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  • You're welcome to start the thread if you prefer, I might add; I'm not picky. And thanks for being so cooperative; you're taking this exceptionally well considering the fact that you've got someone tailing you.
    Here is preferable mainly due to the fact that I am not able to sit down and deal with these sorts of things for long; I often have to leave randomly to finish things up. I'm packing to head back to college and won't have time to deal with the IC details all at once.

    Your pursuer will be Earlich Mar, a Duro bounty hunter. He will be working from stealth, so outside of intuition, your character will have no previous knowledge of his existence. I'm guessing that I should start the thread so that I can create the setup prior to the actual engagement (it makes it seem less random), but I'd like you to specify when and where this takes place, any scenery you'd like to include, and anything else you'd like or believe to be relevant. What's the weather like? Is he in a speeder? Is he with somebody? Things of that nature.
    I am just posting to inform you that a bounty assignment involving your character is imminent, and I'd like to arrange the details of the thread with you when you get a chance. The thread should be non-lethal if I'm not badly mistaken, but be prepared for a potential encounter. Also, I'll need to know which planet your character is currently on and if you intend to bring any friends with you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to pm me and I'll answer to the best of my ability. Thanks.
    Awesome! :) Well, I'm going to wait for Shiuzu's post, but since it's his birthday, I doubt he'll get to it today.
    Hey man, you can post in New Blood at any time. Tried to leave it open for you to introduce yourself however you want.
    Sorry for the delay. I've been busy. I'll be posting as soon as I can, though.
    I forgot to say so, but I made the edit. I referenced the slugthrower rounds whizzing past Saval and Gorst and hitting the pile of rubble they had been using for cover as they skirted around it. Let me know if that's fine.
    I was under the impression that you were firing at Dav and Rico, as they were in your direction of travel. Saval and Gorst were still rounding the corner of the rubble pile when you sped away, so they didn't have a clear shot at Aelianus. They just saw the rear end of the speeder disappear and called out over the squad comlink to warn the others. They didn't know for certain if you were inside or not, but they assumed you were. Since I thought you were firing at Dav and Rico, I figured it would have been too easy to hit one of them by chance as they flew up and backward. Is that alright or would you prefer Saval or Gorst got hit instead?
    You can post in that thread if you want. The 2 most recent ones didn't interact with us, so I'm waiting for your responses.
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