Ask Field Triiiip

Harald av Svendsen

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Aug 24, 2023
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The Jedi are now having another field trip, this one hosted by Harald. This will be a welcome break from the office. For this field trip, Padawans are encouraged to come, as are Knights. Masters are welcome to come along as well, if they would want to.

Burinjina is a remote world in the Outer Rim, more specificly in the lower galactic west, not too far off from the Unknown Regions. It is an exotic and interesting world.

The local inhabitants of the planet have gave the Jedi the all clear to seek out a cavern that is supposed to have a deposit of kyber crystals in this section. Although the inhabitants value the Kyber Crystals, it's part of their culture. But they the area here is said to be very dangerous. So if the Jedi can get to it, it's free game for them.

This would serve the Jedi well since among the pro-Jedi worlds, there aren't significant amounts of Kyber that Jedi can claim ownership of, leaving Jedi to obtain their kyber outside of Jedi space. If they can secure the crystal cave, and if the conditions are ideal, maybe a new Jedi Temple can be set up.

A shuttle would then land in a clearing in the desert, there would be a beach coast visible not too far in the rocky desert. Stepping off the ramp, Harald would look at a map of the area on his EZphone. Harald came prepared, he was wearing an outfit suitable for hot weather. "We are here everyone!" Harald said, after he walked to the edge of the downed ramp off the ship.

It was hot, it was sunny. But there was something else he could feel. "Does anyone else feel it?" that this planet is strong in the Force. But he would see if any of the Padawans could pick it up.

"Alright, we will move out shortly" he would say after a long pause, giving the other Jedi time to prepare or chit-chat with other Jedi.

OOC: Open to Jedi!

A field trip thread for the Jedi. This will be an adventure that will be mostlyDMed by me. I may roll dice or ask the participants at time, but this won't be a super dangerous and lethal thread of course. . Players are also encouraged to mingle with other characters.

The thread will be closed and the adventure will start when at full capacity or 48 hours, which ever happens first.

Have fun!


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Sep 5, 2023
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Elenath breathed in the hot, humid air and shielded his eyes from the harsh sun. This was the first time in a very long time that he had left the Starlight Beacon, but ultimately it was for an exceedingly good cause — to guide initiates and Padawans in some of their first steps and look for another deposit of Kyber crystals, something he knew the Order desperately needed. Despite being a Knight here on the "field trip," Elenath thought Harald might need the extra hand, especially if they ran into any of the notoriously dangerous fauna.

At Harald's prompting, the Echani closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "I do feel it," he replied, surprised to notice that his usually overpowering and almost debilitating sense of foresight quite dulled. Elenath looked up, observing the lack of stars due to the hot afternoon sun. That's interesting... he mused, readjusting his light grey robes.

"Remember everyone, we should stick close and not wander far. The locals warned us of some of the...ah, native creatures that live here. Keep your minds open — the Force will speak to us even when our other senses fail to warn us of danger."

Alienor Pom Blodau

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Aug 25, 2023
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Alienor fanned herself, tugging the sun hat a little further down to mask her vision. It was a level of hot that she'd never experienced before, even in the heights of summer in the Annwfynn forests and cities. The searing heat of an oppressive sun, on pale skin that was more used to shade and rain. Every step brought a few new discomforts. A trickle of sweat down her back, or the chafe of her satchel on her shoulder. It'd all be worth it though.

Kyber crystals! Actual kyber crystals! The mere thought of being so close to a source of them had her all tingly with excitement. She could feel it in the air... was that the Force? Or was that just her getting overexcited and succumbing to heat stroke? Time would only tell.

Linny nodded at the warnings from the knight, clutching a water bottle close to her. She wasn't about to run off and go too far, not least because running in this heat would fry her brain. Instead, she soothed her poor ears by splashing a little water over them.

"I'm going to be so sunburned after this," she muttered softly, wincing at the state of her pointed ears. She looked around for the others that had joined them on the journey, hoping to see another one of the padawans she recognised from the Temple.



