY to RUSTBUCKET. MANDA MONEY to RUSTBUCKET. We picked up your transmission. Are you in need of assistance?”

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Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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The helmeted Mikkian sat in one of the passenger seats with his legs propped up on a console. His arms were crossed and his head tilted towards his chest until the chin of his helmet almost touched his gorget. "Sir. We have an incoming transmission." The voice of the Mandalorian in the pilot seat spoke woke Hauron from his slumber.

Pulling his boots off of their elevated place he swivled around in the chair to face the front of the cockpit. The blue tunnel of hyperspace was all around the starfighter transport as it traveled across the galaxy. "We're picking up a transmission on an old channel. It's encrypted but...yeah thankfully the Shadow Gauntlet is pre-empire. Looks like we have their coordinates." The helmeted heads of the pilot and co-pilot looked to their leader.

Taking only a moment to fully wake from his groginess the Solus shook his head a little and cleared his throat. "Let's check it out. If they need help we should help them." The to other crew members exchanged looks with their T visors momentarily and then looked back. They trusted their Rally Master and were even considered family so it was fine or them to question the man out of curiosity rather than any sense of disloyalty. "And if its a trap?"

Hauron took a deep breath and sighed. Knowing his luck that might be what awaited them. "Then we spring the trap." Standing up, he stretched his back and arms over his head before yawning and rolling his shoulder joints. It seemed like an obvious answer by Hauron's tone of voice. Rancor Squadron was in the business of fighting pirates for the sake of credits. It only made sense for them to take out void-bound corsairs if they dared to attack a Mandalorian ship.

Eventually the Werda Kom'rk dropped out of hyperspace with a customary boom despite it being a vacuum. The multi-role starfighter quickly picked up the two ships on its long range scanners. Their transponder codes would come back Manda Money and Rustbucket respectively.

Opening a channel to them, Hauron had the ship maintain its distance for now but began to approach at a relavely slow speed. "We have received your transmission. Manda Money, Rustbucket, do either of you require assistance?" The rear turrets of the blade-winged transport were manned. Nobody was getting the drop on them, not that there was much of a place to hide out here.

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask

Hak Te'Jaris


Character Profile
Mar 28, 2023
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Hak was having a very deep sleep when he felt a slight nod,then another,then one more a bit harder now.
"Hmmhmh..nooo..i dont want that drink"
He mumbled on under his breath.Then he was zapped awake by R5 and his lil tazer.*Grumpy droid speech*.R5 blurt out as he pointed to the com channels beeping non stop.
"OUCH YOU LIL...wait..what?
How much time was he dead asleep? But no matter,the control pannel on the cockpit was indicating that someone or something had picked up the transmission.
"It worked? are full of surprices ah old girl?"
as he smacked the upper panel of the cockpit with a smile on his face.But he regained his composure and checked the incoming hails.
"Mandalorians? This far out? they might have had the same idea as me...not the audience i was looking for to be completly honest but why not".
Hak straighten his posture and clearned his throat.He tuned to the first signal.
"Manda Money this is Rust Bucket.I can hear you loud and clear.No no everything is mighty fine.I am high on suplies and fuel,same goes for the old lady as well.I am just waiting for a friend,thus the old transmission.Over..."
He leaned back a bit and looked around the void and noticed one of the incoming vesels.He leaned in again and got ready to reply to the other incoming transmission.Then he looked towards R5,
"Get those sheilds up and then man the turret,if things get hairy we need to be prepared"
R5 swivel his head and let out a few worried beeps,then Hak opened communications with the other ship...
"Hello,this is Captain Hak TeJaris of the Rust Bucket.I am glad to say that no,i fortunatly dont need any assistanse,i am well stocked and fulled.It seems that you picked up my transmission by accident.I am waiting for a friend to arrive.Over..."
He leaned back again this time a bit more anxious.This was strange,this channels were old Jedi did two mandalorian vessels interceped it.No time to think tho as he spoted the second vessel further away."Well...lets hope for the best..."

