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  • 0f8bd3e4040b8033513e1c2f89646c0a.jpg
    Life is crazy, that’s my excuse. I refuse to respond to good writing with hurried responses so thanks for your patience. Party thread coming ASAP (probs tomorrow assuming I feel well)
    I hope I'm not too late! xD

    I had a bout of inspiration and motivation after watching The Blacklist Season 7 (and by "watching" I mean skipping every scene that did not include James Spader, but hey)

    That's another way of saying no rush and no obligations, but if you want to continue our Baymon-Pidge thread, I'm game. : )
    Sounds great to me!
    Die Shize
    Die Shize
    Cool cool 'cause unless I got too carried away I also posted in Fistful of Credits lol
    I will be out of town for a week starting Friday. If I post at all, it will me much less frequent. Apologies for any inconveniences. Feel free to skip me in threads if necessary.
    Have fun storming the castle!
    Thanks for the heads up! Take all the time you need, we'll wait.
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