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Jan 30, 2023
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The sun was shining in the sky and the temperatures were high. It was obviously what you would expect of a desert. Coming from a tropical planet, Aranmir wasn’t much affected by the weather. However, he still preferred places where greenery could be seen, rather than the endless empty expanses of golden sand.

Not that he hated sand. The Tiefling only thought that it was boring.

Yeah, I can feel that too.” Aranmir said, while he walked down the ramp. Like the other Jedi here, the Tiefling could feel how the planet was strong in the Force. It would indeed be a good place for a temple to be built. Maybe they could even make a garden, it would leave the place less boring.

When he heard the other Padawan talking about sunburn, Aranmir immediately removed a bottle of sunscreen from his backpack. “I have some, do you want it?” he offered it to her, with a bright friendly smile. When going on trips, the Tiefling was always prepared.

@The Good Doctor @Vosrik @Charndley

Ashen Kade

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Jul 28, 2023
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Great. Another hot and scorching planet. The Kage somehow always managed to find his way back to planets with the one type of climate he could not stand, but at least it was for a worthwhile cause. As he stepped out of the ship, he looked over at Alienor with a friendly smile, before turning his gaze towards the beach in the distance. "Oh what I'd give to go for a swim right now." He murmured softly under his breath. Cooling off would be the best thing that could happen to him at the present.

Despite the afflicting heat, he could feel the powerful presence of the force in this world; even with his rather dull senses. "Yeah, I feel it too," he replied. He was unsure what to expect from the planet. The kyber crystal deposits had to be very difficult to reach if the locals would just give them up that easily. Ashen nodded in agreement at the Echani's advice, there was always a catch and Elenath's warning would probably prove extremely useful.

Taking a quick look at Aranmir, he couldn't help but smile amusedly when he noticed him offering sunscreen to Alienor. It seemed like the Tiefling was always equipped with everything essential for a field trip. "Looks like you're prepared as usual," he said, addressing Aranmir with a smile.

@The Good Doctor @Vosrik @Charndley @LouJoVi


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 12, 2023
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Keck was extatic, he could barely stand still. This was the first time he had been off the starlight in SO. LONG. Realistically, it was more like a few weeks, but still! And the best part, this planet had a delightful population of scrumptious bugs. Speaking of, there was one right there with a huge, juicy stinger on its tail. Snatching the morsel off the ground, Keck munched it in half, quite pleased with himself.

Hearing the others mention the heat, Keck offered the front half of the bug, still squirming and pincers snipping in its death throes. "Snack!"

@Vosrik @The Good Doctor @Charndley @LouJoVi @Scrumppe


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 5, 2023
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Elenath was pleased to see that at least a couple of padawans had joined them for the trip. It was likely going to be an excellent learning experience, even for the other knights. Seeing Alienor clutch her water bottle, the Echani instinctively checked for the umpteenth time his own recently acquired utility belt for his hydro capsules. Reassuring that they were indeed there, just like last time, Elenath wiped off the growing beads of sweat in the sweltering heat. Due to his indigo skin tone, he was unlikely to sunburn, but having been born and lived the majority of his life in the darkness of space, the Echani was unused to direct sunlight within an atmosphere.

While the group collected itself and prepared to leave, Elenath took a quick view of their surroundings — mostly rock and sandy ground with a little shrubbery here and there. Some form of cacti in the distance. A small, black creature of some sort skittered along the rocks, disturbed by the landing of their ship. Having caught Elenath's attention, he immediately recognized it from the datasheet he'd read through of Burinjina prior to their arrival.

"Ah — a perfect example! Here everyone, this is a Burinja Knifetail Scorpion, very common with an extremely venomous stinger —"

Elenath never got to finish. A flash of bright yellow zipped over and...ate half of the bug. The knight stood utterly stunned, as Keck offered the other half.

Snack? By the Force, what?

"! How can you eat...but the stinger...venom..." Elenath blubbered in shock as the large eyed lizard happily munched on his early lunch.

@The Good Doctor @Charndley @LouJoVi @Scrumppe @Shalken


Jedi Order
Jedi Droid

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Dec 28, 2022
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"ANSWER: I do not feel anything. I cannot feel at all." Knight-Bot answered truthfully if unhelpfully, to the Jedi Padawan.