@The Mad Hammer @Darasuum

Xim Zhan


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The Mad Hammer
Sep 12, 2023
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Xim, sat back in his chair, leaning the front edge of his helmet into a pair of pondering fingers. “Seems like a strange place for anything legitimate.” he mused to himself just as his sensors beeped indicating another craft descending into real space in the area. “Another one?” He questioned flabbergasted.

His surprise was not over as he recognized the shape of the distantly approaching craft. “Well fancy meeting you out here,” he chuckled to himself before reaching out to activate the holotransmitter so as to broadcast his visage to the Werda Kom’rk.

Offering a bow of the head along with a clap of his right fist across his golden Mandalorian Flight Suit adorned chest, Xim let a still moment hang in the air. “Olaram ner’vod. It seems we have both found something worth noting this far out.” Xim feigned looking exaggeratedly to his left and write. “Wheres the trick? Nobody sets this far out without something to hide.”

Even as the secured Mando-to-Mando transmission remained open, Xim’s hands moved across the console of his G1-A starfighter. The ship began a wide arc through the vast emptiness of space. If anything, he wanted to have a clear view of both craft instead of being sandwiches in the middle. Beside that, the RustBucket had thrown up it’s shields. Something was amiss. He could practically smell it; what is was, however, remained to be seen. Xim wasn’t about the get caught unprepared.

@SgtGasMask @Darasuum

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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"I'm just saying..." One of the pilots whispered to their fellow crew member, shrugging without taking their hands off the controls. " seems like a weird place for anything legitimate." The Rancor Lieutenants became quiet when Hak responded over the channel and again when Xim replied. The Werda Kom'rk drew closer but kept a distance of six hundred meters and began to orbit the Rustbucket at that range, moving no faster than twenty megalights but not stopping completely. It was a bad idea to get to close if there was a booby trap or ambush. Pirate tactics included explosives hitched to freighters or rigging them to blow when a ship got too close and Hauron was not looking to fall prey to any outer rim brigands today.

The Solus Rally Master would appear in the holotransmission from the waist up and give a nod as he spoke. "Su cuy'gar, ner'vod." Hauron spoke the common Mandalorian greeting in a friendly tone as he recognized another one of his Lieutenants. He made a mental note of memorizing all of his people's personal ship names, makes and modifications.

Extrapolating from Xim's words, the Mikkian Mandalorian regarded the odd non-mando out, Rustbucket curiously. Tapping a control beside him, he muted his own end momentarily to give the pilot and co-pilot orders. The ship's shields were already active and weapons were just as ready to fire at a moments notice. "Do a scan of the surrounding area but start with the Rustbucket, check the Manda Money just to be safe." He waited for their confirmation before unmuting himself.

In the next few moments the long range scanners equiped to the kom'rk class starfighter would get an accurate picuture of the contents and composition of both ships. The crew of the Werda Kom'rk informed Hauron through silent hand signs that the Rustbucket had weapons powered up among other systems and the Manda Money was the same. But the badger did not find this abnormal especially not this far out into space. But if the turrets targeted either Manda Money or the Werda Kom'rk, that was another thing and would have consequences.

So far Hak had not threatened either of the other ships and Hauron did not really feel too threatened if he was being honest. But it was still important to lean on the side of caution, hence the scan. Xim had arrived first and seemed to be asking the questions. The Group Leader of Rancor squadron saw this as an opportunity to see how well Xim did in a non-combat scenario, at least that was how it was for now. Most Mandorians excelled at violence so it was good to see one that was adept in diplomacy and investigation.

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask

Rue "null" tepmuart


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Jul 31, 2023
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It was now the wandering "migrant fleet" of the twins now arrived, mostly out of sheer happenstance, the twins often came to tatooine to sell water for a quick buck, now imagine their surprise when a transmission sounded from the planet, and rue, the ever curious woman, decided to investigate the transmission, manning her ship with about three of her lads, doing a small sweep over.

