President Elect: Donald J. Trump


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Feb 13, 2012
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Hillary Clintons Brother Tony is on the board of the company that secured a diamond contract in Haiti
- he was before the disaster.


[ All I am surrounded by is fear — and dead men ]
SWRP Writer
Jan 29, 2013
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Unless the donald is infact proven to have help from the russians. Than, he'll be universally impeached. But the majority of his voters were southern white guys down south with no college degree, so they probably won't understand what hypocrisy is.
No matter what you think of the candidate, you should consider how you refer to people. I'm a "white guy from down south" and have a degree, and I know a lot of "white guys from down south" with degrees that voted Trump. To say this election was educated voter vs uneducated voter is a bit of a stretch.

Lord Potatoe

All hail the Potatoe of Potatoes. Potatoe on high.
SWRP Writer
Nov 24, 2015
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Ditto. While I'm still in college, I consider myself well educated. And while I voted for Johnson, that was just to try and help him get to 5%, given Trump was gonna win my state anyway.


SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2016
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source pls

No matter what you think of the candidate, you should consider how you refer to people. I'm a "white guy from down south" and have a degree, and I know a lot of "white guys from down south" with degrees that voted Trump. To say this election was educated voter vs uneducated voter is a bit of a stretch.

I've seen these assertions of uneducated vs educated. While a college education is indeed nice to have, I hate that some want to shoehorn those without degrees as uneducated.


SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
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I appeared to have triggered a few people.

Forgive meh.


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Dec 21, 2016
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Racism --> Trump's first wife was Czech, his current wife is Slovenian. I know they're white as well however as I've seen the left labeling foreigners as different race before, I just wanted to mention that. If you are referring to his statement regarding Mexicans, there are just as many positive quotes from Trump (-->Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally,") Trump is against illegal immigration - that doesn't make him rascist. Also a certain ammount of voters bled over from democrats aka Obama voters - how do you explain that? Why would they vote a black man in the first place, if they were all so rascist?

Sexism --> I can hardly see a sexist favouring his daughter over his sons and empowering and pushing her her whole life. Yes his comments were lowbowred, but if we only have people in offices that never said some lowbowred stuff their whole entire life we would have no people in any office at all (YES women can say nasty stuff as well)
By the way, I hope you are in the same way disgusted by Vice President Joe Biden sexually molesting a 13-year old girl on tape like you are by Trump saying some stupid stuff on tape?

Islamophobia ----> A phobia is a mental disorder. He's however expressing legit concern regarding the one religion that is responsible for almost all terror attacks in the whole world right now. And yes I'm aware that not all muslims are terrorists - my point still stands. Being concerned and cautious about mass muslim immigration as long as Islam hasn't experienced a reformation or emancipated itself from the stance of the Quran being the last word of god to mankind and therefor being immun to free interpretation, progression, the need of context or justification, seems pretty legit. I'm German and we just experienced that through the refugee crisis. And yes I've read the Quran and I'm reading the Hadith as well as Mohammeds biography by Ibn Ishâq right now. Yes there are poetic, wonderful phrases in the Quran (which really touched me), but they are abgrogated by the Prophet's Medinan surahs. Yep, the bloodspilling ones, unfortunately. So to worry about this fact isn't really fitting the description of a mental disorder I think.

Homophobia---> I can not find a single homophobic statement of him? Last thing I heard about that, was him stating that the law allowing same-sex marriage should remain in effect? o.o

Body Shaming---> He likes pretty women, so what ._. ? If you really build up your confience on if Donald Trump finds you attractive or not, you are most likely beyond saving anyway. Just look at the guys hairstyle! He looks ridiculous! Who cares what beauty standarts he's got ._. ?

Also what is your stance on black and hispanic voters for Trump? Especially the female ones? Are they rascist and sexist as well?

As a white, straight, blonde, bright-eyed German (and therefor still blamed for WW2) woman with no migrant background whatsoever (so no lobby backing me up) I'm very terrified of living in Germany right now. Yes, not all refugees are a threat, some are very poor souls just wanting to escape war - however New Year's Eve with the massive ammount of assaults, rapes and thievery committed by groups of young men originating exclusivly from islamic countries has changed everything here.
Trump may be not the greatest guy ever, but I would take him over Merkel anyday.

