Search results

  1. N

    The beginning of the end.

    first of all, its not 4-9, it only shows 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and then the word small. second of all, go china.
  2. N

    America scares the crap out of me

    ****in' MOST
  3. N

    America scares the crap out of me

    to the people who said America scares the crap out of them, yall are all pussies
  4. N

    What I'm Listening To

    Forza 2
  5. N

    African Slavery Apology

    What about mixed people? Do they have to apologize to themselves?
  6. N

    Happy Halloween!

  7. N

    Una Riou

    aw. no noodz again!
  8. N

    The Empire State Building is a communist.

    woohoo commie chinese pride!
  9. N


    thats ninja pedo for you! im hiding behind that ball of yarn
  10. N


  11. N


    not you mr13yroldboy. i aint inta that shiet
  12. N


    20/m/atl, ga USA mechanical engineer technology major at Southern Polytechnic State University. i partied with that girl ^ all weekend. i have to give a speech tomorrow and I only have the rough outline done. ^ thats how i roll. sexypantsnation
  13. N

    Post Your Pictures: Version 9.0

    Kaeb, you're a hottie
  14. N

    Analia Bac

    if her name is pronounced anna lia then i think you should spell it Annalia, because Analia looks like it would be pronounced anal lia. Just my opinion...
  15. N

    Mira Rey

    nudez or gtfo lol jk.
  16. N

    David Manning

  17. N

    David Manning

    no. he's proving himself to be an idiot in that video.
  18. N

    I can't stand being a teenager

    hmm. thank you good sir. as long as the sig doesnt stretch the page i'm fine with it. i like my fat posts. :CStern:
  19. N

    Rate the Avatar and Sig Above...Returns!

    i'm just messing with you. pot is good pot is good. i used to smoke pot too! i dont have temper problems though, lucky me eh. 7/10 avatar - its simple yet creative 6/10 sig - not feeling it as much, i have a thing against foxes. but it does match your avatar! the "pot" leaves.