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  • Hey, was just wondering if you wanted to post in the Open thread I put up that you joined before I post for Swamp Witch?
    I think I'm going to withdraw from that one, actually. Go ahead without me.
    I think you should talk to Breeso via PM and see if you can come to any kind of consensus. I think your planet is a really cool idea.
    I may just do that... really what I'm interested in is establishing the culture that once lived there. My long-term goal for Triter is for him to try and establish a new Ossein Khanate from scratch.
    Yeah. Really, I think you should go ask some admins their opinion, IMHO I don't see what the problem is with the Khanate having been a (reasonably) large political entity in the galaxy 15.000 years ago. Since Legends canon has been swept away, why shouldn't we be able to repopulate a galactic history that has been essentially wiped clean? Idk, I'd aim your proposal from that angle. :)
    That was my thought... anyone you would recommend talking to?
    Feel free to make a post, about why you work for Kardac in the thread!
    Can you remove your post until your droid is approved?
    Just did. Sorry about that; wasn't expecting the droid body to need approval.
    Hey I noticed nobody ever joined your "Brave Little Droid" thread. I really liked it and considered hopping in, provided you weren't opposed to a Sith joining. I'd be using Andromeda, my cyborg Acolyte.
    Yeah I haven't been the best about keeping to date with, and don't think that's gonna change. Figured I'd just leave now so you could keep going on a good pace!
    Uhhh. Unfortunately ive been pretty overwhelmed with how many threads i have going on. Once i manage to complete a couple i should be able to write my pirate up.
    Hey Fox you think I'm trying to decide to whether or not Risha would try to attack the machine with a thermal detonator or should she just come out to surrender her weapons. I'm leaning to the former because I think it's time my pirate does something more exicting instead of keep on hiding. Unless you think otherwise?
    Hey, sorry about not posting in the Gundam thread yet. I've been wrapped up with some other stuff. Hopefully I can get a post up tonight.

    If I ever lag again, feel free to skip me!
    I've been swell. After I disappeared, I had a lot of work filling up my schedule, so I haven't been able to return to the site until now. How are things going here?
    Hey AutoFox! Did you miss me? You may not remember me, but I remembered you. I vanished several months ago, but I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.
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