Much like his answer to Harald's question, Knight-Bot's presence on this particular mission hadn't exactly been wanted. However, he'd made a convincing enough case to some higher ups that Jedi Padawans and kyber crystal deposits. And those two things tended to lead to lightsaber creation. And a new lightsaber owner needed the Order's best lightsaber training droid to help test it out.

Or so Knight-Bot had argued. While the DT droid accepted the logic of his own arguments, he also just enjoyed seeing more of the galaxy. Adding to his databanks was always welcome although thus far, he'd only made entries about a new scorpion species and the dietary restrictions (or lack thereof) of Keck's species.

Harald av Svendsen

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Aug 24, 2023
Reaction score
Harald was glad that he was able to assemble quite a lot of interested Jedi and a droid. With an annoyed frown, he would ignore what the droid said, he would turn the others, assuming a happier expression again. The others said they felt what he felt. "Good!" Harald said when he felt the other Jedi feeling the presence. "This planet Burinjina is full of life rich and rare. Not only that, this planet in particular possess a special connection to the Force." it was hard to describe really.

Harald also had the displeasure of watching the frog Jedi eat a scorpion. With a grossed out expression he would reply to the Elenath "Well.. venom is only dangerous when it enters the bloodstream. The stinger though... " that's not something he can explain readily, nor does he want to try. For his part, he would show his hands to politely decline the scorpion. One thing is for sure, Harald is probably going to have to teach Keck some table manners.

"Alright now, we set off" he said momentarily, with the other Jedi been given more than enough time to prepare. He did see the other Jedi interacting with each other that was nice.

Pulling out an EZPhone, he would have a map layout of the region on display. "The crystal caves are up ahead this way." the map had the location marked. Through out they would see mesas and jagged hills as they moved through the arid terrain.

After wading through high tempetures, Jedi are probably sweating in short order due to the heat. But soon, something would be off. Harald would then stop.

"Something seems off. Can't tell what it is"

Whatever it was, it was making him uneasy. He would look around, to the sides, all around, but can't see anything and the Force doesn't seem to be giving any clues.

OOC: Hello there. Roll a d20 dice somewhere for an opportunity to use Force Sense or somehow otherwise detect and DM me your result. And depending on the result, I'll give you a prompt you can work into your next post. You can also ask any other questions.


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 5, 2023
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A special connection? Elenath thought. Interesting. The knight hadn't been to many other planets with a unique connection like Burinjina did, according to their guide. There was a growing sensation, albeit weak, that Elenath detected at the fringes of his mind.

He collected himself at Harald's prompt for them to set out. The knight peered over at the EZPhone, suddenly realizing how useful it would be to have a digital map in the palm of his hand like that. He'd been far too reliant on his droid Beorn for such things...but now that the BB unit wasn't here, Elenath resolved to requisition one as soon as he could.

After having traversed the land for quite some time, conversing as they went, the company stopped at their guide's prompt. Elenath took a moment to collect himself, cracking open a water capsule to hydrate, and then sat down cross-legged on a nearby rock. "Force guide me," he murmured quietly, opening his eyes to the sky where the invisible stars glistened eternally. Elenath may be atrocious at combat and more conventional, physical Force abilities, but he knew his senses rarely failed him. He opened up his mind to see and feel the metaphysical.

- H U N G E R -

Elenath's senses didn't fail him. What he could feel was the primal, instinctual need to hunt and eat. He focused further, and more stars aligned in his mind. More than one predator — several. Elenath's fingertips grazed the rocky surface, picking up the slightest tremor in the earth to discern more, if he could. The creatures were...burrowing? The knight's eyes snapped open, his hand reaching for the hilt of Giliath.

"There are predators incoming, hungry for prey. Th..they're underground. Ready yourselves." Elenath tried to quell his suddenly rapidly beating heart. Adrenaline was useful in a fight, but for the Echani, tranquility was more so.

