Mind Games


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Sal listened intently to him, not interrupting, not allowing herself to keep him from the natural progression of things. Rather she remained to idly change his dressings, and respecting his wishes to allow the natural healing on the scar to follow its course.
The kiffar noted his momentary hang up. and from his story knew his wondering. Revenge, or Justice? This was the benchmark indeed. Not a simple one at that. Revenge was not a Jedi thing to do, however it was a natural instinct shared by all beings. It was also however an open door to the Darkside. Sal could teach from experience that revenge never is satisfied, it serves no real goal in the end once it has run it's course. Justice? The concept sounds pure, and with good intent. Justice was just as confusing if not more than revenge. The motive, the way it was handled- all these things were subject to scrutiny. Justice to once could be seen as murder by others. Still this was a bridge that would to be crossed at some point. There was always the third, and most difficult option-Forgiveness. This however was one option Sal believed long removed from the situation.

"Knight, Master, Padawan...we're all the same at the core" she stated in reply to his questioning her arrival. " So I may have been with the order longer, may have spend more time honing my abilities.....but so what? I live, I feel, I breath, I hunger, I feel pain and elation just as any other being. I would have gladly come even if you were a Huttling to be honest" Sal added, as she finished up wrapping his arms with the clean bandages.

" so...why do you think I came rather than a knight?"


Grandmaster's Assistant
SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2009
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Sho'Flo, Chuckled a bit. His patience was a Long one. Yet a boring one as well. But his patience was very long, He stayed there, focusing his Energy around the Hospital testing his ways, In the force. and then He had brought it back to his own core. He looked around and hummed slowly, inching every bit.

A Thing came up to his mind, Anger,Greed,Justice, Vengeance, repave, and Forgiveness, Were in his mind yet his force was still moving balanced, It was though he mispositioned the Force but really didn't. Being with the force with so long, and capable of controlling the Darkside without given in was rather simple for him. His Path layed mostly on the Light, yet it was still balanced, The things that went in his mind were thoughts of self exploring methods in how to confront the boy when needed, the Angered he had sensed was to easy to pride cent from the Boy. Showing Signs of hate, and regret. Greed was some where in there Yet the Young Neti slit could not figure it out. Next was Justice, but this was His own, and the boy's feeling, Justice, Is not the right thing to do it is a matter of opinion. One might See it as Murder, or Killing someone evil to shrilly there own pride i goodness, That is incorrect and correct. It is nether. Vengeance is destitution and evil but can get fixed. And Forgiveness is A hard, the last one he thought of his own. Thinking of methods to By pass, the Boy's Emotions, without Brainwashing his head. And Ideas to think.

Casimir Goetschl

SWRP Writer
Feb 18, 2011
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"Why do I think you came? Perhaps obligation?" He began, "Perhaps you were simply the one Jedi who got stuck with this assignment. Perhaps you were unable to find anyone to take it. Perhaps you were simply the closest Jedi to this hospital and were asked to take control of its resolution. Honestly, any of those seem completely viable reasons but as to why I think you came; I do not know."

"I'm not ignorant in my understanding of the Jedi," Goetschl explained, "I know the difference between light and dark and I understand the dangers that going down the dark path will unveil. I could not let that happen to me. I do not know why." He used that phrase a lot and now understood why parents hated it do much. I don't know was a cop-out and a quick shut the convo down now line. "Maybe you came because, either by order from the Council or by your own interest, you either were deemed to be or outright knew you would be the best one to handle this situation."

"Imagine another Padawan waltzing in here and seeing this?" Goetschl glanced at his wrists. "I don't regret what I did. Even after being restrained to this bed, I regret absolutely nothing." He was firm in his statement. "The question now is... where does this go from here? What next?" He knew what was next, well part of it. The man would hunt down the red headed vixen. What he did not know yet was what he would do when he found her. As for the immediate situation; the man needed to find a way to get out of the hospital.

"What do the Jedi do with suicidal Padawans?"


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Sal quietly listened to his bout of reasons for her presence... Many were true from the initial onset. however each step she took after hearing the initial message made it that much more important to her based purely on the very essence of being there for someone. She could have just jet the shade come in and try and solve all this with force powers were it such an inconvenience to her. However it was not. Each moment she lingered talking to him made it that much harder to leave who at the hearty seemed like a genuinely sweet, and very compassionate individual.