"Hello? someone call for some good old assistance? copy?"

while yes, it very well could have been a trap, but rue was always a "oya!" type woman, acting before she thinks, the young alor repeated once more.

"your transmission is garbled, we're closing in."

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Darasuum
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Hak Te'Jaris


Character Profile
Mar 28, 2023
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(the desigh for reference)

The Rust Bucket,an old freighter that fought in numerous battles and seen a lot of things.Every repair,every part swap every blastmark told a story.Hak was brought back into focus as the com link blured up again as another transmision was intersepted.
"Anothere one? Jeez...we need to changed the frequiency..." he looked at the incoming transmission " time to change of tactics...cause i thing they might believe that i am a pirate...and the last thing i need is three Mandalorian vesels armed to the teeth on my tail".
He took a deep breath and turned to R5. "Deactivate the turrets but keep up the shields." R5 let out a pissed off garble of drouid speech and turned to the consol "Well i dont like it either,but we litteraly invited the wrong crowd and i dont want to be space dust." He turned to the com link and took a deep breath,cleared his throat and opened the transmission chanell to all the incoming vessels.
"Incoming Vessels,this is Captain Hak TeJaris of the Halsion class freighter RB-7 Rust Bucket.It seems that there was a missunderstanding of the incrypted messege.I am not a pirate,even tho me being this far out is suspisious.The transmission that i am broadcasting is on the Old Jedi frequiences..."
he paused for a moment to catch his breath,as he noticed one of the vessels clossing in.
"As i said earlier,i am not in any kind of danger,but the information that i am caring is of high value and for a selective audience.I am not waiting for you ro trust me on that one but i have deactived my weapons as a sign of no aggression.Over..."
He leaned bacl on his seat and took a deep breath.He looked at the colourfull droid and with a smirk
"It reminds me of that time we were stranded...not fun...well lets hope my diplomatic skills paid off."

@The Mad Hammer @Darasuum @Hastur

Xim Zhan


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The Mad Hammer
Sep 12, 2023
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A scan of the Manda Money would be disappointing at best, aside from a few upgrades and an array of all too complex astrogation equipment, the solitary Mandalorian’s ship held no surprises. Even so, Xim was not unsurprised to see the chime indicating a closer inspection. What did surprise him was the arrival of yet another set of Mandalorians, an entire fleet. If he did not know any better, it was looking to be a family reunion. Of course, that little tidbit of information would be suspiciously absent from any report he gave when all said and done. No sense betraying a Mandalorian presence without good cause.

“Exactly what a pirate would say,” Xim chuckled tom himself as he listened to Rust Bucket’s transmission. Keying up his own comm, Xim responded, “Captain TeJaris, I am Lieutenant Zhan of the Mandalorian Clan Getacerar. Anyone who broadcasts to the Jedi this far away from civilzed space is in danger. Moreso, anyone who claims to be carrying highly valued sensitive information so openly. To do so, is a fool’s errand. Even now, you have attracted the attention of many Mandalorian warriors. Who else might have heard your call to the stars? Even now, how many Sith forces are closing in?” Regardless of what the Rust Bucket may or may not be carrying, trap or not, Xim was confident they had the upper hand. “Perhaps we can provide you an escort to a suitable rendezvous point with the Jedi?” If the information was indeed that valuable, such a venture would have some monetary value. If it was a ruse, whatever the game or cargo, something of value would present itself.

As the vessels of the Twin’s fleet began to close, the Manda Money continued to drift circling about to the rear of the Rust Bucket.

@Darasuum @Hastur @SgtGasMask

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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Hauron listened to the spacer as he conversed with Xim. It was hard to not take it personally that Mandalorians were the "wrong crowd" but the man kept such feelings to himself. He was trying to lead Rancor Squadron as a shining example of what the finest Mandalorians could accomplish without compromising morals. From the Rally Master's perspective they were not the Galaxy's conquerors, but their guardians. Aside from the Jedi, Sith and Hutts, there were few groups that had survived the millennia of wars. Mandalorians would exist long past Hauron's life time but it was his time now to make his mark on that path in history.

