Mission Pack The Seeds Of Influence


Sith Faction Leader
SWRP Writer
Jun 16, 2021
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The Seeds of Influence

Mission Pack

The future of the Sith Order remains uncertain. Suffering exile from Imperial Territory, the Order has been stripped of its former assets and vast influence across the Galaxy - forced to regroup and lick their wounds. With enemies on all fronts, they must now work to rebuild from the ground up - or continue to flounder into obscurity.

Secure within the reclaimed Fortress Vader, Darth Tempest has resolved to take action. Sending missives and issuing commands to her remaining followers, the Dark Lord has devised a series of missions to spread Sith influence into strategic positions across the Galaxy. Once complete, these holdings will provide the Sith Order with a steady stream of income and resources, and will enable further expansion into the future.

Similar missives have been sent across the Dark HoloNet and underworld channels, inviting mercenaries and independent agents to assist the Order for profit.

Mission #1 — Into The Viper's Nest - Vulpter [Ask]

Eclipsed only by Blackwell and Czerka, Arakyd Industries is one of the most powerful Droid Manufacturers in the Galaxy - famous for their production of the Viper-series probes, among others. In need of discreet business partners, it is beyond time that the Sith Order works to expand its influence into the megacorporation. A regional manager - Alaric Namos - has been identified as sympathetic to our cause.

By any means necessary, remove his superiors and pave the way for Namos’ ascension to the Board of Directors. Success will ensure our own voice within the management of Arakyd, capable of funneling resources to our cause.

Participants (2-3): @Nico Vandron @cremek THE ROSE candorus @Thel Xeros
Thread: Link - Complete!

Mission #2 — Head In The Clouds - Bespin [Ask]

Despite its strategic value, Bespin has suffered heavily since the outbreak of the Imperial-ISC conflict. A brief blockade by the Consortium caused the sale of Tibanna and markets to plummet, contributing to the chaos of Imperial withdrawal from government. Dozens of companies were driven out of business, and in their place have arisen multiple criminal gangs - eager to siphon the Tibanna and sell it in defiance of Galactic Senate sanctions.

The Sith are encouraged to make their break into the Tibanna market - ensuring a steady supply of this resource for years to come. Whether through legitimate means or by seizing control of the illicit market, the method does not matter. It is heavily encouraged to keep any connection to the Sith Order a closely guarded secret.

Participants (2-3): @Drexus Brogroo @Morgon @Vyktas Cabaal
Thread: Link - Ongoing

Mission #3 — A Little Rusty, But It'll Do - Amorris Drive Yards [Ask]

For centuries, the Amorris Drive Yards have been a hotbed of illicit shipbuilding within the Galaxy. The recent collapse of the Free Worlds Alliance has only further eroded oversight within the region - opening the door for the Sith Order to expand its influence into the asteroid belt. Located at the far edge of the system, Sith and their allies are encouraged to locate an abandoned droid factory - built into one of the barren planetoids. Previously operated by Hoar Chall Engineering, the bulk of the facility is subterranean - expanding into a network of tunnels and caverns that have been converted for Droid production.

Curiously, the factory is still operated by CIS-aged battle droids who failed to shut down after the Clone Wars, and continue to protect against 'Republic tyranny' over a century later.

Whether through technological prowess or brute force, bring the facility and its ‘defenders’ until Sith control, so production might continue under our oversight.

Participants (2-3): @Cyutadakyr @Sah'ra Ryun @Brenna Ylva Eir
Thread: Link - Ongoing

[b]Character Subaccount:[/b] here
[b]Mission Perference:[/b] here
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Sith Faction Leader
SWRP Writer
Jun 16, 2021
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Good natured cowboy
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2023
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for mission pack one.

Cremek is throwing his mark out a window and making it look like the empire did it.
(award: "Violence is a question, the answer is yes.")
Thel is working on actually getting to his mark.
(Award: common sense).
Kylos is chatting up his mark and got an awkward kiss from it.
(Award: rizz lord.) .

I would say pretty well.
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We The North
SWRP Writer
May 24, 2016
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We’ve been waiting for a post from Red for a few days now @Altaris

I know she’s got a busy ass schedule and was dealing with some RL stuff but touched base with her on the weekend I believe and she said she was still interested in participating.


Local Goober
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2021
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I just posted yesterday cause I was being a sloth like Sid but it continues @Altaris


Good natured cowboy
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2023
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We finished! Forgot to let ya know. Mission was a success


Tick tock
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Aug 13, 2017
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@Altaris Mission 3 effectively completed, just doing finishing posts