The Kiffar master found herself squatting down across from him, weight on the balls of her feet, knees to her chest, as her arms held them to her, chin resting on her forearm as she pondered the answer to his question.

" I'll be honest it's not the most common of conversations...sadly it's not in everyday conversations to start with....though it's not unheard of. "

Sal's eyes looked up at the young man, showing brightly in contrast to her complexion, and glossed over with sincerity. as she continued to speak in hushed , comforting tones. the young Master made it a point to remove the phrase of master, or padawan, this was not a time for formalities, and Cas seemed to dislike the phrases as it was.
" Cas...The situation your coming from is not as uncommon as it may feel like. and many students express grief, guilt, uncertainty. Even the students coming at young ages have the same moments even with annoyingly spotless histories feel these things with fears of whats ahead.... How do the jedi deal with it?" again she rose to her feet to return to sitting next to him, cautiously touching his knee in a manner showing her comfort, and separation of her professional side.
" It's not something 'we' deal with...but rather offer support, and aid when it's needed...when these feeling start to rise in a student, their teacher, and pupils should be well aware of the shift in moods be it through natural empathy, or 'feeling' it. The student typically has a heart to heart with their teacher, if not then one who seems better suited to the students needs" Sal made it a point to stress a few words, her mind again wondering how it was nobody had said anything before things came to this so easily.

" Some students fell better just airing themselves out, others take some time and choose to learn from their teacher to be able to see things in the many different facets, and take from their experiences a memory and a lesson, but let the grief and anger fall to the side...some elect to confront the object of their feelings with a teacher in toe and suddenly find new perspectives...some confront it in the mind by sharing the memories with a Teacher, and in some of the most rare cases the student may ask for the memories to be suppressed completely"

Sal's eyes half closed in mindful thought before turning her head " It's not an option that is highly favored" she added" Even willing, an individuals mind is their own, and manipulating thoughts on such a level is risky even were ti done by council masters...and it's well documented to be a short lived numbing. And only once have I ever heard of it forced on a student, but the situation was quite different, while suicidal, the student had also lost many of his more rational thoughts and began holding his peers hostage... and so action had to be taken, not only was the memory stripped, but so was his connection to the force...he lived from what I understand to the ripe age of 130, never remembering what happened, but always seemed to know " something" was not right... This is why It's almost always in the persons own hands to learn from the matter and fine their peace with it before tragedy strikes again...and I assure you that I am not going to sit here, and tell you all this then try to scramble our head and drag you back with me... If Im dragging you anywhere, it would be with me while I do a few things, then take you anywhere you would want to go where " you" think you may find answers...That is...When YOU want to, I'm in no rush. " it was there at the end that she folded her arms about her chest again and cast a playful, if not friendly dare of sorts.


Grandmaster's Assistant
SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2009
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Sho'Flo. Crouched down, towards ground level, and sat on the floor. Both his legs stood out, and his right knee, up, making his right arm rest on the right knee, He sighed and begun to think. In a deep Process of doing so, he discovered, the past things he forgot, Meaning what he took for his own gain which was both wrong. And now, the day he came. A Shade Master, And trained by the Grandmaster himself of the Order. Sho'Flo unlike other Master and title ranks, Can have a go in a fight With a Grandmaster, for a temporary amount of time, before losing. His time not to give up, and to endorse pain, But where would he be if he had not Been trained properly. Was it worth, it of course it was. Seeing the boy in pain, made his helpless because like he said or though before Sho'Flo was unable to talk to the boy. He sighed, and again focused, Reaching the Mind of the Jedi Master, that Female, and only to her.

How is your am-pet in helping him. Going, To be honest, I mean how is the boy. What is he going through.

He stopped slowly, before, sighing, 1200 years, of Studying, Knowledge, Training, Force Mastering, Combat training, And ETC. Was a Good thing, and would be paying off. HE entered her mind before, the voice Calm and Smoothing.

So, Jedi Master. How is he, what eventually is he going to An emotional break down? If that is the key, Force Techniques, and certain moves won't help the boy, If it happened He would be a mere puppet in his own world trying to remember if I put something inside his Very Mind. Only mere words, can you and Myself talk him out of this Sudical process. Does he have any wounds? It would be common sense if he did. Please, Tell me a brief story, while you two had your fun, I wish to help. It kills me to be this helpless, while I can help someone in need. I have a lot of patience, but having an Innocent soul hurting in bad.

He said telepathically, waiting for a Reply.