HoloNet News New Republic to Fight!

Alexander Xerxes

Former Republic Chancellor

Character Profile
Mar 17, 2022
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Throughout New Republic Space, on every news channel, Government website, billboard and holo, the flag of the New Republic was seen flying. Light and sombre music played for a moment before the flag faded, to be replaced by the familiar sight of Supreme Chancellor Alexander Xerxes standing behind a small plain wooden plinth. Behind him was the Courscant skyline, the famous Senate Building in the distance.

“To my beloved citizens of the Republic, I once again am speaking to you with a heavy heart, the tragic loss of life on Corellia, Bespin, Eriadu and Sluis Van pains me greatly and my thoughts and prayers as well as the members of the New Republic Government go out to all those affected by this conflict.” Alexander began, melancholy and sorrow in his voice.

“It was my greatest wish that with everyone united under the roof of the Galactic Senate that we could come to an understanding, a joining of minds that would lead to a perpetual peace throughout the Galaxy. A peace in my time amongst all peoples.” The melancholy slowly transformed into passion as he spoke. “However, it appears that my wish will not be granted within my lifetime unless we do something which I had in my time within this office had promised not to do. I do hope all those who feel that I have betrayed their trust in this change of course can forgive me. But I and my Government must do all that we can to protect the New Republic from all threats.

That is why in my official capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the New Republic, I am requesting that the Republic Senate back my proposition in this extreme of circumstances to raise a Military Draft and look to mobilise the full might of the New Republic Armed forces to strike out at those who wish to disrupt and destroy our way of life.

I once promised peace, a peace to protect the people of the Republic. Now I must promise war, a war to protect not only the New Republic, but all of Us. I ask now that my honourable colleagues within the Republic Senate as well as everyone one of the great and proud of the Republic unite together, for if we combine into one mind, one will, we will be, truly, the Champions of Peace in this Galaxy.”


Senator, Kashyyyk

Character Profile
Oct 23, 2021
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Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl guessed that a Military Draft would be deeply unpopular within New Republic space; accustomed to peace for so long and unthreatened by the Sith's expansion, Xerxes would have his work cut out for him if he wanted to convince the rest of his government to go along with what seemed to be yet another bid for attention amidst the fading relevance of the New Republic. He also guessed that the senators of the New Republic might have some very pointed questions for the Chancellor as to why the sudden change of heart, and who the still-to-be-defined "threats" that the Chancellor was referring to, before signing off on the deal. But that wasn't the extent of his reservations with the surprise announcement.

"...for if we combine into one mind, one will, we will be, truly, the Champions of Peace in this galaxy."

Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl's blood ran cold as he listened to the words of the Supreme Chancellor, thinking back to when something similar had been presented to the galaxy. At best, Xerxes's incredibly vague speech signaled a welcome shift in his attitude towards the Sith's warmongering. At worst... the Wookiee's distrustful nature got the better of him.

"This declaration changes nothing until we have more information" he told an aide, before going back to the latest updates in the conflicts between the ISC and the Sith.

Caliban Drast

Senator, Coruscant

Character Profile
Jan 9, 2021
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Caliban had waited to see what the Chancellor had in mind, but after going through the announcement he was yet again left disappointed. He called in one of his aides as he pressed another button to mute the broadcast.

"Prepare a statement," he instructed as he began packing his papers, preparing for a visit to Coruscant's own fleet command, "announce that while Coruscant will support an initiative to join the Independent Systems in taking a stand against the Sith, there will under no circumstances be a military draft. Emphasize that the Chancellor had an opportunity to support a proposal to create a force capable of fighting the Sith, but instead of working with us to take pro-active action and preparing for a war that we all knew was coming, he let his naivety and cowardice guide him. Mention how his reaction was to illegally arrest the Senator of Kuat, even though time has shown her to be completely in the right on this matter."

The aide nodded, then started walking after him as he exited his office. "How do you spell naivety again, there's an i in there somewhere, right?" Caliban stopped, looking back at her, well aware of what she was doing. Even after all these years he sometimes forgot that he couldn't just say what was on his mind. "Fine, keep the naive cowardice out of it. But get the sentiment across, firmly." She nodded, a slight smile on her face, before calling out as he began walking out of the ante-chamber. "Where will you be?"

He let out a sigh, the pain his knee from the old injury flaring up again. "The Chancellor will play his games, we don't have time for that. I'm going to speak with the high command and dispatch our fleets to help where they can." The aide stopped following him, measuring the implications of the statement before speaking. "Do yo want me to leak that?" Stopping at the door, Caliban thought for a second before looking back over his shoulder and giving her a nod. As he left the office, on his way to speak with the leaders of Coruscant's own armed forces, men and women who had once been his commanders during his time in the army, he wondered how much worse things would get before they got better.


