Brandon Rhea
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  • I beg to differ. I thought TDKR was horrible immediately upon seeing it.

    And that's a valid perspective, WRT to fun. Mind you, I'm jaded, so I just felt barraged with EVENTS! THAT! HAPPEN! but I can see people getting swept up in it. For what it's worth my wife and immensely better half enjoyed it considerably more than I did.

    I don't think it's objective to call it any more of an ideas film than the 2009 one, and it is in fact less of one, but the movie doesn't aim for that, so I don't count it as necessarily a demerit, rather than just an unfortunate fact.

    Perhaps you should take the requisite time to arrive at this conclusion for yourself.
    You're just mad because you agree with my review but don't wanna admit it.

    That's how I remember it? Maybe I just substituted the cold open from the Hobbit screening in my mind. The pacing doesn't really work otherwise, IMHO. The little girl stuff after the credits is a huge infodump.
    Actually, I think it may just be having gotten different cuts. Abrams is pretty notorious for fiddling around with film order, and he might have sent out earlier (or later, depending on which is the final cut) screenings of the films to different movie theaters (well the logistical system supporting him, that is) before a final cut was made. Or it could have been a movie theater screwup. Or a difference between IMAX and regular. You'll have to tell me.

    So we may be both right? I don't think your version makes a whole lot of sense though. Wouldn't it make sense to have Harrison have a snippet at the beginning to introduce him with a concurrent cold open?

    Hrn. Well I don't really care either way. I stand by my review.
    Cold opens, unfortunately do not involve cold cuts.

    And I would totally watch a Star Trek episodes where they're all at an old-fashioned Deli discussing in flashbacks and quick cuts a mission that just went awry.

    "This Reuben was the only logical choice."
    I was wondering if Yodian's (Yoda's species) were an allowed for rp? I was thinking of making a sith one. But not making it OP or anything like that.
    And scene. I enjoyed working with you. Here, have a complimentary mint.
    And to think I was gonna invite you over for a double date night with the wife.

    Then again, who would you bring? Your white shorts and a bucket full of regrets?
    I have a rich and fulfilling life outside of here, Bac. You might try it sometime.


    Also, you can probably lock that thread now. Winner and still champion.
    Oh, I didn't think I could vote for my own page and other pages while mine was in review.
    Is there anything else I should be doing for Geist Weiss' wiki page? I've made the recommended alterations, yet haven't heard anything for a while.
    When I see that you're looking at a thread I've posted in, it makes me squirm.

    I think of that picture. It can not be un-seen.
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