@The Good Doctor @Charndley @LouJoVi @Scrumppe @Shalken @Fantasy Liver
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Alienor Pom Blodau

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Aug 25, 2023
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When the Tiefling padawan offered some sunscreen, Linny could've cried with joy. Her eyes went wide with appreciation as she borrowed the bottle. "Thank you, I think you've saved my life," she said happily, rubbing some of the cream over her arms, then gently massaging it into her long ears. After passing it back, she listened intently to the knight's instructions. She wasn't planning to wander off. As much as she loved nature, she was quite keen to keep the toothy, angry kind away from her.

The frog-like Jedi offered them a half-eaten scorpion and Linny just froze, eyes wide. She held up her hands slowly, cringing as she watched the guts and inside ooze into the sizzling heat. "Uh... I think I'm alright, thank you," she finally managed to squeak out. At least the droid that was with them wouldn't offer any treats like that.

She walked with them, taking in the chatter and the talk of the planet. 'Rare' examples of life interested her for sure. Perhaps that was why this world had kyber crystals? Was there a link between the presence of crystals and the variety, or speciality, of life on the world? Something to ask when back at the temple. She kept sipping her water bottle, congratulating herself on bringing it until she'd quickly drained it dry. Well... that was disappointing.

Knight av Svendsen stopped them, making her feel nervous. But there was something else too. Linny frowned as she tried to make sense of what she felt. Apprehension and nerves that grew with each second, twisting inside her. A tangle in her stomach that she couldn't shake. A looming dread that somehow, in the sheer heat of the day, chilled her. Something was wrong here.

The warning came from the other knight and Linny froze, staring around at the parched, cracked ground. She tensed, gaze flicking from one patch to another, as if waiting for something to erupt violently from the grounds below. Her breathing quickened as she struggled to stay calm.

@The Good Doctor @Vosrik @Scrumppe @Shalken @Fantasy Liver


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 12, 2023
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Though nobody seemed to take him up on his offer of food, Keck was not insulted - they must have just eaten recently! Also, that purple one said something about venom, but it tasted fine to Keck? Oh well. Instead, he stuffed the other half into a side bag and trotted along behind Knight Harald.

One thing was for sure, this place was HOT. That was okay, but he kept his big eyes on the lookout for a big pool of water. But more importantly, the Knight mentioned this planet's connection to the Force, and that made it a great planet. Lots of people have a connection to the Force, so it's a good idea for planets to start having them too. Sure enough, Keck could feel a latent equilibrium with Burinjina's natural ecosystem and the Force. His eyes widened in awe and admiration of the majesty.

But suddenly the purple-skin one called out a warning of predators digging up from underground. Initially Keck was shocked at his foresight - the Force must be connected really strongly to this one! But then he felt it too - something instinctive, something hungry, and rising up from beneath them. He knew the feeling all too well. Glancing down, he clamberered up onto a nearby rock, crouched and ready to pounce. "Use rocks, or stay still!" Keck croaked. "Big things, sense movement. Ready to jump!"

@Vosrik @The Good Doctor @Scrumppe @Fantasy Liver @Charndley @LouJoVi


Jedi Order
Jedi Droid

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Dec 28, 2022
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Knight-Bot's tried doing a cursory scan of the environment, trying to find any heat signatures that shouldn't be there. Unfortunately, this precaution turned out to be rather futile as the curious planet was teeming with lifeforms that didn't register in Knight-Bot's databanks. In fact, he had to turn off his scanners or else risk a sensory overload. He unclipped his lightsaber and trusted that he and his fellow Jedi's detection skills would be up to the task if something did go awry.

And they didn't have long to wait. Knight Elenath shouted at a warning and some of the other Jedi sprang into action. Not trusting his metallic feet on slippery rocks, Knight-Bot didn't follow Keck but he did ignite his white-bladed lightsaber and wait for the predators to arrive

Scorpio Armegedon

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 3, 2023
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For the biggest portion of their arrival on Burinjina, Scorpio had remained silent and unsocial, his usual way. While some complained of heat, one spoke of food, and another seemed to come well prepared. Scorpio, however, as a child of Tatooine, found a familiarity with this world. For him, the heat was moderate, and what sweat that did manage to glisten upon his skin was quickly cooled by the consistency of the passing breeze of the ocean air. And a little sunburn never did much for his skin.

