Recent content by Trenton Kaizer

  1. Trenton Kaizer

    EXODUS: Dragons' Flight

    Trenton had taken a bit of time to get used to the feel of armor, his days as as Senator having not needed the protection. Now he trudged through the snow like a trooper, weapons on him and grenades hidden as he moved to stand next to Moor. He'd done all he could to get support for their...
  2. Trenton Kaizer

    EXODUS: Jewels of the Republic

    Trenton had been mildly popular on Coruscant, his demeanor friendly and even going out of his way to help others despite his station in politics. This had apparently meant a lot to some important people. There were medics and medical professionals outside the purview of the GAR or general...
  3. Trenton Kaizer

    EXODUS: Jewels of the Republic

    Despite his best attempts at diplomacy, his family on Chandrila knew immediately what he was insinuating when he went to go gain their aid. Already angered that he had stepped down from being Senator, this was the last straw. He would no longer gain any aid from his family or Chandrila itself...
  4. Trenton Kaizer

    EXODUS: One Minute to Midnight

    Trenton was Senator of Chandrila no longer, having resigned in protest of the Chancellor's sudden aggressive stance against the Jedi. This had prompted him to look into a few things as best he could and although he didn't have all the facts he could surmise a few things. One being that the...
  5. Trenton Kaizer

    Burn It To The Ground

    Oh. Oh my. This sweet summer child was a virgin. So many puzzle pieces fell into place as Trenton took in this latest bit of information, yet didn't let any of his thoughts show on his face. "I see. Well, to be fair, most people that visit these kinds of places aren't looking for romance, they...
  6. Trenton Kaizer

    Burn It To The Ground

    "Quite fine, perhaps a bit better now that you've become involved in it." The line was obvious, yet was meant to show that there was indeed some interest without seeming too overt about it. Combined with the friendly smile yet experienced look in his eye, Trenton was hoping Spencer was feeling a...
  7. Trenton Kaizer

    Burn It To The Ground

    A variety of things ran through Trenton's head as the new young man sat down and Evandrus ordered more drinks. The observations, the deeper ones, he would keep to himself for later. For now, it seemed like he had an actually interested taker in the usual purpose of these kinds of clubs. How...
  8. Trenton Kaizer

    The Bargall Inquiry

    "That will be enough. We've heard all we need. You may go, young lady, your duty is complete here. Retire in peace." He gave her a small smile as she left, hoping she would be able to find a way to move past this horrid mess and find her path through life. Once the room was empty besides for...
  9. Trenton Kaizer

    The Bargall Inquiry

    Trenton was silent during the time the soldier and his two companions on the panel discussed the right of this investigation. In a way, the Senators were just following their own orders. This hadn't been something that Trenton had set up himself, it was something he had been assigned to do as a...
  10. Trenton Kaizer

    Burn It To The Ground

    The disguise wasn't perfect, yet it wasn't one that should have been so easy to see through, either. Of course it would be a Sith who would be here today, a powerful one, at that. He didn't let any of the slight annoyance he felt come across his face, yet this man didn't need to know the real...
  11. Trenton Kaizer

    Burn It To The Ground

    When he was in the academy on Chandrila, Trenton rarely frequented places like these despite the stereotype of rowdy college students. He was only here now under advisement of his campaign manager, that he had to be seen as more of a people person instead of a politician. Good thing for him...
  12. Trenton Kaizer

    Behave Irrationally

    Trenton took in everything that Terminus said silently, a comforting look on his face. He could understand the man's frustrations, his own perhaps mixed in when he had seen the debate and how the former Chancellor had refused to even acknowledge the reality of the galaxy around her. Yes, peace...
  13. Trenton Kaizer

    The Bargall Inquiry

    Interesting. Trenton was already comparing the two accounts, though he hadn't decided on a verdict, yet. Now was the time to question, to try to delve to the heart of the matter. There were many facets to this situation, so the Senator from Chandrila decided to take a slightly different...
  14. Trenton Kaizer

    The Bargall Inquiry

    "Please, let us not jump to any conclusions right at the outset. We are here to make sure Justice is done, so we should follow the proper protocol. Soldier, thank you for your testimony. We shall now bring out the first witness to give their side of the story. I would ask my colleagues to not...
  15. Trenton Kaizer

    The Bargall Inquiry

    Trenton had heard all sorts of conspiracy theories over the last short while, ever since the vote to declare war had happened. Some ideas had merit, some were completely outlandish, but none of them would have a place with him here in this inquiry. To fall prey to hearsay would be a travesty and...