War to a Warlord


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score

War to a Warlord
Codia Mission Pack


Codia is an insignificant world politically speaking and it has no natural resources that can be used to the benefit of the Republic. It has no native peoples being oppressed - in fact the only notable native species is aggressive an non-sentient. So why is Codia the next move for the Jedi?

A petty Warlord by the name of Raxt Karth has risen to prominence in this region of the Galaxy, terrorising traders and the like with his naval might. Naval might he has stolen from the Ship Graveyards of the Republic.

He has a squadron of fighters, two MMS-09 Pisces Corvettes and a planetary base with turbolaser turrets aimed at the stars.

The Jedi Order does not have the military capabilities to challenge this operation head on so stealth and timing will be key. Each step of this plan must be executed at exactly the same time to ensure success. The Jedi forces shall rally behind the planet's moon to hide their approach until they are ready to strike.

Against all Odds, Part 1 (DM/Dice) - FULL

A group of Jedi are sent to the planet's surface with a single task; they are to kill or capture every brigand currently housed within the main base of operations for the Warlord. They shall land in a weaponless shuttle and they are expect to attack quickly so that the base cannot make any moves to assist their star-bound kin.

Participants: Anu (@Powerfullhorus ) & Vixur Kantale (@Laskt ) & (Optional)

Against all Odds, Part 2 (DM/Dice) - COMPLETED

The main base may have the majority of the men and women of the Warlord's little 'kingdom' but there is another, smaller, target of perhaps greater importance. Located on a nearby peak, three turbolaser turrets have been cannibalised from Republic shipwrecks to serve as ground to space weaponry. They need to be destroyed as quickly as possible before they can be used against the Jedi efforts in orbit.

Participants: Kane (@One For Sorrow ) & Tynian (@Nastalle ) & (Optional)

Storm is Coming, Part 1 (DM/Dice) - COMPLETED

The Warlord didn't stop at taking the corvettes from the ship graveyard and has a rather impress display of a full squadron (12 in total) of former Republic starfighters. Jedi pilots must destroy these ships to prevent them from harrying efforts to take the corvettes or assist ground forces against Jedi on the ground.

Participants: Grug (@Cazar ) & Jubba the Mutt (@Xorism )

Storm is Coming, Part 2 (DM/Dice)

The starfighters are impressive and the corvettes more so. But another ship was stolen from the graveyards and repaired to fighting condition; A Raider Patrol Boat. This is a different beast to hunting down starfighters and a separate team will need to dispatch it.

Participants: Galahad Vult (@Shalken ) & ____________ & (Optional)

The Spoils of War, Part 1 (DM) - ONGOING

A team of Jedi equipped with Eva suits will be dropped off onto the hull of the Corvette, Twilight Princess, while it is refuelling. Their task is to breach the craft, clear it of hostile personnel and prepare the ship for a jump to hyperspace, calling in some non-combatants to enter the system to assist them in crewing the ship.

Participants: Vollen Shai (@Nightfall096 ) & Sigal Adi Chume'da (@Esther Nyx ) & Lucian Volante (@Nefieslab )

The Spoils of War, Part 2 (DM) - ONGOING

Another team of Jedi equipped with Eva suits will be dropped off onto the hull of the Corvette, Breath of the Wild, while it is refuelling. Their task is to breach the craft, clear it of hostile personnel and prepare the ship for a jump to hyperspace, calling in some non-combatants to enter the system to assist them in crewing the ship.

Participants: Jubei (@Kibagami ) & Fiona MacBheathain (@Painus ) & (Optional)


All missions involving the shipyard will have mercenary opposition. These will be self-DM'd via dice, or a DM can be found. The final combat threads, will be DM'd PvP.

Last edited:


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
-- Updated --
-- Changed the Requires to 2 people per mission --
-- Against All Odds Part 1 is ready to start @Laskt & @Powerfullhorus - Let me know if you want me to start it, otherwise please link me when it's up --
-- Against All Odd Part 2 is ready to start @One For Sorrow & @Nastalle - Let me know if you want me to start it, otherwise please link me when it's up --​


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
-- Updated --
-- I know people hate making OPs, so I made for you all --
-- @Powerfullhorus & @Laskt you are good to go on AaO Part 1 --
-- @One For Sorrow & @Nastalle you are good to go on AaO Part 2 --
-- @Esther Nyx & @Nightfall096 we are good to go on SoW Part 1, though we must wait for a confirmed DM past the first round --​


SWRP Writer
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Damn, I'm late. Well, if things are still poppin'...
Jubei for Spoils of War P.2, because BotW was an amazing game


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
Damn, I'm late. Well, if things are still poppin'...
Jubei for Spoils of War P.2, because BotW was an amazing game

You are, in fact, not late! Just currently on your own on that mission XD