As the group began their trek toward the crystal caves, Scorpio's silvered eyes mimicked the visage of one looking about despite the fact that he couldn't see in the normal sense as the others did. Instead, he saw in the Force, or rather through it, brief glimpses revealed by the Force to each beat of his heart. It didn't mean he could see things before they were revealed, but it did heighten his senses more attentively to its call or beacon. Otherwise, he would only see what the Force allowed him to see.

When @Harald av Svendsen stopped ahead of the group, Scorpio felt the unnerving sense as well, and like the Jedi, couldn't quite tell what or where it came from. What Scorpio could tell was an uncharacteristic sense of urgency to move, to be ready and seek coverage at a moments notice. So he began to move away from the group in silence, his gaze shifting about both above and below as his fight or flight reflexes kicked in even as the others seemed to make guesses.

@Vosrik @The Good Doctor @Scrumppe @Fantasy Liver @Charndley @LouJoVi @Shalken


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 30, 2023
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You’re welcome!” Aranmir said, while passing the bottle to her. He turned to Ashen, a smile at his lips. “Obviously, I’m prepared for everything.” he winked playfully at the Knight, before putting an arm around his shoulders. “I also brought more water bottles and a bucket. This way you’ll not become a puddle.” he whispered so only the Kage could hear, while gesturing for how much the other Jedi had perspired so far.

The Padawan watched the frog-like Jedi Knight eat some type of insect, a bit concerned with the fact that the animal had a sting. “Thanks for the offer, buddy, but I already ate.” the Tiefling said, before turning his attention toward Knight Svendsen, who announced that they should start to move.

The group would walk toward the direction that Svendsen pointed, but suddenly the Knight stopped, saying that there was something strange happening. Aranmir would use the Force, seeking answers through it. He only felt a vague feeling of danger, without any clarification of what it could be. “I only feel danger.” he said, unsure if it would be of any help.

Luckly, the other Jedi were able to have better answers through the Force. Hearing what Keck said, Aranmir used the Force to jump at the top of a pile of rocks. He picked his lightsaber and activated it, prepared to defend himself against what could be coming.

@The Good Doctor @Vosrik @Scrumppe @Fantasy Liver @Shalken @Charndley

Ashen Kade

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jul 28, 2023
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The trip appeared to be progressing smoothly up until this point. It was pleasant to observe everyone interacting before they embarked. Aranmir, as expected, seemed determined to playfully taunt the Kage once more, prompting Ashen to roll his eyes before a smile emerged on his face, clearly unable to suppress it. He watched as the frog-like Jedi consumed a peculiar bug that he found running about. With a shrug, Ashen simply offered an amused smile to Keck.

As they trekked across the desert, Ashen trailed behind Harald and the rest of the Jedi, immersed in the rugged terrain of mesas and hills. It wasn't the most idyllic view, but it possessed a peculiar beauty. To his disappointment, something had to happen just as he was about to take a photo on his EZPhone. His head turned to Harald as he suddenly stopped. Ashen looked around, but he couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary. Then he closed his eyes, and reached out to the force, he sensed a presence - multiple of them - swiftly approaching from beneath the surface.

For once, his senses worked in his favour as he listened, opening himself to the force. He felt the vibrations in the ground, intensifying every moment they stood around. Whatever they were, they were fast, and they were here. Sensing the imminent threat to Harald, Ashen's attention swiftly shifted to his fellow Knight, pulling him out of the way with the force.

Without a second thought, Ashen reached for his lightsaber and adopted a defensive stance, activating the vibrant orange blade.

@The Good Doctor @Vosrik @Mythos @Fantasy Liver @Shalken @Charndley @LouJoVi

Harald av Svendsen

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Aug 24, 2023
Reaction score
Harald was taken aback when he heard from the elf-Jedi that there were predators below. Things happened so fast he couldn't even react to them, He did indeed feel the earth shake beneath his foot but he found himself forcibly moved with the force towards the pale-skinned Jedi, Knight Kade.

