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  • It's been extremely difficult to find time to post over these last few months, but I'd really like to try and get back into the swing of things.
    My muse is high gimme threads
    Do you want action? Social? Puzzles? Intrigue? Horror? I'm down for any and all of the above.
    Gonna be posting the first draft of my Brentaal writeup for public scrutiny in the following days.
    At the start of this month, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to reach even 20 posts by September. With how quick things are going, I expect I'll reach forty.

    I'll probably never have the muse or free time to pull off the amount of writing some of you guys can manage, but this is pretty pog.

    Muse is back.
    Getting ready for some bigger threads. I'll elaborate and dump an interest check in the coming weeks. Will see what happens.
    Where is the "I survived a DE" trophy I've been waiting a month for
    Thinking about posting again

    Okay I'm not thinking it, I've already started
    Laeonas needs to get some credits. What should a guy who's barely 20 with a slight drinking problem do to make credits?

    He is good at shooting things tho...
    I'm gonna lose it. Did the draft system for threads change, or did I just lose all my progress for a second time. There's got to be something I'm missing... right?
    The Good Doctor
    The Good Doctor
    The site was never the most reliable for saving your content as you go, before the site upgrades. Google Docs > everything. It's saves as you go so you don't have to worry about losing progress on anything
    That will definitely be useful. I already had a very, very rough draft on docs, so I'll just base the newer drafts off of that.
    I’m sorry!! :/
    Jesus, my character draft seems to have dissappeared up in smoke. If I'm missing something please let me know, but having to write that out again would be such a pain.
    Somethings still exist where they were but the links don't work if they were in place before the upgrade. The draft might still be in an existing player workshop or wherever. You just need to navigate back to it.
    It was a thread draft, not an actual posted thread.
    Well after trying to log in and getting rejected for a day and a half, I'm in, and I'm ready!
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    Reactions: Pyrenees
    Well the site was closed per the announcements. Welcome to the new TL!
    Yeah I can see, lmao. Looking forward to it!

    Seems like the new TL is actually super original in regards to the possible future of star wars, and I like it.
    It's surprising how people don't readily jump into open threads as much as they used to, eh?
    ^ Agreed. A new TL is about to drop now that this one is over, it’ll pick up big time once the new TL drops and open threads will usually have a lot of folks joining in.
    The Good Doctor
    The Good Doctor
    The two above are right.
    I meant to say compared to o l d e r timelines. I jumped in here I think around, Idunno, the 5th or 6th timeline? Back than, everyone jumped into any threads available.
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