This was a sentiment shared by most of Rancor Squadron. There was enough darkness in the galaxy that they did not need to contribute to it. Fearsome as Mandalorians were, Rancor Squadron was but one gauntleted hand reaching out to help the rest of the galaxy. They did not work for free but as beings that came from all corners of the galaxy, resided across the stars, they had a vested interest in its condition long term.

Hauron examined the Rust Bucket closer and it was not like a ship he had seen. The closest thing it appeared to be was like a lancer class light freighter but potentially even more heavily armed. Hauron's father had such a ship, Spear Fisher, of his own resting elsewhere many parsecs away.

Xim spoke wisely about Hak's situation. It would not be the first time he had met a Jedi if that was to be the case. It was one of the reasons the transmission had been of interest. Hauron had Jedi help to break his father out of imprisonment and found Jedi company to be far more pleasant than Sith. At the thought of the dark siders a third new arrival made themselves known. A few transponder contacts that also appeared Mandalorian but this time not affiliated with Rancor Squadron. The Werda Kom'rk continued to scan the surrounding area and would not detect anything else as of yet. The scopes would begin focusing on the latest arrivals since they were all that was left to be scanned.

The tendrils Hauron had instead of hair twitched underneath his helmet slightly. There were a few reasons for the Rally Master being cautious. This was Tatooine space afterall and his father had royally pissed off the Hutts. Preef Callo was rumored to have Mandalorians on his payroll and was the daimyo of Tatooine as well. Furthermore, clans Tepmuart and Candorus, more well known as the Twins were a clan that had strong associations to Jedi and Sith.

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Hastur

Rue "null" tepmuart


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Jul 31, 2023
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well, thank Haurons lucky stars, because when rue's members detected they were being scanned, they didn't open fire with warning shots like these brash folk usually do, they would attempt to make contact and link Rue into the conversation as rue, like solus, considered herself a "gauntleted hand to assist the galaxy", far better than those who were willing to sell their souls to those who seek to manipulate their people, and she just wanted to help as many people as she could and help reunite the mandalorian people.

If the rally master were to accept the attempt to make contact, rues holo would start to buzz, and she would groan in annoyance, taking out her holo as she loaded up into her ship

<"Are you bleeding, puking, or dying?">
the young alor would sigh, not aware her lads were linking the chieftess to the rally masters coms.

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Darasuum
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Hak Te'Jaris


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Mar 28, 2023
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"HNNN...for the love of.."
Hak rubbed his forehead and exited the cockpit mumbling to himself.
"...of course an entire armada of ships pull up out of nowhere."
Hak paiced back and forth on the central room of the ship trying to thing on how to get out of the situation.This was not how he intented his afternoon to go. "Lets see...these channels were supposed to work only via in the name these Mandalorians interspeted them.Hnnn...well...its now or never i guess".
He entered the cockpit,now a bit more stressed than before and sat on his chair.He looked at R5 with a look of concern,"lets hope this works...we are backed against the wall".
R5 shook around a bit as he as well shared his anxiety.Hak took a deep breath and reopened the comlink.
"Lieutenant Zhan,this is Captain TeJaris.With all due respect to you,rank and your fellow warriors...i am no fool.The reason i am transmiting in this spesific frequenses they are old and hard to intercept them.Plus the encryption cencoring the type of the information it self.I am no rookie.Their are reasons that i choose this channels to transmit.My allegiances are my own...but i hold no love for the Sith that is guaranteed."
He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts and took another deep breath. "But...i will take you on the offer for a more suitable place to meet.Any suggestion Lieutenant? Over..."
Hak slumbed back on his seat and closed his eyes...
"i hate when this happens" R5 let out a sarcastic blurb of droid speech "Oh shut up you bucket of bolts...hnn...Now we wait..."
Thus Hak waiting with baited breath at the cockpit of his ship.