Now that he would rise to his feet a little disoriented, he would see a large, spider-like alien with fins emerge gracefully from the sand where he once stood. "Thank you" he said, catching his breath.

More of them would emerge. or start to emerge. Those who have opted to take the high ground on rocks have chosen wisely. Now for the rest (@Ashen Kade, @Scorpio Armegedon, @Alienor Pom Blodau, @Harald av Svendsen, @Elenath ), the sands would shift under their feet. Their faces and the top of their body would be visible, but the spiders (one for each of the Jedi) would then attempt to grab on to their legs/feet with their 'arms' before trying to drain their fluids from them with their sucker.

That's not the end of the group's troubles. Although @Keck and @Aranmir were on rocks and were safe from an attack from below, the horde of bugs isn't content to leave them alone. As another spider would emerge fully above ground. It along with the first to appear, would go after them.

The insects were aware of @Knight-Bot, but were not interested in the droid, as the automoton lacks fluids the sandswimmers desire.

Great. Harald thought. He didn't recognize these insects, but the idea of insects being underground... chasing them, and possibly being man-eating... Maybe this was a bad idea...

Great posts everyone! No dice rolls needed. Remember, you can freely make attack attempts against the NPCs. No autohitting them though



Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 12, 2023
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Steeling himself for a fight against some big hairy monster, Keck's eyes lit up in abject delight when their attackers revealed themselves. "MORE SNACKS!!" he squeaked excitedly before turning to face the one charging him.

Keck leaped high into the air with the Force assisting his limbs, aiming to land on the creature's backside. Green lightsabers igniting as he went, he would take several swipes at the back of its neck in order to sever its head cleanly.

First it has a Force connection, and now it has tons of food too? This planet was GREAT.


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 5, 2023
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Sure enough, an earthy rumble shook the ground beneath them, with clouds of dust and debris puffing up into the air. Elenath's vision was obscured as the predators emerged, but something flared in his mind. Like a shooting star suddenly appearing and flaring bright, he had a single premonition:


The Force flowed through him like a river breaking through a dam, and Elenath's feet left the ground mere milliseconds before the powerful claws of the insectoid beast closed around his legs. Arcing through the air, both ends of Giliath snapped to life, dousing the cloud of brown dust in the saberstaff's purple hue. The knight assumed a defensive Niman stance, one hand free to feel the currents of the Force. An awful chittering escaped the creature as it fully emerged from the soil, clamping its mandibles that Elenath could feel resounding deep in his ribcage. With surprising speed, the insectoid lashed out with one of its legs, causing the Echani to reactively jerk backward with a retaliatory swing of his saberstaff.

The knight's concentration was momentarily shaken, leaving him vulnerable as the large monstrosity lunged forward to capture Elenath in its other powerful limbs. An involuntary "Eugh!" escaped his lips in revulsion of the bristling legs. He was no longer steeped in the tides of the Force, which granted him the capability to predicting the alien's next moves. The Jedi opened a hand in a reactive retaliatory push to attempt repulsing his captor — something Elenath was notoriously bad at doing.
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Scorpio Armegedon

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Sep 3, 2023
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After seeing the first of the beasts rise from the ground, Scorpio felt the trickle of the Force within him flow through his form as his speed became apparently enhanced, the young Miralukian and Echani Hybridization's legs carrying his form from his position as fast as they would carry him away from the shifting of sand and the tendrils that threatened to grasp him.

If there was one thing he learnt living upon the Dune Sea, if the sands shifted beyond a breeze or natural pressure, run. Because, more than likely, your life depended upon it. Placing both feet firmly upon the ground, he lifted his form upward into an acrobatic twist, one hand reaching for his blade and unsheathing its ancient steel as he made for his mark with his landing, intent on landing safely upon a nearby rock.

And yet, safety was far from found as he turned his gaze forward only to find the creatures atop the sands and the one that grasped at his feet now sought him on leveled ground. Fear and confusion became a hindrance if only but for a moment as he gasped at the revelation, but with a quick twist of his wrist, instincts came to the forefront and he slashed his blade at the incoming arachnid.