Ask Disputed Succession



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Dec 7, 2022
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Punching out of hyperspace above the world of Kimm Aurek, the Glory of Sikyon, a Nu'ar Class Star Yacht owned by the ruling House of nearby Juvex, made haste to its landing zone.

On board, Periclades, leader of the House that bore his name and King of the world named it, was growing impatient. For years the Kimm planets, three in total, had ignored the Juvex; breaking away centuries ago from the Senex-Juvex Empire, they had allowed their petty fiefdom to exist in defiance of the edicts of his grandsires.

He intended today to ensure they saw the error of their ways. For the past decade, House Sreethyn, the controllers of the planets, had been under the vice-like control of their patriarch, who had, just this summer, passed in a hunting accident.

The fact he had personally ordered the 'accident' was neither here nor there.

It had meant that the titles over the three planets had become contested, with the patriarch dying without stating a line of succession. House Juvexia intended to stake their claim at the council of nobles and would do so in style.

Dressed in his uniform, a blade at his side and a pistol on his belt, Periclades intended to secure the claims for his children and by extension, bring the worlds into Juvex's control. Turning on his heels, he faced his family on the top floor of the yacht, and spoke "Stand up straight." he snapped at one of them "Remember, diplomacy first - force if it fails. Any questions?" he inquired, as he looked over his heirs and spouse, before casting his gaze back at the black armoured thugs of his Household guard.

Electra Juvexia

Queen of Juvexia

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2022
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A family trip. How extraordinarily lovely...

Periclades had been the one to make out the next target and after some research, Electra hadn't been too critical about it. Kimm made sense and with the political unrests that had emerged due to the disputed succession, it was an excellent time for the Juvexian nobles to make their appearance.

Electra had boarded their yacht in a stupidly expensive golden dress fully unfit for a military strike, but she didn't plan on getting her hands dirty anyway. She was elegantly draped on a luxuriously large, plush sofa on the top floor, sipping a sweet wine from home while she waited for her husband to reappear.

She didn't bother correcting the terror triplets even when it got necessary and simply left that to the guards or her handmaiden. She simply didn't want to be bothered by anyone as she expected some boring negotiations later on. Her gaze was directed on the holopad in front of her and she indulged in some tabloids and meaningless gossip until Periclades approached.

"Beloved husband-" she began, not bothering to repress the annoyance in her cold, yet airy tone, sitting up before elegantly crossing her legs and pursing her lips. "I hope this won't take long". The Queen wasn't known for her patience and she wasn't in the mood for stupid discussions. She turned to the sons that were scattered across the top deck, frostily warning them to behave themselves. "I take it you all know what's at stake here. I expect you to act appropriately". Her gaze wandered across each and every one of them before she expectantly looked back to her husband. They weren't fit to hold planets, yet they had to be useful for something. That demon spawn was born with a certain, overly powerful name, so they obviously had to make themselves useful somehow.

@Nor'baal @Xorism @LouJoVi @Tom

Oedipus Menelaus

Prince of Juvexia

Character Profile
Aug 4, 2022
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A stupid war thingy his father insisted that the entire family participate in wasn't about to stop Oedipus from enjoying his morning milk and honeyed bath. The rigors and stresses of waking up often did terrible damage to one's skin and thus it was extremely important to take daily care of it lest he wakes up looking like one of his siblings.

Then grapes of course, had to be consumed at just the right temperature or else the slaves would be whipped for their carelessness. It was a delicate process equipping a prince with the means to go about his day and it was important that everything went well. With a chalky silk toga strewn over his now-prepared body, Oedipus was ready to embark upon his day.

Walking into the living quarters where the rest of his family was, he spotted his parents conversing briefly. A smile was brought to his lips as he adored the effort that mother put into her own appearance unlike some others in the family. When she turned to speak with them, he promptly nodded along not really understanding at all what might have been at stake. He'd heard some whispers about someone dying, so he supposed they were here for the funeral or something.

Either way, he'd make his way towards the window and mother to enjoy the view.




Character Profile
Dec 7, 2022
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"A hope I share." the King replied curtly. Indeed, whilst the titles over the Kimm worlds were disputed, Periclades was confident that their case was strong enough. Furthermore, he knew their family's wealth and might would significantly deter anyone else from stepping forward.

To cement that projection of power, he had ensured he was armed and that the Household guard was prepared for conflict. As the ship touched down, he signalled for his family to follow suit and walked down the disembarkation ramp of the yacht. Following behind them in four rows of ten, the guards they had brought with them - ensconced in black armour and bedecked in weapons - stamped behind.

Immediately, as they walked toward the entrance of the Palace where the succession claims were being read, they were blocked. A man in a dark red robe stepped forward directly in front of the King and loudly demanded to know their business. Periclades raised his left hand to stop the guard captain, who stood a few steps to his side, from removing the robed figure's head.

"Here." he handed his credentials over as the robed figured bowed and stepped away, the doors opening to allow the party passage into the hall.

It was a vast vaulted chamber, statues dotting the walls, between which milled dozens of nobles and their retainers.

Periclades spotted his father raised in statuary. He tried to ignore it, but to no avail, his head turning to gaze at his fathers commanding stone effigy as he strode into the room. From what he could see, only House Juvexia had come armed with a retinue of such scale.


"Announcing his Royal Highness, King Sikyon of the Juvexian Mandate." the robed figure proclaimed, as murmurs dropped across the room of nobles.

"Pathetic half-breeds." he muttered under his breath, spotting some of the scions of House Streethyn, who would no doubt dispute his claim. "It is with deep sadness that we heard of the death of -" he paused, his aide quickly reminding him of the departed monarch's name before he continued "- King Srathan XI. A nobleman, strong of arm and respected by all," he lied.

King Srathan had been a weak and ineffective Monarch, watching as his worlds went to ruin, and his lineage was never guaranteed. "- yet, having died without issue, the titles of these worlds naturally fall to the House of Juvexia. As is our right," he stepped forward, toward the base of the vast throne at the end of the room, the Guards forming two ranks before is, separating the Juvexians from the crowd of nobles.

Turning, he faced the room and spoke, inviting challenge "I claim these worlds, their titles and lands, for my Sons, and my House." he looked imperiosuly over the group, as murmurs of discontent rose.