Die Shize
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  • Out of town for da weekend. Will post to what I can later today and may to get to some Sat/Sun but please extend me for vital ones like missions ty and may the bacon be with you 🐒
    Posts later today in sequence of Gravenell, missions, group, Dorito then FIFO on the rest. Just as boring story trivia I’m in a lot of threads across the blocks but this is fine. My threads die, I hop on new ones, dead threads sometimes get revived, I prioritize. Can’t post at work tho and I don’t stay up late these days but I won’t join more missions and ones I’m in will get replied to on time I promise LOL
    Unless I missed a thread I am all caught up. That's eighteen threads and counting. Just on this site. Have I lost my mind? 😆
    So I am in like 50 threads across sites, no joke, numbers just flooded, and am reassessing. Still, though I don’t read threads I’m not in, I love feasting on any of my partners’ posts and posts with the Dorito must flow especially so.
    Just when I think I’m out they pull me back in!
    Returning to full posting capacity for all my threads later today. I owe seven replies at the moment which may change. This is fine. Yay!
    Perhaps. Today is a good day to die. - Worf
    Die Shize
    Die Shize
    "As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember: victory is life."

    or somethin' have fun
    I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brian, I am very much alive and I intend to stay that way.
    Die Shize
    Die Shize
    No offense intended, but you have very…violent characters.
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    Die Shize
    Die Shize
    I’m a stupid head. I mentioned it above, read your IC post, and am like ‘how did they get Togruta what’s goin on here’ it legit took me a minute to remember Lem is a Togruta not a Twi’lek 😆 Shall post later today!
    So, I have an idea for the thread. I think that the RP has the potential to be more than a small social thread.I was thinking…crime syndicate? Or something?
    Die Shize
    Die Shize
    Most exquisite. I dig it. LET'S DO IT
    Please skip/replace me in mission/group threads. Sorry if it's any inconvenience but I wanted to at least give notice of my absence. Thank you!
    UPDATE: I will post to any ‘missions’ I am still in so that they progress without delay

    To those I’m threading with, I am taking a break so can pause 1x1 and skip me in group threads. Thanks!
    PSA: When you're on a chicken bender, grab a box of chicken tenders, remember to wear your sweater in the winter, and don't forget to take your meds! YAY! 😄
    Glad to be back! I’ll be dropping from the Discord server just to make sure I don’t get distracted lol but will rejoin it after the week. Can still reach my Discord at ‘dieshize’ if you need me. Peace!

    Turns out I'm caught up quicker than I thought. Threading on five sites isn't the hard part but revisiting them after a hiatus is. 😅
    Selfish but felt compelled to send this message. Don't want to leave on a bad note as I go considering. I care about you guys, had fun times. Norbz with our crimes, Darasuum to Mandalorian tunes, Scoob too, Huttball, what a game! Others.

    I'm not a poet, just experimented, I like to rhyme, like what others write. I'm human, act stupid, I'm sorry, I regret, and other things need my attention. All the best, my friends.
    Hello, SWRP. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I may not be active here anymore but I honestly still value the site and community. I sure didn’t roleplay here for nothing. It was great. 😄

    It’s a bit of a cliche but you guys stay safe. To my buddies here especially but to everybody really. Keep healthy and don’t forget to take your meds! 😆
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