@The Mad Hammer @Darasuum @Hastur

Xim Zhan


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The Mad Hammer
Sep 12, 2023
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Xim toggled his mic off while rolling his eyes safely behind his mask. At least he had one known ally at this Togrutian standoff, maybe even two; depending on how the Twins felt about the Jedi. . .

Switching comms over to the Mandalorian ship leaders, he spoke again, his thoughts and comments directed more so at @Hauron Solus, but definitively spoken so that the Mandalorians could coordinate in light of whatever might be happening. Not for a minute, did Xim not believe that something was amiss. Fool or not, a broadcast that brought so many Mandalorians was ill-conceived at best. “Tsad’alor. The Rusty Bucket has agreed to an escort to Jedi friendly territory of our designation. I shall allow you to take the lead ner’vod?” He smiled, “I will bring up the rear should something go awry.”

A moving convoy was less of a target than one sitting like a duck in open water; and if Rancor Squadron could lead the Rusty Bucket to a safe haven of their choosing, it limited the probability of a trap. It just could not be a secret location or risk exposing someone’s weak side.

Toggling his comms back to @Hak Te'Jaris aboard the Rusty Bucket, “Captain, are you able to slave your ship to the Werda Kom’rk? We will escort you to a safe location. Should anything go amiss, stay close and we will ensure the safety of your cargo.”

The Manda Money settled a shirt distance behind the Rust Bucket. With Rancor Squadron’s leader providing point, and Xim having the backside of all involved, they would be in a good position whatever came. Should the ragtag fleet of @Rue "null" tepmuart take up escort positions, this little makeshift armada would be a force to be reckoned with.

@SgtGasMask @Darasuum @Hastur

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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<"The Twins are hailing us, Rally Master."> The co-pilot said and looked towards their leader for his permission to allow the private connection and mute the others for now. Hauron nodded, and waited for what was an unexpected opener. The Mikkian raised an eyebrow behind his visor <"No we're fine. Thanks."> He toggled himself to be muted until the feminine voice of @Rue "null" tepmuart said more.

Keeping an ear on the discussion between Xim and Hak, he was ready to unmute himself when his subordinate gave their report. Hauron, like his father, preferred to take point. <"Very good. The Shadow Gauntlet will begin charting a course. I'll send the coordinates shortly."> His crew began navigatting a route to Paqualis III. It was inside Jedi friendly territory and was a planet with a medical support facility friendly towards Rancor Squadron.

It would not be a fast trip but it would be safe. The hyperspace routes had been thrown into disarray after the fall of Coruscant, the Hapan invasion of Corellia and Kashyyyk to name a few events. Equipped with class two hyperdrives, their fastest route that was also reasonably safe would take the convoy seventy two hours. Hauron waited patiently for the route to be charted and for Xim to finish his directions towards Hak over the channel. It was not required to slave his ship to theirs but as long as it made a joint-jump it would be safe.

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Hastur

Rue "null" tepmuart


Character Profile
Jul 31, 2023
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the sudden entrance of a voice completely unfamiliar to her caused rue to leap out of her chair in surprise, tumbling down the ramp in an absolutely hilarious cacophony of sounds, clangs, cursing, and grunts.

once the chieftess had recovered herself she began speaking rather quickly, mostly due to embarassment, and also excitement, as she was a social butterfly.