Jana Kang

Senator, Byblos

Character Profile
Sep 1, 2021
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Jana had been a senator for a little over three years now. She had advocated against the Sith and had been strongly in favor of sanctions when it had been on the floor years ago. This in a deliberate effort to curb the machinations to create and expand the Imperial military. Her planet, Byblos, had experienced a Sith Invasion firsthand and the jailbreak massacre that happened after valiant Sector Rangers and Jedi had managed to capture prominent Sith Lords and push back the same war machine that had now attacked Corellia.

She had been chosen by the people and the current government to represent them in the Galactic Senate, but had been unsuccesful in her political and administrative efforts to halt Sith advancement. Now, after refusing to sanction the Sith in the past, the only step Republic leadership seemed interested in was to establish a draft and engage in a large-scale intergalactic war on multiple planets.

Still, she didn't feel like a press announcement saying she'd been right years ago seemed the appropriate thing to do. "Sander," she looked up from her datapad and towards her aide as the shuttle they were on began the descent towards the Senate Building. "Prepare a draft statement to echo the sentiments of the senator of Coruscant," she told him as she selected to open an encrypted channel with the president of Byblos. She would have to get any statement approved by the government. Joining a war and maybe even agreeing to a draft were decisions she could not -in good conscience- take alone.

At this moment she fondly remembered the senator of Lothal, who had foreseen all of this when he first proposed sanctions to the senate. Jana should review the words of the senators who had been against his proposal in case a political battle would have to be waged in the public view. Being able to quote senator's own statements back at them always did the trick with the public.


Nor'baal Desilijic


Character Profile
Sep 2, 2021
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Location: Nal Hutta, Grand Convocation of Hutta

It had been some months since the last meeting of the Hutt Clans. Yet, as Nor'baal looked over the veritable tide of Hutts wriggling toward the chamber, he was reminded of the might of the Clans once fully assembled. He moved under his power, accompanied by a handful of Desilijic Guards. At such events, most of the Hutts tried to ensure they arrived under their 'own steam' forgoing palanquins, seeking to display strength and power before their peers, rivals, and fellow Hutts.

As the tide moved toward the council chamber, all would pass through scanners. None could bring a weapon inside, and none could secret toxins or remote devices to cause harm to the attendees. Hutts never trusted anyone, let alone other Hutts - and with good reason.

The room itself, the Grand Council Hall, was vast. It could comfortably hold around fifty Hutts. Gathered within at the moment, around thirty-seven of the gastropods could be seen, representatives from the significant Hutt clans and "neutral" parties from the Hutt Government who would oversee today's proceedings. In truth, many of the Clans were on Nor'baals payroll, and all of the "neutral" parties indeed were - it was one of how he held onto his position as 'Supreme Mogul'.

Technically Nal Hutta and the surrounding Hutt Space was governed by this body, the Grand Council, a cash-backed oligarchy composed of representatives from each of the Hutt significant clans. In reality, the powers of individual Hutt Clans, and Crime Families were far greater than the Council itself. Nor'baal had called several of his own family into attendance, ensuring the room was stacked with his supporters and power brokers.

As the gathered worms spread out around the speaker's platform, Nor'baal waited to be called an 'stepped' forward, a hushed silence falling across the room as the Supreme Mogul spoke in Huttese.

<Comrades-in-power, siblings-in-profit, bountiful collective of the Master Race, the Hutts, many of you will have seen the escalating conflict, which has spread to the Southern Imperial reaches of the Galaxy.> he paused as murmurings of agreement smattered about the room <The irresponsible and war-mongering actions of the politicians,> he spat on the ground <- in the Galactic Core, the so-called 'civilised races', will only accelerate this conflict, with the New Republic calling for a 'general draft' of their people. Millions upon millions of people shall be called to war.>

There was a flat silence as he paused again. Nobody in the room, including Nor'baal, cared about the New Republic citizens being called up. <Bloodshed amongst the enlightened, as we know, if bad for business.> the Hutt continued, as the assembled Clan Leaders nodded in agreement <But a war between the less-advanced peoples can lead to rewards for us all. Therefore, I am announcing that the planet Ylesia shall be redesignated as a sanctuary world.> a few of the gathered Hutts looked non-plussed; those in the know chuckled audibly.

Ylesia lay at the end of a hyperspace route, providing excellent escape opportunities for those seeking to flee a general mustering. It also happened to be a significant producer of spice, controlled by the Hutts - in the past, it had been designated a religious sanctuary, members of the 'Cult of the one in all' heading to the world en masse, there to be drugged and 'volunteered' to work in spice production.

<Furthermore, it would be improper to restrict our efforts solely to protect those fleeing war.> Nor'baal said, his expression deadpan <Therefore, the Hutt Clans shall ensure to protect our operations in the Galactic South, and we shall meet with the Imperials and Consortium to ensure they are made aware of our intention to protect our assets, and of course, our people> he added, a barely veiled threat to the spies in the room, to inform their paymasters that the Hutts would protect what was theirs.

<Finally, let is be known that the sale of war materials will continue, and indeed, be renewed, across these zones of conflict - as always, the Hutts are open for business.> he boomed, spreading his arms wide, as the assembled Hutts applauded, their tails slapping into the stone floor of the room, in a deafening display of greed.