I don't mean to offend anyone, I really don't. I just wanna.. I don't know, calm you a guys a bit? Maybe even cheer you up? After all the campaign phase is most of the time way more dramatic than the term of office as far as I understood? At least wait till he's in office and see where he's heading? Words are not the same as action. Just think of all the engery you wasted if he doesn't even do half of the things he said he would. :)
Collect the pieces, brush the the dust off and carry on <3

I really hope I got this all straight, I'm extremely tired however I needed to get this off my chest. ^^

This long and well-written piece a few pages back says it far better than I could.

However, a few things that i've noticed in the past few months.


I grew up in Scotland, living for a year or so in a neighborhood that was 97% Pakistani-immigrant populated. I live now in New York City, one of the most diverse cities in the world that has a huge Muslim population. In my life I have experienced some of the best that Islam has to offer. When I first moved into the neighborhood in Scotland, the neighbors, who in the early 2000's when 9/11 hysteria was still rampant had every reason to hate a white American family instead helped us move heavy furniture up stairs and brought over at least five pounds of food to welcome us to the area. They were some of the most polite people that I have ever met. Nowadays, every day on my way to work I stop by a local corner store run by a Turkish Muslim family. Also some of the most polite people I know. Every day we have a short conversation and get to know each other a little bit. So I know that this man arrived with his family a few years ago with $87, and now he owns his own store. He didn't speak a word of English, and now he's more fluent than some of the native speakers I know. This is a man who is the very living ideal of the American Dream, all while finding the time to pray five times a day.

I also have experienced some of the worst. Back in the UK, shortly before moving from the area, I was beaten up by a local Cleric's son, who dislocated my jaw in the process, and told to "F*ck off back where you belong, American Pig." After moving, I learned that one of the local Mosques had been raided and found to be directly raising contributions for Al Qaeda.

Much like everything else, the media plays a large part in how people in general feel about a certain thing. The reality is that there are many, many millions of peaceful Muslim men, women, and children. The reality is that there are also many, many millions of militant Muslim men, women, and children, and some of them unfortunately fly planes into towers, blow up marketplaces, and shoot up music venues. And as many in places like Germany and France can say today, there's no way of separating the peaceful ones from the militant ones at this time. If you have a boatload of people trying to immigrate to the US from a country known to have produced terrorists in the past, and you can't tell who is who, then no country in the world that is run by intelligent people would ever say "Sure, come on in! Would you like some apple pie?"

And honestly, right now, looking over the ocean at Germany, France, Denmark, and other countries who let mass quantities of undocumented immigrants in, only for the violent and sexual crime rates to skyrocket almost overnight, who can in their right mind blame Americans for electing someone who promises not to let that happen here?


As said, Trump's wives have both been eastern-european born, so this doesn't hold much weight. It also makes the usual round of Hitler comparisons kind of hilarious when you realize that all of his children have married into Jewish families.

Also, this is one of my major issues with the campaign: Trump has never said that he plans on deporting all Mexicans or all Immigrants. He plans on deporting all illegial immigrants. The distinction is hugely important. And here's why.

When you break laws, there are consequences. By illegally immigrating, whether you jumped the fence or simply overstayed your visa, you are breaking a law. Why on earth would the American people want to incorporate people who are criminals simply by having illegally gained access to the country, and who all too often become a massive drain on the towns, cities, and states where they settle?

Barring a tiny minority of people, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would have a bad word to say about people who immigrated legally, who made an effort to learn the language, and who contributed to society in some way. There are people who stand outside of the immigration centers and give little flags and heartfelt congratulations to the people who come out with their citizenship papers in hand, because contrary to popular belief, Americans LOVE people who come to be American. But if you break laws to get in and then don't contribute, most Americans have little sympathy for you.


Will Trump do a good job? I don't know. I think it's 50/50. But I hope that he will. Pence is a nutcase, and some of his cabinet choices are less than ideal, but I have hope. The American economy is recovering but still not great. Our infrastructure is at a third-world level in many places. And a new wave of civil rights issues are cropping up. Being President is a massive job, one that I wouldn't wish on anybody, but I hope that he does at the very least an OK job in his term, and just maybe, the world will come out better for it.