"jesus fucking christ.." <who, what, where? uhh hi? Hello? did someone speak? ahoy? HI! we may be on the move currently but we're open!>"

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Darasuum

Hak Te'Jaris


Character Profile
Mar 28, 2023
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Hak took a deep breath as he at the crafts that now have officially surrounded him.He looked at R5,as the little droid never left his side.The astromech looked among the stars and scaned the mandalorian vessels.Then the com link flarred up again.Hak took another deep breath and activated the coms.He listened carefully and of what @Xim Zhan said thought of a response...but right now the only thing he could do is follow through with the Mandalorian's instruction.After a moment the com link fell silent again and Hak stood silent,the hum of his ship and the beeping sounds of the cockpit beeing the only ambience on the Rust Bucket.Then R5 nudged Haks hand with one of his servoarmas and let out a few anxious beeps.
"I know buddy...i would have never thought that one routine missions like this would go like rhis.for now...we play along.We need this information delivered.Hnn...".He fell silent again and rubbed his temple.
"This TeJaris again.I copy lieutenant i shall hail Werda Kom'rk to initiate procidures.Over" Hak changed the frequiencies in order to connect with the other vessel.
"Captain of the Werda Kom'rk,this is captain TeJaris.I was informed by Lieutenant Xim Zhan to slave my ship with yours in order to be escored to the safe zone.My astromech will begin procidures.Over." Hak looked towards R5 and with a smirk said,"You have the wheel now captain..." but his gaze turned serious "...i need to make sure nothing goes wrong".R5 let out a few sarcastic beeps and took control of the ship.Hak quickly exited the cockpit and turned to his quarters.He went to make sure the scavenged information,logs,the lightsaber and the relic he was able to take under the sith's gaze in safe container.He was not taking any chanses with this one.

@The Mad Hammer @Darasuum @Hastur

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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An exclamation of surprise nearly overloaded the other speaker's microphone causing Hauron to furrow his hidden brow. His red irises analyzed the information the ship's scanners had returned before looking at the small number of nomadic ships. They seemed Mandalorian and spoke mando'a well enough but the Rally Master still did not recognize them.

Open for what? He thought to himself. The feminine voice sounded confused like she did not even know which way was up or who was present. Sighing to himself, the man did not respond to Rue's questions and remained muted to her. Rue was lucky that Hauron was not the suspicious type though he could not help but use caution given their environment and present company.

A separate ping from the Rustbucket would pull Hauron's attention to his main focus. "Captain Te'Jaris, this is Rally Master Hauron Solus. We'll have you in Jedi space in no time." He replied and confirmed receiving control over the Rustbucket. "We're heading to Paqualis III, Captain Te'Jaris, so it will be a few standard cycles before we reach it. I'm free to chat if you want to pass the time." He was curious about the nature of this captain's mission but knew that tact was necessary when broaching a sensitive subject.

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Hastur

Rue "null" tepmuart


Character Profile
Jul 31, 2023
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<"uhh hello?..> she sighs, finally re-adjusting her helmet properly <"I say again we are open, i'll just need to open the crates again if trade is on your mind.">

""unless you need something else friend? surely my clanmates did not direct me into a call with you just for a sale?">

@The Mad Hammer @SgtGasMask @Darasuum

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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Hauron heard Rue's voice come through again. Her words only made the Mikkian more perplexed. It was an interesting sales technique and not one that he was interested indulging. The migrant fleet had yet to properly introduce themselves, clearly represent transponder codes or offer any bit of cohesive converation. If not for the fact they spoke Mando'a Hauron would have left them behind without responding. As far as he was concerned, the Rustbucket's wellbeing was now Rancor Squadron's responsibility.

Taking a slow inhale through his nose, the Rally Master let out a sigh. Against his better judgement he chose to not continue to ignore the stranger and unmuted himself. <"Unknown freighter fleet, this is Rally Master Hauron Solus of Rancor Squadron. Identify yourself and state your intentions.">


Rue "null" tepmuart


Character Profile
Jul 31, 2023
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<"wowwww! an actual rally master that doesn't sound like an old goat! sick! oh.. OH! Now I see! This is rue tepmuart, of the twins, This ragtag collection of ships are our homes, we're migratory, I assumed you were a customer, given how we run a business in order to keep our homes flying, I apologize for the confusion."> the young chieftess would sigh, shaking her head. <"we were just wandering in the area, to make a quick buck, when we got this funky signal that I still can't make out, so we decided to check it, given we were in its path.">
